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8 Reasons why the gaming industry is going to Crash again
To big to fail
1) op is a faggot
2) op is a faggot
3) op is a faggot
4) op is a faggot
5) op is a faggot
6) op is a faggot
7) op is a faggot
8) op is a faggot
the CRASH was only in fucking america
the rest of the world was enjoying videogames while you faggots got fucked
no VR no buy
Tbh, I wouldn't even care.
No Fortnite no industry.
The industry will never crash. People expecting or hoping for one are morons. The trends will change, publishers will rise and fall, but there will always be an industry. Gaming is not in its infancy anymore, consumers don't need to be convinced that the concept of a video game is worthwhile.
Even then the US was still enjoying games, it only fucked the two biggest companies at the time.
>And that's a good thing!
I fucking hope so
It honestly needs it
but it wont
Ape Escape 4 wasn't made yet
videogames are never gonna dissapear, only companies
That's what was implied by "the industry crash"
Still, the market can shrink, one reason being people in the West have less and less money. And the Chinese apparently like completely different kind of games.
Yup, EA, Activision/Blizzard, Ubisoft, and Sony will all crash and burn next gen. Microsoft, Nintendo, a small amount of western AAA studios, AA studios, indies, eastern AAA and AA studios, and eastern indies will be the saving grace of video games in the west. You would think after neoGAF crashed and burned the SJW in video games would stop.
I see more and more young ppl playing on their phones.
And i can't really blame them when the current gen games are so shit.
If by crash they mean AAAs leave and we get an era of games only being made out of passion due to no profit, I hope so.
That's a dope McCree skin.
Well user, I'm not taking my bulky ass switch out with me when I go
So its either phone gaming or 3ds gaming
and I already played everything on 3ds
>lack of regulation
>consumer ignorance
Some of the other points are right though.
America was still enjoying games in 83. the entire event is overblown because of declining sales of the Atari 2600, massive failure of the 5200, and a single company posting huge losses leading to being sold off. This only fucked with second generation consoles. Mattel and Coleco could have stayed the course but being bandwagon toy companies they panicked the moment Atari so much as farted.
Arcades never felt anything and the computer market was gaining massive traction in 83, mostly from the IBM DOS, Apple 2, and C64. Yes the commodore actually did have some decent love in the states but our preference was floppy disks instead of tapes. Fuck sakes 83 was the year Wizardry 3 released
You have a bunch of retards at marketing and PR trying to turn the game industry into a new hollywood by dishing a bunch of AAA crap, except that there's less normalfags to mindless buy stuff than in the movie industry. Gamers also refuse to swallow crap like anthem or mass effect andromeda.
All those AAA shit also neglect core gameplay values in favor of cinematic experiences, "diversity" and related bullshit, further alienating the majority of gamers. You can see how fucking obvious this is when you have some indie games made by small dev teams making a fortune while some AAA games struggle to make profit.
I fucking wish for a crash, it's the only way we'll get rid of EA and other cancers in the industry.
This, they have forgotten the value of making a video game.
Ubi won't crash. They are doing fine.
Looks like global revenue dropped 2/3rds, though I'm sure that was from two companies.
Though another claims revenue drop from $42 billion in 1983 to $100 million by 1985, including arcades
Shit, if neoGAF died, why do SJWs still have so much control?
Trying to be like movies isn't going to work when most games are $60 along with hundreds of dollars in DLC.
To think so many were surprised TellTale went bankrupt. Would be interesting to see how many people even bought any of their games after Walking Dead S1.
They later raged when 800 were laid off from Activision/Blizzard, ignoring they were support staff and more developers were being hired.
It's sad that companies still don't understand why they're losing money and still keep pushing this movie game BS.
I dont even have to read it but the concepts of "too big to fail" and "we must copy what ever is popular" are things that will only lead to disaster. The fact that developers feel the need to spend an eye watering amount on videogames means that they have to guarantee a return, so they MUST dumb it all down and make it familiar to people so they cant eperiment with new concepts, and they MUST spend millions on advertising in order to make sure people see the game. Its fucked up cycle that is only starting to have repercussions as of late.
>yea we can talk smack to our consumers, theyll buy it anywhere, were fucking massive!
>w-wait they arent buying it?
>what do you mean stocks are plummeting we are too big to fail! We have money!
I want to see what it all looks like when videogames are no longer an industry of profit.
Nothing is fun anymore
There will be no crash
There was no "great videogame crash" in the first place