Kingdom Hearts 3-2

>Nomura confirmed that we will get one game before Kingdom Hearts 4.

A Final Fantasy X-2 style game where Kairi, Aqua and Xion go searching for Sora. Tell me that wouldn’t be perfect Yea Forums . That has so much potential and can give the female characters in this series some shine and they won’t be so utterly worthless. I’ll be disappointed if this doesn’t happen

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Other urls found in this thread:

Xion has better shit to do than look around for Sora. She's off having 3sums with Axel and Roxas.
Ask Namine, she's boring and has nothing going on these days

>x-2 game
Sounds fucking awful

>A-K-X, in position.
>it's showtime, girls.

I’d be down for it but Nomura hates women so that will never happen

Hey X-2 was fun


My dick would certainly appreciate that. The only downside is that with all the Disney shit, they can't get a bunch of semi-lewd outfits.

>Giving women time to shine

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>implying Axel isn't a full blown homosexual
He wants to fuck Roxas and hate fuck Isa. Namine isn't a fighter and she wants to get dicked down by Riku

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Why is Aqua's story the best story then?

Nomura buried Aqua in KH 3. She's an useless jobber now

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Aqua's story had the least amount of fuck ups in Birth By Sleep, and the writing conveyed that she cares about her friends in addition to believing in light. She got dealt a bad hand because Normua can't imagine anyone beating Xehanort.

There was plenty of fanservice in KH 3 despite the E10 rating

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If we get more Aqua I would be so happy. She is so perfect. I love her

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That artwork is disgusting and your premise is fucking stupid. One of the reasons so many people love Kingdom Hearts is because it's free of the waifufaggotry and other sluttiness that pollutes over 90% of the Jap game industry. People want a game about beloved characters and their connections not a spastic arbitrary hen party. Also Xion is the worst character this series has ever produced



Shit taste. Game is incredibly fun to play.

Wow you sound like a raging fag

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That sounds awful and I don't even know who two of these character are, nor do I care.

>Not K-A-X

>Okay, so Roxas was in my butt and Axel was in my mouth
>then they finished on eachother, I wasn't even a part of that

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cringe but redpilled

Why can't Nomura into dialogue?
No one has proper conversations in these games, they just kinda talk AT eachother without ever really saying anything

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KAX sounds like KAKS in my languange
Which means SHITS, so no thanks.

I wish there had been some NG+ type shit that let you play through the game as some of the other wielders.

>it made my peepee the big peepee so that make it good game

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>worst character
Yeah you can just fuck off and die slow you cringy fag

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>calls other user cringy fag while wishing death upon him for not liking the same fictional character
I'm starting to remember why I keep my enjoyment of this series a secret

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Just because she doesn't exist for you doesn't mean she doesn't exist IRL for me you fucking retarded piece of fuckinf humna SHIT


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Cry more you cringy fucking faggot. Jesus stop being a such a fag

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Shut the fuck up, Bobby

Don’t worry he’s adjusted her to be a failure in KH3

fuck off fujo

>admits to having a fucking Xion tulpa
>still calls others le cringe

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>Not XAK
It's like you don't even want Aqua to have her date with Zack.

>Tulpamancer calling others cringey
Don't you have some chakra divination or whatever the fuck to study on /x/?

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>A Final Fantasy X-2 style game where Kairi, Aqua and Xion go searching for Sora.
Good lord, that sounds fucking horrible. Like a bad filler arc. It doesn't help that those characters are shit too that only appeal to waifufags with no standards.

XAK sounds like ZAK in my language, which means NUTSAC, so no

But it's fitting, they're shit.

You know she's literally standing right beside me laughing at your fucking retarded cringy posts, right?

Namine >>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>> Aqua >>> Xion
You like a bad character and you should feel bad.

>he doesn't like nutsacs
Wow, gay much?

>You know she's literally standing right beside me laughing at your fucking retarded cringy posts, right?

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Are you mad your gay Sora x Riku ship got sunk? kek

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god dude you're pathetic

GUYS stop arguing and post some comfy KH fan art? It's so good and heart warming. We can all agree on that

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>Sora has Kairi
>Riku has Namine
>Terra has Aqua
>Roxas has Namine
>Ventus has his hand

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I will literally fucking find you and fucking kill you

I'm going full retarded trying to decipher what you said. I might be having a stroke

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Same, but with Olette, Xion, and Namine' instead.

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*Roxas has Xion FUCK

Xion is for Olette

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You know when you're dealing with someone such as myself, you're not really as anonymous as you think you are. I'd strongly suggest you word your next post carefully

It was actually Vanitas who jobbed the hardest in that sequence. He was a joke compared to his BBS version.

Riku loves sharing.

Fuck off retard.

I want the next game to be Kairi, Donald, Goofy looking for Sora and Riku. Nice twist on the 1st game and a good way to kick off the new plot.

Roxas has TWO girls; Xion and Olette.

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dude Riku and Namine would totally be swingers

Pretty sure Olette is getting London-Bridged by Hayner and Fatty

>You will never have Sex with Xion while she wears a black leather version of this sweater

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Olette hates that fat insulin fuck

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Daily reminder Nomura ruined KH3

based but bluepilled

Who's the biggest whore out of all the KH girls? Hard mode: No Larxene

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i would say the is too truthfull to cheat on Mickey. now Daisy on the other hand....

She has canonically fucked two guys so far and maybe somebody literally obsessed with her by fucking with his memories. She's a whore

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>expecting a main character to get a gay ending
Sora was always for Kairi. I got my Lea x Isa though so i'm fine de su.

Ventus can have Olette.

>Ventus has his hand
Ventus has Chirithy*

>Riku gets Roxas's sloppy seconds
>Roxas gets to fuck best girl everyday now
>Roxas gets the most badass return and solo's Saix
>The only character who can dual wield without outside help

How can one man be so fucking based and such a chad?

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Oh god Xion is so cute.

>Also Xion is the worst character this series has ever produced
Literally the only correct line in this entire post.

We all know Ventus has Ephraim, who's more than definitely alive.

Is this real?
Is this is some false flag, because I hate Xion and her shit eating waifufags with a burning passion, but I refuse to believe they are actually delusional.

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If it's a game before the Fortellers Saga then I'm gonna assume the game before KH4 will be a remake of Union X with the complete full story when it actually gets finished
It will still allow you to make your own customization character with a reworked combat system
All I hope for is that its not something that will be for a handheld console

A Kingdom Hearts Console MMO, huh?

We need a new vocaroo of this

Definitely a falseflag.

>ever finishing it's story

Keyblade Wielder joke class for FFXIV that easily dies to trash mobs when?

>every thread with this autistic shipping cancer
no wonder these threads get deleted, just stay in /vg/ for that shit fucking Christ

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Well he IS the opposite of Sora

I will never go to /vg/ for so long as I live. I'd rather just report all the autistic waifufags whenever they start acting up.

X-2 unironically has both the best job system and the best implementation of the ATB of any Final Fantasy game. You have actual shit taste

>no skindentation what so ever
fanservice my ass

Was she really?

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He's a ghost nigga

>Also Xion is the worst character this series has ever produced
Not even fucking close.

You are gay and retarded confirmed


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Is there an article that I missed?

>implying Ven wants to fuck anybody but his cat

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>One of the reasons so many people love Kingdom Hearts is because it's free of the waifufaggotry and other sluttiness that pollutes over 90% of the Jap game industry.
Has a more incorrect statement ever been written?

Axel might be a literal faggot honestly

imagine being so autistic that you actually enjoy KH3 lmao

I finished it and dropped it like a hot steaming shit. I literally sold the game days after.

It was putrid, unironically garbage. First KH game I don't 100% complete it.

Lea is Nomura's eternal magnet for fujos I think. Everyone else will get paired up but him so fujos keep buying the games.

fuck no it was horrible.
ATB just sucks ass and should never be used.

>ATB just sucks
Stopped reading there.

Opinion discarded.

Never say never user. For all we know Axel might get paired up with Saix since they're buddies again.

Isa is pretty focused on Skuld I wouldn't put stock in it

Where did he say this?

I won't reveal my sources. Just trust me on this one.

>For all we know Axel might get paired up with Saix
People seriously expect a (semi-)MC having a canon homo pairing? In a mainstream JRPG that's Disney's no less? The best you could hope so would be a Sorey/Mikleo ending and even then Nomura already gave Lea and Isa a female friend (to make yet another trio).


I'm not saying I expect it or want it, but anything is possible. We don't even know much about Skuld either really. At the most I could see Isa, Lea, and "Skuld" breaking off into their own Trio with Namine joining Roxas clique, but that's up in the air.

I think Naminé is just with Riku and whatever group he's part of at any given moment.

>Schrodinger's cuck

Still seething even outside of khg aren't you fujo?

What? That's a joke about how user saying that Riku's lack of presence means she's sucking fat Roxas dick.

>Nomura confirmed that we will get one game before Kingdom Hearts 4.
It said "at least one".

It's gonna be more than one guaranteed

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half of them are dead

>kingdom hearts

No he's right most of them are dead.

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Cute double date!

Could Terra outdrink everyone?

>tfw you realize Aqua is 18 and legally still too young to buy alcohol

Oh man Scrogee’s restaurant is going to get shut down selling alcohol to an underage girl .

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Scrooge has every government official in his pockets

>and legally still too young to buy alcohol
fucking americans and their retarded laws

Aqua isn't American.

>18 and legally still too young

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Why are europeans so obsessed with Americans?
I don’t live in America and the drinking age is 20.

Your country is as garbage as the US is then, congrats!

>Bothering to break rules I made to begin with
Laddy, once ya own the system it's nothin but coin.
As if you would know ya wish fountain divin peasant.

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Wouldn't she technically be in her 30s thanks to all that time in the realm of darkness?

>actually thinking they will stay dead after that shitshow in kh3

Nah time doesn't flow in the RoD

You just want more waifubait garbage you fucking degenerates.

Play KH3, Aqua literally says multiple times that she was trapped there 10 years.

She knows its been 10 years because Mickey told her in 0.2, which if you played you'd know time doesn't flow because she says so. Nomura himself says so. So yeah in the RoL time has progressed but Aqua has been stuck in her age because RoD doesn't follow the same laws.

Yes, ten years in real time. For her it probably felt more like a week to a month.

It's probably more apt to say that one doesn't age there. Because time definitely passed.

I think prior to 0.2 she had no idea. I recall her saying something like "I have no idea how long I've been fighting here"

This is a fujo series retard, the cardboard female """"characters"""" are self inserts for fujos while also being there to break up the obvious homo tension between the guys

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>Because time definitely passed
Not in the RoD. We see fountains stuck in the middle of spraying out because when they got thrusted into it time stopped, water that you flowmotion onto because they're stuck and rocks floating in the air mid explosion. The only reason the clock rolled back time is because of magic gears which have zero explanation.

I have become woke Yea Forums . Face My Fears is hands down the best KH opening . Everything from the visuals, animations and the actual song is godly.

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>magic gears which have zero explanation.

This will be explained in the next game for sure.

I dunno, can't think of a reason we'll go back there but anything is possible

Doesn't mean he can't have threesomes with Roxas and Xion. He'd just be sticking the dick in a different hole.

Yeah I kind of feel like it's like a dream. It can feel like eternity and yet be over in an instant.

sounds like a pretty good idea actually

I kind of wish we did. I mean, did they ever explain how Aqua lost her keyblade?

Yeah she left it on DI at the end and it went back to the Realm of Light. Keyblades are at least partially sentient so it dematerialized until it was needed again.

It's just dark realm magic like the mirrors.

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Somebody gets this idea over to Nomura right fucking now. This needs to happen

Ah right. I was just thinking of bullshit reasons to try and allow us to play as some of the other wielders. Like, maybe we spend some time with Kairi and Lea to get a hang of controls and such since they're training

Top five keyblades objectively the order doesn't master
Master Defender>Diamond Dust>Ultima (DDD)>Oblivion>One Winged Angel

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I wonder when & how did Aqua & Terra come into Eraqus's care?

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I imagine pretty young and around the same time. Seemed like they had been training together for a while before Ventus came onto the scene.

From Best to worst
Ends of the Earth > Chaos Ripper > Oathkeeper/Oblivion > Ultima (kh2) > Way to dawn

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>Blocks your light

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Roxas finished first so he's dominant and thus not gay

Why the hell did no one find it the entire stretch from 1-3?

Cause it dematerialized

Don't worry, they're actually good guys! God that was so fucking retarded.

How did it rematerialize for Sora yo find it?