Majesty and Fantasy Sim Thread

If I liked Majesty would I like Majesty 2?

Also, who is your favorite hero? Mine would be wizards if they would ever actually level up

Attached: Majesty-mac-boxart.jpg (266x375, 24K)

They lobotomized the AI in 2 for some reason. Heroes are really lazy about defending their homes. It's irritating as fuck

Paladins, no contest. You pay 4k and win the map.

That's disappointing. How are the hero varieties?

>Also, who is your favorite hero?
Dwarves. Hard work is it's own reward.

>tfw only build those niggers because of ballista towers
When people are razing the last lair, dorfniggers are still level 1 because of how fucking slow they are.

hey hey people...

Gnomes. Rush OP

Can't pick from Majesty 1. I thought the Helia(?) Sun-cleric-warrior types were cool. Also the necromancers, but I love anything involving using skeleton minions.

Not only that, they changed how peasants work, so there can only be two peasants at any given time repairing or building. So encounters you would've been easily been able to deal with suddenly become much more cumbersome because only two units want to help rebuild and your heroes dont give a fuck that your castle is being raided.

Love those goth chicks

Why was the voice acting in this game so good?

>My prowess is unmatched!

Majesty was also the shining example of how you should do your RTS sound effects. When you hear something, you KNOW EXACTLY what's happening, from hero being recruited, to a ratman attacking your market. Very impressive.

Yeah the sound design is great. To this day after I take a shower in the morning or drink a redbull I will say "I FEEL... REVITALIZED"


Unfortunately this also means you never know if one of your monks is going to die somewhere.
And since they love to buddy up you are probably going to lose 2

Kind of related to fantasy sim but does anyone have a definitive guide for the Ogre series? I've been playing March of the Black Queen on PS1, but it also has a SNES version, and the other games have remakes too

I've played both. Majesty 2 is fun. It's like you are simulating an mmo town.

Play Ogre Battle 64.

Based. I can't remember any of the sayings when heroes would run away from danger, pls remind me

Do the previous ones not matter?

Thank you user. Despite it seeming like a bit of a downgrade gameplay-wise from what other anons have said, I will probably still get it just because I've been really feeling that itch, and I've played the first one + expac to death

Nah, its just more refined than the SNES one.

Whatever happened to Majesty? I remember loving it as a kid but then the series seem to just stop existing