So how is it

so how is it

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an overall nice sequel to the original. on a side note, cover shooters are kinda outdated and people get bored of them really easily, just like me

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it's pretty good. The gunplay is not actually not too bad

exact copy of first game without snow. boring.

solid 7/10

literally this
I dont know how people say its better or different, its like the first after it was patched, nothing new.

Do developers just think: "More features more money" or some shit? I swear, every Ubisoft game has to jam the game with useless mechanics that just clog up the experience and make it unnecessarily hard to play the game. I tried to get into wildlands but holy shit open world games are trash.

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absolute trash and this game has received the most obvious marketers posting on Yea Forums i have ever seen. last thread was literally "wow a beta? i didnt know that! looks really cool" LMAO ubisoft is absolutely pathetic

Its an ubishit game.
What do you think man

here we complain every third thread games have not enough features and not deep enough mechanics, now I see what kind of person that complains about open world

Why do Ubisoft franchises look worse and worse with every installment?

Is the non linear design and huge list of possible things to do overwhelming your simple mind? Wildlands and the division are easy as fuck and the gameplay is seamless.

The running animation needs to be changed. It. Your character runs like there's two scorpions duct taped to their thighs. Seems like there's less customization - for example, the AK muzzle attachment. The female characters are ugly as fuck. NPC's are dumb. The enemies are just fucking retarded. It's dumbed down shit where it's "you good, they bad" - and they go out of their way to demonstrate this instead of trying to induce a conundrum. This happened last game with the Last Man Battalion, it looks to be even worse here. Skills fucking suck dick. You can tell Ubisoft wanted this rushed out ASAP.

they're lying. it's good

better than the first with regards to enemies not giving a fuck about having 600 rounds dumped into their face. The amount of female 'bad guys' is obnoxious; will see if the audio logs and echoes try to make the case that Queers and Lesbians are ~70% of the population like the last game.

Steaming dogshit, like the first one. Except it doesn't even have the 1 good thing that had, the atmospheric blizzards.

Can my rig run this game?

Attached: specs.png (676x519, 26K)

Pretty sure you’re fine

>Asking Yea Forums how a new game is

AMD gave me this DMCV and RE2 for free. Are these games supposed to run better on AMD rigs or something? Have a Vega64

obviously, are you a moron?

>obviously, are you a moron?
I'm a retard with specs

Did they fix the ugly as fuck "diverse" (but they all look like the same ugly as fuck NPC) yet?

You won't be able to max it all all the way but it'll be decent at med/high settings

It's okay




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Can I still play the first game? I still have some shit left to do .


it's the best of the Destiny/Destiny 2/Anthem/Division/Division 2 games, but that's not saying much.
I haven't played enough to give it a score, but I can't imagine it being more than a 7/10, which would be very good for this genre

I'm liking it thus far. Certainly much higher hopes for this than Destiny.

It's the exact same as the old game, except in a different setting and the endgame PvP has 50% less players. Brilliant move by the developers...

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>50GB for an open beta
lmao no

same game, pay us 60 dollars again, goy.

Its pretty fun. By the end of its life Division 1 was actually a solid game. People talk shit about Ubisoft and rightfully so but they really do stick with their games.

Played only 2 missions in the beta before i decided im probably gonna get it a few weeks after release

how did you do that

but that's the standard size now

The "fill out checklist upgrade your base" stuff speaks to my softbrained self


Its the Division with more things to do, more skills, less snow, and more rain and lightning. It's an upgrade but if you didn't like the first game later in its life, then don't expect anything revolutionary.


. ..

Remove the dots

pretty boring
the gameplay is literally the same as the first game so expect bulletsponges and guns with 0 punch
also no christmas nyc charm and the game is filled with the usual ubi sjw shit


Do other players show up in the open world without having to be in a party?

For a beta with limited content?How much would the entire game be?

It's a Yea Forums pass feature for those subscribed for over a year.


>buys $1000 PC
>cant afford a $20 internet connection

Attached: thinking.gif (1080x1080, 505K)

>cover-based instanced looter shooter
Can't drop it quick enough.

See how many females you can spot in this image. The answer might surprise you.

Attached: 11 females.jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

>there are mechas in the endgame content you can play
this is actually pretty fucking cool

Not outside of dark zones. If you want to mess around with random people then you need to respond to flares.

nope the first woman you meet is a super tough independant black woman
also the character creator is ugly as fuck all the presets look disgusting
I rolled for 15 minutes and didnt get a single qt

>also the character creator is ugly as fuck all the presets look disgusting
The beta's don't have a character creator. It randomly generates a character for you. There are no presets to choose from. You low IQ nigger.

It’s okay but I don’t think I will get it. I’m playing through Pokémon Sun and Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu.

yh and it just so happens that they're all ugly niggers that get "randomly" generated

srsly? like, not even in hubs?

You've never played Dark Souls, huh? Just stop trying to be a faggot by constantly making anime looking women you play as in every game. The beta randomly generates a character for you and it's always been like this. Perhaps you just don't know it yet, considering you're a middle schooler.


dark souls is one of my favourite games series, no idea why you would presume that nor the anime stuff. sorry i don't like playing as ugly niggers unlike yourself.

Rainbow Six: Siege is like 100gb.
Bought it on sale and still didnt even try to download this mammoth of a game.

>weapons feel like shit
>bad AI
>(((diverse))) """"""""""characters"""""""""" everywhere
big yikes, chief