This game honestly looks more impressive than DMC5

So why are we not having daily Sekiro threads?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (848x477, 336K)

Other urls found in this thread:

because it isnt

Because people haven't beein waiting 11 years for it

DMCfags are insects likely poos and chinks
they don't have a free mind

Will buy. But I'm holding off to see what scummy dlc tricks are up their flabby sleeves.

fromdrones on suicide watch

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We are having daily sekrio threads where the fuck have you been

Because There's absolutely nothing to talk about. Even if DMC V looks bland, It at least had demo's and a bunch of trailers. Sekiro had almost nothing in comparison and launches in 2-3 weeks.


Why is this board suddenly so buttblasted about DMC?

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if you really gave a shit you could just talk about the game instead of taking jabs at DMC, fagwad.

Because it's good and not meme cringe autist-magnetizing shit like DmC.

We don't need to discuss it every day. Do you see how awful and how much of a circlejerk DmC threads are? They have zero standards.

DMC has a fairly hardcore fanbase even if it is not the largest. Sekiro is all speculation and shitty videos from shitty sources at this point and the only real fanbase is some soulsfans who are busy arguing about how shit ds2 is

Antishills are the worst shills

Because Sekiro is just Sekiro. It's a FromSoft game, with a very serious story and mainstream appeal. Devil May Cry is a franchise full of memey content and focused around having fun, so of course there are 100 hype threads per day.

I'm buying both, get BTFO'd poorfags. But there's a reason why DMC still had such a big and loud fanbase even after 10 years of no games.

I dont even Care about DMC but you cant blame then for waiting soo much for a New tittle...and have to Endure the DmC Phase.
True cancer now are the REfags

The concept of an "antishill" is fucking stupid and makes no sense.

Resident Evil is way better than your backflip pizza cringefest.

What a joke. You can 100% blame them. Resident Evil had way more shitty games than the one DMC had. You sound like you're 15. Shut the fuck up.

Because its the hypest thing now.Sekiro Will have his share of butthurt contrarians soon

I haven’t seen any new gameplay marketing lately. Have the released any?

there sould be at least one dlc because from's dlcs are often better than base game

The 22nd feels like ages away, and Sekiro isn't getting a ton of marketing yet. I am surprised how little trailers its getting compared to DaS3. I felt like we saw tons of DaS3 areas and bosses

It also had way more games than the ones DMC had.

Hit a nerve faggatron?U prefer RE over DMC too bad the RE threads its Just waifufaggotry and shitty memes.Heck i would even enjoy If its isn Just THE SAME IMAGES,THE SAME MEMES OVER AND OVER AND OVER.Not even creative those Sad fucks are now.
Soo yeah Go back sucking you Jill Tranny cock and fuck off

DMC5 will be okay. We will all enjoy it for the mindless nostalgia and childish style, but it will be forgotten about in a month or two. Meanwhile Sekiro is gonna be one of those games that we never forget about, and discussion will stay fresh even 20 years into the future. Think about it like this: DMC5 is like a cheap bimbo slut, while Sekiro is a wholesome wife like Pierce Brosnan's thicc wife.

Attached: cropped_pierce-brosnan-getty-John-Phillips.jpg (640x400, 33K)

Will it surpass Bloodborne?

>mrw when I just preordered both

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Complete Global Saturation. Boulder Punching.

Also, one of your shitty games wasn't potentially dangerous enough to doom the entire series to oblivion. Especially with conman at the helm.

Hmm doubt.
I really Hope Sekiro brings some replayability or Will be Just another Nioh.Top Tier threads but soo few over the Sea of DS3 threads

Great falseflagging attempt. DMCfags and REfags are friends.

Attached: dante.jpg (1277x725, 390K)

-1 weapon
-no replayability
-Batman Stealth + instantkills

Not a chance.

From Games don't actually need marketing. Dark Souls had almost no marketing and sold well, same for hollow knight, I bet most copies were sold after positive opinions from gamers flooded the internet than in the first 3 months after release

will Sekiro be like all other other Souls games/Bloodborne or more like Demon's Souls when it comes to level design?

Demon's had the best level design because they didn't design it based on the player having to go back through it all

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Except it happens like in every thread.

dmcfanboys always shit up the sekiro threads because they feel threatened after seeing how shitty dmc5 is

Very true for Hollow Knight, that game came out if nowhere and it has 35K steam reviews and 95% positive rating, slightly above Cuphead, a game that was plastered everywhere because of MS.

I hope Sekiro has enough content and replayability to live up to Souls, but I'm gonna wait for more footage and reviews before I decide to pay full price or wait for 50% off.

Dark Souls had a decent amount of marketing though, and the following games had a name to go off of. Sekiro will sell as well as other Souls games for sure but I am surprised the new turn/direction hasn't caused them to show off the combat or fantastical parts more

I'm buying both

>but it will be forgotten about in a month or two
This might just be me, but what if it won't?

I'm thinking Bloodborne will be remembered as the better game, having better potential for being replayed. But the combat in Sekiro will be so much tighter.

I guess you don't understand my point. Calling someone an antishill is fucking stupid. How does an "antishill" even work? You're against blatant shilling and spam threads? Woah, that's so fucking awful who doesn't want those things?

God damn you're fucking stupid.

I only browse Yea Forums to watch the shitshow, so far Dontefags can't keep up with the DMC threads, I can't wait for the soulsfags to shitpost on this game.

Depends on how open Sekiro is. Bloodborne has different builds, but most players won't do things in different orders because of being too low level for this or that. If Sekiro was similar to Dark Souls 1 and had something like Valley of the Drakes or was just open from the start then dropping the RPG stuff means people are always heading in the right direction

Going skeletons at the start of my first DaS run was a punishing moment.


Eh again never cared much about DMC but i loved RE...that is the reason i complaining about RE threads shitty situation now.

Have you ever wandered into a DMC5 thread? The population of such threads are nothing but common human scum. The kind of people who form opinions based on what's hot right now, like your Ariana Grandes and Game of Thrones. When DMC5's hype dies down these sheep will flock to a new flavor of the week, and the game will be forgotten, sinking into the sands of time.

I would love to discuss Sekiro but FromSoft haven't given out that much info on it; Already pre-ordered it, and looking forward to it.

I'm avoiding trailers/discussion for Sekiro so I can play it fresh when it comes out

Seikoro will never surpass Bloodborne. Comparing it to DMC5 doesn't work because they're just so different.

But DMC was for the most part of it's existence pretty niche with a dedicated fanbase, it's only now that it's getting alot of attention by other normies, but the fans will still talk and play about the game like they did with every other DMC before it

Did you actually play Demon's? In a lot of levels you did have to backtrack. Dark Souls had better level design, in any case.

Stop pretending there's some rivalry between dmc5 and sekiro you FUCKING FAGGOTS
You can be excited for more than one game and you can also buy more than one game a month. Fucking kill yourself OP

the games are completely different dude. DMC is all about style and crazy combos while Sekiro is slower paced and more about timing and stealth and parries and stuff.

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>Mainstream appeal
Just because journalist jerk themselves off about souls games in order to to seem relevant doesn't mean it appeals to the mainstream.

Based Cooper poster

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DMC 4 has sold more than any souls game ant that was before gaming has reached the popularity of has now. If anything DMC has more mainstream appeal

Will this game have anything demonic or supernatural? It looks like it will be pretty boring if it's just fighting samurai dudes and ogres which are just Big samurai dudes.

I'm a longtime fan and scholar of the series. DMC5 is not my DMC. Dante and Nero having the realistic faces of two knucklehead chad male models. Lady and Trish manfaced as fuck. V and Nico are garbage characters made for memes. It's a sad state of affairs.

Activision isn't paying shills like Capcom.


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my mainstream netflix watching cuck """friends""" are fucking scared of Dark Souls and they'll never ever beat it because they are shit.
>i-it's only roll, hit, roll, hit
so you can't even beat game where you perform two actions you stupid fucking amoeba

Especially the prison level.

So are faces the only thing that bother you? And didn't Dante always have a Chad face? Why bitch about it now? You can just say you don't like the realistic artstyle and get it over with.

>DMC 4 has sold more than any souls game

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>DMC 4 has sold more than any souls game

Really? That's pretty messed up. As far as DMC games go, that mediocre, unfinished backtracking bonanza sure as shit doesn't deserve more sales than Dark Souls or BB. Humans sure are interesting.

Ask Reddit and Resetera.

Imagine being this ass blasted about people getting excited

It's not. The combat looks weird as fuck and the stealth baby tier.

The weak fear the strong


this is the shittiest forced meme

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Because sekiro is a game to be cautiously optimistic about. How good or bad it is really depends on how good the combat feels, since the stealth is already confirmed to be AAA garbage where you just sit in grass 24/7

Because Sekiro is an even more dumbed down version of DS3 which was already massively simplified compared to its predecessors. The game just looks boring.

What is there to talk about?

Sekiro coming out next to Devil May Cry is rough for me because they both look like games I will drop everything for and am super excited to play, however I feel like Sekiro has like no information out. There were those game informer vids and that was kind of it, I don't even know how the fucking resurrection thing works despite being pumped for the game.

That's something a fromroach would say
From software's games are all the same, same engine, same gameplay, rehashed assets and animations
If you've played one, you've played them all.

Sure, Sekiro gives a bit more freedom with the verticality, but it's still just as stiff, repetitive gameplay as their other games, hit dodge, hit dodge, rinse and repeat

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That is a lie.

not in a million years
reddit and discord are mad DMCfags are about to follow up on that promise of daily threads until release after they brought it about

valid point but i do not appreciate the term 'fromroach'

Instakills are a shitty mechanic

It's already flawed because stealth by game design standards is never good and easily abused.

You'r opinion is immediately invalidated. You're not even replying to anyone, you fucking fool, you worthless insect.

probably not

Whats the point of such a blatant lie?

He's obviously replying to OP, and what about his post is invalidating?

Pretty sure it's true

Looks like a Bloodborne reskin. I'll get it once it's on sale but absolutely not paying $60 for it.

the sheer wrongness of his statements

>Pretty sure
then whyd you even post?

Why do you fags gush over Bloodborne so much? It had great combat, but was obviously rushed.

That's my first post.

I never said it wasnt?

Well he was right that From uses the same engine for their games, and those who played the game did say it felt like a Souls game but diffrent, but that user is wrong about if you played done you played them all about their games they might be similar but not the same

Same reason people are buttblasted about Smash Bros or My Little Pony. The fans are obnoxious shits.

I like the Victorian setting, it hasn't been done much.

So now you know why.

I've played a demo for DMC5 and I know it's going to be great. This game could end up shitty. I'll likely pick it up at some point but dmc5 is launch day for me.

it's going to bomb shill

I don't believe you're a fan of the series if you mention graphics before combat.

Excuse me, but what is the point of buying this game Day 1?

If the game had multiplayer I would, but since it doesn't I can just wait a year and save alot of money while not missing out on any content.

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>buying games

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it hasn't been 11 years since DMC4 user...

DS3 outsold it

>what’s the point of buying it Day 1
So you can visit Yea Forums without worrying about spoilers

It makes people happy, that triggers all the schadenfreude cucks.

How so? The only thing about them that's obnoxious is that they have daily threads but even that isn't that bad dat least it's just one at a time, the only time threads exceed that number is when there is something big being shown and that's because if shitposters for the most part

You can't spoil these games though, there's so much to digest and experience, and you can absolutely blow through it without knowing 90% of the plot.

they been trying to derail DMC threads for 5 months now with no results

so they have to create their own shitposting threads becuase the DMC threads wont budge

You're not a fan if you can't see that the art and graphics detract heavily from even the gameplay. You're just blinded by hype.

>DMC4 came out January 31, 2008
user I...

why do anything today when you can do it tomorrow

Feb 5 2008

This the type of game to be marketed as AAA and come in at under 20GB because everything is a reused asset and compressed

Its sad but all sequels will just be pathetic meme in this day and age

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They don't though. I played the demo and I had a blast like I haven't had in a long long time. There's no false hype and the graphics are perfectly serviceable.

The reason DMC4 sold well was because people thought it would be as good as DMC3

But the graphics are good, art in the other hand is only seen in the weapon and enemy designs, and I guess the fashion, which is a bit if a bummer to me but I'm fine with it, and all you bitche dabout was the faces, not the art direction

Going into Bloodborne completely blind was epic and I want to give Sekiro the same treatment. I literally haven't watched trailers for this even.

Yes they do. The new combat effects directly detract from 4's flashy gameplay that tied in perfectly with its art. The characters also look like absolute shit at times which just makes the game feel cheaply produced.

Where did I mention the faces?

nu/v/ hates everything.
>comaparing DMCfags to Smashcucks or MLPfags
Come on now son. DMCfags don't clog up the entire general with shitty fake leaks or ranting about muh roster, they at the very least talked about the games.

This and because it has shitty bamham stealth.

Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls both sold over 3 million on PC. Dark Souls 2 sold 2.6 million on PC. DMC 4 sold 3 million and this includes all its platform releases plus the special edition re-release. Each Dark Souls release has sold more on PC alone than any DMC game did across all platforms.

The gameplay is not the graphics man. The game is still flashy as fuck. I'm really have trouble believing you're a longtime fan. I've played the entire series on release.

Right here isn't that you

>I'm buying both

Finally, some good taste

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As I recall, DMC4 sold more 3 million in like 2008. It's been a decade since then and it had multiple releases for instance it being on PS4, Xbone, Steam, then remastered on Steam after being initially released on PS3, 360, and on GFWL.

Nope but I do agree with that as well. But I'm just talking about the gameplay.

There is some animation jank on top of the ugly ass effects too, like when Dante falls down from any height, it looks like the game is glitching out. There's like no animation.

holy fuck people are stupid

No, it's 3 million as of now. Capcom has updated their IR page multiple times and DMC4 is still sitting at 3 million.

Well okay then, Souls sold much more.

Can you provide an example? Animation in this webm seem good to me or maybe I'm just retarded

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>DS3 is dumbed down

I'm not a huge fan of the game but literally how? It's more action-oriented than its predecessors but how is it dumbed down?

It sounds like you didn't even play the previous ones

t. Kamiya

Okay so no answer.

Looks good there but other places it looks bad. Sword slices don't match up with the effects, a lot of "power break" attacks produce the ugliest effects known to man, the blood looks terrible, etc.

dmc has 4 games worth of previous disappointments and triumphs to talk about as well as expectations and impressions of the new game and a preinstalled culty fanbase.

Attached: Screenshot_20190301-194352_Chrome.jpg (1440x2960, 642K)

I don't have time to write this shit for you, just search for ds2 vs ds3 and look how stripped-down ds3 is.

ds2 feels and looks like absolute shit

I see, but that doesn't really bother me interms of gameplay personally, and I think the blood looks weird because later it turns into red orbs

So you're parroting some e-celeb and can't think for yourself. Got it. Unless you think having to pump up a stat to get more iframes on a dodge roll makes a game less dumbed down.

sure bro

Because Sekiro looks like an MGR-style parryfest with Assassin's Creed stealth kills and Arkham grappling, while we already know DMC5 has deep and engaging gameplay thanks to demos.

Sekiro will probably have a good world to explore, but From seems more concerned with showing off their expected middling combat than their actual strength, world and level design

How does it not? It affects the entire feeling for me, it just feels soulless.

But the demo implied the actual opposite of that and Sekiro is just faster Souls.

You didn't play the demo did you?

>map is a straight line
>teleporting from the start
>dodging iframes are insanely generous
>you get a bunch of dodges with even base stamina

>no online co op

PASS. Nobody plays single player games anymore.

You didn't play the demo
>faster Souls
so mediocre combat BUT FASTER, wow

>y-you didn't play it
I did. Fuck off with your fanboy bullshit.

>more button presses = better combat
what a retard

>waah me can’t summon help
Kys brain rot tranny

Knock yourself out, retard.

Then you'd know it's at least as deep as 4 which is one of the deepest action games.

Well I played the demo and it felt great, but I guess that's just goes into how weird my taste is, and how I give so little shit about small details, and the game feels as soulful as every DMC game before it to me

>scholar of the series

I will be getting both of them. I don't know why you try to start this franchise war when you can get both good action games that completely different in terms of style and gameplay.

They're only in these threads to try to combat their competition. Antishills rag on one game so they can make their video game thread appear better in another tab. Every thread is a shill thread and it's all corporate warfare.

More like suckiro
>No soul level
>No shields
>No character customization
>Set in one of the most cliche and overdone eras in history
>Stupid prosthetic arm, why?
>Stupid ass James Bond grappling hook
>Confusing title (how does a shadow die twice?)
>not as difficult
Even the mighty must fall, this looks like trash, who else is ready for From's first major flop?

Cringe and soýpilled

>tfw don't know anything about DMCV
>don't care about this pointless fight between these two games that some autists have memed into existence
>tfw pretty sure there won't be any comfy threads for sekiro because of this
>probably worse than what you'd normally expect for a new title on release
Should people just not come to Yea Forums until they've platinum'd it?

Attached: lord give me patience.png (381x393, 270K)

>This game honestly looks more impressive than DMC5.
Yeah sure.
I'm gonna get both but DMC5 looks more promising

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Yet feels worse for the reasons I outlined in a couple of earlier posts.

>Resident Evil is way better than your backflip pizza cringefest.
Resident Evil has never been good

DMC is like Undertale, decent games, horribly retarded fanbase of supreme autists.
Just do what i'm going to do
buy both, play both, enjoy both, and laugh at the aspergers-tier retard fucks on Yea Forums weeping like little girls and throwing cookies at each other over which game is better before they're even released.
>muh hi def
>muh grapplez hooks omg lol
>muh 2deeplore in DMC
>muh muh muh u suck!1`11``1
fucking lel

1 second clips from Sekiro unironically look better than this slow paced casual shit.

That's highly subjective. The game feels great to me and the complexity is there so I'll have 100 hours at least ahead of me.

CUUUUUUUHRAAAZZZY xD fags have always been obnoxious cocksuckers of the highest order and lately they've been turning it up to 11. I don't really mind their posts but I can see why others would.

Sure thing, retard. Back to /x/ with you.

sekiro doesn't have a full decade of hype behind it, that's why.

>no shield
Is this a bad thing?

Just wait until it comes out.

It's just not your game, grandpa. Miyazaki is dropping the guys who like reading stats and level up screens at the old folks home where their crusty, geriatric asses belong. The people going forward into the future of SEKIRO are the kind of lads who can keep up with the most fast paced combat possible with modern technology. the neurons in your brains will be fried, boys. DMC5 will be a good warm up, but make no mistake, it shan't be nothing but an appetizer.

>slow paced casual shit.
Ironic, because in Sekiro you need to wait the enemy to attack you and parry 100x times to kill him
I'm sure you're a hardcore gamer who replays Dark souls everytime.

Fuck off shill, I'm not leaving my advertising campaign behind. My customer base is on Yea Forums, there's no profit for my product on /x/.

Sekiro doesn't look much faster than DaS 3, from the gameplay I've seen.

LOL cuckiro doesn't even have air combos

>everyone works for The Corporation™, there are no other human beings, for this poster is alone in all the universe; all other speakers are Shills™ or AntiShills™

Truth If you actually thinking critically. From soft is embracing their weaknesses and not focusing on their strengths.
Yes. Sheild is an integral part of the from soft games. Without it no parrying and nothing to block attacks. What are you even implying???

because enemies are actually threats.

You clearly haven't looked at Sekiro mate. I'm not even defending it just stating facts. DMC5 is slow as FUCK and that clip you posted looks fucking boring.

>doesn't have engaging combos
Of course DMC5 does, you can watch videos of it online. Being able to caliber > punchline > roulette > call back the rocket arm > ride it > combo > breakage while maintaining steady exceeds requires better timing, concentration, understanding of distance, time management and overall understanding of mechanics than sekiro.

This is in a demo with 3 of 8 DBs, 4 of 8 spaces for DBs and barely a 10th of Nero's full moveset. Never mind that most of hus attacks change significantly between being exceeded and in a normal state.

If you weren't able to derive mechanical depth from that, its because you're shit.

>tfw pretty sure there won't be any comfy threads for sekiro because of this
Then start a conversation, why are you waiting others?
you can do sekiro threads every day like those DMCucks

You've been seeing the wrong gameplay then, buddy, or maybe it was even too fast for your human eyes to follow?

I saw the gameplay. I'm not that interested in Asscreed Ninja edition

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DMC threads will be dead by the time Sekiro comes out.

My favorite part of DMC/Bayo threads is that 90% of the posters who rant like you are don't even clear the games or play on harder settings.
I don't pretend to be a CUHYRAZYEE genius, but i always clear blind on the hardest available setting and i always get a chuckle out of people arguing theoretic DMC/Bayo combo min/max when 99% of the audience fails to get any achievement beyond the tutorial or kill anything past the first story boss even on the easiest settings

The only people doing anything remotely close to what you describe in your rant are a very tiny segment of japanese streamers or professional fighting game players. You won't even need to do 80% of what's available to clear on the hardest setting. I'll be doing so when it launches.

This is worse than fucking Nier. It's slow as fuck.

Meant to you

This is literally made for the upper echelon of the elite and will transcend beyond the gaming industry’s ocean of casual flimdabledoodle flicks.

Shut up retard

You know what game DMC fans hardly ever talk about in DMC threads? Sekiro.
You know what game Souls fans constantly bitch about in Sekiro threads? DMC5.
Let people like what they like and stop trying to incite some gay internet feud. The two games have almost nothing in common in terms of game/combat design.

I didn't even bother replying to him, I realize now he has autism if he thinks the demo had any notabale kind of depth. The combo tech even when fully unlocked will be boring as fuck to look at.

All you faggots have to do is start a thread about your game without mentioning or trashing another, boom now you have a comfy thread how fucking hard could it be for you guys?

japanese mythology cant top eldritch horror

Attached: 1521689849863.png (3840x2160, 2.98M)

Fucking assholes going on the internet just to tell lies.

>muh aliens
>but they're evil and spooky
Fuck off Nyanners

is this bloodborne? wtf i'm looking at?
looks like cut content moon presence


Nigger I did what I was describing, I wasn't describing an advanced player but what I try to do on a S run.

It's okay to be bad at video games user, I'm sure you ran through DS once, laughed about how hard it was and moved on but some of us actually like exploring the mechanics of a game and doing no damage runs.

Nothing i described can't be done with a bit of practice you lazy fucks.

It's one of the cut bosses, yeah.

I saw a gameplay video of DMCV and it didn't really look that great. Felt like a lot of corridor walking and then a boring boss fight. I also hate forced humor by ironic snarky characters in most games, basically stopped me from playing games like Sunset Overdrive.

I'm not bad. You definitely are though if you're attacking a Souls game so vigorously while posting absolutely dog shit videos of DMC5.

3 and to a lesser extent 4 are pretty decent. 5 went off the rails and into shit territory though.

>I hate forced snarky humor
Don't bother with DMC then, that's 40% of the charm

5 just doesn't have any charm.

I'm interested to see where Miyazaki takes it. He pretty much confirmed a tonal shift partway through the game, like the gothic horror in BB going cosmic horror. But I don't really know how he could top the ayy lmaos.

I'm just arguing statistics fren, the usual batch of autistic ad hom response doesnt matter to me, because i'm right on a numbers game. People don't even get past the tutorial of DMC/Bayo, but feel fine trying to nitpick combat 'depth' that they'll never even touch. This is a truth whether you like it or not.

Also, in my eyes, anyone who likes DMC should like Souls-y things and vice versa, if you enjoy reasonably touchy combat and some depth, you should probably really like both franchises and be eagerly awaiting both of these titles.

because its the anit-TORtanic.
every shitposter that has posted in a DMC thread since the announcement has been BTFO so hard that they are now making falseflag, cope, and echo chamber threads.

Attached: Screenshot (96).png (528x475, 37K)

I must admit I have never really cared for DMC, it seems like your usual Japanese drivel with cringy writing. Even tried the DMCV demo and felt bored.
Sekiro on the other hand looks amazing and full of soul.

I've only watched the Sekiro trailer but it looks nothing like 'realistic human combat' to me, everything about it screams souls in sengoku land. Even the ranting narrator looks like some hairy half-monster fuck, you got a fat samurai giant with shackles on his head who is like 30 feet tall, you got a big ass scorpion half-man thing

I know i'll get attacked for it but i'm pretty much expecting souls in jp with jp monsters a-la Nioh with a couple gimmicky new mechanics based on the mecha-arm and shit. I don't think it's gonna be some MGS or AC-esque stealth fuckoff game, the whole thing reeks of souls

Where did he confirm a tonal shift?

>Also, in my eyes, anyone who likes DMC should like Souls-y things and vice versa
Not him but then you're an absolutist retard. Literal comparing of apples and oranges and saying that if you like one you should like the other. What a tool.

but the shitposting threads get turned into dmc threads every single time, without failure, which makes the shitposters mad, so they make more threads, etc. etc. and now the entire board is going to be nothing but DMC threads for the entire week.


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I thought it was okay in DMC3. Dante is kinda snarky, but all the other characters are serious as fuck. As for Jester, I don't even want to talk about that shit.

In DMC5 it seems a little too much. Dante, Nero, Nico and V are kinda jokey, and worst of all the game seems to have been written by some seriously unfunny 9gag retards. It's not even remotely witty

>This game honestly looks more impressive than DMC5
Confirmation bias, DMC gets a lot of attention so you clinged on to something less popular to feel unique and special, now with the Vergil reveal you're feeling threatened, they both have completely different feels and approaches to the genre.

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>3 and to a lesser extent 4 are pretty decent. 5 went off the rails and into shit territory though.
How the fuck could someone like 4 but hate 5 is beyond me, 4 wasn't that great it didn't even look good and the art style was a departure from the dark gothic style of previous DMCs, 5 seems better in terms of gameplay and design or at least to my eyes

It just looks like dark souls with some nioh in there.
I love FromSoft, but I'm not understanding the hype with this one.

I'm glad someone else noticed that. The writing is fucking terrible and apparently the story takes itself way too seriously on top of that.

So on one hand you have the "you're a big guy" garbage but on the other hand you'll have the game trying to get us taking that emo faggot V seriously. It's going to be a disaster.


Because it looks cool, it had turbo mode, the characters still had that DMC style to them, and Nero wasn't as much as a faggot writing wise.

in some interview, I believe it was in some of the game informer exclusive content. Trust me, I've been binge watching preview videos and even Vaati's loathsome content.

Is there any hype? I feel like people are pretty bored of Souls style by now but that could just be me.

It's got a different combat system than Souls/Nioh, seems like it'll be more fun. But I'm not really excited. Will pirate it unless it takes too long to get cracked.

>People going out of their way to shitpost in threads they don't like
God they must be seething 24/7 at dmc threads, feels good to be apart of comfy threads again.

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DMCfags are desperate. they even bought into the meme that it is a "return to form" when it looks more like DmC than DMC3. just let em have their fun if they can stomach it, they've been waiting long enough

>on the other hand you'll have the game trying to get us taking that emo faggot V seriously

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Explain how Nero is worse writing wise.

Watch the latest trailer. You're fooling yourself if they aren't trying hard to turn this game into a shitty drama.

soulsfags don't care about DMC, these threads are made by nintendo discord trannies

old REfags are still cool in my book. if anyone says they started with RE2make, REmake or RE4 it's a red flag though.

why not just get both and enjoy both of them?

I agree. I feel like i would have given it a try if it wasn't aping Ni-Oh so hard.

>Because it looks cool
4 looked like generic as shit to me and a big let down compared to 3
>it had turbo mode
Only on PC when it first released
>characters still had that DMC style to them
Barely, I don't remember Lady being a bimbo in 3, and I didn't like Dante's clothes
>Nero wasn't as much as a faggot writing wise.
Nero is the same in 5, it's just that Kyrie isn't in trouble so he's not pissed 24/7

Do we know how many boss fights there will be?

I hope you don't mean automata

>a mother's death shouldn't be dramatic
What are you on about?

yeah, makes me wish i was a part of the ace combat threads when 7 was announced.
HD remaster of 4,5, and 0 fucking when?

Nigga resident evil can't even beat kingdom hearts 3 in sales fun always win baby

Why can't we have a Sekiro thread that is about the actual game instead of this Sekiro vs. DMC5 bullshit or complaining that Sekiro isn't Dark Souls?

I've been in all 3 fandoms, DMCbros are easily the most-enjoyable of the bunch and nowhere near as annoying or degenerate.

I thought it was supposed to a parody because I laughed when that cringy sont straight out of Kingdom Hearts started playing. Man those cringy vocals made me not want to play the game

Yet V is always accompanied by Nero, Dante or Griffon all three of which are constantly cracking wise. They're balancing the drama and lighthearted bants like they've always done.

I'm not that guy, but Sekiro looks more boring to me, like Dark Souls or even NiOh with less options. Am I supposed to clap because you can fucking jump in Sekiro?

Because shitposters don't have any conversational skills and think kindergarten-tier playground wars are the epitome of discussion

>I've been in all 3 fandoms
You deserve death to be honest

>a song that's probably going to only play during a skippable cutscene makes you not want to play a combat focused game
More power to you I guess.

The sengoku Japan setting is as rooted in the real world as Yharnam in BB. They are clearly not going for historical accuracy here, thank god. We already know you'll be facing Monkeys and snakes huge as buildings, demon roosters and headless ghouls.

>because its the anit-TORtanic.
But there are absolutely no signs of it being a dumpster fire in disguise

Eh maybe I exaggerated, I will probably pirate it in the future.

>people unironically calling DMC fans cringe while giving a pass to soulsfags and from software fans in this thread

>daily discussion = zero standards.

Damn, that's some serious sperglogic. Hell there's even been a good share of arguing over what changes/etc. are good. Don't let the handful of waifufags discern you.

And no one decent is rooting for it to fail

To me it looks better than all the Souls games combined.
Nioh can fuck off, what a piece of trash.

I didn't post any videos you fucking retard. You're shit at the game and then blame the game for being crap, that's pathetic.

Most people quit Demons's and Dark Souls never mind Gascoigne in Bloodborne. You're full of shit because whether plebs understand the mechanics or not doesn't change the fact they are there for anyone to use if they want to try.

I've owned and beaten every souls game, I've played every DMC game and I can safely say only BB came close to mechanical depth and that's only in relation to 3; DMC4 offers so much depth BB and the Soulsborne games can't compare. DMC5 has even more. And that doesn't matter because I like Fromsoft games like AC and Soulsbourne games for their stories, setrings and the fact that combat is interesting and satisfying even if its not the deepest around.

Because the only people who bother to make Sekiro threads are autistic shitposters who want to weaponise Soulsfags against DMCfags for some retarded reason

It just looks more Souls. Its got a neat new setting and a few new moves but overall it looks pretty bland. They shit out these Souls games so often now it's hard to ever get excited about them. On the other hand there hasn't been a good DMC game in 10 years. You can understand why that might be a little more exciting to most people without shit taste.

I found redemption from the error of my ways, and the ponyshit was a brief one for its fan content. I'm repulsed that there's still a fucking pony board, honestly.

Why would I bother? Why the fuck are you even in this thread?

Because OP started to compare the two. Plus, is there anything to talk about with Sekiro? There's never any new footage or ads and it's coming out in like 2 weeks.

It's really nothing like Nioh, which is a straight up Souls clone. This is a little bit different with a fundamentally different combat system.

Why are you?

Seikro is already on the low with it's discussion so shitposting on it is pretty much useless, DMC on the other hand has enough amount of attraction to gain a (you) or two plus shitposters have pinned it against many games before and failed so they have a bigger hate boner for it

Literally nothing you said(except about turbo mode) makes a lick of sense. 4 is unique as fuck looking and it's visually a masterpiece that runs at a solid frame rate on any system. Lady was dressed like a massive slut in 3. Nero is totally different in 5, COMPLETELY a different character even when it comes to his looks.

Nier Automata is faster in 5 and those webms look like shit.

I agree that NiOh is not the best game, but it's all I can think of when looking at anything from Sekiro. I love FromSoft games but this looks so bland I'd rather give NiOh 2 a chance.

Fuck it, DMC 3 stream time.
im too excited, fuck my ASSHOLE

In its defense they've barely shown anything, mainly just the tutorial. I think it will feel pretty decent but yeah it doesn't look that good so far, visually at least. It has the most potential of March's games to be decent.

Nioh is just kind of boring. Combat has a decent amount of depth if you got into it. I just wish they made a proper NG game.

>Needing to bait people from another game to generate discussion for yours.

I will be playing both while you guys fight this over.

>Nier Automata is faster in 5
5 minutes?

>Nero is totally different in 5, COMPLETELY a different character even when it comes to his looks.
No he isn't and most of his new design is outright taken from concept art from 4

who would win in a contest of avoiding a bath, meleefags or dmcfags?

Than*, sorry.

Yes he objectively is. He's no longer moody, his looks are totally different, his sense of humor went to shit, and he even sounds a bit different.

>No level ups
>no builds
>no stats
>no online
Unironically THAT'S A GOOD THING but for some reason people just want Dark souls IIII or Bloodborne 2

The skill tree and skills are literally the same as Nioh, but the gameplay looks like its just parry fishing, so worse than Nioh

Actually it has traditional levels by receiving exp for kills. You also have skill trees

>4 is a visual masterpiece
>when pic related is in the game
DMC5 runs in 60 FPs with some frame drops on consoles, but in the end it will run smoothly on PC so whatever
Lady dressed like a skimpy school girl but didn't have her tits out there neither rdis she look like a bimbo
Nero's character is still hot headed, still cares about Kyrie more than anything and is now trying to prove his self for Dante that he can protect the ones he loves, what the fuck is ther that is different in Nero aside from his looks?

What the fuck are you on about? We haven’t seen the skill trees and skills yet.
Also it looks a million times better than Nioh which is trash

Oh, I wasn't aware that was just the tutorial. Hopefully it will be more fleshed out further in.

The pacing is different, it really doesn't seem like it's just another "souls" clone because of that. There's potential for a more engaging system.

Forgot pic

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-4-small-187.jpg (640x360, 60K)


Nigger Asstomata is also floaty shit with garbage animations and poor hitstun.

DMC5 isn't a visual masterpiece and like you said it runs like crap. Lady did look worse in 4 but she was always a slut. You're cherry picking about Nero. His humor, his expressions, his attitude, and his looks are all off compared to 4. He's not the same person at all.

There wasn't a skill video on the Vaati channel? Might wanna check that out.
You know, the whole thing just comes down to preference anyway. Not saying Nioh was the best, but I'd rather play something else rather than Sekiro, which is the first time i've felt that way about a From game since I played Demon's Souls. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying that, either.

Fuck off kid.

>He's no longer moody
Except when Dante calls him deadweight and the only reason he was moody in 4 was because of Kryie being captured and him not having accepted the Devil Bringer as part of him. Both of which got resolved.
>his sense of humor went to shit,
He has the exact same sense of humor that revolves around mocking and insulting his enemies. His mocking of Goliath is incredible reminiscent of him when he was making fun of Agnus in 4.
>He sounds a bit different
You have hearing problems then.
>Different looks
Which were taken from again concept art from 4. Meaning that if things had gone differently he would have looked like this to begin with.

That stealing moron is just mentioning what Gameinformer wrote and showing the same clips of the tutorial as everyone else. But we haven’t really seen the skill trees or anything besides the tutorial area yet.

You didn't even understand the character, there's no sense talking to you about him.

Oh, my apologies, then. I thought that shit was real.

>game is so irrelevant he has to shit on other fanbases
>shilling for activision
Soulsfags confirmed braindead retarded

You get XP that give skill points, but its not like you will be level 5 fighting level 40 enemies who are tanky for no fucking reason. Pretty much the same as Far Cry or a ton of other forced RPG elements in modern games

Not an argument. Glad you admitted to just shitposting.

Where can I read more about the mechanical and system differences between sekiro and recent from software titles?
I know there's no equipment or stats but I have no idea what replaces it if anything does.

Pretty shameful user. You're pretending like you know what the fuck you're talking about when you don't. It's not good to act like this, you're just making the website's culture even worse.

Obviously it's not an argument. There's just no point talking to you about something you didn't even understand to begin with. Hell, you can't even grasp that the nuance of his voice has changed which should be completely obvious.

It doesn't need to be a visual masterpiece what I'm saying is you praising DMC4s visuals over DMC5s is retarded since 5 is better than 4 visually, Lady didn't have a seen where she shows her ass or tits in 3 like her introduction in 4, that is a big fuck to the character and how she's is supposed to be looked at
I'm not cherry pick shit about Nero he's just less pissed than he was in 4 since Kyrie is safe, he has some of Dante's witt and carelessness rubbed on him which is expectable, and if you read the translated bits of the prequel book of 5 you can tell how he's still the same

Takes skill now

>you can't even grasp that the nuance of his voice has changed which should be completely obvious.
It's the same voice actor, nothing changed it's just that he sounds less of a clueless knucklehead like he was in 4

5 might be more modern looking but it's not as consistent or stylish looking. In fact it looks like fucking ass with all the chromatic aberration and other eye cancer.
>Lady didn't have a seen where she shows her ass or tits in 3 like her introduction in 4, that is a big fuck to the character and how she's is supposed to be looked at
I agree with that but she was still a slut, the game just wasn't made in the same era though.
Nero is not the same. I've already explained how.

He sounds more like a clueless fuck in 5, he literally sounds younger because the actor isn't brooding and trying to seem mature.

>Muh resolution
And what does it change about how shit this level looked?

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Enemies don't stand around to get hit, they will counter you and block your attacks(they have stamina). I don't know much beyond that aside from your grapple arm serving combat purposes as well as traversal, and that you can jump.

It seems like the potential for Souls+Bushido Blade is there, basically.

Just looking at your post tells me I'm not the worst thing about this site's """"culture"""".
I genuinely feel bad for losers who actually care about the culture of a Cantonese knitting website.
What a fag.

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Looks like I triggered you, faggot. Imagine getting mad when you get caught lying out of your ass.

Souls games: dodge attacks as best you can, and get some hits in where you can. If you're good, some enemies can be parried for BIG HITS
Bloodborne: mostly the same as Souls, only you move a lot faster and almost every enemy can be parried or staggered
Sekiro: Parrying is now almost required, and normal attacks are basically like a limp pool noodle. Visceral-equivalent attacks are now basically required to do significant damage, after building up a stagger meter on enemies. Bosses must be killed with a finishing move after being staggered at zero health, they cannot be killed with regular attacks.

ghost of tsushima will be the better samurai game this year

I'm not particularly excited for Sekiro but that's just silly

especially if Nioh 2 comes out this year

Wow, now we know who we're dealing with here. Get some sun, you school shooter ass bitch.

here's another one for you


>Nero is still voiced by the same dude
>Still written by the same dude
>yet somehow because of a 5 years gap and him growing up he is a completely different person
Whatever man, at least check YouTube for the cutscene if you aren't getting the game just to clear your mind on how Nero is in anyway "different"

>5 years gap
Ah, you're a DmCfag.

He's written completely differently and his voice actor is putting on a different show. The art is also fucked.

It's partially because people have been waiting for 11 years for DMC5 and had to live through the DmC era, it's partially because DMC5 has just had better marketing, but it's mainly because lots of Soulsfags are mad that Sekiro isn't just another Souls game and every attempt to discuss it devolves into an argument about that.

No you retard there is a 5 years gap between DMC 4 and 5 confirmed by the Before the nightmare book

anyone want to help me fight defiled amygdala? bl 133

Combat is the weakest part of souls games, and they're making a whole game around it. Parry timing is indicated by a Japanese symbol above an enemy's head. Love the setting, but not excited for a single player r1 spam simulator

>Previous games were more rpg and had pretty basic combat, which was fine since rpg systems were very good, but now DS3 is more action and less rpg, which wouldn't be a bad thing if action mechanics were more fleshed out.
>Linear world design, you can't sequence break as much as in DS1 and 2. You don't have master key/Shrine of winter equivalent in the game.
>You can spam roll and R1, breaking PvE and PvP.
>Covenants are samey and some are straight up unfinished or not fleshed out (Rosaria's fingers item)

>Combat is the weakest part of souls games
No it's not, it's the main focus of all the games and a big part of why they are so acclaimed.

yeah, please shit the place up with more generals
that's a great idea

Not him, but you're wrong the combat is the weakest shit in souls games, it is the enemy and level design with the difficulty meme that takes center stage and why they are acclaimed in the first place

>but you're wrong the combat is the weakest shit in souls games, it is the enemy and level design with the difficulty meme that takes center stage
Those are all the things that make the games' combat what it is, you're making no sense. Souls games are about navigating precarious environments and timing attacks that vary according to different enemies. That is Souls combat.

>Sekiro thread
>it's actually turned to be DMC thread

how did you do it DMC bros/fags?


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enemy design is part of combat along with shitload of other mechanics.
Dealing with enemies in Souls games is well made

And all your encounter boils down to hit roll/shield hit repeat, nothing special and nothing to praise it for, combat needs variety and good animation good hitbox and many other things which all souls games checks these points mediocrely while there other games do it better

The variety comes from the different enemies you face which have different timings. It's comparable to Punch-Out, where your range of attacks is fairly limited, but the game rinses a lot of variety out of them by having different timings depending on the opponent. In Souls this is coupled with the player having to be constantly aware of his surroundings as well. Barely any other modern action games put the player in precarious combat situations where they could die fairly easily against one enemy like the Souls games, so your claim that "it's nothing special" doesn't make sense.

It didn't have a great combat system, it felt good to play, but it was extremely simple, especially for a multiplayer game, where build/combat variety is important.

I enjoy most of the games but Souls combat is literally just Bop-It or Simon Says in video form.

Pretty stupid comparison. Its combat is probably closest to the NES Castlevania games. It's all about carefully placing your character and committing yourself to an attack animation in accordance to different enemies. Like those Castlevanias, the Souls games manage to get a massive amount of depth out of simple mechanics.

I guess you haven't played many action games out there, but that's understandable since they're a dying breed with only Bayonetta and DMC getting another game, maybe one day we will see a rise in the genre, but for now it's best if I just left there is no point in seeing the state of affairs for action games being shat on, with Soul games being praised for doing nothing new that has been done better before by other games

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Please, please PLEASE explain to me how Bayonetta and DMC, games where you practically juggle helpless enemies, "does what Souls does but better". Bear in mind that Souls is all about the tension of carefully exploring an environment where something could kill you anywhere.

DMC5 demo was literally garbage. The only good game in the series was 3.

Still waiting for an action game that's better than NG2/NBG.

>Why are my opinions not reality?

>DMC v Bayonetta
>DMC v Sekiro
What's next?

By replaying in harder difficulties just like it was intended, you clearly haven't played DMC in Dante Must Die or Bayonetta in infinite climax, while they have an easy difficulty option unlike Souls games, it doesn't make their games anymore easier and there is always God Hand and Ninja Gaiden as other good action games

what the fuck? when did DmC come out then?

1-It's doesn't
2-You can't have pretend hype.You can shill for free tho
3-It's a new IP,you can compare that to a series that has been running for almost 20 years
4-DMC is a series with SOUL appreciated by most of Yea Forums

You've seen players better than you doing shit you could never do. It's like me saying that souls is easy because you beat it at level 1 without getting hit.

You forgot the DMC v Spiderman autist



January 15th 2013

Those games aren't even remotely similar to Souls on hardest difficulty, though. The appeal of Souls combat comes entirely from the level design. To say those games do Souls "better" than Souls, when they aren't trying to do the same thing at all, is retarded.

Genuine question, how long do you think, in your heart of hearts, that Sekiro will be?

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Than the souls games aren't praised for its combat but for it's level and enemy design just like I said earlier

How the fuck do you get either of those times, even if it was your first Souls game I can't imagine it taking more than like 30-40 hours.

I don't think DS3 has less content than DS1, if anything I would have guessed it's the other way around. It's just that a good chunk of people who play DS3 have played the previous titles and have a way easier time and clear the game quicker

And by "it" I meant 1

the time for 3 isn't so weird I guess

I'd say Nioh is better than souls and very similar.

it's pretty easy to get lost DS1, especially before you get the Lordvessel.

But then we're going around in circles. Level design is integral to Souls combat. It makes the games' combat what it is.

i think maybe twenty five hours, perhaps.
i fear that they made have traded the staying power of the level design in ds and bb for verticality and what have you, if that makes any sense.

DMChads are literally immune to the usual shitposting in their threads so nu-Yea Forums is seething

The layout of DaS 1’s world makes a lot of people get lost, watching LPs on youtube makes it clear that it was probably playtest thst made the levels more linear as the series went on

Nioh doesn't have level design similar to Souls at all, though

It has level design similar to DeS aka the basis of the series.

>not getting both
Sucks to be you.

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I don’t know, but since most of the rpg mechanics are out, ai’m betting it will be much more straightforward in terms of exploration too, cause there won’t be too much to find in the world.

My guess is 18-25 hours for a first playthrough.

What you mean to say is DMC autists are ignorant.

No DeS had interesting back tracking related to NPCs and treasures. Nioh is fundamentally a different game.

that's an insult to DeS my dude, Nioh feels like expanded Chalice Dungeons at its best

I made one yesterday, but you fags ignored it.

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DS3 is considerably more linear than DS1. It's the next best thing to impossible to actually get lost, and the only moment where you might get stuck not knowing where to go is on the Irithyll bridge if you didn't find Cathedral of the Deep

Dude, ninjas and samurai and demon guys. Can't wait.

It doesn't really at all, though. Demon's Souls has way more complex level design

>didn't play DeS
What is world tendency

i know i'm probably getting my hopes up for nothing, but i'm half-expecting some kind of halfway twist in the games themes like how bloodborne had. maybe it'd extend the playtime if it came in. maybe switching from japanese myths to norse? i don't know

DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden and God Hands combat are all good even when you remove the level design, but when you that with Souls it doesn't work out, so we come to the conclusion that it isn't the core combat that makes Souls games good but the level and enemy design, how hard is it to understand am I saying something that is wrong?

that would be extremely gay.

No it just doesn't make any sense. Those games you listed aren't concerned with level design, just enemy encounters. Saying "if Souls games didn't have interesting level design, the combat would be bad" doesn't make sense because the combat is so good because it's entirely dependant on the level design. Your hypotheticals don't work.

Tenchu reborn as souls game

yeah the norse thing was mostly cuz that giant snake reminded me of jormungandr.
i'm mostly interested in the escalation that sekiro may have in the game regarding its enemies/setting than i am anything regarding the new combat, desu

Whatever, I suppose I'm just retarded, there is no need to argue anymore since we won't reach a conclusion that is desirable

Just call me next time bro

A lot more exploration to do, a lot more navigation to do, both potentially having you end up lost. More walking around the place, backtracking, corpserunning. It's many people's entry into souls and even to core action games in general so that inflates it too. First time I played I took 55 hours trying to do everything and dying quite a lot, complete casual who thought it was tedious to corpserun. At this point I've completed DS3 in under 3 hours but 1 has a lot more navigation that meant I still took 8 hours on my last run.


21 days

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Sekiro. I love the idea of clashing, and we could really use more action games.

not a big fan of dmc (always sucked at those)
but sekino looks amazing, can't wait to savour it

It's been in DMC since 1 ;)

>art and graphics detract heavily from even the gameplay
But that's wrong, you fucking retard

Good gameplay is good gameplay.
Play something like Godhand. It's muddy and shoddily presented, but fuck me if it doesn't play great

Yeah, DMC is a cool series, but I prefer Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta.

So there was this little cult game called Demon's Souls, and it was pretty cool. Then two years later it received a pseudo sequel, and that was pretty cool. And then a few years later they made another one. And then they rereleased that game a year later, and the same year they released another game. And then they released another game a year later. And then other people started making the same game, and releasing those multiple times every year, and now it's boring.

The gameplay isn't even good and it looks like ass.

Godhand doesn't even look like ass and it doesn't play well either. Too constricting, I like free movement.

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>From software's games are all the same, same engine, same gameplay, rehashed assets and animations
>he doesn't know that from made games before Dark Souls
So tell me, you zoomer fucking shit. How is Armored Core's, Otogi's and King's Field's gameplay similar? Describe some of the "similar" mechanics that they have in common. Of course you wouldn't be able to, since you're another teenage meme lord that never heard of From until the PC version of Dark Souls. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself to save us from having to read your worthless underage opinion again.

>DMC threads: fun times and discussion
>Sekiro threads: shitposting and bitter jealousy

ignorant as in they ignore stupid shit, yeah

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>If the game had multiplayer I would
Pure fucking cancer. It's because of faggots like you that most modern games are absolute trash.

I’m not Bobby Hill

This boy is not correct! He is flawed!

Based Bobby putting pvp zoomers in their place.

haha good one you know what I meant faggot.

whoa it's almost like they're not even about sekiro and they're actually just designated shitposting zones for seething rejects who got btfo from dmc threads

yeah, you meant "they don't agree with my shitposting, therefore they're ignorant"

you autists are ignorant by claiming everything is a shitpost

I said similar not the same. It's level select instead of interconnected.

Because everyone who isn't a DMC fag can see it's a mix between DmC2 and DMC2: Chapter 2

You haven't played any games in the series.

demons souls is interconnected

All this crying about the lack of coop has definitely shown me that most "Souls fans" are actually just massive casuals that have never finished the games without their butt buddies helping them steamroll everything. All the memeing they do about "muh difficulty" is just pure nonsense they spew in some pathetic attempt to gain more "gamer cred". I wonder how much of the Souls community has actually legitimately finished a Souls game? It has to be less than 10%.

and you're going to be a super seether when you get the game

we've literally already played it

>Set in one of the most cliche and overdone eras in history
Medieval Europe?

because we don't know anything about Sekiro what's there to argue you retard.

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I've played the demo. Even Nero who will likely be my least favourite character is one of the best action experiences of the last decade.

I admit I have summoned for a lot of bosses in the Souls games because I get lazy and impatient after a few tries. I love that there is no summoning in Sekiro so I have no choice but to take my time.

>no character customization
I'll just get Nioh 2 and/or Code Vaporware.

>Souls game without character creation


Is this a shitposting thread? You would think you would care more about Sekiro rather than compare it to another game like it's some kind of dick measuring contest.

all threads are shitposting threads

im going to wait for the complete edition

>fromsoft game without sony assisting

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I'll character customize you faggots into a bloody pulp if you catch my drift

Japanese mythology can easily be converted into eldritch horror.

Attached: mLoKIwt.jpg (400x240, 63K)


Attached: 1539568107797.png (301x490, 295K)

Yeah just google Junji, pretty fucked up stuff.