Convince me to take Shield over Sword

Convince me to take Shield over Sword

Shield = the girl getting pressed
Sword = the chad doing the mating press

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It's a matter of the version exclusives, which we know fuck all about.

He's right you know
Also the blue is always the better color for pokemon games in blue vs red.
Lastly, Take it to /vp/

what if i want to be pressed

Shield may have better version exclusives.
Anyone who picks before we see the actual differences is a brainlet.

Sword? More like Dagger, look at those proportions, it's the fucking tuna can chode of blades. Where are you even gonna hold the fucker? The hilt is 100% stupid dog head. Case closed, Shield is based and for true power top chads like myself.
@ me and your mom dies in her sleep tonight.

we haven't even seen the fucking box art legendarys yet

>another red vs blue

Shield seems to be the one getting all the attention on gameFAQs

>the virgin pencil dick versus the chad glans

Shield. Mace+Shield is the patrician weaponset.

I wish I had a friend or maybe a boyfriend so we could buy one version each and trade pokemon haha.

>making your decision before even knowing the version differences

Holy fucking shit, I knew pokefans were brain dead, but they reach new heights every single day.

Wait for the box legendaries before deciding.

Here you go

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Why not both?

Attached: icon_weapon_swordandshield.png (280x280, 16K)


>still playing pokemon
>when every game is worse than the last

Well i'm shield now

>Not wanting to be a cute scottish girl fucking pressed by a Chad
What are you, gay?

>he doesn't buy both versions
I'm dumb enough to give Game Freak at least $120 dollars a year. Why aren't you?


Based and flashpodded.

>It's a matter of the version exclusives, which we know fuck all about.


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convince yourself not to be a faggot

The shield is braver than the sword. It willfully takes the blows, no faggot dancing sword parry shit. Shield are usually BULKED bois too.

Fucking rip roastes, cat saw some beef and went for it.

the SWORD is the epitome of masculinity


the shi*Ld is the COWARDS TOOL

a shi*Ld user HIDES behind his shi*Ld instead of facing his enemies FACE TO FACE

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why did you keep capitalizing the L in shield

who cares what a frogposter thinks

Its what they're holding if they're using a shield


They're holding that L user

What the fuck does that mean?

They're holding the L part behind the shield, it's like a handle.

You said it yourself.
The shield TAKES the blows.
The same way the cunt TAKES the cock

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Tou should take brown Sword.

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Sword is basically cock version then. And only faggots want cock.

The virgin shield is a coward who hides from attacks, the chad sword goes in to fuck the opponent up without caring about his own safety.

Sword is just a brainlet brute, Shield is based

Most people will choose Sword, Yea Forums/Hipsters/Contrarians will choose Shield

>t. pussy

>he doesn't take staff and drop sword

wtf i want version shield now

No, the Shieldbearer is a smug Chad who laugh behind his shield at the brainlet with a stick helplessly whacking at a slab of steel while he gets limbs sliced off like a cuck.


>getting this abomination of a game
Have fun paying for online just so you can trade.

The small length $oyrd user has always been universally cucked by the spearchad, who was often found with a shield