post low poly games like pic related
Post low poly games like pic related
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that doesn't really look that low
That's not REAL low poly
This game is pretty ok
it's a fucking ps1 game
it's a PS1 game with style, it's hard to tell how many polys are actually there, but it still is low poly.
Did someone port A Hat in Time to the PSX?
Megaman Legends and Dr. Slum have very similar artstyles
Yo! Noid!2
>ps1 games arent low poly
christ above
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
PS1 games are the epitome of low-poly you fucking dumbass.
So is this game any good?
soul imitation
I have this one but I don't know the source.
I made it to the first boss and died in 3 hits. Kind of disheartening.
how about no poly
what gaem
Absolutely barren of anything resembling soul
No idea.
I don't even know if it is from a game or not.
Racing Lagoon on PS1.
Is this low poly ?
underrated game
Cute as heck.
I can literally see vertices
t. doesn't know jack about video games
What game?
Is that a robot girl? What game?
low poly, high test
Thx m8
That's just a model without shading, doesn't look lowpoly.
which game is this?
Scroll a bit down and you'll find her. I can't find anything on the game's name, or if it was ever released even. What a shame.
wizard of oz ds iirc
some phantasy star for ds
I played PDS a few months ago. I was really impressed by how good it looked and how smoothly it played for a 3D Saturn game.
brudda im gonna have to ask ya to pass the sauce for this one.
phantasy star zero for the original ds
>rpg Wizard of Oz
yeah the PS1 was really ahead of it's time
Fuck, I've played this game before but I don't remember what it's called
Did you emulate it?
I've had troubles getting disc 4 to work, even though I've tried several sources and a few different emulators.
what are some good pixel art artists?
Zoom zoom zoom
Yeah, using mednafen. I had a lot of trouble getting it working until I eventually realised the image I'd downloaded had the entire directory specified in the CUE sheet instead of just the filename, but after I fixed that I didn't have any trouble. That was the second image I got though, the first one I got didn't work at all.
The DS was the last system to have this kind of aesthetic isn't it
Migel Futoshi
That game looks so much better than it has any right to be
May I ask where you got the working image from?
need for madness I think
Sorry user, I don't remember. It wasn't hard to find though.
Though there's probably some 3DS games that do it.
mydick, thats beautiful.
theress something about lowpoly that can pull this off that would just look generic and not half as charming in CGI.
tfw no jsrf remaster/port ever :/
Just remember to head back to the beginning and follow the seagulls ;)
or the tutorial for how to attain a scene like this
>light and shaders
>no jaggies
>1:1 reflection in the water
Low poly doesn't mean just low detailed textures
Not gonna lie I fucking hate games like this, create a decent base only to just cheap out on the visuals cus its an indie game and every damn one has to look like this nowdays.
Too complex.
I wouldn't mind knowing that myself.
I nabbed it from a thread on /wsg/
I wish developers weren't forced to be CUTTING EDGE TECH all the time. The look of low poly is so nice and I would like games to focus on things other than limit pushing graphics. Having a nice visual style is more important to me.
*loud autistic screeching*
JSRF is so bogus, they took away the dance moves from large and XL graffiti. Like, you can't really do tricks like in Tony Hawk in any significant way, changing the spray to a button press in ever instance made the game sort of dull.
Personally I think Night Shift is better.
Too bad the colors, background and character are ugly as sin
it also has displacement maps and occlusion maps
>Low poly doesn't mean just low detailed textures
no, but it usually involves using base textures only, with the purpose to NOT create higher poly count illusion(which displacement maps do) and to only use visually detailed textures(not necessarily hi-res) to simulate lights and shadow without the aid of lighting effects on texture details(which occlusion maps do)
I wonder if it's harder nowadays to replicate this visual style than just going with a modern aesthetic. And I mean actually replicate and not just low res textures.
this style was born out of limitations so probably yeah
I should play it again some time.
Lost in Vivo and Dusk do pretty well at copying it, as well as the guy who made since he has like 4 games that try to copy PS1 graphics.
Her play through is so awful. The dude had a good motivation, and he got to turn into monsters an shit. She was just a dick head going around acting better than everyone.
Fucking love Star Fox.
depends on the model artist, but in general yes, it is harder nowadays because without limitations, creativity is not developed the same way it was back then, so when and if faced with the old limitations, most current model artist wouldnt know how to deal with them.
they surely could, but it'd take them more time and effort because their creativity doesnt work the same way it did for older model artists, so it's "harder".
But working on self imposing those limitations as practice can help
How well does this game emulate?
Indie games tend to be visually simple for a reason user.
What are you expecting games made solo or by tiny groups of people to look like?
High resolution textures and such are expensive and time consuming, they're not feasible for most small independent developers.
I feel like theres a mid point between this and 6th generation standard. Dreamcast and early PS2 games have chunky ass models with flat textures
I think I have some from him saved on my pc, I'm pretty sure this one is from him.
I would say very easy. You look at what was the limit for hardware back then go off that. Of course today's machines can handle more so you really gotta force the limitations on you. Like games such as Tony Hawk or any sport title look "better" than Spyro due to it being an open world platformer which has to render more thus requiring things to be simpler looking. So depending on what you wanna make, determines the detail and complexity of the objects with the set parameters of what the PSX/N64/Saturn generation could do.
>Lost in Vivo does a pretty well at copying low poly style
no it doesnt?
it's lower poly than usual, and it's a good game with very good graphics, but it uses a lot of techniques, shadings, and ambient lighting, it's really, really far form even getting close to low poly style
It's a real damn shame this game happened to come out around the time as the anime. It'll forever be stuck with the inferior redesigns no one wants to remember.
That looks like Golden Sun Dark Dawn, but I could be wrong.
I really do think Legends aged well in terms of looks
Is Deep Rock Galactic low poly?
>Deep Rock Galactic
I fucking love everything about this
where is it from?
Gotcha, had a feeling it wasn't. Still pretty cool looking though.
Nice try, faggot.
low poly is not just about low poly count, it's also about limitations and art style, layering maps on top of textures to simulate lighting and higher poly count(look at those bars in front of the windows) defeats the purpose and beauty of low poly.
this is a perfect example of excellent low poly
each shadow and light is baked into the textures, nothing is simulated, and high details is achieved with detailed texture work rather than maps adding higher poly illusion
Fairly certain this is Twilight Syndrome.
Same works for this. Low-poly is all in the texture.
It's a normal DS game, so pretty well. Upscaling resolution on DS is somewhat demanding as always, though.
>low poly is not just about low poly count
We're not living in your made-up fantasy world where you get to decide definitions, so yes it is.
That's not low poly at all. In fact it probably has more polygons than if you were to make the same scene but without that voxel aesthetic.
Not only the last, but the best. They were limited on polygons but had access to modern modelling and animation techniques, unlike with the early low poly gens.
looks sick
what game is this from?
i didnt decide definitions, it is what it is.
if you put 4 or more layers of texure maps on top of a cube so that changing perspective and light source position effectively gives the illusion of hundreds of poly, it doesnt matter that it only has 6 polys and 8 verts, it's not low poly.
just because it's named "low poly" it doesnt mean it's limited exclusively to that.
if that was the case, any 5 years old drawing random stuff on XP paint would be a pixel artist because there's no aliasing and the image ends up like a bunch of pixelated lines and colors.
It's from low-poly artist's blog, it's not a game and will never be
alright then
What is this post even saying?
Here to say that this game was genuinely good and criminally underrated.
nintendo power gave it a 6/10 as i recall
>low poly model
>4k ultra HD textures
That's an accurate score but it was still really good. I'd buy a remake in a heartbeat if they stepped up to the plate.
Love this game
I promised to not just order it online but buy it immediately if I ever saw it in-person. Took ten years and $80 bucks.
Before that I emulated it and burnt it to disc to play on my ps1
Those are 256x256 at most
does nobody on this god damn board know what the fuck low poly means anymore?
Wow that looks terrible.
I don't have webms, sorry
first, those textures are 256x256
second, as long as everything is baked into the textures themselves, it could even use 16K hi-res textures
to me it means ps1, 32x, saturn, and nintendo ds. Hard Drivin' and Steel Talons are notable mentions
Low poly is more of a style than an actual polycount.
top soul
Here's some NIGHTS
YIIK is beautiful low poly.
it is both, and the illusion of high details should only be given via texture art, with no aid of maps that alter the polycount perception.
even the most basic bump map should be avoided as it gives the illusion of higher poly count where there is none(i.e. the emboss of a logo or emblem drawn on a flat polygon)
I remember this from /agdg/, any news on it or was it abandoned?
That dialogue box was a bad design choice. The rest looks fine.
I don't get how the same board that often hates pixel art (beautiful and timeless) can love early 3d (the ugliest games have ever been).
Look at this shit.
Ni No Kuni for NDS
the backgrounds look nice but the actual sprites look like a 90's tier digital insert.
They clash with the backgrounds really hard.
both are good you're a fagtron
Is there anywhere I can download 3D models that were used in old games to examine in Blender?
you're especially a fagtron
are you saying you see no beauty or artistic value in OP's pic, or stuff like , , , , or ?
I don't mind low poly because you can make it look good with textures. This is super ugly.
Yea Forums doesn't hate pixel art, it hates when modern indie devs badly emulate pixel art as an excuse for their lack of artistic talent.
Shit taste.
Nah we went from a peak to a deep valley. gen 5 was full of growing pains. It has some of the most beautiful games and some real stinkers. It wouldn't be until the brown and bloom era that games would be that ugly again.
Are you retarded?
I'm saying I could post pixel art blowing any of those out of the water that was likely created earlier.
Nah, not true at all. Little zoomer fucks on this board hate it period. Dead Cells for example looks great.
I hate that moving textures shit the PS1 had.
NP around the DS era also said that 6.0 wasn't a bad score and that it just didn't mean the game was amazing when addressing letters in Pulse. 7.0-7.5 was the most common score I remember seeing for titles that had a mostly positive review.
i was replying mostly to your "the ugliest games have ever been", not to the comparison to pixel art.
That’s not low-poly
literally the perfect videogame aesthetic
It was because the PS1 was shit at managing subpixel geometry
Post low poly horror games
what game
The dragon looks good. The backgrounds look good. The moving characters on the left don't look as good. Still good, just less so.
There isn't any black being used as lineart anywhere except on the characters on the left. Its jarring as fuck.
Take it as personal as you need to. I don't care.
Is this a joke
That's no excuse for flat textures.
Well I stand by that statement. On the whole the only era that was nearly as ugly was brown and bloom. Of course there are exceptions to any rule.
I love it
Yeah I know the reason, I still find it repulsive. Non-PS1 3D games from the same period look way better imo.
I don't take it personally, I just look down on you for your low visual intelligence.
is this from something?
I enjoyed it m, although I feel it doesn’t live up to the potential of the idea.
>Nah, not true at all. Little zoomer fucks on this board hate it period. Dead Cells for example looks great.
Dead Cells isn't pixel art though.
I’ve always loved Four Heroes of Light’s artstyle, but I kinda wished they had toned down the chibi heads just a bit.
Fucke me. I have to play this game, where do I get my hands on a rom of it?
ie - I take it personal.
I'll counter you and say Minstrel Song on PS2 was a better looking game. I know, I know, everyone says that game is ugly as sin. I find it a perfect modernization of real low poly looks.
Everything is uniform and inspired.
I thought this was Pokémon sword and shield from the thumbnail to shitpost
lowpoly in this game sucks huge ass. gameplay might be good (I never played it) but it's fucking ugly as shit
Even a pixel shader looks great when done right, but some of it is actual pixel art as well.
>this is a perfect example of excellent low poly
>1157 tris
>ultra hi res textures
shiggy diggy. you are retarded
did notch make this?
i appreciate both, Yea Forums isn't a single person
This is great. They could totally go for 64x64 alpha though.
>ultra hi res textures
those are 256x256 textures
>1157 tris
which is very much ow poly
imagine AAA game with low poly
Low-poly just feels right for videogames for some reason, look at that tree in the background of pic related, that's the most climbable tree you'll ever see
good low poly?
PSP was less limited but had cool stuff too.
Any room site that hosts Saturn games should have it.
Just search for Panzer Dragoon Saga rom
A-Train or something? That game ruled
I get this reference
This board loves well done pixel art, but hates modern indie games with the laziest, minimalist pixel art you can imagine.
They don't use pixel art out of love and want to do it justice but as an excuse to put in the least amount of effort.
That's Densha De Go
yea but never happen :(
it is, it's from like the first scene or something, i remember it
Indie devs aren't forced either and very few of them are doing good-looking shit.
Fact is, it's always hard to make good-looking stuff, it doesn't depend on the poly count.
Isn't proper low poly anything sub-3000 tris?
Look at the geometry of 2B's ass and tell me 1157 tris is too much.
Doesn't get more low poly than this
guess the game
hey does smash 64 count as low poly I love that game
Man, I'm getting all nostalgic now.
The days as a kid playing so many ps1 and n64 games.
And maplestory
get prepared for this board to "hate" low-poly as well as soon as the soulless untextured low-poly meme explodes in the indie community, they're the equivalent of no-effort pixelshit
i want to semen this demon
Whoa what master work is this?
MDK is still a great example of how important good texture work is for low poly art.
ellis a cute! cute!!
Bushido Blade
When exactly did low poly mean paper mache?
Was it TF2 or the assorted steam sales using this shit aesthetic?
Nah, people will differentiate between diffuse shit and the soulful texture stuff
What do you mean get ready? It's already happening and the new pixelshit.
this looks like shit though. the textures are what makes low poly pop.
Here is a good "untextured" low-poly.
Perfect dark?
A ghost in the shell game?
Well there are limits to low poly at which point it no longer looks appealing.
It's about being as efficient as possible while being as stylistic as possible.
In my opinion the FFVII overworld models are bad low poly work.
fear effect?
Dr. Slump > Dragon Ball
this is great. What's it from?
People already do hate it though and so far a clear distinction has been made between the two.
It would need more optimizations if they're trying to get him on a PS1
>texture eats a good chunk of VRAM
>polycount is a tad too high
>ps1 can't into alpha maps
Fuck I love Germs, I wish I new Moonrunes
>ps1 can't into alpha maps
it could do that shit when certain hex color value is treated as alpha
PC games always looked better. Specially better than the PS1 ones with the texture bug the console had.
MechWarrior 2
It's so bland, that it goes full circle and becomes actually stylistic appealing again. Helps that it doesn't try to depict humans.
unfortunately I'm really used to it and think it gives the games a certain charm most of the time
Posting more Oni, it's PS2 ear but still low poly.
Yeah I know about 1-bit alphas, however the current texture setup won't work on the PS1.
>texture bug
Shut up zoomer
literally replace black BG with cyan and call it a day. he still needs like 25% of his polycount though.
I love it, it gave soul to 3D.
How can modern games even compete?
That shit is ugly, deal with it. Every people who didn't had a PS1 at the time would tell you that it's only nostalgia that makes you like it. It's not a boomer vs zoomer shit.
I wasted so much time playing this game
The word you want to use is nostalgia. Look a Thief for example, the 3D doesn't need that to have soul.
Check out Empires Apart. The devs use graphics very much like in your picture and call it a style but it's very clearly dev graphics.
I actually forgot the correct term for 'simplistic and badly made graphic asset that's actually a placeholder made by coders and not actual artists/modelers', essentially what Notch did with Minecraft and pretended it was an actual style instead of laziness.
If I remember rightly, the are emulators that can fix this.
Does anyone know if this can be done with Saturn emulation too?
Left is super wrong though.
But it does, early 3D looks super stiff and barren without it
t. zoomer
if porkchops were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs
Left: souless
Right: soulful
It's wrong because it's not the reason why the textures are muddy.
It's called CD3D, OP.
are you legitimately this retarded?
there aren't only these 2 choices user
Best MGS game.
It only depend on the art direction. See SM64.
No idea but wouldn't it look weird ?
why is the texture size inconsistent between the torso and the legs
>See SM64.
The super stiff and barren N64 game? What with it?
I always wished they made a full sanic game in this style for the Saturn
That game was fucking amazing. Most people here won't know the feeling of being 13 years old and experiencing this at the dawn of 3D games. The bit where you fall off the cliff and Lagi glides for the first time in level 2 made me cum. I've probably played this game a couple hundred times.
Plenty of PS1 3D games have better graphics than most games today and before you zoomers chimp out on me i'm talking about visual clarity and not ruining the graphics with shitty effects that are only good at making the player lose focus.
As I said, PC games always looked better.
read this in billy mays voice
their hands are pretty round, doesnt look very low-poly to me
Literally bought this game on a whim, no clue what it was, because Squaresoft made it, and that's really all I needed to know at the time.
carlos i swear to fuck i will throw you in front of this damn magical school fuck
why does low poly give me such a hard on, am i really a boomer? 27 btw
>Plenty of PS1 3D games have better graphics than most games today
That's not saying much. But you're too retarded to see the what I was saying. It's not about then vs now, it's about what could be done then on different platforms. See PS1 games that used pre-rendered graphics doesn't have that problem obviously. And they're the best looking PS1 games because the textures aren't moving in weird directions.
FF7 was on a time modelling in general was very primitive.
There is NO uptick in triangle count on FF8/FF9, Just much better art.
Any good ones to use as wallpaper?
Because that's where you're going to look most of the time, I'd say. The texture on the head is even more detailed.
yeah, just turn off texture filtering
You are the odd one out when thinking the movement was some deal breaker.
I think Ghost in the Shell and Megaman Legends 1/2/Misadventures are the best looking PS1 games to date and they have the floating geometry.
I personally think pre-rendered graphics look like ass. I thought they looked like ass when Donkey Kong Country was first released.
Its like its trying to emulate the "construction paper" look but failed horribly.
>tfw Einhänder, Ghost in the Shell, and Parasite Eve never got released in my country.
>Only find out about those games years later through emulation.
I'm glad that region locking and 50hz/60hz standards are a thing of the past now. I would've bought those games day one back then.
I still don't know if this is a 3D model with a pixel art shader, or just 3D animation rotoscoping.
You overestimate how wide the gap was between PC and PS1 hardware at the time
Yeah, couldn't find any screenshot from the original version of the game. It's the gold version.
Just as god intended.
This game looks fucking incredible
The textures shitting themselves at all time is really destroying the effect of the otherwise good graphics.
I have Gold too, but with TFix Lite it's easy to just disable it
It's the in-texture lighting that does it for me
Holy fucking shit what is this
Ok I should look that up.
Man I love the Peace Walker models.
Cutscenes focus on the face and the camera is closer ot the head than it is to the legs, so the torso and the head get the most.
The remaster didnt look anything like this ;_;
That gun is OP, forgot the name.
I had Ghost in the Shell sitting on my shelf for 2 decades before I put it into my PS2 for the first time.
I literally had a friend kick me in the ass for being so stupid with it. One of the only times I was wowed by my own incompetence.
Incredible Crisis was such a fun, stupid little game
too bad I can't finish it through emulation because it stops working halfway through the mom's missions
Bulk Slash for Sega Saturn
Looks like it's a Makarov.
>Low poly environment
>Pixel art characters
Best combination.
One more part and I'll finally finish this.
low poly is the new 8-bit right? makes sense, 8-bit nostalgia was for the 80s craze, low poly is for this 90s nostalgia everyone is bandwagonning on
Yeah that's it, Makarov PB. Infinite silencer.
Except low poly is hard to create, most devs will avoid using it.
I'm pretty sure it's either Legoman or someone trying to replicate Legomans style, though they never did anything with the model, nor was it released to the public if I recall. Shame, really.
Fuck me I loved some MapleStory before the Big Bang. So many summer days spent with my bros at one of their houses just chilling and playing this. I hear the music from this and just start crying because it sounds great and it takes me back to a better time.
There isn't any real craze for low poly outside of this place, and here it's mostly derived from the soul stuff
Wut gamu ?
It's incredibly easy to recreate, the fact that no one did means it's of no real value.
I got into the game after finding out it was made by the Jumping Flash! guys.
Really fun game with a killer soundtrack and intro.
I could hear everything: the music, the sound effects...
breath of 4's art style was peak low poly 3D with sprites
Why for the last six months or so people suddenly got interested into this game?
I absolutely love this style, wish more game makers would do this. Great aesthetics. I loved playing Die hard arcade, Dynamite Cop, Fighting Force. Guardian heroes. I would play for hours and days.
Please check out my channel, support is appreciated. I love your feed back. Thanks.
Really need to get back on BoF4 some time, its honestly one of the best looking games of all time imo.
Currently playing Xenogears atm and it has a similar style, just a little less polished.
What shit like that happens it's usually one guy spamming.
No it definitely ain't Bernband
Probably got featured by some youtuber.
That's also why all those Memento/Haunting Ground threads are popping up right now.
Highly sexual.
I remember that! They had to clarify that after people got a bit uppity over Nintendo Power giving Metroid Prime Hunters a 6.5/10.
Can western indie shitters even do a 3D game without putting absurd bloom in it?
Yeah, I have the magazine still. There was another one where it was addressing someone who was mad they gave a game (another Metroid title) an 8.5. I remember their reply ended with the words "pretty hearty recommendation."
Man I miss NP. I still have Chris Slate's Mii.
Too bad it sucks cause it sure looks nice
You know I was on board of making a game in a low poly style until I saw this post
Xenogears aged like milk
Maybe he's saying he's a Mr. Saturn.
It's definitely longer than six months, I remember Slump gifs and webms being posted in low poly threads ever since low poly threads were a thing
The towns actually still look fantastic but yeah the dungeons are all pretty bland and ugly so far and all the sprite scaling isn't too appealing either. Spritework itself is good, though.
I'm playing more for the story anyway, though.
I've spent the last year working at it and have had some decent results like this guy. The modeling is really easy, but the texturing is difficult. Every advancement added to 3d modeling programs and game engines have to be undone and turned off to get back to the core shadeless mesh + texture.
There seems to be very few artists pursuing this style, but a very large interest in the aesthetic. It sort of hampers a lot of easy tools. You can't use normal lighting or it'll ruin your hand drawn shadows. You can't interpolate any textures. You can't have connected joints because the polygons are too low to bend correctly.
One day I'll make my low poly 3d pixel texture game. One day.
Nvm found it.
Hyakki Yakou
what game is this
why the FUCK didn't we get this game in the west?!
godspeed user, you're making us proud
fuck this soulless, easy to produce shit
Tron was fucking crazy in hindsight
I'm glad 7th Dragon finished on a handheld. 2020 there I remember people criticizing the graphics for, but I like all the 7th Dragon games in graphics. Shame only the last one got localized.
And what game is this?? Pretty sure the pepsiman 2 thing is just a meme
It says low-poly thread not low-IQ thread, Grog
I'd be interested in learning to draw textures on that style.
Running High
I have this intense desire to play in low poly worlds like this with modern resolution and framerate and there is just nothing out there.
I need to play Panekit again, the ludoest of the rigid bodies based games
This is not low-poly
Thanks. The default skin is a yikes but that Pepsiman mod(? cheat?) Is pretty hot.
Recommend me your best Saturn games Yea Forums
The only one I have as "to play" on my list is Wachenroder.
google could stand to give this book a read
I probably posted the earlier ones. But then they kept getting reposted and people made their own.
Why does that look so good
title search apparently says it's some sort of unreal engine demo
>running and dash animation is just sliding on the ground at different speeds
It should be annoying that the feet and distance covered don't sync up but it's honestly really satisfying. It looks so smooth.
panzer dragoon
Project Aurora: Moonrise
From trial and error I can tell you a few tips: when unwrapping, you need to organize your islands with snap to pixel and try to make everything as square as possible. Then your texture should basically be pixel art, don't try drawing your art to fit the model, draw the details you want in boxes, then fit the UV over the details. Study the textures from Mega Man Legends closely and you'll learn a ton. It's pretty much a bunch of rectangles filled with detail. Not like a high res UV where everything is organic curves that look like you skinned the person and put their pelt on a wall.
is that the new Pokemon game for the Nintendo Switchâ„¢
best thread on Yea Forums
wish I could contribute more
>that autism
2dfighterfags are the worst kind
Elevator Action Returns
Battle Garegga
Silhouette Mirage
Radiant Silvergun
Guardian Heroes
Darius Gaiden
Cotton Boomerang
Cotton 2
Hyper Duel
Dragonforce 1-2
Bulk Slash
Die Hard Arcade
They were developing one called Sonic Xtreme, but it got canned after going through development hell.
sky target although that's on mame as well
What's the problem ? SFV look like shit, nothing new here.
3D can't even compete
I think the less expressive 3d counterpart is due to the way the skeleton is rigged. It just can't pull off that flexibility and personality the sprite does.
Ridger Racer 4 and AC3 are pretty cool.
I like you.
Disney expressions are the best
>the gif's filename ends in "sex"
>Not adding top textures to the discs.
Hell, make it all one flat block but texture it properly.
This and R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 are peak overall visual/sound design, muh dick
are you 12 or something
The dev hasn't posted anything since 2017
not rotoscoping or 3D, the fire effect in the balls is just a shader
All the people who use that reaction pic act like they are 12, I noticed.
imagine making gifs in 2018 and spamming them on Yea Forums
and not giving the name of the game, as if we should all just know all these semi-obscure games from 20 years ago
>skipping leg day
Making 3D assets is a multitude harder than 2D ones, and when they look bad it's noticeable.
That's why despite low poly being a thing a lot of indie devs stray away from using it.
It's 2019 faggot, get with the time.
Thanks anons. I'll go and dl these from the site I usually use, hopefully they aren't all as big as Panzer Dragoon Saga, which is apparently a 1.1GB rar file.
Any recommendations of an emulator for them? I could buy them at the local shop but PDS itself is $800 there and I don't know if they have any Saturns themselves.
Making good sprites is much harder and more work intensive than making a good 3D model.
I'd say its probably the worst combo, from the perspective of how it ages anyway.
It CAN look good if done well, but fairly often it was just sprites lazily overlaying a polygonal map that doesn't try to blend with the sprites resulting in some serious style clash.
I love grandia, but some things about its graphics have not aged well.
I'm looking forward to the remaster... whenever the hell that is.
Nobody's making good sprites anyway.
Forgot hastily googled image.
The hard part of good poly isn't the modeling, it's making the textures.
Which are essentially pixelart sprites that have been warped to fit on a UV map.
And if you're animating your textures it's even harder.
I agree with you that making good sprites is hard, but good lowpoly models are just as if not even more difficult.
Even half decent ones. It's not exactly easy to make shitty sprites either but it's the realm of possiblity of fucking hacks. That's why indie games use them.
3D models are infinitely easier even at an amateur level though, but some people just won't learn how to model.
>overacting thot
I dream of making a comfy childhood game in the PS1 style and a low poly aesthetic
Wow, what is this "canvas falls" thing, some kind of forgotten side-game?
It looks a lot like classic Spyro, but I don't remember any mode like that in the main trilogy. Looks interesting though.
>making a sprite
>draw them exactly like you need
>add any amount of deformation
>break any rules of physics things can pop in and out of existence and bend ant impossible angles
>make 3d model
>have to rig it to minimize unwanted deformations
>limited by your engine in ways an animation can happen
>have to keep in mind textures reacting to deformation (like crotches and armpits)
>have to animate cloth separately if you want good results
>have to animate hair separately if you want it look real
Say waht you want, but making a quality 3d model is just more work than making a quality sprite.
not extrapolate that work to multiple characters. making 20 sprites vs 20 models with similar body/skeleton
I wanna make one about the internet, following the style of shows about computers that knew nothing about computers from the late 90s.
Heavy focus on individual stylization of places, but at the end of the game, everything is replaced by generic and standardized designs, clean and minimalist, just like reddit/google/facebook vs independent fan sites.
That's two of us user. And I will. And it will be glorious.
It's a Spyro fan game that got C&Ded into rebranding, not finished yet
You need to draw that quality sprite for each and every individual frame which that cost of that will out weigh the 3d one since after you make the model and skeleton you can use it how you want.
The problem here is that you're talking about one sprite vs one polyginal character model.
With sprites every pixel of every object has to be hand crafted.
With a 3d model, once you've got a basic model made you can reuse this many times over to make numerous character models.
Warp it a bit for some variance and toss some clothes wrapper textures on and you've just made fifty character for the price of one.
If I pay the toll can I use this for making the assets for a game?
when I finish all these goddamn essays I might give it a go
holy fuck I thought it was just pixel art.
Oh shit, not digging the character model, but the MUSIC is absolutely dope. Whoever's doing the music for this definitely respects and understands Copeland's unique style.
Seeing this for the first time, this fangame demo thing is definitely promising. The colors, textures, and item-breaking animations, and I'd even say level design, are all reminiscent of the original trilogy. It sucks that they got C&Dd, but I'd probably much rather trust these guys with making a faithful spyro continuation than the guys who did the trilogy remaster.
cyberpunk could have been like this instead of being a reskined gtav.
Im still mad.
Stuff like yiik use "shit high poly trying to pretend to be low poly with flat colors that also hide the hideous mesh"
Cheating, the driver should be a texture on the windshield.
kino game, too bad the sequel took a huge shit on the story.
what game? it feels like I've played it before.