specs thread. Show off those rigs of yours
Specs thread. Show off those rigs of yours
>only 2 monitors
I didn't know this was a thread for plebians
1366*768 is one hell of a comfy resolution, OP. I'd still recommend having at least one 1080p screen for games.
Since I got the 1440*900 screen last week, I find internet browsing on it to be much more comfortable. Most websites actually fill the screen without having to zoom it a million percent.
how much was that SSD
Isn't speccy basically malware now?
Probably somewhere around 50€
Having more that 1 monitor is cringe.
How so? I used to only have 1 for a long time, and I got my second one for dirt cheap. It's convenient not to have to alt+tab and it's useful for a few things I do, both in vidya gaems and work.
the real cringe is having a 60hz monitor in 2019
got a 144hz monitor coming today. Feels good, man
Well because you can just alt-tab. It doesn't really have that much utility outside of some specific cases.
Let's say you play Isaac and keep the wiki open on another monitor. You still have to go out of the game and search for what you wanna know. Might as well alt-tab.
What's the point of keeping a Youtube video open on the other monitor. You literally can't pay attention to what's happening if you play something. Why have it there?
Same for Discord. If you wanna write you have to pause the game anyways. Just alt-tab.
The only advantage it gives is if there's information on the second monitor that helps you and you don't have to interact with. And even then it just saves you the alt-tab.
What's so great about dual monitor, please explain. I did use it for month until I just got fed up with how useless it really is. You just keep stuff there because it looks cool to have 2 monitors at once. But it's not useful you can only ever focus on 1 at a time anyways. And maybe my setup was just bad but having to tilt my head to focus on the other screen got annoying.
I work from home so I need it anyways.
If I'm playing a grinding game like PoE, I can toss info, spreadsheets, or a video on the other screen. If you run shit in borderless window anyways you don't have to alt tab ever.
Some people don’t want to alt-tab. Get over it bruh. If i have two monitors i can monitor my simcity on one while i play a more interactive game on the other. Checkmate bigot
Just built this. Reused my 1070 since upgrading right now doesn't seem like that big of an issue and I wanted to save myself another $700 for the meantime.
Well I'm studying translation, so it's very nice to have my text document/translation memory and internet research at the same time without having to alt+tab.
It's also very nice for online tabletop games, I have tabletop simulator on one screen and my documents on the other, without having to go "hold up guys i need to check out some things", find which pdf I want between the 87 ones I have open. And I can also make sure my players aren't fucking with the tokens or whatnot, which they have a nasty tendency to do.
Also right now I can play FTL while watching videos and that's priceless.
What do you need an i9 for, just out of curiosity?
overclock that i5, I'm triggered
I don't know, I just wanted the 9700k but it was out of stock and if any of my shit was fucked and I needed to RMA it I didn't want to wait. I do play on doing more audio creation and video editing though. It's honestly overkill and a waste on me.
why dont you have a much better monitor to go along with a 1080?
>r5 1600
>dat a320
>gtx 1080
>dat monitor
Priorities man