Protagonist shifts to a different character mid-game

>protagonist shifts to a different character mid-game

What other games did this and what do you think of this in general?

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Real life! It's real fun :3

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>Ass 3

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Hotline Miami probably did it best.
Ass creeds 3 did it bad because Kenway was such a better character then Conner. Though neither of those are mid-game.

He's an anglo, of course he is gonna be the villain

Sucked ass because it was just the same levels and bosses reused

Max Payne 2

Halo 2

with that frame, that guy was just fucked either way, wasn't he?

AC3 is probably the only game I had to drop because it was so incredibly boring. It's not like everything is badly done in the game, it's just so... dull. Like they all had these interesting ideas for the game but no dev cared enough to fine tune them, so everything (gameplay, mission design, art direction, story, characters, nothing fucking manages to carry it) is super bland.

Why are so many normal looking people, even bodybuilders and such, falling for this shit? People kill for these gains yet this guy just throws them away to play dress up?

> Then 3 more character campaigns doing the same again!

Isn't DMC a great series!!!

>Other protag has different combat ability that changes how you play

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Gta5 kept doing it for me

AC3's intro was so fucking boring it might as well be midgame by the time you play as adult Connor. What a piece of shit.

>What other games did this

>and what do you think of this in general?
It all depends on how likeable the new guy is over the old guy.
In the two cases I have played where this happened (AssCreed 3 and MGS2) the new guy was complete shit compared to the old guy

The problem with AC3 is that it genuinely had lots of interesting and even good ideas and you can clearly see that they were trying to mix things up after nearly identical last 3 games, but all those ideas seem rather underdeveloped, not thought over and they don't cooperate with each other or the core gameplay very well, they're just kinda there. Also it takes ages before all of them get introduced and you can actually start properly playing

You only play as Snake in the prologue, but I get you. It was the first Metal Gear I played and I was so confused.

Identity crisis, lack of social skills needed to get a gf, porn addiction, genuine intrinsic disorder in case of some(but probably a surprisingly low percentage)

This is just describing the AC series as a whole. It's a tech demo that they've somehow turned into an entire franchise, without ever pushing it past being a tech demo. None of the parts really fit together like they should.

>Mediocre stealth game
>Shallow action game
>Time-waster filled open world with only the faintest of platforming

It's like a masterpiece of wasted potential.

At least in MG's it was intentional

I dont like it when its permanent, but I absolutely LOVE it when games do that for flashbacks or other similar shit.

RE7 did it exactly the way I love it.
>section late in the game
>explains earlier events/backstory
>changes gameplay to some degree
Just perfect shit.


Impressive but yeah he was already kinda fuckboi looking

>At least in MG's it was intentional

it was still shit because MGS2 Raiden was unbearable. The whole Solid Snake Simulation twist was fucking shit

Idle hands. Society is dying.

This is different though. All of those things may not be particularly well done, but they're still a core part of gameplay. 3 had lots of mechanics, including some relatively complex ones(for the standard of these series), that were hardly connected to the core gameplay whatsoever, they were just somewhere there, but you hardly ever used them and they might have not existed all together without anything major getting lost. I'm talking about shit like
>tunnel exploration
>advanced recruit skills
>settlement building
>advanced economy
Probably more I forgot about

the only one that did it and wasnt total shit was nier automata

Almost every character is terrible and underdeveloped in 2.

sup bitch

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>but all those ideas seem rather underdeveloped
>they're just kinda there.
>It's not like everything is badly done in the game, it's just so... dull.
>Like they all had these interesting ideas for the game but no dev cared enough to fine tune them
Welcome to Assassin's Creed.

These games are made deliberately "broad"(bland) and Ubisoft is the master in keeping the production values just above a certain line, for it not to be outright "shit" from an objective pov, yet not being actually engaging or lasting in any way.
All the shit that catches people's eyes in screenshots and trailers and makes them think about how they're gonna "experience the setting" is what Ubisoft is selling this franchise on.

Ubisoft is banking in on people being satisfied with the bare minimum, under the guise of being "immersed" in a setting they like.
AC is the video game equivalent of someone writing a whole essay without actually saying anything.

And personally, to me, AC is actually close to being a fraud as far as games go, since Ubisoft deliberately tries to not deliver a good game, so they can keep making people believe that "the next one will be what I always hoped for!".

but Raiden is the worst since you have to deal with him all the time.

Rose is second worst because of her nagging, that I started to skip since I was so fucking tried of the "Do you remember what day it is tomorrow?" relationship drama.

Good point user. I've played through it twice, and I still forgot over half the shit you mentioned ever existed.

>that were hardly connected to the core gameplay whatsoever,
not him but you literally unlocked fast travel with the tunnel exploration. and the rest are mostly the kind of side jobs you see in every AC game

Assassin's Creed 3 would've been a much better game if they had stuck with Haytham.

Change my mind.

That's... sadly spot on unfortunately

Its been forever since I played 3 and I don't think it stacks up to the rest of the series, but aren't the Templars in 3 literally did nothing wrong?

Is Connor the worst AC protagonist? Altair is pretty fucking bad on replay, in fact the two come off as having similar problems. I think Connor ends up feeling worse because there's more time spent with his boring block-of-wood ass. Comparing him to Haytham is just fucking unfair of the devs to do to him.

I sort of liked Connor and Haytham tooling around together. The one time Connor's stoic straight-man act kinda works

They're the most dindu nuffin in Rogue, but it comes off as laughable how they suddenly are saints, way more than any of the
>You're both evil
Navel-gazing of other titles. It also heavily reminds the player of the fact that villains act, heroes react. It is the only AC game where the Templars are only ever chasing after the Assassins' tails the whole time.

Never played AC3 I heard Edward from Black Flag got killed by generic goons in his house and his kid is a Templar wtf

L.A. Noire
Deadly Premonition for just a little bit.