About to download this now. Who has played it and how is it so far?
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
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I was thinking about picking it up
lemme kno how it go
>how is it so far
It got real homosexuality!
And not just topical jokes like Soldier 76!
how come they gave the two new female characters generic black girl names?
i get earl is also a generic name but man, they could have at least given one of them a strange name.
someone redpill me on ToeJam and Earl because the only footage I've seen is just them walking around, what exactly do you do?
They're both supposed to be black, so it's only appropriate that they'd be accompanied by black females.
the gameplay is really no different than the original game.
i mean, you are old enough to know about the genesis version, right?
I am, but Genesis sucked so I didn't play it
I always knew about those games but never played them and even back then I have had no idea what the appeal was
they look nice though
seconding this. i dont fucking believe reshitera
You have to find the pieces of your space ship by exploring the land and finding an elevator to take you up to the next area which might hold a piece of your ship.
You collect presents which can have good and bad effects, such as jet boots, icarus wings, spawning enemies or an insta kill. Also all the earthlings you meet are trying to kill you, whether it's a insane dentist, a mother pushing her kid in a trolley, Satan, or a giant hamster in a ball.
Fun game, especially in coop
All style and no substance. The perfect Genesis game.
Why do these people feel the need to do this all the time? I'm so sick of this shit.
as an actual gay dude this shit legitimately pisses me off to NO END
>tfw born in 2000 and played the original Genesis games
At least they did it better than Blizzard.
>get money on kikestart for a 1991 quirky space alien rap radical era roguelite game sequel.
>you know what this game NEEDS on 2019 (current year)?
how can i take money from the devs? encourage piracy?
Alright, bout ready to play it and...
I'm getting real tired of this shit desu
I was skeptical from the beginning. I applaud the devs for their devotion, but I had a feeling this was going to be a nostalgia cash-in.
That's exactly what it is. The original was enjoyed by very young children, with low standards for what is "good". I'll never be able to look at the original without rose-tinted glasses, so I couldn't say if it's actually good or not.
This reboot is not good. The music sucks, the items feel insignificant, it somehow manages to be easier than the original, the maps are small, the art style is kind of lame, the inclusion of bushes and trees is annoying (I feel like I have to shake everything). I'm glad I pirated this instead of impulse buying, blinded by nostalgia.
I think I'll go play the original, now.
Jesus Christ. Even more of a reason I'm glad I pirated. Why does the sexuality of goofy ass aliens matter at all? Why bother including that kind of lore?
Well I was considering buying it but if they've shoehorned this kind of shit in they can go fuck themselves.
Like how is this shit even relevant to the fucking game?
I'm so god damned sick of this pandering for brownie points.
This is so fucking bad.
Its cheesy but I liked it.
Pandering is the least of this game's problems. Read
>made with the Unity Engine
latisha and lewanda are not new.
Now I don't even want to pirate it.
This fits T&E though.
I mean, whatever
Don't think anybody played the Xbox games. I'd be surprised if anybody even remembers three.
As a toejam and earl fan, this game looks atrocious.
I'll give you that. None of the other are like the first, so fuck em... but Lewanda is in Panic on Funkotron for Sega
If you liked the first game, you'll probably like this one. The gameplay is extremely similar, with some elements of the second one through in like the Hyperfunk zone and peeking behind houses for presents.
>can't decide between getting the PS4 or Switch version from Limited Run directly or getting the Best Buy Limited Run version with GCU for cheaper later on
>physical copies also won't be out til May
Being a physicalfag is suffering
>t. lame-ass earthling
If I’m the same boat a lot of the time. I view the delay as backlog catch-up time
This seems like a joke.
This. A "don't ask don't tell" policy. I like it.
tried using a 360 controller and a wii u pro controller
the game recognizes them as controllers but doesn't switch the input over
This reads like a joke. You faggots getting mad at this are retarded.
Soul vs Soulless
I swear to god I couldnt care less if they explicity had in game some way to say theyre gay without reinforcing it on twitter which shows clearly they did it for points or the devs might be gay themselves but can we have a thread talking about the game for at least once. It's not like this game is huge famous like AAA titles anyways.
I dont think the new game looks thaaaat soulless but the animations kind of ruin the game deeply
The animation and the art style in the 2019 version legit makes it look like a flash game.
JAMMIN a dick up my ass!
how to kill all interest in your game in a few easy words
I kind of like the art, it has consistency at least and gives it a unique look but the animations makes the whole game looks very cheap like a flash game exactly
inb4 some tranny shill tells us it's simply the homosexuality we care about and not the insidious nature of the worldview of the people who push this shit into vidya
You fags kept triggered as easily as some of the SJWs, Jesus. I finished the game earlier and didn't see any of the characters mention being gay, for what it's worth.
Gee, I wonder who it is.
that art looks terrible
It looks like Parappa now, which is kinda neat.
Greg Johnson, the creator, lets hip cali people (not sure what other term to use) run the twitter and do streams and stuff. They seem like generally cool people but they also kind of do stupid shit like this sometimes. I personally wouldnt look too far into it.
you already finished it? what moron would spend 20 dollars on a game that's 2 hours long.
>muh epic 90s nostalgia xD
This was a ridiculous example but dont pretend this board never was also ridiculous as well over other titles for nothing.
I pirated it, actually. I'll buy it when it's on sale and I feel like replaying it again sometime.
It's literally just a fucking npc
I like that they kept most of the soundtrack even if personally, I prefer the original version of the main theme.
It's rare I agree with a shitposting format.
I just refunded it. I don't have the nostalgia pull to this to be able to completely enjoy it, and it's too simple. I played the original once back when I rented it and even then I didn't care for it.
Well, into the trash it goes
That dancing minigame singlehandedly made me not want to ever play this game.
/rlg/ here
how many roguelike elements are we dealing with?