>We Want the Yea Forums audience
It's funny, we used to meme about this shit and now a company actually went and did it. Of course all the journos and other websites are fucking jelly and pissed.
How long until other companies start openly doing it for the free publicity it generates?
We Want the Yea Forums audience
Other urls found in this thread:
Chris Avellone already did on RpgCodex. It wasn't to THQ's scale but journos were pissed.
They went to cripple chan so they get 0 respect from me. Good thing the journos are buttfucking them.
Fuck off tranigger.
t. REEEtard
It wasn't Yea Forums, they went for the unironically edgy audience. And they have every right to and it's great they got a shit ton of publicity.
But then they screwed themselves by apologising to the people they went to offend, so therefore no one benefitted.
Journos were pissed an RPG writer went to an RPG forum?
>Good thing the journos are buttfucking them.
>unironically defending gaming """"journalists"""""
They're always pissed the moment once sings out of tune and decides to engage with "toxic gamers" they like to shit on so much.
>unironically defending literal pedos
What's with faggots suddenly getting butthurt about other chans? People used to post about 7chan, 420chan, wizardchan, Yea Forums+, ect all the time without anyone caring. Now all of these chans pretty much combined in 8ch on top of having a lot of features Yea Forums still doesn't have. What is there to be butthurt about? Are you a pathetic hotpocket upset people are talking about "competitors" or are you a resetera nig nog?
He was shitting on obsidian and sawyer. Can't have it that someone critisise an ally in CY.
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
How many times does Adam say "white guy"?
We aren't talking about Yea Forums or reddit.
Resetera trannies trying to divide and conquer.
But they didn't go to reddit?
>Saying literal fake news made by journos
I will steam gift you a game if you can actually find any CP on that site.
Fuck off trannie
>Journalists crying about them going to Cripplechan because of "pedophiles"
>When Reddit had subreddit groups for pedophiles for years.
>When there was a subreddit for jail bait and dead children for years.
>When people on twitter swapped actual CP for years.
>When journalists are also, actual pedophiles.
Weird how all that works.
They do know that Discord is currently under investigation for harboring pedos, right?
They're mad that they can't censor people over there outside of the /leftypol/ board.
>Yea Forums audience
gamergatechan isnt Yea Forums
It's funny how pathetic modern day "journalists" actually are. One random person excuses them of CP with no proof and 100 other NPCs all repeat the same shit.
t. Roderick Strong
>still spreading this meme
Yea Forums has more cp than 8ch
>implying he won't post it himself like the anti-gg who got them banned from google trough it
Pedophilia is ok when liberals do it, but if a conservative site exists you can claim they are anything and whatever sticks you just keep screaming about.
based resetera
We finally get to see who actually buys video games, either nazi racist pedophiles, or sjw bugmen trannies.
>Yea Forums has more cp than 8ch
both are cancer and both deserve to die
Feels so good to see THQ apologize. ResetEra wins again.
It literally is. It's not only called Yea Forums but it's made up of people from Yea Forums. Also you have to be a complete newfag if you are going to try to say our Yea Forums was 5 guys headquarters.
ok pedo trannyera
Cripple Chan is for the faGGots from /pol/ and reddit that got rightfully told to fuck off by based moot and did their gay "exodus" (except they still come back here because their site is dead lmao)
"Can't be me if it's them." tactics. It's what 6-year-olds use when they're getting cought or know they fucked something up. Blame someone else for it and not only move attention away from your own misdeeds, you can also get someone you don't like get punished for it.
>GG from /pol/
GG was Yea Forums you stupid newfag. Also most of the people on that site came after GG during the /pol/ exodus and during the Qanon shit.
Most of the jornos don't even know who he is, and those who do haven't actually played the games themselves.
Just like with the THQ Nordic thread, RPGCodex is full of edgelords who think it's funny to post a "witty" one-liner instead of something constructive. The level of discussion has gone down there very noticeably from the mid-late 2000s. Before, a typical codexer would have at least played all Troika and IE games, U7, Thief, maybe GoldBox and M&M/Wiz. Now the most interesting topics for a typical codexer are sjw and libtards. The same retardation that was on neogaf/resetera is now on codex and Yea Forums, just from the other angle. This results in fewer people who have played, say, amiga/dos games or PnP, because the new true rpg connoisseur credentials is playing Dark Souls and being right-wing.
>t. game """"journalist""""
>/pol/tards raiding Yea Forums with their cringe movement are Yea Forums
based retard
They aren't even conservative, they're just not fucking moderated.
>Based (cuck) Moot
>le luggage lad
Clearest sign you're new and don't belong here
Where someone defended Netflix's Dancing Queen?
>/pol/ boogeyman
This is the easiest way to spot a resetranny
>Bitching about boogeymans while calling someone a resetranny
The irony
ah yes, our daily dose of revisioning history
>being this fucking new
>Newfag calls anyone else a newfag
Yeah, let's forget all the evidence being posted that moot was actually being cucked. You should go back to your tranny forum.
>transgendered children
The difference is is that there is actual proof of it you sad SJW. Being triggered by /pol/ is a good proof as well.
Resetranny raiding is real and you're the proof, you seething homo
>twitter has more CP than 8ch
>reddit has more CP than 8ch
Doesn't stop them from using both of those.
Uh-uh. Proof like You ever found any extended chatlogs that show all of the chat for months on end or just suspiciously cropped screenshots?
Because those places make sure to ban wrong think. It's hilarious how obvious to anyone that knows anything about the internet that the CP shit is just an excuse.
You know them by their hypocrisy.
Nah, proof of you being triggered by fucking /pol/.
Ever thought that the most triggered /pol/fags are actually false flagging resetards?
>leftists: Drawings are child abuse
>Also leftists: Donating to a fundraiser that sterilizes 10 year olds while pumping them with chemicals isn't child abuse
Gamergate was Yea Forums for a week. After that it was obviously turning into chanology 2.0 and needed to fuck off.
Hatred devs AMA when?
The Postal Devs have their very own board on 8ch that they shitpost on all the time but Journos don't seem to care about that.
if they had done the ama on Yea Forums they would be still screaming about doing an ama on a website full of nazis and incel shooters
I don't think anyone cares about Postal in general
They don't ban dissenting views like resetera does.
Nope, Chanology was shit because it did nothing and was IRL shit.
GG got shitty sites to lose millions of dollars. That was fun as fuck.
I love how Reshillera won't ban threads on THQ stuff. Shows exactly where their morals lie. That sites purely marketing/research focused dressed up in "progressive values".
And you're triggered by resetera trannies. I guess that's "proof" of you being a /pol/tard. based retard with nonsensical logic
>Ban videogame discussion
>Yea Forums turns more cancerous
Funny how that works.
How is he triggered? You however are triggered, hence all the whining.
>exposed widespread journo corruption
>elected orange man
>now has THQ under its wing
is there anything Anonymous can't do?
>Haha I just proved that you go to a board on Yea Forums
Even if I am a /pol/tard so what? You are a tranny from another website.
They couldn't even get a ban on that Catherine port. And they were really seething about that.
>a week.
It lasted months until mods started cracking down in despite anons clearly wanting to talk about it.
You're an idiot. No one posted CP in that thread nor 8ch, therefore they can't be responsible for what they didn't do.
We had an AMA with them on 8ch a while ago, but there weren't hitpieces about it.
It brought tens of thousands of shitposters who never lurked to learn posting etiquette. The fappening, gamergate, and the election killed Yea Forums. I hate all of you.
Anonymous never took down Scientology.
>No one posted CP in that thread nor 8ch
I was amazed at that, Yea Forums world cup threads always get actual CP posted
>It's not being triggered when it's me
/pol/tards are the new Yea Forumstards and as welcome in here as resetera trannies, which is to say: Not at all
so is that place actually a cheese pizza den or is that just more media spinning
I never bothered going there during the GG shitstorm and only did a quick skim while the THQ thing went down and it didn't really seem much different from here. If I don't hear otherwise (from actual people, not journalists) I'm gonna just assume this is one of those "hackers on steroids" things.
My opinion of THQ has gone up. I think they're awesome now. Much better than faggy DICE/EA.
It's to combat tourists.
>resetera tourist is an avatarfag
>people from Yea Forums go to check out /pol/
>start posting on both boards
>"/pol/ is raiding Yea Forums!"
It's a good reaction image.
Was not my point at all. Or, rather, you inadvertently proved my exact point.
There is no need for any CP even present when you can just pretend it happened and write blogs and news about it. Enough circle jerking and cross quoting makes it into a wiki-truth, which you can then quote again as proof for your lies. Perfect manufacture of falsehoods. Who needs facts when you can just create them?
they've always done it, just they've never been so obvious about it before.
lol holy shit. the liberal shill meme is really true.
>Yea Forumsirgin starts browsing /pol/
>Gets "redpilled"
>Becomes an insufferable /pol/tard
>Sticks out like a sure thumb
>No longer welcome at Yea Forums
Many such cases!
More media spinning, there was no CP posted there. Unless if you consider the 4/a/ board and Crunchyroll as "CP".
Truth set them free, too bad for you libtard.
literally every time it's used he bitches about /pol/. there is a concerted shill effort to try and sanitise boards like Yea Forums, and he's one of them.
Wrong, you illiterate retard. That's a search that is searching both for that filename AND any instances of "/pol/".
Here's that same image and filename with no limits. 5 times as many posts.
>hasn't even been here long enough to be present for gaymergate
>has the gall to post
/pol/ point of veiws are already the norm on Yea Forums it's dedicated shills like that try and create a false dichotomy.
You honestly just proved what's so great about 8ch. It's not on google so it has a normalfag filter.
>most of the posts that don't include /pol/ is him bitching about people making fun of pronouns and trannies
topkek you only made it worse
Just stating that it's a false equivalence. Your analogy revolves around them having a larger interest in politics than videogames, which is true, but the similarities end there.
>drawnings are CP
well you gonna hate this
they are still all shilling for leftism. literally all about politics.
If you're gonna switch to a deadchan you're better off at 7 or 420 than cripple.
A 5year old spider?
based and redpilled
>first post starts at august 2016, around when the election hype was reaching its peak and /pol/ was getting normalfag media attention
That's when fireden 2.0 got made, my dear newfag friend. The previous fireden was blown to shit around MGS V's release date, or perhaps precisely because of the newfag attention you're talking about.
Fantasy is reality! It's a subjectivist kind of thing. You wouldn't understand. But that's alright. No need to understand anything. Just obey, right? Or I'll have to pluck your eyes out.
They really are oppressing us gamers...
Pure bullshit, an attack on credibility by the SJW because of all the GG shit. Unlike Twitter, Facebook and Reddit where there are still thriving literal child porn rings/channels/whatever the fuck they call them, 8 quickly stamps out any CP.
Five years is kinda middle aged to old for a spider, so this image is perfectly legal, really.
>the absolute state of Cuck-chan
that's what you get for welcoming Resetera with open arms, and do nothing about it.
I wonder if trannies realize that if this doesn't affect the sales of their games it will kind of out their entire movement as bullshit.
And considering THQ Nordic is more PC-centric and PC gamers are vastly more conservative (even the non-white ones), I doubt they'll see much backlash from this outside of journalists REEEEEEEEEing online.
fuck off! resetera is based and fighting against the alt-right menace!!
Jesus fucking christ
I feel really out of the loop and this thread doesn't explain what's going on one bit. Must be me getting older and losing touch with current Yea Forums, what a shame
infinity is just a much more open platform than Yea Forums or other forums
a huge part of the reason it exists is to promote neutrality and to discourage censorship. it's a place where anybody can go and make a board about w/e and not worry about following rules
they've already shut down most of the illegal stuff in the past. calling them pedos is literally parroting media phrases without doing any research or critical thinking for yourself.
i'm starting to believe this shit is just manufactured as a way to put pressure on the remaining free-speech-friendly zones on the internet.
its called not giving af about juvenile bullshit. sign of maturity.
Mainstream media is at a rock bottom level of trustedness, I just checked Steam reviews of THQ games to see if someone tried review bombing anything but there's nothing, no one gives a fuck.
They'll just oversell expectations and then pretend the 'lower than expected' sales are a result of their 'PR choices'. Got to control the narrative. And to fuck with the reality of things.
>open platform
By allowing people to make their own boards about anything it's just a less shitty version of reddit.
I really like boob maiden.
>i'm starting to believe this shit is just manufactured as a way to put pressure on the remaining free-speech-friendly zones on the internet.
Ding ding ding.
That's exactly why it's happening. They think Yea Forums elected Trump so they are trying to silence it with any excuse before 2020 comes.
They don't like an audience they can't control. That's why they shit on "Star Wars fans" when the Last Jedi was panned.
The press forms an opinion on whether a piece of media is beneficial or harmful to their view on how society should function. If an audience disagrees with that opinion, they cherrypick the worst comments and label the entire base toxic.
8ch is hit an miss since each board has different mods and they are free to be faggy
What analogy? I provided anecdotal evidence. Even neogaf was less about politics in 2000s, where is the analogy when it's just the way it is now? The core audience of both Yea Forums and Codex has very strongly shifted towards right-wing following two events (GG and US elections), and it directly affected the ability of a generic poster to hold a constructive discussion about videogames.
This is what matters to me: when earlier I could make comparisons with Lands of Lore or Uukrul or Dark Sun, or refer to the GURPS ruleset, the posters at least recognized the names. Now such platforms appeal to a different demographic - not nerdy gamers who love complex RPGs, but angry sjw-haters who ate console-centric and haven't played anything from the last century (unless it's a Zelda or Mother game or some other nonsense).
Well there's still no upvoting and grouped reply chains ordered by "popularity" and other such nonsense.
It also means if someone disagrees with a certain board's ownership they can create their own alternative, which you can't do on Yea Forums so we have to deal with tranny jannies.
I work in the industry and trust me - we shill on Yea Forums constantly
>inb4 need proof
>inb4 fake and gay
If you want proof, join the industry.
He's right
This is beyond embarrassing.
And to think someone would do it for free...
I don't need proof. One step into a DOA6 thread and you'll see shills all day long.
He's wrong though, SJW's obviously have a huge influence. He's only saying they don't because he is one. Don't stick your head in the sand.
But I'm a white cishet male. I'm not allowed into the club anymore.
Only newfags tell people where they belong or not.
They shouldnt have banned neogaf and let you pedo fuckers stay in one place
Nah, 8ch is much more active than 7chan, I really only use the latter for /elit/ and /ss/.
Also tons of top tier Korean porn on 8ch's dcinside board.
>these are the people posting le gaymurs rise up
You can laugh all you want, he's correct. It's like spotting ruggarellposting: you need to have a brain and know patterns.
Continued, there is literally 5 times more of this shit, this is just all I could fit without going over file size limit
man I don't need proof, I remember borderlands and far cry 5 for a more recent example
>If you want proof
The only proof I need is looking at the catalog every single waking day, fuckface. Literally every DMC5 thread for the past half a year was made by corporate shills, and that's just a drop in the bucket.
>posting etiquette
Wrong. If you're progressive you clearly don't belong here. Maybe on Yea Forums and /u/, but definitely not on any other mainstream media entertainment board. Hell you barely fit on Yea Forums.
Ass blasted tranny newfag cant handle pol boogie man
Go visit pol for once you weak faggot. The queers from the 2016 election are no different than neogaf queers like you
I like that meme. Most leftists want that sub burned to the ground.
But I'm not so fuck off nigger
/pol/tards tend to dislike the meme because it reminds them too much of how they act for real
Why do you trannies even try to pretend otherwise now? Everyone knows SJW shilling is widespread in vidya nowadays and devs don't even try to pretend they don't anymore.
Samefag. Probably the same guy who said it in the first place.
>Doesn't know how samefagging works in the first place
based newfag
I think it mocks journalists' depictions of "gamers".
What happened?
The BFV debacle autistic screeching from the SJW devs was great.
RpgCodex is pretty right wing so that's partially why. A lot of the anger is jealousy. I saw the meltdown thread on Resetera and they were upset he didn't go to them instead. Now they hate the guy with a passion.
Because they are trying to pretend there is no agenda. Want to piss resetera off while staying lowkey?
Say what happened to Cathering isn't censorship. They'll doxx and kill you.
They censored a gay black man book talking about gay black men because it literally made twitter cry. Go tell them they're worms for censoring gay black men, and see what happens.
THQ had an AMA on 8ch and confirmed a new Destroy All Humans and a few other games. Journos are going fucking nuts and are super pissed.
This but unironically
Wrong and he's wrong too. This is the real reason.
>A less shitty version of reddit and Yea Forums
And there is nothing wrong with this. Are you such an idiot you think only the owner should be allowed to decide what boards get created?
People are mad because you're an avatarfag.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do you know what a samefag is?
>Gang weed is being used to SUPPRESS US GAMER RIGHTS
You can't make this shit up. How do you reply to the meme by acting exactly like it? Does your schizophrenic brain not see the connection?
>is censorship*
All I care about is the fact a new Destroy All Humans was apparently announced. Anyone got details?
Just make sure to post this or above any time someone denies resetera shilling.
>Using a reaction image means you're an avatarfag
What the fuck did the /pol/tard mean by this?
Oh I can answer this one. When Obsidian let Chris go they pretty much used his sick mother as a hostage (health insurance) and told Chris if he wants his share (something from the company forgot exactly what) he has to sign a contract that forbids him from EVER writing for anything RPG, games, anything ever again.
Chris rigthfully got pissed off and went to RPGCodex (where he actually goes to quite often) and told them his story. In response to this some journalists got quite salty that he is associating with an alt-right nazi white supremacist buzz word forum and how he should have reached out to the games media instead.
The thread has a lot of juicy info you should check it out.
The reality is that most of these people are just extremely vocal morons.
That and most of them are consolefags.
Do you know how post reply intervals work or are you too used to /pol/ or cripple-chan where they don't exist? Fuck outta here.
I can give you the recent version, their upgraded version of gangweed.
Replace it with all the shit things being shoved in vidya, and you got the same result.
here comes the tranny raid
>somebody points out company fucking up
>trannies get butthurt over Catherine
really causes one to ponder does it not
I just wanted to play videogames.
At this rate The Guild 3 will get bombed by SJWs at launch..
Original gang weed has just making fun of shitty edgy facebook memes, then resetera/reddit co-opted it for their political militancy, there's a whole subreddit of politically charged gangweed edits that they also used to post here before people figure out where they were coming from.
RpgCodex is a bit better than Resetera in that regard though. For one you need a year old account to even get to the SJW discussion topics. There's even more that's more heavily gated.
There are still a majority who've played the games you mentioned though. When someone goes too overboard and offtopic they get BTFO
t. codexer
Contrary to /pol/tard belief, trannies don't post here, so the place to make them seethe is Resetera, not Yea Forums. Memeing about them here is wasted effort.
why did they get rid of him if they were so worried about him writing again? why not do what valve do?
Interesting, thanks
Goddamn fuck Obsidian (and fuck sjws)
This image has been proven fake
I didn't bother looking at the times, even if you aren't literal samefags you are likely from the same discord, tranny.
why did you welcomed with open arms people like this?
Cuck-chan fits you perfectly. Look at the state of this board.
I literally know a tranny IRL who posts on Yea Forums.
Except they do, just make a thread about the gender options in The Sims 4 and they will flock in.
I wish our E3 threads followed the same example.
I remember back in NES days seeing "THQ" on the box was a sure sign that the game was going to be shit.
>Tranies don't post here
Where does that guy admit he's a tranny?
They didn't get rid of him. He quit because upper management is fucking terrible. Them using his sick mother as a bargaining point was fucking horrific. That is the reason why Chris absolutely HATES Obsidian and will shit on them whenever he gets the opportunity.
>why did you welcomed with open arms people like this?
I didn't
>trannies don't post here
Tranny detected.
I hate this timeline.
More at E3 2019 according to the devs
No it wasn't.
>he has to sign a contract that forbids him from EVER writing for anything RPG, games, anything ever again.
What the fuck? Are they that afraid of his writing?
>Also tons of top tier Korean porn on 8ch's dcinside board.
I looked up dcinside and all I'm finding is Yea Forums garbage
Where's the good stuff?
Frogposter from those screenshots here. I've been here since 07, my man. I was welcomed here probably before you were.
By being triggered by /pol/ for 10000 posts. That level of mental illness can only mean one thing,
THQ Nordic isn't old THQ, Nordic just bought the IPs.
>I've been here since 07
lurk moar newfag
Look at this resettranny defense.
>D-Don't go to 8ch, it's dead! Unlike these nice friendly boards with not even 10th as many posters!
Think about it user. He went to RpgCodex instead of a mainstream journalist site for an exclusive interview!
I guess more a childish tantrum than fear.
"If we can't have him, no one can."
How many posts about trannies have you made, my dude? You in for some introspection?
They wish they were the ones who got rid of him. He gave them the finger and quit. Upper management was cited by him to be the reason for all of Obsidian's failures.
As an example you know the console ports for Deadfire? Nobody on it's dev team knew about it. Upper management just went over their heads and did it. The full voice acting and playersexual romance was also mandated by them.
Prove it
Was this part of the discord controversey?
>Tranny defending his own posts
Wow, how vindictive.
Glad I haven't bought any Obsidishit in the past few years anyways.
I fucking hate that these mentally ill faggots have all anime avatars.
This faggots don't deserve anime.
Why can't white gaijins consume anime while not getting obsessed with cutting their dicks off? Because it doesn't seem to be the case with Japanese males
yikes still posting tranny?
You need to be mentally ill to be an anime avatarfag.
>you will never be this mad about a board from a taiwanese cave painting forum
sorry I don't think anybody was retarded enough to tie a single reaction image to 43 posts complaining about trannies without changing the filename
As a rule of thumb I avoid any white guys with anime avatars.
Modern white guys seem incapable of liking anime without being a fucking faggot.
>It's perfectly understandable for me to personally make thousands of posts crying about trannies and/or niggers as long as I remember to use different reaction images each time
What did the /pol/tard mean by this?
>TFW Yea Forums is actively being taken over by SJWs now
As if this place didn't have enough problems already. Fuck
>trannies don't post here
Well, judging from this thread I can safely say that at the very least their orbiters do.
Also, nice way to out yourself, not that long on "duty", are you?
>hate sexualization of women
>hate Japans male dominant society
>use anime avatars
It doesnt add up
Rampant faggotry in white countries makes them all extremely susceptible to being queers, so it's just a natural evolution.
Fuck off Resetranny. Your faggotry only makes 8ch more popular.
Using it always is being an avatarfag, tranny.
I didn't say that but ok, remember to change your filename friend ;)
>get caught red-handed obsessing over /pol/ for years on end
>y-yeah but you p-probably do the same about trannies, it's all you!!
It's better if you just stop posting now.
Good. I hope all /pol/tards go on an exodus to cripple-chan and it becomes the new nexus of /pol/tardery
>We Want the Yea Forums audience
nah they don't otherwise they would have hosted the AMA on reddit, its pretty much the same thing
I unironically want EA to do it just because
Now THAT is a yikes from me, dawg.
There already was a /pol/ exodus, stupid tranny must be off "her" pills again.
I didn't stop posting at the apex of the faGGotry when this board was a million times worse. There's no way I'm gonna stop posting now that it's tolerable enough that /pol/tards actually get called out on a regular basis. I do need to stop using consistent filenames, though.
Reminder that you welcomed with open arms trannies like this
Good job Cuck-chan
Yeah, but I want one where the /pol/tards don't immediately come back because no one went with them lmfao
You're the cancer of this board.
>It's tolerable
>Half the threads are off topic, other half console wars
It was already pretty obvious it was just a small clique of shitposters trying to sway board culture towards resetera cancer but you confirmed it now.
what's wrong with /pol/tards?
They didn't. You are a retard that doesn't understand how growth works. Older posters get replaced by newer ones. Keep being triggered by /pol/ though.
The cancer of this board are /pol/tards. Fortunately, we're in the middle of a much needed chemotherapy
That's cool, do I get to be my own brand new boogeyman or am I just gonna be annexed to the "trannies from discord" one?
The difference is that /pol/ doesn't try to subvert Yea Forums everytime they post
I can't wait for the time you tranny faggots get cleaned out of Yea Forums, too bad people on here didn't kicked you out sooner
Yikes. That's some incel tier cringe.
You are the resetera tranny and always will be until you kill yourself in a few years, the damage from hormone treatments is irreversible.
>Makes 1000000 posts crying about /pol/ and transphobia
>In response to this some journalists got quite salty that he is associating with an alt-right nazi white supremacist buzz word forum and how he should have reached out to the games media instead.
>no proof
Does /pol/ live rent free inside your head?
It doesn't work, everyone knows you come from Resetera
Are you white?
Is every white dude on Yea Forums nowadays a retarded culture warrior?
What happened to all the dudes who just wanted to talk about vidya and jerk it to weird porn every once in awhile?
Every fucking white dude on Yea Forums turned into a turbo cunt.
I don't think I've ever cried about transphobia. At best, I've "cried" about /pol/tards going on rants about trannies in an otherwise non-political thread.
>The cancer of this board are /pol/tards
most people here lean that way, it's always going to be that way in any relatively unsensored environment, why do you come here?
There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia
>he thinks the split will do anything
If at all shit got even worse, not that someone as new as you would notice that.
Reminder to any and all discord/resetera trannies ITT:
"/pol/tards" will always be a lesser evil than you.
This is the sole reason your gay ops always fall flat on it's face.
It's over, even Dilbert is a nazi now.
We lost, resetera sistas.
If I truly believed that this place was nothing but /pol/tards, I'd have left long ago. Fortunately, hope is not lost. I still get to post with people that talk about vidya without derailing the subject into politics.
>he doesnt understand his own posts
>TFW these Trannies on Yea Forums are only just convincing more people to go to 8ch
It's funny how they are their own worst enemy.
>cancerous discord tranny complaining about anyone else ruining the board
The split means nothing. I agree with that.
meant to say kill yourself
You could have literally said tumblr has more cp than 8ch and it would have been true.
Stop working so hard
why don't you go to reddit? serious question.
>tfw sat behind him at an indie vidya conference where he gave a talk once (sadly it was about something lame like kickstarter and not actual video games)
>was probably the only one who knew who he was
>260 results found
yes it's the /pol/tards who are obsessed
More /pol/tards spending more of their time on cripple-chan instead of Yea Forums sounds great to me and beneficial to all parties involved.
The way their website works is garbage. A discussion shouldn't be viewed on the lenses of which comment is more popular.
what is that... new wojak in the back?
blonde hair? where is his wojak face?
fuck you!
>we're in the middle of a much needed chemotherapy
HOLY SHIT!!! A literal tranny projecting her transition therapy on this board. I wouldn't even beleived it, if I haven't just witnessed it
they apologized.
Think I can get a job?
Nah, I’m white.
Sorry, I meant """"""""her""""""""
the real reason you stay here is that you're a politics obsessed culture warrior yourself, on the other side, and you veiw Yea Forums as something you have to actively change for the greater good.
>transition therapy
Does this mean that the whole board will collectively an hero if they succeed?
Why Yea Forums? This place hates your guts. You you masochists?
Non competes are extremely common in every industry. Just don't sign it and walk. He's retarded.
Then you trannies will move on to cripple-chan right? Then cipplercripple-chan will be made and you'll move there too right? Can you faggots fuck off and give us our little corner?
Astroturfing is annoying as shit but when devs openly post they are always welcomed.
I've posted on AOL ANT, GFaqs, PSOWorld, Serebii, Yea Forums, Xengamers, GAF, Toonzone, Resetera, and many other places in my time. Problem?
I used that same reaction image with that same filename to talk about vidya normally without any reference to politics, though. And I've been here well before this board habitually derailed threads to bitch about SJWs or niggers or trannies, the newest iteration of that same shit. Believe it or not, there was a time like that, newfag. Fuck, this board largely liked San Andreas. No way that would happen if it released for the first time today.
>Wanting OP to spoonfeed everything
bullshit, if this was an actual physical place, there would be police reports of devs being mugged and stabbed.
I’m progressive. Not indulging trannies in their delusions would be progress. Not putting 7 year olds on puberty blockers and hormones then cutting their genitals off would be progress. Getting them help and investing in research into fixing their fucked up mental state would progress.
>I posted on resetera
So you are saying you recently went through the trouble of making an account and possibly paying for the right to talk to fellow SJWs
You do know he didn't sign it right? When he refused they used his mother as a bargaining chip.
why do trannies want to kill themselves so much?
Like 90% of your posts are obsessing over /pol/ even when it's some random user just making fun of pronouns, you are a mentally ill tranny shitposter that needs to anticipate your suicide.
Surely you meant "his".
>Like 90% of your posts
I use more than one reaction image. And where the fuck did I even cry about pronouns? Show me that.
Kill yourself and stop larping, you don't belong here Resetera mentally ill faggot tourist
Fuck off nigger.
this exposed resetera faggot, holy shit
>TFW I have a sleeper Resetera account
>300 posts
What should I do with it bros? It's old enough and known enough to not be instantly dismissed as a troll throwaway account.
Fuck his mother. That's not leverage at all since he had to go get individual health insurance anyway.
>Reaction image and posts predate resetera's creation or the "muh tranny" craze
based retard
>/pol/tards raiding Yea Forums
Got any evidence to back it up?
>I used that same reaction image with that same filename to talk about vidya normally without any reference to politics, though.
90% of your posts with that filename are political, i doubt your posts are any different without it. you're absolutely obsessed with /pol/ because you're on the other side.
>Believe it or not, there was a time like that
yeah, it was before the left started making video games political.
>we used to meme about this shit and now a company actually went and did it
How new R U
Just have them admit they want a dictatorship.
If you make claims, you have to back them up.
Didn't pay shit and stay far, far away from any non-vidya related topics. I'm ancient by internet standards and ain't got the energy kids have to rally around what the fuck ever.
Newfags trying to fit into the epic Yea Forums edge persona who don't realise we only hate on specific sites and actually like some others like chans and shit.
Though there's always been a bit of bants like we do cross boards and shit.
Can I get a quick rundown?
You obsess over /pol/ even when completely unprovoked and then try to pretend you are "trying to talk about videogames", you are mentally unhinged and I'm amazed that you are even trying to deny it.
>yeah, it was before the left started making video games political.
You can see anything as political if you try hard enough and have SJW boogeymen in your head. I could very easily pretend MGS 3 is this cucked globalist propaganda from (((them))) if I were a /pol/tard.
Well yeah? Obsidian still tried using it as leverage. Chris probably had that shit done already.
Use it and don't come back.
You're an idiot.
So what exactly did they do?
funny how they say that """toxic gamers""" are a huge amount of the community but also they say they are going to go out of business if they chase that audience
You were neogaf first, then resetranny
Imagine cutting off your dick and having to shove a dildo inside the open wound for hours everyday just to stop your body from healing itself while also looking at the mirror and seeing the same ugly neckbeard as before except with longer hair.
Not OP but this should give details on Chris. A lot of it is buried in many threads which nobody compiled.
>People derail a video game thread crying about seeing too many niggers in their cards and a tranny winning some tournament
>I make fun of them and I'm the bad one
This is why /pol/tards must burn
THQ had an AMA on 8ch where they confirmed some games
SJWs went completely insane
Ok...and? What was so bad about it?
Why are 90% of your posts about /pol/ if you supposedly want to discuss videogames? Why are you posting in this very thread obsessing over /pol/?
They have the wrong think there and aren't PC.
we both know there has been a huge push to make games more pc and sjw friendly. you can feign ignorance but you aren't kidding anyone.
Why is there a Yea Forums but no 4kun as an alternative?
How do you figure that, they went to cripple chan, not Yea Forums?
All the big and even smaller companies already shill on here and nobody bats an eyelid, because everyone browses Yea Forums. This was just a publicity stunt and it worked, outrage culture is the perfect tool for marketers.
holy fuck I remember this fucking frog pic in every politics shitposting thread now that I think about it, and it's only ONE reaction image
Yuo need /pol/tards. In fact, society in general needs them. Without them, they would have to examinate themselves and discover that they're pieces if shit. BTW, even if you kill all the /pol/posters here, yuo will go to 8, because /pol/ gives yuo life fuel.
Dude, I'll be honest with you:
I really hope that you get paid for this.
Because if you are not, then there are way more /pol/tards living in your head rent free than on Yea Forums or even on /pol/ itself.
Pretty much this.
Despite how much it pisses them off, both /pol/tards AND anti-/pol/tards are fucking annoying cunts.
I know about Chris, I want proof that journalists threw a shitfit.
I doubt 90% of my posts are about /pol/, I have 5 tabs open right now and only one of them is /pol/tard related (This one)
As for why I posted in this one. The OP was so retarded I couldn't help myself. When there are a million /pol/tard threads on Yea Forums, you're bound to end up in some eventually. These threads are always the fastest moving and most remade. It's impossible to avoid all of them forever.
You make threads about politics on Yea Forums, you really aren't fooling anyone
>there would be police reports of devs being mugged and stabbed.
they should be glad they aren't getting shot on sight
You guys realize you've lost, right?
Twitter hates THQ now. The gaming press hates THQ now. ResetEra hates THQ now. Literally everyone has turned against them except for a few incels on 8ch and Yea Forums.
This will never happen again. You will never be acknowledged by a studio or a publisher again. The SJWs have won, and you all started Gamergate for nothing.
>I doubt 90% of my posts are about /pol/
I doubt they aren't, even the threads you start by yourself are about /pol/
hahahaha holy shit, he made that second thread today too with a different image.
just give up resetranny.
>How do you figure that, they went to cripple chan, not Yea Forums?
An 8ch moderator invited them.
Wow totally not fake or anything
I hope you're joking
>Twitter hates THQ now. The gaming press hates THQ now. ResetEra hates THQ now.
So only SJW's hate them?
Gaming press it's pretty much a meme at this point.
It's great to see "people" still getting anally devastated about this every now and then, especially since the majority here stopped caring about it 4 or so years ago, myself included.
Cripplechan's elitism fucking sucks ass and no one like the crossposters from it on Yea Forums(nel)
>the tumours of the internet no one takes seriously now hate someone
You would only be able to sing victory if there was an actual backlash over it with review bombing and refund requests but there's literally nothing, it's just another failed attempt at fabricated outrage.
you will never be a real woman
There are things you don't understand.
Wow, all those people who super-duper for realzies buy and play vidya wouldn't want to do anything with that studio.
How will THQ ever recover?
You can label them however you want. The fact is that 90% of gamers only visit Twitter and read mainstream publications. If they read that THQ supports Nazis, that's what they'll believe.
I'm so sorry, sweetie. But you've lost the culture war.
There's nothing wrong with elitism.
Lurk before posting.
>The fact is that 90% of gamers only visit Twitter and read mainstream publications.
90% read user reviews and watch youtube you out of touch retard. no one visits twitter or takes game "journalism" seriously.
Thank you God for that
I swear to god archives are the greatest thing to happen to Yea Forums since thread IDs
I really doubt that even 2% of their potential customer base will ever hear about this """""controversy""""". You've spent too much time in the ecochambers obsessed about identity politics and now falsely assume that your kind is the majority
>read mainstream publications
Whomst even reads this? And it's not like the THQ stuff even got that much mainstream attention, I can't find that article anywhere on PC Gamer, I think it was just one of those side column blog things no one reads.
I don't like them because it's practically founded on slacktivism. Not the kind of people I come to an imageboard to hang around.
So? I love THQ now, what do I care about what my lessers think of them?
If I cared about what other people thought at all I wouldn't be on Yea Forums.
What happened? Last I heard about them they brought my favorite game of all time to Switch only. I wanted it on PS4.
Good bait.
>The fact is that 90% of gamers only visit Twitter and read mainstream publications.
So out of touch.
Most people do not give a fuck about literal who twitter users with the blue checks and read irrelevant dying gaming news sites like Polygon and Kotaku.
Most people are watching streams and Youtubers.
Reddit probably has more pedo content than 4 and 4+4 chan combined.
God forbid you actually try to go to a place that actually plays your games.
Are you serious? Most "gamers" get their opinions from streamers and youtube hence why gaming "journalist" websites are all losing money.
They had an AMA on 8ch
I know you're not going to listen to me because you're a mentally ill tranny but you posting about /pol/ is the equivalent of trying to make an artificial lake by dumping buckets of water on a field.
I'm not even memeing when I tell you that you should go back to r*ddit or wherever you're from, it's not healthy to spend this much time seething about stuff you read online.
Still cannot comprehend how anyone actually defends this shit. It's actually sickening and has so many negatives physically and mentally
I just want to play vidya
Tumblr had so much fucking CP before they banned nsfw shit, i would find it by accident. I only found CP on Twitter once and it was gone a month later. Tumblr CP was never taken down
Now i have a reason to look forward to the world cup
I've been here since 07. This is where I am from.
>8 quickly stamps out any CP.
Stay seething tribalist libtard. Any chan is better than mainstream cancer.
user... We are the mainstream cancer.
Cunts from sites that require your personal credentials with a login feature before using their forums SEETH at the fact that they cannot compete with chans that are open to the internet.
>I only found CP on Twitter once and it was gone a month later.
Did you check every day for a month until it was gone or something?
So lets keep it that way to keep the other chans lowkey.
Not only that but they apparently require full contact info to be "verafied"
The audience of twitter seem almost worse than Yea Forums. Too many furries, trannies and fags. I barely even see people I would consider normal if I saw them on the street and thats not a big requirement honestly
Not him, but I would. For research purposes.
twitter is exactly like Yea Forums, a bunch of autists validating each others opinion
just with more trannies and a smug attitude
normal people dont take either of these groups seriously
That's so they can report you to your boss for wrongthink and get you fired.
One of the many ways of controlling you, and socially engineer you with the threat to ruining your already humdrum to miserable life.
Sure, maybe you should take a break from posting. It's honestly pathetic to see how much time you spend arguing about this stuff and that you actually think you're changing the board's opinion with your posts.
No, just went back a month later. The tumblr CP was superior
Tumblr as a whole migrated to twitter a few years ago when they realised that there they can screech at corporations and 140 or 280 characters is enough to say something retarded but generally its not enough to refute something, no matter how retarded it is.
Thats why its filled with communists, trannies, fags, ""sex workers"", columnists, ""gaming journalists"", overall human trash.
You can't have any kind of debate there but it still allows anyone to parrot their retarded opinion. its like the absolutely perfect platform for these autists
>and that you actually think you're changing the board's opinion with your posts
I don't.
this is what i got the post was deleted quick so they didn't say anything about it
Twitter doesn't have anonymous posting last I checked.
Yea Forums getting cucked by 8/v/ is probably the most funny thing that will happen all year
with love Yea Forums
They keep saying child porn without providing any proof.
All the proof they need.
They think every website that ends in -chan is a smoky room filled with multiracial white nationalists planning the eradication of women and PoC. Going there means that they're every badong -ism there is, but on top of that the journos take anyone going to an outlet other than them to revel anything is a personal insult.
>unironically defending GGchan when that shit killed this site by flooding it with newfags
>implying it wasn't the elections
>implying it wasn't the fappening
>implying it wasn't project chanology
>implying it wasn't gaia/habbo/ebaums raiding
fuck off newfag
>we want the Yea Forums audience
>remove games from Steam
>unironically defending gaming """journalists"""
>You're either with us or against us!
You are opening your tranny asshole to resetera newfags so yes you're against Yea Forums.
Fuck off to your shitty website, cripple-kun.
>Yea Forums is a hive mind of like minded individuals like me!
Fuck off to resetera.
I don't even mind if you shitpost here, just stop pretending you aren't an invader and try to be a bit honest once in your life for once.
I wonder what happened between 2014-2016?
>party of No
>Good thing the journos are buttfucking them.
By crying about them and giving them free publicity?
What's the matter, upset that you /leftypol/ trannies get utterly destroyed on every single board there?
Yeah. I'll be seething real bad if you fuck off there and BTFO me some more.
Even without it you still don't belong here.
Without what, you ESL faggot?
>/pol/ has only one political ideology
Wanna know how I know your a newfag?
>haha le vee rage man, am i an oldfag yet?
>/pol/nazis just as bad as resetera tranny tourists btw we are an inclusive board!!
It being /pol/, retard.
>tfw nerds sperg out
hope u guys are shitposting
actually hope not hahahahaha
There wasn't straight up CP posted there, but there was definitely some...less than wholesome content involving children, I'll put it that way; child models in compromising positions wearing skimpy or sometimes no clothing, though not in explicitly sexual positions.
That kind of shit is, or at least was at some point, there, I stumbled on it by complete accident, so I get why the place has the reputation it does.
Resetera honestly belongs here exactly as much as /pol/tards do. You thinking you're superior to the trannies is very cute.
Fuck off resetera, who are you even trying to fool?
And you're also a fucking retard. /pol/ has the same fucking discord trannies on the board. The same identical. They even tried to make an AOC general.
You'll never pass, faggot with a wig.
Pretty much every single site in the history of mankind had "child model" posters at some point in time, reddit had and still has very popular subs about all kinds of nasty shit.
Solid rent free.
>le ebin /pol/ buzzinsult of the month
Much better than the "soi" bullshit, I'll grant you that.
explain why /pol/ doesn't belong here.
loli drawings are considered CP to((GAMING JOURNALISTS)) AND ((NORMALFAGS))
Can I get a summary?
THQ marketers did an AMA on cripplechan Yea Forums?
Did Hiro tell them no or something?
They're way too obnoxious.
That's very true, but I'm just saying that the claim isn't *entirely* without merit, even if they are stretching the definition of CP, it's still pretty disgusting.
>That old as fuck PC
Couldn't he buy one that hasn't gone obsolete almost two decades ago?
Faggot with a wig is who you are. Buzzword is like Dogwhistle, basically "truth I'm trying to undermine because I'm exposed".
i started posting on Yea Forums 12 years ago and it was always known as a website for obnoxious people.
Uh-uh. Except you're gonna forget about your retarded tranny strawman in a few months and call me and anyone else who disagrees with you whatever popular slang will be popular in your shit board at that time.
As far as anyone knows, they just...decided to go with 8 for some reason. Nobody really knows why, they just did it, the fucking madmen.
They would have gotten in enough shit if it were 4chqn, but they had to pick the more obscure site with a shadier history, deserved or otherwise.
Remove liberalism from vidya and the issue solves itself. You don't, you insist on making everything political, then deal with politics.
>this autistic screeching about /pol/ from painfully obvious tourists in a thread about normalfags autistically screeching about 8ch
almost like there's a connection
/pol/tards are too obnoxious even by Yea Forums standards. Same way Yea Forumstards were back in the day.
>they just...decided to go with 8 for some reason.
cripplechans Yea Forums board owner has some connections and has asked other devs to do AMAs in the past. Thats the main reason. More devs would hold AMAs here if we would have admins that would simply ask them to hold one here.
I understand not wanting era trannies here, since it's offsite and they have different rules/culture, but why do people get upset over a different board on Yea Forums?
Do people get upset over Yea Forums or /m/ or /po/ crossboarders too?
I don't really get it.
Nah, /pol/ is great.
8/v/'s mod approached them and they decided to go with it, the THQ poster was /in/ in the memes and culture though so they were obviously not "duped" into it.
I'd like to tell you that I am denying you your wish and keeping all liberalism on vidya because I believe in authors deserving to make whatever they want, but in actuality, I have no power over the vidya industry. Even if you managed to convince me that we should be censoring liberals from creating vidya, I would be just as powerless to enact such a thing as you are.
That seems like a horrendous idea then on the company's part, they seemingly just didn't look up what kind of reputation the site has. Again whether or not the reputation is deserved or not is kind of irrelevant when you run a company, you just have to focus on optics to the majority.
Bants about other boards has always been a thing but literally no one ever tried to defend off-site invaders over other board other than the invaders themselves.
I just think it's an awful idea to go with 8 since it has such a ridiculously awful perception by most people
They should've just owned up to it and go the edgy route. Daniel Vavra held an AMA in cripplechan and openly fought shitty game journos on Twitter, yet Kingdom Come: Deliverance was a financial success anyway. Edginess sells better than wokeness.
what happened? you seriously believe it will have huge impact on them just because of few minority opinion?
>comparing a retail product to a service
Yeah, newfag. Back then we told Yea Forumstards to fuck off too. Honestly, I don't even know if Yea Forums was way less obnoxious than /pol/ is right now or if it's just nostalgia playing tricks on me.
Hating on cross-post from exponentially inferior boards is not unusual.
What did I miss?
Reputation according to who? Retarded gaming """journalists""" that hate video games, hate people who play video games, and nobody reads anyway?
How is it horrendous? They got lots of brownie points with the actual gaming crowd while only the twitter blue checkmarks went all yikes oof over it aka the people that don't buy videogames, there was no actual backlash over it either since no one even mentioned this shit in any steam review or anything, it was just a poor attempt at fake controversy by the journo usual suspects cliques that are not taken seriously by anyone.
Wow you sound gay.
What video game is this video game?
I don't mind them, I'm sick of the /lgbt/ shitposters the most right now.
Twitter reputation or MSM lies hardly matter when it comes to game sales. They overreacted afterwards when Resetera piled on them on Twitter. People knowing THQ Nordic visited one of those "edgy taboo sites" is only a net positive press for them when it comes to actually selling and shilling their games for the masses.
Try to type the letter S, the letter O, the letter Y next to one another.
Tell me who did censor it and why. Hard mode: no "it was spammed" because we got at least 100 words spammed way more than that.
Now look at this pic and tell me who would bother self-censoring on an anonymous message board like this. Hint: people used to not being able to say fag openly because they post on reddit and resetera.
that's a shitty reason. even resetrannies "belong here" as long as they aren't asking for other opinions to be banned. just admit you don't like them because you disagree with them.
Video games aren't a service
I feel like you both fail to realize just how influential those retards still are. Much like the regular media, they shouldn't have influence, but they really do, you guys might just not be in the circles where that's happening.
If you are fine with the way things are now in every form of entertainment you're every bit of cancer as the trannies so your opinion is completely dead worthless.
They already are, when you think about it, at least some of them are.
Online multiplayer-only games are literally services, since you pay into them but can be banned for any reason the company deems fit, really.
Fucking normalfags
You overestimate how influential they are or how much attention this even got, no one is even talking about it anymore and the dumb article screencaps here were from the columnist sections and other equally ignored shit.
/po/ here, I'd love to see these faggots bitch about us, they won't though because everyone knows we are the Chads of this website making pussies wet with out paper folding skills.
We're in the circles where people actually buy and play video games and thats all that matters. Mainstream media has always tried to smear video games and couple of mentally ill SJWs on top of that aren't going to make a difference.
Some are, yes, multiplayer games, MMOs, Destinies and Anthems and whatnot
I'd say a large majority of vidya isn't a service, until everything starts being streamed under the guise of game passes and such.
I dislike them because they derail vidya threads because said vidya has a nigger in them. Or because they clutter the catalog with stupid bullshit. Apex Legends is a good recent example.
>He's so new he doesn't even know about weeaboo, or fuck, baka desu senpai
/pol/tards were a mistake
this place got fucked when the fappening happened, retard. all the normalfags started flooding the site the moment it kicked in
Nice persecution complex. Muh SJW invasion.
Nah fuck off, we know that's not the reason why you autistically screech over /pol/ since you also post about politics too You simply can't stand what you consider to be "bigots".
You're literally derailing a thread right now you fucking retard
>Everyone who dislikes /pol/tards is the same person
>Moe profile pic
twitter is ownded by an arab. of course they wouldn't call him out
It's just trannys upset nobody wants to fuck them or call them women
I don't get why they went to 8ch instead of here and why 8ch specifically is banned in many countries for cp if it's true they only have loli shit
Yeah it's certainly a much smaller group as evidenced by this thread where one obsesser got exposed with a SINGLE reaction image, imagine how many posts he has with other pics.
>Yeah it's certainly a much smaller group
[Citation Needed]
they share the same traits tho
One turn they keep telling how imageboards are filled with nazis and anyone visiting them is a nazi. But then they keep coming here anyway, whats up with that.
>E3 is shitposting central
The thread has plenty visual evidence they are.
Right. The trait of being whatever strawman-of-the-month you conjured up this time. They're all... *Throws dart at wall* trannies from discord
>One turn they keep telling how imageboards are filled with nazis and anyone visiting them is a nazi
I still haven't decided if I'm a Nazi yet, seems like a lot of effort to be one.
>One person shitting on /pol/ over years means that everyone who does it is that person
You don't really believe this. Not even you faggots are this stupid.