Fable Series

I remember everyone shitting on each of these games every time they came out. What does Yea Forums think of them now?

Attached: 2260708-fable.jpg (246x328, 11K)

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Lost Chapters is great. Don't know why they ruined Jack's voice though.

Played the shit out of the first fable when I was younger. They did a pretty good job of making you feel like you were on a journey. Never had any interest at all in playing fable 2 or 3. Which is odd considering how much I enjoyed the first one. Maybe I had a gut feeling they were going to be absolutely shit.

They're shallow, casual as fuck. The combat is unengaging and bland. There's more broken promises than actual content in the games, they're missed potential at its finest.
I love The Lost Chapters.

Fable 1 is alright, I remember 2 and 3 getting shit on because it was impossible to die

lost chapters and 2 are good games. 3 might just be the worst game i ever played

>They're shallow, casual as fuck. The combat is unengaging and bland. There's more broken promises than actual content in the games, they're missed potential at its finest.

Yeah, pretty much spot on.

The Lost Chapters is great. I have no idea what they did to Anniversary, but that PC port is horrendous.

I enjoyed them, most of the reactions I'm seeing are more or less justified though.

My objective opinion is that they were fantastic though, the game's feeling and atmosphere is up there with KotOR for me.

Fable 2 wasn’t that bad. It had a worse story and combat but the world, exploration, customization, and life features (starting a family, buying shops and houses, etc) are all pretty good. The setting can be hit or miss depending on your personal tastes but I really liked it.

Fable 3 isn’t worth playing imo.

How do I get chest hair? I noticed that some of the attribute previews show a very muscular hero with a lot of body hair.

people saying lost chapters is good but fable 1 is not are legally retarded. They are the same fucking game. This isnt a jump like dark souls 2 to sotfs. Fucking posers

See that acorn? You can plant it, and watch it grow in real time!

The acorn

Your health is low...

I liked the first game. I played 2 but remember nothing about it. I never touched 3. Was 3 that bad?

He must be related to Todd

1 was good, Lost Chapters made it even better.
2 was great, easily the best of the lot.
3 was shit.

... do you have any potions, or food?

>Was 3 that bad?

It started out decently, but turned into absolute shit when you got the crown.

>hit or miss
I guess lionhead never miss huh

Attached: nyan.jpg (481x580, 23K)

He's the original, Todd is just his ersatz.

Todd’s been at this for awhile tho

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They have historical importance but as games you can do a lot better (even for the time).

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1 is the only relevant game in the series.
It had so much potential that never got expanded on with the sequels.
What a shame.

>but turned into absolute shit when you got the crown.
Isn't being king the end of the game?

No way this is real.

the problem with the fable series is each entry gets hyped up as the greatest game ever when in reality they are average wrpg

Played it because a friend talk wonders about it. Couldn't believe how uninspired everything was, from the character models to the setting and the story. I don't remember anything about the combat, but I guess it wasn't so great either.

Fable 1 was nice overall. Had some sections I wasn't crazy about but still.

Fable 2 was actually pretty ok, but it had some bullshit like the ending, big glitches, the fucking door with that fucking jumpscare for no reason and of course, the whole thing where you're invincible because the only thing you get for dying is a scar

Fable 3 I didn't play much, because I honestly could not find it entertaining

>The combat is unengaging and bland
The combat in the first game is fairly solid with a lot of options, and it lasts just enough to not become boring.

Can anyone tell me why so many people hated Anniversary?

Fable 1 is good

Fable 2 is not as good but still good

Fable 3 is the biggest pile of shit that I've ever had the displeasure to play

Fable 2 is awful don’t get it

I wanted to play Fable 2 but its only for xbox, so I tried Fable 3 instead. On the surface its the same game but somehow its a hell of a lot worse

Ugly redesigns, it lost its fairy talish charm. The original still looks great and there is no reason not to play it.

I played the first game like 5 times. Honestly loved it and appreciated it for what it was, didn't follow the pre-release hype though so that probably helped.

It cost $60
It looked fucking hideous (TLC looked ugly but it's a charming kind of ugly, Anniversary is just HD ugly)
It added DLC to the game (and not the good kind)
It didn't fix any bugs or glitches

It's just a shitty $60 version of Fable

Oldfags hate 1 because of the broken Moleyneux promises, but it's still a pretty good game
I like 2 - not as much as 1 - but some dislike it because the story is as bad as Fallout 4's and it's a little bit dumbed down compared to 1, but it added new shit like jobs, guns, etc. so people are generally positive to it
Everyone universally hates 3

It sacrificed the classic artstyle for new graphics that already looked dated when it came out and didn't add anything meaningful

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I never touched anything beyond 2 but I unironically loved them. They're just really short.

God, both look terrible, but at least the classic one has an excuse

In retrospect, 2 is just as good as 1. 3 is still garbage.

I want my Scythe armor, tho.

It's fucking terrible. The game was NOT playable on 360 and on PC it just looks plain worse than TLC.

Attached: Fable Anniversary 2016-08-03 02-15-52-63.jpg (1912x1076, 180K)

the new faces on all characters are just lacking any personality at all, they really just look shit

the old one at least has some charm

Attached: medium-480-fableanniversary-grafikvergleich-pic.jpg (480x270, 35K)

>The game was NOT playable on 360
Really? I can't see it being that demanding.

It was buggy as fuck and performance was terrible. The company behind it is notoriously shit at remastering games and this was one of their earlier works. I don't know if it's still up but the official forums were absolutely full of pissed off fans.

Attached: Fable 2018-09-25 11-13-27-49.jpg (1904x1040, 375K)

>your Health is low do you have any potions or food
>Try to gets your combat multiplier even higher
Game was comfy

>tfw Lords of Shadow was a sequel to the Fable series

first console i played it on it ran perfectly


Maybe Fable 4 will be what we've been waiting for all along.

Attached: fable_3_do_anything.gif (600x1600, 36K)

TLC is pretty fun
Fable 2 is the best because of Hammer who is the best waifu

Never played Fable 3

Why the fuck couldn't Microsoft port Fable 2 to PC? I ain't about to emulate that shit

Not worth playing

Your-yo-you-yo-yourma-yourmanaislow....wat tha

You're not worth playing

lock-on controls for magic suck but the melee and ranged combat are okay. how good fable is depends on your playstyle. it's definitely not a "play how you want" kind of game. it's a straight-foward action game with a skill tree system where there are clear superior choices. if you pick all the meta things it's an enjoyable, albeit superficial game. if you do anything else you will quickly grow frustrated because the save system is absolute ass. "NPC I have to protect keeps running into enemies and I have to restart the entire mission even including talking to the quest giver every time" - tier.
it also has the GTA money problem where you can't afford anything for a few hours and then suddenly you're a bazillionaire and never worry about money again but also there's nothing left to buy after one shopping trip.

Then’d why’d ur mom play with me last night?

Nice little RPG
>Fable II
One of the best ones ever made. Although you don't "die" in the game, it has difficulty and you don't wanna lose fights due to losing exp. Also the best shit Molyneux ever wrote.
>Fable III
Had some neat ideas, nice steampunk world, but was ultimately worse. The combat had zero tension, you didn't die, but there was also no punishment for dying and you literally couldn't lose any fight if you didn't forced your death. I got the "Never died" achievement in my first playthrough without realizing. You just get bored halfway through.
The best part of III was the 1-2 hours near the end where you acted as a king.

Lionhead is dead. We aren't going to get any Fable games ever.

Some group of randos teased a new Fable in development, but of course there's no Lionhead around so expect either shit or something different

Playing Fable Anniversary for the first time right now and enjoying it. Love the voice acting and the world itself.

Not sure what the hate was for this game. Or is it specific as it's a remaster?

Just bought the lost chapters on steam a few months ago. Fun, but enemies get really god damn bullet spongey later on. I'm running around with the solus greatsword and maxed multihit, but most enemies still take several wacks.

"We had to scrap radiant AI because the npcs were killing others to get food and shit."

Or you lied to us, Todd. Why would NPCs stab each other for rat meat unless you programmed that to be a possible action to take?

loved all 3 of them. they have flaws like any other game but no games do what they do. kids here just have shit taste

The internet wasn't very popular in the 90s. It was mostly for nerds. Todd was a nerd making video games, what the fuck surprises you about some nerd in the 90s going where nerds go to tell other nerds about his video game? If he did this in 2019 I'd be surprised, the internet is different now, but if you're surprised by that pic you've revealed yourself as an underage retard


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Just look at it, it's fucking ugly.
The UI is also pretty bad if you play on PC.

It's better than nothing, I'll give it a shot.

Redguard was nowhere near as good as Diablo.
Fuck you for recommending him an inferior game, Todd.

Attached: Fable 2018-09-25 11-12-02-35.jpg (1904x1040, 570K)

I'm playing it on Xbox One X - it looks great. Do you mean graphics or art style? Don't have an issue with either.

It's just hard to believe that he sounds just what you'd expect him to from the memes.

Worst part is they slapped so much bloom on everything when you try to disable it the game just shits on itself and looks even worse than before.

the memes imitate the person, not the other way around. the memes only exist because he really is like that

Is that TLC or Anniversary?

>obtain Jacks mask
>you look nowhere near as cool as he did
Fuck you, Lionhead.

now I'm triggered

Attached: Fable Anniversary 2014-09-17 18-41-04-15.jpg (1908x1132, 309K)

That's TLC.

Playground will save the franchise. We'll see gameplay this E3 without a doubt.

You get to have horns with Jack's mask, user.
It's way cooler.