What a fucking joke

What a fucking joke

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If you want a real joke look at Twitch Prime's games this month.

I'm pretty happy with EDF 4.1 and Fight N Rage. I rarely ever get humble monthlies though.

why the fuck would you ever get humble monthly or twitch prime.

are you that dead inside you need a monthly surprise to keep you interested in life?

I think the real joke is being subscribed to Twitch Prime and coming on Yea Forums

s...shut up.

yes :(

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>not having amazon prime
ouch. sorry poorfag.

I didn't even know Twitch Prime came with games desu, I just use it to throw the sub to my cousin who streams

That Mutant Road To Eden games does look kinda cool though. I'll probably buy it if it ever goes on sale for less than 20$

Sometimes I order cheap things with tracking numbers just so I have something to look forward to for a week.

I will sell it to you for 15$ right now if you are serious

who /primedusingmom'samazon/ here?

The monthly is shit so any good bundles? There’s been shit since Sonic

Tempting offer, but I'm too concerned about the possibility of being scammed.

well I am planing to put it on G2A either way so i can give you the link if you want it. I dont really need this bundle.

not me because im not an underaged faggot who lives with their mommy.

We get some free Apex shit I guess

It is literally less than $20 right now.

>tfw overaged living with mommy

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I like playing games and $12 for games I haven't played is a good deal. Why do you dislike it?

because games given are less then shit

Mutant is pretty cool.
The other 2 games though: The fuck?

Why not just buy the bundle for 12?
The fuck are you doing?

>Cultist Simulator
>Project CARS 2
>Vermintide 2
>Yakuza 0
>Forged Battalion

It's a good mix of games for $12. Just because you're an ESL subhuman mutant that only knows CS:GO and Overwatch doesn't mean there aren't other games worth checking out.

>subscribing to a monthly service
no thanks.

You can cancel any time.
Are you retarded?

Last months was fucking great. Vermintide 2 and EDF are both good, Cultist Sim was decent for indieshit, and the extra games were alright. This months is shit compared to that.

>get your games
>cancel right away
>literally no downsides other than having to hit a fucking cancel button

>Pay for the month
>get the games
>cancel sub service

I've done this on and off with the Humble bundle for ages and it has always worked.

Best part is all games part of a bundle become dirt cheap since the sellers keep undercutting each other until it's worth almost nothing.

some of the games they put up are just good deals at $12 by themselves.

Northgard is one of those games that could have been great if the developers just didnt stop/run out of time or money or patience during developement.
Setting and theme is great, gameplay has some neat ideas.

Why the fuck would you put a literally dead game like Absolver in a bundle
Like actual dead, it's multiplayer centric

Northgard isn't bad.