Nintendo Stats
- No of Employees – 2,271
– Avg age – 38.6
– Avg length of employment – 13.5 yrs
– Avg work day – 7hrs, 45mins
– Avg annual salary – $80,000
Mamma mia
Nintendo Stats
- No of Employees – 2,271
– Avg age – 38.6
– Avg length of employment – 13.5 yrs
– Avg work day – 7hrs, 45mins
– Avg annual salary – $80,000
Mamma mia
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is that good or bad?
Average work hours is less than 8 hours a day and the average salary is $80,000. That's really good for averages, but the average pay can be skewed easily and it isn't really a measurement of how much money the average worker makes.
pretty good, they are small, pay well and dont overwork
By Japanese standards they are like working on a cushy cloud of joy
I’m calling bullshit on that work time stat, Japanese overtime laws are fucked
Those are just clocked in hours, they don't count the 4 hour minimum of overtime per day.
Ah yes I assume those avg work day numbers include "optional work drinks"
Nintendo is also notable for not overpaying executives, so I'd say it actually skews further in the opposite direction, and may be better than it appears.
It can be very different from company to company, also Japan recently passed laws to try and force workers to go home after 8hours
Well then how much money do Nintendo executives get? "overpaying" and paying them a noticeable higher salary than someone like a janitor is a completely different story.
These are just averages. They'll have some employees working 6 hour days and some working 14. The median income is probably closer to 60k.
I imagine they must get pretty nice stock options
>2k employees
Nintendo is fucking tiny
To put it into perspective, Iwata was making $770,000 a year a few years back. For a company of that size to have a CEO paid under a million? That's way outside the norm.
That's still a lot of money per year and that's obviously way higher than a game developing codemonkey would make (Easily 10x more)
If you took 4 random developers and say they make 80k a year then took Iwata's Salary (he obviously isn't even the only executive), the average between those 5 is $218,000. That doesn't mean that everyone there makes at least 200k, obviously.
and yet they make the best games
He also took a 50% paycut because of the Wii U's poor performance. It makes me sad knowing that he was never around to see the Switch's success.
That doesnt take into account second parties like HAL or Intelligent systems though
can't mean shit when employees like Miyamoto drags most data on the higher end
I don't think you understand how overpaid CEOs are. The average CEO (and the average company is smaller than Nintendo) gets paid more than 300x the average employee income. Three hundred fucking times. They make MILLIONS, and get bonuses rained on them constantly.
Iwata makes about 10x the average salary.
wew lad
Made. Forgot he died. Fuck.
They cant post the data of every single employee, its likely illegal
Oof! Thats a big ol yikes from me buddy
Yes, Iwata made less money than someone like Kotick, everyone knows this. He still obviously made a lot more than anyone else who wasn't an executive so my point in still stands, the average worker probably makes a lot less than 80k a year.
>what is median?
>only 80 fucking k a year
my sides, they’re literal slaves
Don't forget those sweet, sweet golden parachutes/severance packages.
Switch is currently the most succesful console out there, beating the ps4 in amount of quality games, sales and profit
Imagine wasting your adult life devoted to making video games for children lmao grow up
Why do people act so non-relativistic about money like this? 80k is literally nothing in California. In the south? You could afford a mansion.
He was the top of the pyramid. He was almost certainly the highest paid man in the company by a good margin, and he only got paid 10x the amount of everyone else. One in over two thousand. There aren't that many executive officers in company, and when diluted into a sample base of, again, over two thousand, the only way for it to have meaningful impact on the number is for them to be making those millions and millions of dollars a year, which they aren't.
To put it into perspective, if you took out the CEO (assuming the same pay, not accurate, but whatever), then the average pay is still $79,654 per year. The largest statistical outlier removed from the equation, and the number is barely altered.
do you know how expensive it is the cost of living in Japan’s big cities? The majority of employees likely have to live downtown because of proximity to the job, 80k (actually much less, if you make an average of the normie employee’s salary instead of putting CEO and directors salaries on top of it) barely lets them have spare money at the end of the year.
Jesus Christ, this is embarassing for Nintendo
Americans can't understand how other countries work, and how taxes at the sources actually reduces numbers on both paycheck and cost of life.
You know, if you weren't talking out of your ass, you might have a point, but you are
Nintendo is paying their employees extremely well.
>2,271 employees
Keep in mind these are just the Japanese numbers and even then two thousand employees is nothing to scoff at.
The CEO's for those companies have the salary and bonuses in their contract. Can't say much against them when stock holders let them get away with it.
Commiefornian detected
But he obviously isn't the only executive, you idiot. People like the VP, COO, CFO, CIO, CSO, and ED are going to make about as much as the CEO in many cases if just a little less (something like 800k vs 700k or 600k). This also doesn't touch on how this is just chief executives and not just general upper management. My original point still stands and the average worker probably does not make 80k a year.
The entire point is for them to be overpaid. The people who own the company want the guy running the company to be invested in its success.
>My original point still stands and the average worker probably does not make 80k a year.
You're confusing the average with median.
No i'm not, you're thinking of "mode" the thing that shows up the most often (the amount of money that most workers actually make). The mean is just the middle point.
what does this have to do with video games?
CEOs usually own shares especially in American companies tiny brain
you are quite literally denying that the average is what it is, the average might not necessarily be indicative of what most employees make but it's not supposed to, it's an average.
the average also takes into account people on Nintendo's payroll who might not even work on games like if Nintendo owns it's own office building it also accounts for things like janitors and secretaries who no doubt make less than the people who work on games and are probably employed in a similar number than those who do.
>That level of autism
Jesus christ
happy employees means better product quality
Japan has an average work week of 60 hours and Nintendo employees work less then 40 on an above average pay. Yes its good
>you are quite literally denying that the average is what it is
>the average might not necessarily be indicative of what most employees make but it's not supposed to, it's an average.
That's what I was saying the entire time, you fucking retard. God fucking damn. learn how to read.
That puts Iwata's initial salary at $1.5 million to begin with. That's 5% of Bobby Kotick's salary this year.
only real scummy hire-anyone companies don't pay for overtime.
average =/= median
They 're not overpaid, they're just paid. These people work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They're paid that much because they usually burn out after a few years. There was an interview with Kotick a couple years ago where he mentioned he had to end up working remotely during a vacation because some issue had come up. If you're going to devote your entire life to a company round the clock with no breaks and reduce your life expectancy with stress you should be well compensated.
No, in you were literally talking about "the average worker" and then for whatever reason you conveniently omit anyone in a executive position from being counted as a "worker" when you talk about your new made up "average" - hence, you're not talking about the fucking average, you're talking about something else.