Getting this game soon, how does it feel to self insert as mii fighter?

Getting this game soon, how does it feel to self insert as mii fighter?

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Other urls found in this thread: characters mii/

making a mii is too cumbersome so I don't bother

If you wanna main them go ahead, but DO NOT play brawler he is complete ass and has trash recoveries

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Mii swordfighter is unironically top tier. Tornado > Up B kills at around 60. Back air is super fast, Fsmash is super fast, side b can put your opponent into a fuckton of hitstun letting you just walk up and smash attack, there's so much about the character that's insanely broken.

Underutilized and not nearly as good (in a cringy way ofc) as it could have been

I made mine to match my Wii Mii from 2006, was nostalgic. Only used him once then went back to Cloud. The swordsman is ok, brawler and gunner are meh.

>70 characters in Smash
>play as a mii instead

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>Sit down for 5 minutes to mess with 2hu Gunner
>Gunner is actually insane
>Close range game isn't even that bad

All the difference being able to makes.

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They are fun to play and the only characters in the franchise that kept smash 4s custom movesets. If every character had custom moves like in 4 where I can change them up id play them. But only miis have it. i have 3 mii gunners I use online. if I lose a match with mii gunner I change my gunner to something that can deal with what I lost to and I spank them. He is insane when customized. His down b ranged bomb is insanely good

Miis are just as much Nintendo characters as stuff like Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B.

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none of those 70 characters are the ones i wanted sakurai to put in

it feels meh. it's better to use mii's to meme

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Business mii is best mii

Radical Larry Mii is all business all the time

Game&Watch & R.O.B are not literal stock characters though

>Miis make user seethe simply by being an option characters mii/

>trying to use miis more often for fun
>Mii gunner vs inkling
>host gives up on final stock and kicks me

I'm not angry. Just disappointed.

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>Game&Watch isn't a literal stock character

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I know right? Never cared for Samus but Mii Gunner's missles are so darn spammy. Not even a zoner fan but it's so fun