Analytical Youtubers Recommendations - Please Don't Delete Mods

Some user in a MatthewMatosis thread wanted a version of this but with the names underneath the user profiles. So here you go buddy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>wow look at me "analyzing" a game for two hours also plz subscribe and donate to my patreon :)
kill yourself

I'm don't have an analysis channel but sure

Are the standards really this low?

Demo D better be that low because he's dead

>He watches crappy jewtubers to decide if a game is good instead of torrenting the game and trying it out first
Pffft what a pleb

8-bit Music theory is a great channel, his only downside is it takes him forever to make content

>Joseph Anderson

no empty hero
just lmao

why don't they and you just play games instead of watching some autist analyze shit

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at least you removed the faggot that put himself at the top

I do both.

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why do you watch videos analyzing videos exactly?

some of these aren't review channels, like Game Maker's Toolkit just analyzes design philosophies present in games and why they work/don't work, 8-Bit Music Theory analyzes musical techniques in game soundtracks and what their purposes are(like how Castlevania combines Classical music techniques and Rock music techniques)

EC regularly btfos Yea Forumss nonsense, the person who made this was immensely triggered

where did i say review brainlet?

It's intrinsically interesting to contrast opinions, and I'm sadly limited IRL because my friends are casuals so I'm left with a thirst to discuss games I like and videos and Yea Forums help quench it. I'm not sure why this is so hard to grasp.

>anything other than shit
nice bait friendo

>your dog
>very good

>nostalgia chick

Not even going to bother to look for where you put hbomberguy

They usually do a decent job of articulating why a game is good or bad

why do you want to discuss games?
games are for playing not for talking about

for stupid shit like AAA games and disney movies it really doesn't make sense, but otherwise it's a good way to compare your takes with someone else that don't just answer with "it's good"
tl;dr basically a friend simulator

when you say "why not just play the game yourself" you're implying that the person is looking for someone else's opinion on the game

This isn't my list. It's made by some e-celeb. I just added in some captions

Because I'm not you, autist. Jesus dude.

i have no clue who any of these cunts are but one uses an endless space image so i guess hes alright

Hope this is bait

Not an argument

What a fucking worthless contribution to the thread

don't go calling other people autistic when you want to discuss and analyze videogames

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>Now You See It

>Lessons from the Screenplay

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how do you discuss a game to a youtube video you autismo?

>Analysing art is autistic
Guaranteed you're a fucking goobergabz faggot

triggered channel awesome fan

People enjoy different things on different levels. Do you also get anal at people who enjoy watching sports and playing them?

this is a worthless thread so every contribution to it is inherently worthless


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where did you get goobergabz from?
because i'm not autistic enough to consider a form of entertainment art
anything in the world that was created for profit isn't art simple as

That part I do it here, you mouthbreather.

>People enjoy different things on different levels.
people enjoy fucking kids doesn't mean i have to accept it you little tard

>listening to some faggot explain to you how you should think because your a redditor basedboy that can't come up with your own conclusions

All analytical youtubers are faggots.

Boy, you're actually autistic huh.

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>This is the abyss of intellect you deal with on Yea Forums
Fucking hell over on /shmupg/ we have actually interesting discussions, unlike this garbage

you debate a youtube video on Yea Forums?
that makes no sense
debate it to the guy who made it not to a bunch of people who never saw it


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not an argument
if you wanna be a bigbrain how about you start by not discussing video games that's some 50 IQ shit right there

>he needs ecelebs to tell him how and what to think
oh no no no

>Discussing art somehow makes you a brainlet

Can you read my friend? I discuss games here, not videos, unless I feel like bothering with an e-celeb thread from time to time but I usually steer clear from that cancer.

not art once again dipshit
anything created for the sole purpose to make a profit
i.e everything now isn't art

>Interesting discussion


Any good academic level texts on video games Yea Forums would recommend?

so why exactly do you watch autistic youtubers?

Holy shit you are fucking retarded

I've already answered that question: contrast of opinions.

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Sounds like another triggered jarpig who can't handle people easily beating your baby genre with ease

ad homos aren't arguments brainlet
go back to being a big brain on reddit buddy

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How does my opinion have anything to do with JRPG's you fucking retard?

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so you spend 2 hours people disagreeing with you and then at no point do you actually get to disagree with them
sounds like the ultimtae cucking

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>watching video game "analysis"

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>King K
>calls every video a retrospective, when they're literally just a heavily opinionated 50 minute review
>calls Magypsies transphobic

>EC not dogshit tier
>Anderson not clickbaity low IQ tier

I disagree or agree with the people here. You don't enter every conversation with the intent to argue IRL, so neither do I click a video with the intent to argue, but to listen.

Am I talking to an experimental AI or something?

Generally idiots like you come to /shmupg/ and your NPC programing freaks out because we don't follow the default path of jarpig trash

I think you listed Eyepatch Wolf as Bunny Hop

but why waste that time to listen
listen to fucking music if you want some background noise you fucking brainlet
your life isn't somehow better now that you listened to some random fag who never worked in the games industry talk 2 hours about how some gay shit does or doens't work

What the fuck most of this isn't even video games.

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Zoinks! Thanks for that user

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Music is boring and requires me to be in a certain mood. I too consider listening to music on repeat to be time wasted but you do you.

I don't watch 2 hour long videos either.

>music is boring
damn you've got the shittiest taste ever

It's an actual AI

I think they come to the threads because you guys have shit taste in games, just a thought.

just say the insult you want to say call me an NPC not AI you little bitch boy

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Guaranteed you haven't 1cced anything hard in your life, like any Cave game despite how garbage they are

Music as background noise is fucking nothing to me. You listen to music as the main dish, not as accompaniment to whatever else you're doing.

Can you speak in English please

Hbomberguy should be top tier, his Speedrunner video is amazing and I can respect someone trying to defend Dark Souls 2

nah music will forever be accompaniment for shit
like listening to rockabilly while reading delinquent manga perfect way to set the mood

>Includes Mothers Basement

>Does not include Uniquenameosaurus

I like Mothers basement videos but his take on anime Pirating is very wrong

>Complains shmups are bad
>You haven't 1cced any in your life
Retarded jarpig

Clearly we disagree. Should I be an austist like you and shame you for how you spend your free time then? Are you starting to realize how pointless it is to argue about what people enjoy doing in their free time?

You keep saying that, why? I don't even play JRPGs

His take on everything is wrong, and OP should kill himself for making that.

>Should I be an austist like you and shame you for how you spend your free time then?
Yes if the thing you disagree with you look down upon and think is pathetic

I can do that without arguing. What's the endgame if we did argue? You feeling miserable and me forgetting about the exchange in literal minutes? Now that's a proper waste of time.

>actually making eceleb and youtuber tier lists
>here of all places
You normalfags are a fucking scourge.

>You feeling miserable
why would i feel miserable?

Only ones I know from those are Douchebag Chocolat and Extra Credits, one which hasn't uploaded in literal years and the other which has been constantly ridiculed

Yea Forums has been Reddit for years now, just how new are you?

EC btfos Yea Forumss stupid shit regularly, it's just people being triggered at the truth

Nice bait discordtranny. You will never be a woman OP

Does anyone has a video of someone destroying The Last of Us? I'm in the mood for that.

My only memory of them is from years ago and no, they were fucking retarded and the guy sounded like a faggot. No idea what they're doing now since it's been literally 6 or 7 years since I saw a video of them

Yikes my guy, you're not very bright are you? If we were to argue about me thinking that whatever it is you do is pathetic and I somehow won the argument, what's the result? You briefly feel hurt and fuck off, while I can feel smug for a microsecond before moving on with my life. Unless you're able to extract fun from winning an argument about such pointless matters with an anonymous indonesian rocket ship modeler enthusiast, in which case damn, now that's pathetic.

>Jim so shit tier that he isn’t even on the list


why would i feel miserable if you "won" which you never could since you're a faggot

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Doesn't fucking matter for how many years it has been shit, this is a whole new fucking level of cancer. I've been here since 2008.

You realize that people often do anything and like to hear other opinions about the thing they did. Games are no different.

>confusing Super Bunny Hop with Eyepatch Wolf

>not shit

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>no NitroRad


>Guy sounded like a faggot
Wow what a brilliant assessment

I've ever only seen his Bloodborne video and he devoted an entire section of it to "But H.P. Lovecraft didn't like gays, and I'm bisexual! Let's pontificate on how I could possibly enjoy anything inspired by his work for 20 minutes"

maybe his other stuff is good but that video was mostly trite and verbose, not only that section.

it actually is a brilliant assessment but for someone like you who has to watch other people to form an opinion you wouldn't understand that

I worded it as a hypothetical, to ask you a question.

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the litmus test for anime reviewers is whether they automatically sided with roasties lying about the #KickVic shit then went more quiet than their sex lives when it turned out the accusations went up in smoke and now Broly is lawyering the fuck up.

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Yeah, sorry I can't give a detailed essay about a shitty video they pushed and shilled on Yea Forums for weeks 7 years ago

doesn't change the fact you're a faggot who thinks someone else would be miserable because they didn't agree with me

>To form an opinion
Where did this meme come from
>Normalfag shounen dub
Fuck off

>EC btfos Yea Forumss stupid shit regularly




it's not a meme you fucking tard now go back to forming your opinions somewhere else

I don't think you understood where I was coming from, like at all.

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>Moviebob that high
>people who barely talk about games at all like YMS
>no people like NitroRad or SomecallmeJohnny

What the fuck is this list?

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Actually maybe i'm thinking about someone else entirely but who ever it is fuck that guy mane

nah i understand it completely
you're a gay for forming your opinion based on what others say
and think you can make me miserable by being extra gay

he is alright but rarely gives in depth opinions
>Nitro Rad
fucking leaf who didn't "get" Travis Strikes Back

I don't do any of those things. Was this chain of replies entertaining to you? You started with a question but disregarded all answers just to conclude with an insult. Why not just save your time and call me and people like me faggots and be done with it?

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the question was rhetorical you pea brain faggot

Good shit man, das some goooood shit.

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yeah rhetorical you idiot

So what's the difference between a review and an analysis? Is it just a difference of 15 minutes versus 100 minutes? A good review goes over what works and what doesn't as well; I don't understand the need to go step by step with every single facet and example that a single game has. The same can be done in a shorter span of time.

Ah yes that sure is the quintessential example of a rhetorical question.

doesn't have to be a perfect example
a rhetorical question is a rhetorical question no matter how hard you argue it
hey maybe get one of those gay e-celebs to analyze this reply chain to see what your opinion on it is

Damn dude, now that's some backpedalling.

where's the backpedalling?

Why are you asking me ANOTHER rethorical question my guy? Don't worry, I'm already sending your post to my Youtube scientists to discern whether this post is a regular or a rethorical question, I'll be back once I get my answers.

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so the answer is there isn't any
got it

All of that list belongs under shit with the rest of every single video game youtuber. KYS if you ever watch any of them.

NitroRad is mediocre at best. He seems passionate for the most part but his opinions suck and he had this weird crybaby moment at the end of his Rule of Rose video. He's also in that camp of "thumbnail consists entirely of game artwork and my big ass face/huge avatar taking up half of it" and that shit can fuck off.

>Video games

>Video games

>different artistic works put together isn't art
Based retards

not art if you make money off it

>Artistic works
My sides

>He doesn't know the definition of art.
Again, sad.

Oh god, why.

>MrBtongue in good
>Noname in mediocre
retarded list

>Joseph Anderson
>Doesn't Understand Silent Hill 2

lol most classical art and music was made via a patronage system and was created only because the artist could make some money
you have literally no clue what you're talking about and think some fictional punk / indie ethos is what defines ~real~ art
get the fuck out lmao

Where are
>Retropolis Zone
>Entertain the Elk
>Running Shine
>Em Bani
>August Keller

0 adults hold this opinion

the art you speak of isn't art either brinalet get fucked

>to decide if a game is good
it has nothing to do with that, you intergalactic retard. it's fun to listen to people talk about systems in games you like. holy shit.

hahahaha just stop

God I can feel a fedora growing on my head just looking at this image.

not my fault it's not art dumbass

top fucking zozzle

hahahaha he just keeps going

it's ok to be wrong

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like i said man it's cool you don't have to be right 24/7 just chalk this loss up to your autism it's cool