Ps3 in 2018

Is it worth getting one for demon souls,mgs4 and maybe a handful of other things?serious question.

Attached: ps3_system.jpg (600x569, 21K)

>buying the worst console from last gen
thats gonna be a yikes for me

I scored a ps3 at a thrift store, and I'm probably gonna sell it on Ebay. The digital store stuff for PS1 games seems like the only interesting shit on it. uncharted, and infamous were shit. I bought a couple games and don't even want to try them. Sony controllers suck ass. Ps3 wont even play netflix without fucking up.

Sure, should be pretty cheap now.

It's the most worthwhile console. Mgs4, lbp, demons souls.

Since most PS3s go for about $50 I would say so.
Online play is free and the PS Store has sales every now and then.
Demon's Souls is unfortunately offline now, as are many other games.

I honestly consider Ps3 a far smarter investment than any of the current-gen consoles.

Besides being able to play ALL of the main-series' MGS games, you also got Persona 5, NieR, Drakengard 3, most Yakuza and Ace Combat games, DeS ... etc. Also numerous HD collections.

Also, depending on the model you get, you either get FULL or partial backwards compatibility; all the versions run PS1 discs, but only the Fat models can run PS2 discs as well. The later models can be given partial PS2 game support by jailbreaking 'em, which also gets ya tons of free games and other goodies.

Even ignoring the yarhar ways, the PSN Store's catalog on PS3 is way more huge than that of PS4's.

Attached: ps3 guide.jpg (1850x3600, 2.71M)

Worth it for the ninja gaiden games.

>all the ones with ps2 bc built in are prone to overheating
you can't win with this thing can you?

Ive had a hardware bc 60gb launch ps3 and it still works all these years later

Stay mad butt boi, i paid all 599 us dollars

Yeah, they aren't expensive and they're pretty good homebrew machines

get a slim cech-2000 model so you can install custom firmware on it. enables more features and preserves the life of the system.

Based post

hack it and install the trinity multiman retroarch and movian and you have the perfect media center

i had one for a week, sold it for $100

The one bad thing about the PS3 is that it's getting harder and harder to find controllers for it. All the knockoffs are garbage.

just clean the thermal paste and clean the fans every 1.5 years

>and preserves the life of the system.

I think he means usability

check for used ones, i got one for 50 bucks with two working controllers
also, it's extremely easy to hack and you can play both ps1 and ps2 games on it, and a couple of psp games; plus all retro consoles, it's a great emulation station

Pretty sure those will get ported eventually

Why not just use PlayStation now instead?

you can also run psp games

There's plenty of fine 3rd party pads being made. Just about any DirectInput capable gamepad works on it too.
I was surprised to find my ancient Logitech to actually work flawlessly with PS3. Obviously there's no pressure-sensitive face keys or tilt controls, but not too many games make proper use of those anyway.

Attached: logitech controller.jpg (400x300, 55K)

They don't support the lockpicking in Alpha Protocol, though, and I like to TURN UP THE RADIO bi-monthly.
