Should JRPGs (or RPGs in general) have more romance options or less?

Should JRPGs (or RPGs in general) have more romance options or less?

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Can you stop fucking yelling I'm trying to read the thread.

You want children, eh? I know just the guy.

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They should have whatever amount the creators deem appropriate.

Less romance

I want to cum all over her Jay Leno chin

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They should have whatever amount the totalitarian americans deem appropriate.

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Jesus christ calm down Shinzo

can someone give me the rundown on how bladerunner became the new wojak? i wasnt here for a while

watch it, preferably in 4K

It's le funneh incel man xD

K's complete despair just resonates with people I guess. That probably goes for The Goose in general.

You realize being together with a shy af girl like that would end up being a pain in the ass

What is this?


god she looks so excited



Why are all those kids wearing MAGA hats?
Those Japanese children need someone to teach them about the holocaust.

idol fanservice video

It's been some years since I've watched britbong tv, and yet it's still ingrained in me to expect something edgy to happen in that webm followed by a warning about fire safety, lung cancer, or tv licenses

If a man said this he would be a pedophile and thrown in jail.

maybe give the option of the player to pick.

because the main love interest in FFXV was so bland and generic that any other female chracter was better

No romance options, more predefined lesbian romance.
No romance at all ever, focus on the actually interesting stuff.

>come visit me every day if i get a job as a preschool handler

What the fuck does that even mean?

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dude, the japanese invented "romance options". play some VNs sometimes.

Just don't add too much into existing franchises

Basically the entire plot of the blade runner movie is that he thinks he's special. That he was chosen to do this thing that nobody else can. That he's a hero.

instead it's revealed that he was just a cog in the machine for someone else. That he amounted to nothing at all.

just like us

I don't care about the number, I just care about the fucking quality.

but how is that related to women?

Y-you too.

This has to be some of that "please breed" propaganda.


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Upload to youtube and get the account banned.

>he thinks all nations don't have falling birthrates

holy shit

i am a cog in the machine

i used to have all these dreams about what i would be, or desires

but i realized i was already pidgeonholed by everyone above me

i understand ryan gosling now


>being this much of a autist to don't know she's flirting

I wonder who had this video made...


Give up the bachelor life already, anons.

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I wanna believe this is bait, but I know better

>turns to the side
>that skull shape

when did you find out you were a racist Yea Forums? feels fucking bad bros.

This is how I feel. I used to feel like I could do so much with my life. Now I am just trying to break free of this rat race.

I want to have a full time job and my own place before I can do that

Anime noo

Romance is always forced and pandering shit that never elevates a game's quality and only serves to bog down the experience with forced relationship drama.

Africa, India, China, Mexico birthrates say otherwise.

OTP > Romance choices

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post more cute estelle and joshua

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>that girl
>shy af
>literally walks up to you and tells you she wants children

It wasn't revealed he's cog,but a decoy.Fucking pricks painted a target on his back.

How it never happened but it should've

god damn is this part of Japan's new policy of birth rates?
I hope it's working there because it is for me

Ah, so they pulled a fucking MGS2 on us?

Getting rid of feminism to stabilize society.

It's just a good reaction image/webm

>amounted nothing at all
>went against the REPLICANT RIGHTS NOW fags to turn in Deckard and made his own choice for once
>That Deckard can meet up with his autistic daughter
Nigga, he succeeded.


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This. Best JRPG romances have OTPs


W-what does the full image look like.

He also falls in love with a hologram pre-programmed to love him.

Has the mystery been solved?

Is 31 the "certain age" Marty was talking about?

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Fuck off OTPs suck because the stupid fucking childhood friend always wins.

Being single/bachelor only gets better as you keep aging.

t. 31 yr old Wizard

but no women want me


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As they should.

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Don't forget they killed his fucking waifu. Rendering him alone and even more broken than before.

That's it. I'm going to japan, getting a turbo cutie as a literal wife, fuck her every day and make aryan tier babies, AND support sexual activity all over Japan!

>sex is bad

What are you? Gay?

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This is correct. Not only is it revealed that he isn't special, but he's actually a pawn used by everyone around him. He then decides to take control of his life and make what difference he can with it.

>Those Japanese children need someone to teach them about the holocaust.

I agree. Teach them that it didn't happen, but it should have.

>jap wife
>aryan baby

You're fucked, and your children are gonna be fucked even worse. Enjoy your 5'6" half breed son, as well as the end of your lineage because he'll die a virgin.

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>Enjoy your 5'6" half breed son, as well as the end of your lineage because he'll die a virgin.

Genetic engineering WILL be used. I'm not that shitty of a deity.

More. Stop shoving the first bitch that said hi to me down my throat. And make the villians romanceable. AND THE MONSTERS!