Less content

>Less content
>Worse framerate
>Forced motion blur
>Full of visual and auditory noise
>Worse music
>Worse level design
>Worse enemy design
>Worse mechanics
>Gold bolts are now useless
>Garbage writing

Why is it that game developers struggle to even meet the standards of PS2 games?

Attached: ratchet.jpg (1524x1893, 603K)

tfw the TGB video convinced me to play the original game and I ended up loving it.
Seriously, it's brimming with soul and personality. It's also amazing how well it looks and runs, like the Gadgetron level has like a billion spaceships flying in the background just for immersion to show that it's a big hub, yet the framerate is a steady 60.

I got the 2016 remake for "free" through PS Plus and I still feel like I was ripped off. What a goddamn blunder

>no tesla claw
I wonder what a v5 tesla claw would have been like.

I'm still mad about the music.



The 2016 game was a budget release to tie into the movie, though. It launched at $40, and was selling for $20 less than a year later.

This, the original ps2 games and ToD had fantastic memorable music and I don't know why they don't bring back Bergeaud

Attached: 1550761109575.png (500x500, 7K)

That justifies the reduction in content, but not everything else.

Because it's a game based off a movie user. Also it was sold at 40$ at launch instead of the usual 60$ so less content isn't as big of a deal in my opinion.
Also I don't feel like finding it but Insomniac put out some big blog post on their website at some point about why they don't make 60fps games anymore. Kinda bullshit honestly,and after playing through most of the previous games (again) before this one launched the difference in framerate was extremely noticeable. They went for a much more PG approach than they did with the first few games as well.
Ratchet and Clank are pretty much buddies right from the start,where as there was some bickering and Ratchet was kind of an ass at certain points in the original.
I thought it was fun overall honestly,even got the platinum trophy cause it was pretty easy.,but 2 and 3 are still my favorites.

ToD had pretty bland music IMO. Size Matters is a little overlooked though.

even if i look past the stage reductions, the missing content, the terrible general writing and so forth, i'll still never forgive that they turned the asshole ratchet into a generic dreamworks style good boy hero protag that doesn't even remotely mesh with clank besides both of them being nice people doing the right thing

Just saying. You should probably think of it more like a movie game than anything else. Like those tie-games that dominated the 90s and 00s.

Never played the series, should I? I enjoyed the Jak games and I assume it's similar?

This user's right.
Ratchet and Clank is ridiculously good.
From the music to the dialogues with an incredible gameplay.
I played this game as a kid, you have no idea how much I love it.

Definitely worth trying if you enjoyed Jak II and 3. Start with the first one on PS2.

This. I thought it was one of those “let’s just rant about a remake because it’s a remake and some fucking colors are different” but he actually pointed out core flaws and issues the game has and why the first one is such a classic.

Jak had guns be more of a "point in the general direction and blast away" kind of thing that accompanied the core gameplay and vehicle segments. R&C gradually focused more towards the shooting to the point of being able to flip between platformer controls and manual aiming with strafing and everything. They're very different in style despite holding some of the same ideas, and the two dev teams ere buddy buddy enough that I think Ratchet was unlockable in Jak Combat Racing X.


they had a ton of Easter eggs in each others games as well

It's honestly my favorite video game franchise of all time user,although that might just be nostalgia talking a bit.
All of the PS2 games are worth playing,and the "Future" trilogy on PS3 is worth it as well.
Spinoffs aren't bad. There's one on PSP called Size Matters (never played much of it),a Vita game that got ported to PS3 called Into the Nexus. It's kinda fun but pretty short.
and then All 4 One which is a weird isometric 4 player co op spinoff on PS3 as well.
I would absolutely suggest giving them a shot. The first game is kinda rough around the edges but they get much better afterwards.

For what it's worth I would say it's one of the better movie tie in games, too. Hell, it's superior to the movie as well. I've yet to play most of the Ratchet and Clank games but the PS4 game did get me interested in the series.

>Made by Insomniac NC
There's your answer. The same talent behind All4One and full frontal assault.

>it's superior to the movie as well
That is not an accomplishment

Oh I agree,I thought it was pretty good overall. I just wish we could have gotten a full fledged R&C game on PS4 and not just a movie tie in/reboot of the first game. Maybe on PS5 at some point.

Also if you happen to have a PS3 pretty much every single R&C game besides the movie tie in is available on it (not sure about the PSP games either). I'd say pick up the HD collection for the first 3 and go from there if you enjoy them.

It was an okay attempt, but it was hamstrung by a shitty movie that they HAD to follow and a rushed development cycle. I didn't hate it but it's never going on my list of R&C games to replay which I've replayed every 1-2 years and still enjoy every moment of.

Of course it isn't, but it's something. I didn't outright hate the game and honestly would consider playing it again at some point
I can see them having one at launch maybe. I don't have a PS3 but I'm hoping the rumors of the PS5 having backwards compatibility with all previous PlayStation consoles are true so I can start getting into more of the series.

>Worse enemy design

Explain? Do you mean aesthetically or mechanically?

>and ToD

ToD was where the soundtracks started going downhill into generic shit

Well to be fair, that's more a symptom of all Video game music these days. They are all following todays "epic" orchestra trend, which has this severe lack of decent leitmotifs and melodies.
Hell, even movies arent save from that. Remember that famous melody from Jurassic park? Has there in the last 10 years or so ever been a movie that also had such an iconic melody in its score that was easily recognisable?

I noticed it first on Kerwan. In the original game you could jumpflip to get out of the way of them.
In the remake there's basically no way to deal with mobs apart from just hitting them with whatever weapon you have out. They're as fast as you are and attack instantly.
The solution to nearly every enemy is to just shoot it. There's no artful platforming you can do to get out of a bad situation. I suspect that's why the Orxon level was cut, because nearly the whole level depended on that kind of thing.