Kills melee in your path

>kills melee in your path

Nothing personell, kid.

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>b-tatsu IWs your income source

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All my meleefag friends talk about how good looking he is, but I just don't see it. They talk about how he is basically model tier. Why do people suck his dick so hard>?

If your other pros look like that it's not hard to imagine why they flock to one that looks normal.

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he looked good before he got fat

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So was it actually his fault Melee got kicked out of evo?
What did he do?

No, people are mad he plays a character that is "annoying" to play against and claim that because it plays so different from the standard melee meta characters it should be frowned upon or even banned.

what about armada?

>those shitty tattoos


>hurrr it's Hbox's fault
>hurrr it's Jiggly's fault
>hurrr it's wobbling's fault

Melee lived because all other Smash games sucked competitively. 64 was archaic. Brawl was the antichrist of fighting games. 4 was about to kill it until people realized it was just as bad. Now that there is actually a good competitive game, Melee can finally get out of the seat it's been warming. It's of no offense to Melee, but if Brawl was half as good competitively as Melee was, that scene wouldn't exist. This is just how things naturally go.

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can someone please explain how's melee is dying?
i keep seeing all these post but never any thing backing it up
everyone knows beginning and end of the year is typically the off season with genesis the only real tournament in january and nothing until march-april

Melee isnt at evo this year


evo dropping it means basically no other large lan events are gonna fuck with it anymore

melee might not die, but it sure as hell ain't gonna be supported by anyone outside it's pre-existing stank-filled community anymore

it's not like evo was the flagship tournament of the year or even close to being it
yeah it was good exposure but it's a bit of a stretch to say no evo this year is gonna be the end of melee for good

>one trick pony now out of a job

why doesn’t he git gud at other fighting games like leffen

Oh wow, I've never actually seen skinny hbox before. He is pretty handsome.

FGC members have terrible thought processes and I wouldn't be surprised if Melee comes back to EVO

>melee players smell

what’s the story behind this, I thought it was a meme.

and Dreamhacks all will still probably host melee events along with Ultimate events

>evo dropping it means basically no other large lan events are gonna fuck with it anymore
aren't the only fgc majors melee has been at evo and ceo? most of melees major tournaments are smash tournaments, it won't change much.

Evo is basically the olympics of fighting games. Your game not being there means it's fading into irrelevancy.

Good thing Smash isn't a fighting game

that's why ultimate is there huh

they might keep melee events going for this year since you could mark it as a /transitional/ period, but in 2020 don't be surprised if none of those events have melee there in any official capacity

Pre patch diddy and sheik were the most fun characters to play in all of smash history. Diddy got the crowd engaged and Sheik was hype to watch. Imagine if Melee got constant balance patches to nerf Sheik, Fox, Marth, Jigglypuff and, Falco. It would not be as fun to play and watch ata lower level and would’ve died a long time ago.

easiest (you) of my life

I still haven't seen anybody have a real answer for why it got dropped. Hasn't the viewership still been good? That's what matters most, I thought.

I don't play any Smash game much myself, but Melee has been pretty fun to watch when Hbox isn't the focus. I do tune out of tournament finals where he's present, most of the time. Ultimate's not bad but I didn't think it'd hit a point where it clearly invalidated Melee's remaining big viewership.

look at basically any social media around any fgc lan and you'll see a litany of complaints over how unhygienic the smash players are

i have a slight suspicion that nintendo tried to convince evo to drop it because it didn't want melee taking any attention away from it

Sets aren't evo mainstage friendly because they play 3/5 for every set, even pools which causes other games to be delayed.

It's also possibly the reason BBTAG is on Sunday instead of DBFZ.

Don't you dare talk shit about M2K.

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>pretty fun to watch when Hbox isn't the focus

when the player who has the most lifetime earnings in the game is essentially guaranteed top 8 at every single event, then how do you avoid focusing on him?

Imagine having to find a thousand CRTs in 2019.

EVO has been looking for an excuse to boot Melee for years. They hate having games that aren’t the newest in the franchise.

>tfw I was having a blast learning Akatsuki in UNIST (first time playing an anime fighter)
>figures he is a joke meme character as all I'm suppose to do with him is b tatsu to the victory
B-back to Street Fighter I guess..

It is a meme. Ive been to one of the biggest melee tourneys of the year and didnt smell anything. Just seething fgcucks.

What? Everybody hates him.

What the fuck. Someone tell him to exercise.

they do multiple times every year its not even a big deal anymore

Real talk I fucking despise the smash community

Killing smash would kill off 50% of all trannies and autists in Video games

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Well, it isn't that it's so different that people hate it, but that it's so passive. People hate the long the matches in which he's only back aired a couple of times while barely touching the ground. Personally, I don't hate it so I wouldn't ban it. It works for so oh well, I just have a personal preference against it, but I wouldn't ban it. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

I genuinely remember graphs showing that the viewership isn't good when Bairs and Tech Trap Rests is playing.

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This is what smash does to you folks

I imagine it's a logistics issue. It's only a 2 day event, since the third is only inside the arena. CRTs are heavy, hard to find and sometimes expensive. It's not a problem for smaller games like Vampire Savior or Super Turbo because of the attendee number is ten times smaller what it would be in Melee, and sets in those games are generally shorter so to go through hundreds of players is faster too, requiring less setups.

Immediately after the announcement, CEO (which features 2 or 3 SF games at any given event) and other majors were spamming retweets of each other lobbying for Melee entrants. Smashers are already like half of CEO's attendance, and the lack of EVO is just going to spread its Melee entrants out over other majors because some people can only afford to attend a few and almost none would choose any over EVO.
The viewership has been phenomenal, it had a 220k peak a few years ago and was still pulling 200k in 2018. BB:CTB and DBFZ were just huge, out-of-left field successes in terms of entrants and Mr. Wizard wants to see if it can be repeated with other fresh lower-key games. Without the baggage that usually comes with the statement, it's true that Melee doesn't really "need" EVO. Some games are rather lacking in the activity department thoughout the year but can converge on one event. Smash having a lock on 2 main stage slots for 4 years straight was a bit much with all the new stuff coming out.

It’s because Mr. Wiz tried to be cute and kill melee

my melee region is fairly based. if you go to the locals with both melee and ultimate brackets you can tell them apart very easily

But I've never seen a tranny in any Smash games.

I thought speedrunning had monopolized the gaming trannies.

Obviously a smelly person doesn't recognize that their little skunk conventions smells fucking horrible.

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Which Tails would you fuck?

I don't understand why they never looked into adapting the output for modern TVs.
That's not something that should be impossible.

Nah dude you don't know, literally all smash players are either
People like Hungrybox because he's literally one of the few normal ones that actually play the game
Pic related is what the average Smash player is

There are even pros like CT | Nyani and Aether | Xaltis who are sponsored

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>names 3 people
>dude this everyone, trust

I think any attempt just hasn't worked out. The community uses memory card mods like UCF and top players practice/stream on Dolphin with gaming monitors, so I don't think they like CRTs any more than anyone else.
I dunno what ever happened to this, but it's probably difficult to get production going for something so niche that odds are the community will only need a few dozen of to share from tournament to tournament.

>People like Hungrybox because he's literally one of the few normal ones that actually play the game

lol go fuck yourself HBox, no one likes you

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there are adapters that have minimal lag
maybe like 1-2 frames
i could see in the future tournaments using those or emulators on pc with monitors for logistical reasons

Sorry that I can't name every tranny who plays melee off of the top of my head

Maybe next time I'll provide you with a thoroughly researched list faggot

Btw Here's a picture of random people playing smash
Find the one that fits in with regular society

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>somehow still far and beyond better looking than all the trannies at agdq combined

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melee saps your lifeforce
you must sacrifice youth and good looks to compete

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it was funny when he cried like a bitch on stream cuz he has no one to blame but himself

Those other events don't have the mainstage meme, they'll just see melee viewer numbers and keep it around lol

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nice cherry picked photo of smash sisters dude

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I never understood why they can't just suck it up and adapt to whatever miniscule input lag there is. Like what difference does it make as long as everyone's on the same even playing field using flat screens.

>People like hungrybox

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But it is a big deal. The technology has been dead for a long time yet it has been reaching some sort of vintage status, so now you either find them in dumpsters, in garage sales for very cheap and who knows what quality, or incredibly overpriced because they might as well be considered "collector's items".

Consider also how incredibly hard and annoying it is to both find, buy/rent, storage and carry literal hundreds of heavy CRTs whenever there's a tournament. If that EVO user is also to be believed, they might also come infested with insects which is a huge health hazard.

>cherry picked
You say this like it's not a recurring theme

Face it
Your dumb dumb 0 iq party game is made for the transexual community

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It isn't even a problem any more. The monitors they use have incredibly low lag and every other game uses them. Not even talking fighters, every game

Melee requires objectively high APM and arguably tons of frame-perfect inputs. I can see how it matters but the difference probably won't make or break a performance in all honesty.
A frame is about 16 milliseconds. The average human reaction time is like 160.

Melee had nothing to do with that. Mango gave that up when he chose drinking ten gallons of beer all day everyday. His reckless drinking and eating also affect the other players that hang out with him too much too.


footsies my guy

People like to meme the "dangerous" thing Salem wrote, but it's not far off from what Mango is. He's dragging people down with his bad habits and pushing others to drink like he does. Guys like Leffen have started drinking like that as well.

>dthrow uair was hype

You’re easily entertained by the sound of it

Look at Armada, he used to be fairly thin but years being around that drunken pig made him bloat up too.

Literal witch on the right

Evo is literally the biggest fighting game tournament of the year

No one likes Meleefags. Not even Meleefags like each other. They were dropped because they constantly caused problems and generally made everyone around them miserable. Also it's an old as fuck game that was at EVO for like what? A decade? Make space for some other games, fuck.

Why does it come naturally to me that I always root for people that are misunderstood, hated by the majority
Is it just contriarianism?

Hbox really reminds me of Pochettino
Both are Argentinian as well, coincidence?

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Means you're a gay

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>hbox plays the game to win
>everyone hates him

>mango is an obnoxious alcoholic that abuses his son and should not be allowed to have kids
>everyone loves him

mang0 just reminds them all of their absentee/abusive fathers

But I don't like either.

retard deserves to go broke after he ditched his engineering job he worked years to get so he can play a 20 year old game all day

you realize he's gotten a job like a year ago


I don't like either of them. M2K and PPMD were the only gods I liked, and now PP's been gone for years and M2K's super inconsistent. But at least on his highs, M2K's still fun to watch.

Hbox, Mango and Leffen act too shitty too often to like. Armada's okay but barely has a personality when he plays.

if nothing else mango is genuine
hbox is the fakest motherfucker around

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there are frequent melee hangouts at my city in australia and they literally hand deodorant cans out at the door

I've read this shit in the voice of a pinoy dota 2 caster

>leffen gets banned everywhere for bullying disabled people
>worshipped by thousands
>salem talks some trash about a video game
>entire melee community bands together to get him fired and tell him to kill himself
What the hell is wrong with meleefags?

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They play a 20 year old game so competitively that they insist on finding rare defective controllers and CRTs filled with cockroaches. They focus so much on their 20 year old game that they ignore basic hygiene to the point that their tournaments’ smell would gag death itself. They’ve reached peak autism.

>Melee tattoos
Lightning YIKES (Not Once But Twice)

Opposite personalties though, Pochettino is all about pressing and attacking.

>He couldn't smell anything
>He doesn't know

I would take a dump in the American one's mouth for purely nonsexual reasons.

leffen was hated when he was a total dick as well

because you have a choice of
>lagless crt tv that you can get for free
>expensive flat tv that still has more lag than a crt
and were's talking about supplying the entire tournaments with it, so we're talking about dozens


Maybe it's not a good idea to constantly stir up drama with what's the primary focus of the entire rest of your eSports team's stable, especially not after you place worse than a Melee player in your own game at a major? He lost all reasonable doubt when he attacked Armada.

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>muh drama
nobody except a couple fags on twitter actually cares

wrong post
Clearly y'all do if you're whining about it as if Salem was treated unfairly.

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Does alex19 still drink?

One of the coolest things about Smash 64 that no one really talks about is how it’s the only game with true wall/stage hazard combos. It’s pretty gay that Dreamland is the only legal stage now because it invalidates a whole set of mechanics that no other Smash has.

That’s what they should have done with Ultimate, given it massive hitstun and no walltech. Can you imagine comboing someone all the way around Great Cave Offensive into a danger zone? Or doing some absolutely retarded death combos with Villager or Duck Hunt? Big missed opportunity IMO

Let's say a pro can react in 100ms. If a TV has 50ms of input lag, and player A uses an attack that has 125ms of startup lag, then player B cannot react to it because the TV displays the start of the attack 50ms after it starts + the 100ms of reaction speed player B has. If the TV has 0ms input lag, then player B can react 25ms before the hitbox comes out.

Even though the character he plays is boring as fuck to watch, he has to get some creds for being the only Puff player in the top 50 Melee player range. For being the man who made Puff the juggernaut she is in the right hands.

Though in terms of being stage entertainment he is clearly as interesting as an old sock.

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we don't know, but probably. if someone was once an alcoholic there's a very good chance they still drink

he almost died because of some kind of liver problem so I'm highly doubtful

> the only Puff player in the top 50 Melee player range
Michael, 2Saint, Jerry, 42nd, abu

If it got balance patches, the community would dissipate because they thrive on autistically mining the mechanics of 5 characters over 10 years

People who almost die from drug use are 50/50 to go back.


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>entire melee community
The entire smash community called him out

Its been at EVO for 6 years ya seething FGC fag.

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>Nothing perso-smell, kid.

Would anyone like to play Melee netplay? USA EC but open to anyone. Here's my host code: b2af43b4

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there's a whole lot of falseflagging in this thread
melee isn't dead just because it's not at EVO
if you think it is you're literally allowing a corporation to tell you what you think

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>t. I'm friends with HBox
the absolute state of zoomers

Why does Yea Forums hate melee so much? Besides stinky/smelly

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well, everyone who knows hbox hates him
the only people that like him dont know him

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real talk though hbox killing melee is a top, top meme

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I hate smashfags in general because they won't stut up about their goddamn game. Just from here alone
>Waah melee isn't in EVO (cue hungrybox literally crying over this shit)
>(Swordies / heavies / insert cheap character here) are faggots
>ITT """""honest""""" characters
>I can't get into elite / GSP is bullshit!
>Predict the DLC
>Steve / Banjo / The Grinch / Master Chief / etc
>"He's in!"
3 months later and they're still at it.

melee players and ultimate plaers are two distinct groups

Which is why I specifically said smashfags.
Meleefags are extra cancerous. Imagine crying about not being included in EVO.

It's funny because that's a 100% valid rebuttal to Jigglypuff complaints, "I don't like their playstyle" isn't a valid reason to complain about a character.