This is the base MK11 Roster. Thoughts?

This is the base MK11 Roster. Thoughts?

Attached: VjOBGeJ.jpg (1024x780, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No cyrax
No buy

Too many new characters. We’re hardly used to the ones from MKX, and not many were winners to begin with. Furthermore, the idea of paying extra for Reptile is just insulting.

Where is best girl Mileena?

Rumors say she’s an unlockable character.

All of them look like shit

I don't play this series but I'll gripe anyway. Where's Dairou???

Half people think this is the new reptile
Other half think its a fake off of predator

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What the fuck is that?! Bowed legs are cool though


>Too many new characters

There only seems to be 3 playable new guys at the moment. That's barely anything.

No smoke no buy

5 fucking slots wasted on Cages and Briggs when it should only be 2 of them at most. Frost and Shinnock being the only 3D era characters is ridiculous.
Sonya, Kano, and Jax could have sit this one out. It feels like the MKX roster copy pasted and then they sprinkled in some MK9 leftovers. Anyways, maybe D'vorah will get her shit stomped out in the storymode this time around.

I want to watch my cum freeze on Frosts bald head.

Sounds pretty hot not gonna lie

>Shaolin bois
>Cage family
>Briggs Family
>waifufags getting the shaft with bald Forst and apparently no Mileena
Outside of no Reptile, I'm ok with it

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>Wanting an interesting character in modern Mortal Kombat
Get a load of this guy. Don't you want to pay $60 to play as r63 Sub Zero, r63 Johnny Cage, and r63 Jax?

One of the Cyborgs should've came back, same with reptile. I'd remove Jacqui and Frost desu

No Tanya?
No buyin ya

NRS is notoriously lazy and reuses as many assets as they can. Reptile in MKX is The Flash, INJ 1 Green Lantern is Ermac, Kung Jin is Green Arrow, and $50 bucks says Frost is just a repackaged Killer Frost

The roster would've been fine with the addition of rain, cyrax, and smoke.

Why did they skip mario kart 10?


I fucking wish. But we both know it's Shao Khan

They seem intent on shoehorning muh strong women in here, why don't they add sareena who would actually make sense for the story? Maybe rework ashrah too? Instead we get Muslim dykes...

Why they choose Jacqui over Takeda for the kombat kids? He and Cassy were the only okayish ones. Well, at least Dvorah, Kotal and Erron are back.

With Kenshi, Takeda instead of Jacqui, Reptile and Triborg back, this would be a really strong roster.

the game looks like shit desu

We should boycott it. They keep trying to shove the same shitty characters down our throat.

They gave Jade a greenish gray zombie look worse than her MK9 revenant look and her outfit is the tacky overdesigned trash and Cassie and Sonya Cage look disgusting.

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>thinking we're upset with Bald Frost

We love it!

Too many gay elder god characters. It's not even an fair fight against ninjas and mercs.

Frost is a cancer patient now?

For now.
When she gets officially announced, we're gonna get thread after thread about "waaah frost is ruined now"
Personally, I never cared for frost so anything is an improvement, but you know how Yea Forums is.

What a total heap of shit. 25 characters? For a 2019 game? Really?

I dont know what you're getting at when almost every fighting game has just about the same amount of characters or even less.

how do you know he is an incel? Do you know this person?!

That combined with MKX newbies is the problem

t. incel

>no Rain
>no Smoke
>no Sindel
>no Ermac
>no Fujin
>no Havik
>no Reptile
What a shit roster

What´s the story behind thi stuff?
subzero looks like the ugliest asian in existence

>no quan chi
>no reptile

Absolutely based

Where is my filthy fat assed pygmy?

What if that is like an half way between reptail and onaga?
>yfw it's the final boss/sub boss

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>Maskless Erron

What is this blasphemy?

Gotta reuse those assets.

no u

>only 3 male ninjas in the game
>they put in all 5 female ninjas

Females dont even play games, why cater to them.

What if it’s not a character and just a summon like Enchantress’s demon from Injustice 2? On another note
>Have Rain in tower menu art with new costume
>Not in the game
I don’t expect repeat DLC either

It's not necessarily the default, at least. There's been years of rumors of Erron Black being Sonya's father, so maybe that's what he looks like in the past segments with non-revenant young Liu Kang and whatnot.

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sjw points, even though sjws aren't thankful for anything

They've been lied to and think girls will start playing if they're marketed to. Also when you have pink haired fairy boys working for you they wanna make them all ugly

because sjws will accuse Boon of rape if he doesn't bend over for them


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You know if they wanted new characters they should have followed Kotal Kahn’s example and delved into other mythology themes. We could have had a Djinn, a Viking bezerker that was half bear, a Roman, etc

Looks good except for those ugly ass knee (thigh?) pads.

Kick Cassie
Kick Jaqui
Kick Jax
Kick Kitana
Add Reptile
Add Havik
Add Rain
Add Sindel

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Will Chameleon ever come back?

Yeah I'm not liking the Injustice armor on so many of the characters, especially the ninjas. Some like Kabal's spiked knuckle dusters really fit the character, but others just have random metal doodads strapped to them for no good reason.

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Armageddon needs to come back, that roster was kino.

Fun fact is that girls loved Mileena

Armageddon’s whole gimmick was having everyone

>Add Reptile
>Add Havik
>Add Rain
>Add Sindel
They'll charge +$20 for them as DLC. Fuck NRS.

If the Mileena rumor is true, this will be a perfect roster for me.
Based and Frostpilled

Also never forget that SKARLET IS A DISGUSTING ANAL WHORE!!!

That was what made it so fun. Combine that with the new mechanics and you'd have a top 5 fighting game

I can’t help but feel like Kollector is just going to be a Brainiac reskin. Furthermore, this game seriously needs more male ninjas

H-he’s fast

She’s in.

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We need a cute trans character

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Kollector's reveal better make him look fun/badass if we're losing both Ermac and Shang Tsung to include his smurf ass.

Having more female ninjas than male ninjas definitely feels like a crime. I'm honestly surprised Noob managed to sneak in, but I'm glad he's here. Ermac being dropped is disappointing but expected, but Reptile not making it is surprising. Guess this games only got room for one designated jobber.

The best chapter ever would be alt timeline good Raiden fighting Dark Raiden. Better yet if someone does another “He must win!”

>the entire briggs cage family
>all the women are bald (Wtf?) and fully clothed in armor or hijabs
>pre-order locked characters
>coolest ninjas will be sold as dlc for extra money
>looks more like an injustice game than a mortal kombat game

Yea thats a YIKES/10 from me dawg

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This. They really fucked up MK.

>no sektor

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What's sad is that cucks will buy the dlc

The briggs cage family is my only complaint, the last game was all about them and I didn’t care about jaqui at all, cassie was ok but doesn’t really feel like a good addition when sonya and Johnny are in too

Absolutely based and cyberpilled

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Can Kano be good for one game? Was shit in MKX and MK9.

This is his best costume ever though, holy shit how fucking based.

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Looks like an andromeda face incident

How can one thread be so based?

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Wheres shaggy

Cutthroat Kano was amazing, man.

You think they would be able to keep from removing a shit load of characters everytime from doing that.

Where the fuck is Quan Chi?

>no cyber takeda
I will never not be mad about jaqui taking up a slot, what a waste. Frost is a shitty addition too

If they turned Jacqui into a cyber ninja then I actually might give a shit about her character for once. At least it would make her instreseting.

Why include jax and jaqui? They feel like the same character, and jaqui isn’t interesting at all, design or personality wise


>no kenshi

Sad that Netherealm considers Fujin low char. priority.

2 Sub Zeros
2 Jaxs
3 Cages
5 ninja wahmen
Can't they atleast try and redesign some 3D Era characters? They actually stand out unlike stupid ass fucking special forces character #1836373

She's forgotten

You need to kill yourself

all my main are there so i love it

>NRS is notoriously lazy

Attached: Dis space nigga be trippin.png (483x339, 182K)

>no meat
>no mokap
Miss me with that gay shit.


>they removed characters
all fighting games do this you fucking retards is this your first one

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>Cage gets stunt double move that reminds of Noob's Shadow from MK9
>People start saying Noob dekonfirmed worse than Rain
>new roster leaks
>pic related happens
damn it feels good not to be a rainfag

Attached: konfirmed.jpg (706x601, 49K)

I bet this fag pre-ordered all the dlc already

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Kano was awesome and I bodied people regularly with him in MK9 and MKX, what are you on

Are people honstly looking forward for this trash?

The series hasnt had a good entry since Deception

Only white knight simps and Twitter trannies

>hate all the family bull
>Jax is my boi
Conflicted feeling

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Atleast they didn't add Vera Briggs

She will be in one of the Kombatpacks user. :^)

Oh my God what did they do to Frost? Where is her trademark frost hair?

>inb4 you'll have it in kuztomizashion lol
Why? Fuck that shit it should be her default. It's the coolest part of her design.


That's 3 too many

Rest of the roster is total shit but I'm finna buy this game just because my nigga Noob is in

1) They would have ditched Jax and Johnny which is unacceptable. So full family is a needed price to pay.

2) Only a couple women in this is bald ?
Kronika isn't playable, sonya has hair, kitana has hair, jade has hair, Frost's hair is the gear you pick different hair styles.
As for the hijabs, and armors, they ALL have variants skins / gear to remove them. Pick what you prefer...

3) It's just shao khan

4) yeah that's fucked

5) coolest ninjas are already in the game stop raging

6) after Johnny Cage reveal, this doesn't feel like injustice at all and they've adjusted the gameplay and said they will listen to feedback of the betas too.



looks like they got inspired by mksm. the brother hood of shadow members had sickles as weapons there. hopefully we will see some gear pieces from mksm too.

Attached: sickle.png (1000x700, 1.09M)

Nice repost, shill OP

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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There's a 40% chance it will an hero itself

That stat is wrong

>listen to feedback
Did you not see the NRS "community manager" chimp out on Twitter when someone asked for skimpy outfits? Also,
Shao Kahn was free in previous games.

>Frost and Erron are bald
>Jacqui is now ugly like Cassie (who looks like this really boyish girl I know whos ugly as hell)
>Jax being in reason at all...?
>Again, what's up with Erron and Frost? What the fuck?

Fucking hell, NRS, how do you fuck things up so hard.

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Everyone asks “where’s Motaro”, but nobody asks “how’s Motaro” :/

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My greatest achievement in gaming as a kid will always be beating Motaro on normal in MK3.

I'll be dammed that was so fucking hard.

is he the hardest boss character from the first 3 games?

I think whenever you change your look in the game it changes the roster look too. Just because bald Frost is too radical of a redesign for me to think it'd be her primary costume displayed on promotional material.

I like boobs and butts, I am a man, I am straight. Mk is 90s to the core and you removed sexy chicks. Is gay. Mk has been gay since Mkx. People get so offended over this too, like they'll call you all sorts of weird names for liking what nature intended and its a video game you know? its for entertainment and dudes primarily enjoy it so give us back the boobs and butts you fruitcakes.

Does he have armor for his tail or is he a cyborg?

>I am a man, I am straight
Very bold of you to admit that on a board full of fags and trannies. Godspeed, user.

i'm with you dude. Trannies won, at least put in a tranny character so I can fatality it.


Only in 2019 would people get clowned on for being straight

On the bright side, trannies can compete in the olympics without surgery meaning women will never win gold again and liberals just fucked themselves over

>I am a man, I am straight.
CWC is that you?

Mortal Kombat is about over the top gore and violence, you should be playing it for scorpion, sub zero, raiden, and Johnny cage. Seriously why would you play Mortal Kombat as any of the female characters, they all suck. Play dead or alive if tits and butts are what you want, they look much better than anything in mk.

using that garbage as anything good

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Guys I found the homosexual!

You mean when that dude sperged out and demanded lewd outfits for “his respect”. That was hilarious

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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>he was ever attracted to mk “women”
DOA girls are actually attractive, If I want to have a boner while fighting I’ll play that, if I want to rip someone’s spine out I play mk

You forgot your futa x male fanfic bro, also it isn’t very good

That wasnt rain in the menu, that was kotal khan. You can even see kotals mask straps on the back of the head.

I can only hope you like the sequel

What past vs future mirror match are you looking forward to, Yea Forums?

hot chicks make me happy, they make men happy, they relax us. What's not to get. Its a piece of entertainment. You want some big dicks too? is that the problem

None of the mk ladies are attractive or fun though, they haven’t been attractive for years.


I’m just so sick of this debate. Anyone else on the “I love titties and ass and would happily welcome back slutty outfits, but it’s not a main concern as long as the gore and gameplay are top notch” train?

Only other character I could realistically ask for is Nightwolf as dlc. I'm very optimistic about the game. I'm sure ninja mains will have the highest priority, anyway, when it comes to dlc.

so make them hot again. I mean guys that like generally masculine stuff like mk or they did do. They even backtracked on Skarlet's reason for her clothing and to be honest it was mostly the Outworld chicks that wore the skimpy clothing and it made them seem more alien and yeah hot, I like boobs and butts. Straight men do. Trying to make mk into something transexual like .

>as long as the gore and gameplay are top notch” train?

Which has never been MK's strong suit so hey

Top tier gore? Soldier of Fortune 2

Top tier fighting games? SNK, Capcom, etc

That does not mean he was good, just people you were playing are bad. I was winning in ranked with Sheeva in MK9 but I'd never call that a good character

i'm gay but you just gotta give and take with the straight guys, you got to accept that they are the majority and this is a guys franchise. Violence is cool and all but I guess the icing on the cake for straight guys is hot girls.

Is Reptile day 1 DLC? If so, not getting this shit

women are weaker than men so of course they would use their sexuality as a weapon. Its retarded they would cover up, especially in a fight to the death. Kitana and Milenna were always seductress's

shut the fuck up waifufag

suck bigger dicks faggot.

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What's with the Uncharted manlet legs?

shut the fuck up waifufag

why are so you so offended by straight men. You might as well go full on tranny but I guess that's not enough for you. Try taking horse dicks.

shut the fuck up waifufag


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>tfw no timesplitters trilogy on pc

>shut the fuck up waifufag

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>shut the fuck up waifufag

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this roster is legitimately horrible

Why would you put Kung Lao and Raiden right next to each other? They look exactly the same on that small screen

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deadly alliance/deception introduced some of the worst characters lol. hard to imagine something more boring than that. martial arts guy. girl with a knife. black dude in orange sunglasses. human mileena.

>Jaqui returns
>No Takeda
Fucking why? Nobody likes Jaqui, Cassie is understandable but her and Takeda were the only good ones. The other 2 kombat kids were shit.

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>Cassie is understandable
not really, she is basically another sonya. same with frost. if you want to get some more ebin diversity female chars there are so many more they could've added

Legitimately has anybody ever wanted Kano in any game? He's the most forgettable out of the OG cast and did absolutely nothing in 9 and X and should have been killed a long time ago.

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>no reptile
>no rain
>no fujin
>no havik
>no kenshi
>no triborg or any cyborgs at all
>no smoke
>no ermac

instead we get
>the shittiest of the kombat kids that literally no one likes
>fucking frost, who's just sub zero but worse and only low hanging fruit low iq waifufags like her
>dvorah and skarlet BUT COMPLETELY RUINED
>MORE new characters that look extremely bland and uninteresting
>boon says NRS is interested in giving fans the big fan favorites again but cuts series staples like reptile at the same, a character who has been in the series since the first fucking game

the only saving grace is we get chars like Kabal, Shang Tsung, Baraka and Noob.

>game confirmed to have sekret khracters
>wonders why Reptile hasn't shown up yet
>completely missed the interview where the dev accidentally let slip that he's in
Low IQ poster detected

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Who was that 4 armed girl Goro? I'd want those assholes back

Retard alert. You know that the full roster was leaked before these images of it came out right? The only unlockables are Shang Tsung, Shinnok and Mileena.

>sekret khracters
I hope they are unlockable. It's a bit unusual in this age of adhd esports where everything has to be unlocked from the get go

imagine being so smug while being so incredibly fucking stupid lmao
leaked 5 days before any images were out of the roster

SHA is shang tsung

shut the fuck up waifufag

>tfw janny is waifufag

why the fuck would reptile be an unlockable lol

You're an idiot but I'd love a source on that interview.

>why would literally the first secret unlockable character in any fighting game be a secret unlockable character

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This, if Cyrax, Sektor and Cyber Sub-Zero aren't in it's a no buy from me. No Cyborgs is such a shame they've been my favourite characters to play for years.

It's actually unbelievable how retarded you are. You know he's talking about modifiers, right? It even explicitly says it in the interview.

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Mortal Kombat 3 on the mega drive.. NOW that had a good roster

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>coping so hard that you honestly think a character that's been in base roster for every game he has been in would suddenly just become an unlockable for no reason
stop being a cretinous retard and just accept he's not getting in

i know you don't want to let the small rational side of your tiny chimp brain tell you that he isn't going to be in the game, but you should let it. face the facts, he's not in any of the confirmed leaks, he's only be listed as modifiers, the only time he was even hinted at being in the game it was immediately shot down and made fun of (for baraka's reveal instead).

lmao dumbass

Imagine taking this much of a leap in logic just to cope with your character being cut from a shit roster in a shit game.

Just go play MK9 dude. It'll be better. And you can play as actually good characters.

>the character has a modifier in a mode so they must be in the game
You gonna tell me Rain and Cyrax are in too? Lmao

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Is this just the flash's move from Injustice 2?


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Too many fucking zombies

I can't believe they made a roster worse than MKX's. Shocked.

retarded that they put in jacqui over nightwolf but i guess when you're playing the please minority game native americans just cant compare to the magic negro


why are there so many empty slots if it's the base

>I can't believe they made a roster worse than MKX'

Someone this retarded actually exists? Not only was the roster in X fucking dogshit, the vast majority of the individual characters themselves were in one way or the other just fucking bad. Every character in 11 looks actually good and fun to play as so far. The only actual loss from MKX was triborg unless the rumors about the Kollector being an amalgamation of them are true. And no, Reptile wasnt "lost" from X to 11, Reptile was an embarrassing piece of shit in X and has literally nothing in common with the character that he used to be. Dont bring him back unless he resembles his classic portrayal more. Meanwhile you get kabal, noob, erron, shang tsung and kotal

Leak says Mileena is unlockable.

>The only character I wanted in this game was Reptile
>Thought that he was a lock because he was too important and so much of a fan-favorite + a classic
>More and more characters get leaked
>No hints towards him
>His best chance is DLC and even then theres no hints towards it
Why? Who thought that leaving out Reptile was a good fucking idea?

Why would Johnny be nostalgic about a game that he wasn't in?

Not buying without Sindel.

>inb4 reddit
Just look at the pic if you don't wanna click on it

Attached: aaaaaaaaaa.png (802x102, 23K)

i want a playable tranny so they can represent me.

>SC6 mentions low character amount and character DLC 1st day
>people get mad as they should
>MortalCuckbat announces massive character cuts and bad redesigns as well as making the coolest character in the game day 1 DLC
>all the shills defend it non stop in Yea Forums general threads

Attached: fucking cringe.png (128x128, 28K)

>massive character cuts and bad redesigns

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*paid in semen*

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like clockwork

And then no one would buy any other MK game ever again. Bad Goy!!!

>>Can't they atleast try and redesign some 3D Era characters?
They did. Her name is Frost
You just exposed yourself as a false-flagging parrot

Attached: Heihachi_laugh.PNG.png (326x274, 89K)

>kintaro will never be released with optional cat noises
Fuck this faggot ass series and the shitbags who make it.

Missing Mileena, Reptile and a Cyborg

Other than that, better than MKX at the start


Imagine being this fucking retarded

Goro is dead in the background of his lair stage. I thought the Kollector was supposed to both Shokan and a cybernetic character?

please let add sexualities but only for men to suck dick and be fucked in the ass. If you try to do it to women I want it to be censored so much that you can't make out anything so in hindsight gamers will realise its good to be gay and maybe come out of the closet. I like the direction so far so thank you NR studios


Honestly? I'm not sure about Goro, it can be easy to mistake a character (it could've been Kollector with his rumored 4 arms)
I think they do explain that he is a cybernetic character and a shokan with 4 arms

I'm sure he can take it in the ass but How will Baraka suck dick?


Who's the blue chick in the top right is she new?


I like retarded things in fighting games, I am a retard, I have assburgers. Mk is good to the core and you removed retarded things. Is bad. Mk has been good since Mkx. People get so happy over this too, but they’ll call me a retard for liking retarded things like nature intended. Its not a retarded game anymore you know? It’s for normals and those with high IQ who enjoy good fighting games but give me back my retarded things.


Only fans of useless ninjas are upset about this roster.

>no Reptile

Rain fanboys don't actually exist, it's just a meme
The people mad about the roster are still salty about the Kombat Kids and delude themselves into think they weren't popular. It's proven they were except for Jacqui

>Rain fanboys don't actually exist

Attached: ReignIsOver.png (633x758, 170K)

>Noob gets darkness versions of Rain's moves


Attached: noo.png (540x406, 288K)

he looks like a random npc

I think that one’s fake, along with this one

Attached: F364783E-D490-4B6B-9652-9341BB572B52.jpg (618x464, 86K)

Where did these ones come from?

Because that means more porn will be made of those characters dumbass

shut the fuck up waifufag

>Johnny Cage
>Pixie Cut Skarlet
>Erron Black's back
>Noob's back
>Shao Khan
>Shokanborg character is very possible
Fuck it, I'm all over this game even if we have vomit looking characters like D'Vorah and Geras. The least I can ask for now is Johnny's MKX vest combo to be part of Kustomization for him, and I'm set for life.
Oh, and a good PC port, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I dunno if they showed any of the Kustomization stuff for Johnny in the podcast but I'm pretty sure one of his gear slots is for some kinda shirt/jacket slot. given we've seen Kano and Noob have around 30-50 pieces to collect in each slot I would imagine there will be something similar.

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Johnny Cage

Sub Zero

everyone else

nah, not enough improvements so far to justify buying this game

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His default is probaly the closest we're gonna get to an SF costume. Everything else is probably gonna be the shit that makes Johnny Johnny

Pretty sure Johnny's gear is gonna be Glasses, Belt, and Gloves

no reptile no buy

Palettes also double as the 'costumes', as all the kustomization footage we've seen demonstrates. I think they might sneak in his MKX look somewhere in there, I'm hoping.

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>no Rain
This must be some sick joke right? DLC in 9, NPC in X and now either not in 11 or DLC again. Fuck NRS and fuck Ed Boon!

Attached: 1547923590350.jpg (570x899, 104K)

>Palettes also double as the 'costumes'
Not really? There aren't really any changes in details between palettes. The costumes just reuse a lot of assets pretty often is all

nigga this is fake as fuck

>Too many new characters.





Real fans: Annoyed by leak killing any speculation or fun shit leading up to the game

Fake fans: Angry that Jade is not a stripper.

Since Jax wasn't replaced by his daughter I'm cool with her being in.

I want to see his klassic outfit; since Kano, Raiden, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion have theirs I have high hopes.

Sonya's face has been changed based on feedback.

You know, I don't think I'd mind Frost so much if they had kept Kuai cyberized

t. maximilian



>fake (cucked) fan
Annoyed the roster leak ruined the fun of being drip-fed information for the next 7 weeks
>real (chad) fan
Excited to finally be given some substantial information and reacts accordingly by either securing a pre-order or cancelling it

I waited from MK Trilogy until the shitfest known as Armageddon to play as my boy again. Only for him to be the only OG MKT character shoved into DLC in 9. To get baited into thinking he was going to conquest the fuck out of Outworld and free Edenia...... All hope is lost.

t. Quarterpounder

He's straight up bullshit. I would put him among the worst fighting game bosses ever.

>cuck to SJWS
>your own employe leak your game completly fucking you over

and they say karma doesnt exist

>1 character
You sure showed him, Ed

She should have just been a premier skin.

WTF, I hate Skarlet now.

Attached: Skarlet vs Johnny.webm (1280x720, 1.44M)

still waiting on them to bring back Havik....
>tfw been playing Deception's Konquest mode again today and can just think of the possibilities of what ridiculous kind of stuff they could do with Havik fucking himself up to pull off moves
it hurts bros...

Attached: 836e9801bf20e4594a8ca238f643cbb3.png (947x765, 448K)

3D era MK was absolute garbage and should be forgotten it exists

Best Reptile design

Attached: Reptile_20.jpg (1800x2400, 1.25M)

Ya seethin lil guy?

Neither do conservatives so why cater to them

shut the fuck up waifufag

Yeah but even Meat would have been better than the faggot wearing a dress and female Sub Zero

Where are the hijabs?

No one cares because you are too small of a minority to matter.

it's a confirmed fake

poor baby ;(

The issue is they aren't a majority desu

Who is Kollector?

I hope so, by any chance does anyone know what the file names (if any) for Shang and Shao Kahn are in Armageddon? I doubt they’d both be “Sha”, could give some insight on who “Sha” is in the leak.

>4 black niggas
>2 ice niggas
>D.Vorah's "hair" fucking up her based redesign
> Tax Collector nigga
> Fake ass Poison Ivy nigga, probably Raiden's girlfriend because earth realm niggas need a mother earth waifu.
shitty roster

bald mommy's second son

No but for real, Where THE FUCK IS HE

Attached: Best reptile.png (417x425, 225K)

Sub Zero looks like Merlin from Excalibur

shut the fuck up waifufag

DLC again.

next game, baraka is the jobber for this one

Wouldn't matter because different studios and schemas change. MKX didn't use 3 letter names for example.

Fuck Ed boon.

>MK9 had both of them in perfect harmony
>unironically the two most based characters
>will never be together again

Attached: 1548142606477.png (627x676, 423K)

>No Reptile

>No Reptile

Attached: 1411764894994.gif (300x236, 2.85M)

Where is my nigga nyte wolf?

Retard it’s an early build, final version will most likely have art like this

Attached: 66BD10A3-7ACB-492F-9A4A-8D052A3D33F8.jpg (640x360, 20K)

Where's Mileena

In the trash

Why are MK rosters always so fucking retarded? Every single game they have to find a way to fuck it up somehow. Every single character from MK2 should be in every single game, no exceptions.

I cancelled my pre-order after seeing this shit roster. No Smoke, Ermac or Rain? Give me a break, Boon

>no reptile
>no cyrax
>no stryker
I am not going to bother, if they it doesn't even have 1 of my 3 mains it won't be worth it.
