>female characters start with +3 int -3 str
Female characters start with +3 int -3 str
>female characters have the game permanently locked on easy mode
Would -3 Strength +3 Charisma be fair?
It is no coincidence that the easy version of symphony of the night is done with a character that is a woman
I'm not familiar with any games that do this.
Fuck you and fuck video games
Stop defending roasties
Those cheeks are made for pinching
wrong they start with -5 to all stats but gain vagina and boobs
>female characters are better at bartering
funny how this will play out, 13 years later the white kid will become an incel while the little girl will be getting dicked by CHAD while also getting DPd by Tyrone and his friends on the side
what is your problem
-3 strength and int but access to unique interactions ala Black Widow perks in New Vegas
>female characters start with 3+char and +3 int, -3 str
Now it's balanced.
>+3 int
To a class that can't even decide what they want to eat.
Imagine seeing your son write this.
actually thinking as opposed to
>me want hamburgur
no, but there should be a sexiness stat. female character has -2 on all other stats but they have the highest sexiness stat, and can abuse it to come really far into the game without ever leveling up anything
The white race is dead
Now that's just primative user.
go back to /pol/
someone post that men vs women survival show
I feel like the average Yea Forums poster would get massacred by a 5'2 Irish chick
you're thinking of rondo of blood, sotn's easy mode is just the entire game itself
Fuk me, took me forever to find pic related in my folder.
>Female characters start out with negative strength
>This means they can't lift large objects, use heavy armor and weapons or preform other strength utility actions
>They start out with higher persuasion, but increasing their strength inversely lowers their persuasion
,and that's a good thing.
Whenever I see a post like this I always try to imagine the face behind it. Is it a low IQ mouthbreeder, a mutt, a nigger, a hunchback or some normal looking guy with mental issues? I always wonder
My ex used to always play on easy, it would always be fucking painful watching her play vidya
based and black pilled
I wish I could shitpost this hard on command
people believe the meme that women are smart or charismatic because of the idea that women are some sort of expert manipulators or the dumb meme of "social intelligence" or "emotional intelligence" or whatever else they invented these days. but that is not true, otherwise they'd be expert manipulators until the end, instead of becoming invisible after hitting menopause.
men do what women ask/manipulate them into doing only because they're young and attractive, so guys want to fuck them, and do anything they can to get into their panties, which includes simping. once the woman gets old, wrinkled and ugly no guy cares anymore.
+4 Chrisma -4 Str more like it
And the last one i got. Maybe this guy made it ?(not him btw)
Thats WIS, dummy.
Now this is intelligent
>+3 int
>there are significantly more high iq males than females
what did (((they))) mean by this?
It's someone with a brain poisoned by Yea Forums.
-2 int but a passive int lowering ability to males around them
Woah, stats deteriorate with time, what a surprise.