How often do you play your Switch outside?
How often do you play your Switch outside?
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That's a man.
how do i cure my yellow fever lads
I want (her) to step on my face
it's fucking winter, so never. once things warm up i'll probably play outside in the backyard or on the porch but that's about it.
Go teach ESL in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc).
it says girl in the file name idiot
Because OP would never lie
I play it at the airport and during a flight. That's about it.
I probably would've played it during class if I was still studying.
based comfybro
I've stopped playing my Switch. The games coming out for this thing lately is fucking laughable. Baby garbage and indie meme games. This is probably the last console you should buy if you're thinking about becoming a serious gamer.
t. gang weed
I wish
How often do you open this shittthread OP?
Are you autistic? Why would you be autistic over a fucking chink girl you will never met ?
Fucking degenerate loser
>tripfag lecturing someone about being autistic
The irony
Lads how do I become a porn producer...?
i am sure i have seen this girl or a picture like this using the sony VR, anyone know the pic i mean?
I wouldn't ;)
Whenever I see someone playing a Switch in a public place, I film it for a bit. Making a big cringe compilation of some of the ugliest players + most autistic places to be playing it. I miss Quentin.
well it might be, you cannot tell by looking at the picture tho, he/she surely looks female, attractive and does the hobby of most people here, in terms this makes the individual highly attractive to most men
Never, because if I'm going outside I'm doing something other than playing video games.
When it was warmer porch Switch was Elder god tier
Now that it’s cold as fuck never until it heats up again
i live in a big city so i commute often. that said i hate it when 5-10 year olds see me playing Binding Of Issac because then they beg their moms for one.
you should be in someone else's cringe compilation for somehow turning up to be sadder than the object of your ridicule
>t. mad roastie
I live on the east coast. wanna film me in your little cringe compilation?
Is your mom anti-vaxxer?
Get a vaccine.
don't ever play my switch outside because handheld mode is for comfy in bed playing and the trying to play a console in direct sunlight is cancer.
I play it on my lunch break. Everyone loves it. They either say they have one too, or would like one.
god what I'd have to land that kinda job and have an opportunity to fuck my student. I'd gladly get thrown out and banned from education field for that
I play it when my roommates make a house party to blend in with normies
Fail out of film school
take a loan out for 10K buy a camera and offer model jobs on Craigslist
Get decent looking girls and offer more money for them to get naked.
Then offer 1000$ to suck dick on camera
Sell porno on a decent clean site repeat until you can start getting even hotter porn stars
If you make it in, you make it in. The film needs to be organic not scripted.
All the time. On the train to work, and occasionally during my lunch break at work (tho this is pretty rare coz I only get 50 minute breaks, and I'd rather just chill and eat than concentrate my energy into a game)
Helps I guess that I live in Japan, so playing it on my long commutes makes me the literal intended audience for it. But you don't see it that much here. I've seen maybe 3-5 switches played on the train in the 6 months Ive been here. Mobile phone games are much more popular. The average nip has such shit taste in vidya
>buy 3ds to play on commute
>too scared to actually take it out and enjoy
fuck my autism
This but unironically, there's nothing until fucking summer. Good old Nintendo droughts.
what is that table. surely everyone could have put in a little to get a proper table.
Lunch time Mariokart is the shit
Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing as long as you're not in the way or being loud. What you really should be concerned with is that you may miss your stop, I have that same problem with books
>Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing
but quentin and other Yea Forums autists clearly do
And they aren't on your commute, so don't worry.
Tell that guy on the left with the beard to fix his overbite. Had a friend who looked like him ( because overbites make you look like that ) and he's really good looking now that he got that shit fixed.
I play with my switch on the train to/from work every day (40minutes commute), I bring it with me on the plane during business trips (like 6-12hr flights once or twice a month), and I often play with the switch during lunch at work. Sometimes coworkers join and we go to the game room and play some Smash Bros or Mario Kart together.
It's a really comfy console
Yea Forums is the only autists who care about people playing vidya in public.
Damn thats autistic bro
That boy ain't right, I tell ya hwat.
Still better than bringing an entire fucking Xbox and all 4 controllers and all plugs just to play some 4-player split screen or multi-console LAN at a bro’s house
Rent free
Name of the girl, or where i can find more?
Read the thread you goddamn nigger
>Hey guys, remember that if you're not watching Sunday night HBO™ you're not an adult.
Imagine getting paid to post bait.
>Not only caring about what people think, but caring about what Yea Forums automata think too
It's like you want to be unhappy
>Having a game room at work
How do I get a no work job user?
Holy fuck
A bugwoman with a nice ass and thighs
I'm a Google software engineer, we have plenty of games and stuff to play around with at the office.
What the fuck is your post
By realizing that Asian women won't like you either.
I only ever used it docked.
She isn´t Switch-exclusive though
All the time but I am no fucking yank aka a country where public transportation isn't a thing. I take the train, I take the bus, I take the subway - anything. What do I do while I am commuting? I play my Switch.
If I was a yank and I would have to go everywhere by car myself I wouldn't have time to play my Switch. I had to focus on driving. How boring. Maybe yanks will catch up at some point in time once there are cars that drive themselves. They will be busy playing games while commuting as well then.
Heck I have a 3 hour train ride ahead of me tomorrow and I am already excited about playing the Switch while I am traveling to another country.
I'd love to, but I'm 32 and it would just look creepy... :(
Aren't you the guy who pays for literal tranny sex, lives with his mum, is a giant asshole and looks like human waste
Look at the feet
no need, I've already finished masturbating
Ha. Gay
Traps are not gay
well that surely are some big feet for such a little girl
At this point I dont give a shit, she/he is cute enough that it doesnt matter for my dick.
any collections of her images?
Woah those girls are pretty cute! :(
Any creepy inside info you can let us in on? Also sup with the Google console?
how often do you suck dicks pathetic tripfaggot
>owning a Switch
I'm not stupid like that.
Just check her Twitter
I play the switch on the bus (I have two hour long bus rides a day) I dress well and look decent tho
I seem like the only one who does it tho which feels kinda weird but ppl should just stop being pussys and do what you want