Vote for me being the best Metroidvania game of all time or else

Vote for me being the best Metroidvania game of all time or else

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>it's an indie 2d pixel sidescrolling metroidvania rogue-lite with dark souls elements
how many memes can you jam into one game?

what is this game

How about being voted as shit indie garbage

Oops my finger slipped and I accidentally voted for the actual best metroidvania of all time

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Goddamn that trailer really was something.

I can't believe Dead Cells went from being a 10/10 to a 6/10 with just one update.
Fuck 1.1

Not even a metroidvania.

>most advanced movement upgrade is a double jump
cool metroidvania zoomers

Dead Cells isn't even a Metroidvania and it doesn't matter what the meme devs call it. It's another shitty Roguelite that has a completely fucked progression system and shit balance between items. It plays well, looks good and sounds great but there are just so many minor flaws that it becomes a chore to play, especially on later boss cells.

>durrr mechanics are the only thing that matters
>not level design, enemy design, or content hurrr

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what happened

That's the shadow dash you dingus

>3 bosses
>Unlocking weapons make the game worse
>Difficulty levels are retarded
Nah mate.

Double jump + dash + wall climbing + pogo = infinite air time

link to poll?

You arent even a metroidvania so no.

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Become a metroidvania first.

They removed easymode cheese strats that this scrub clearly relied on to get by.

become proficient

The fuck?
Since when are movement options a dealbreaker in these games?
That’s like complaining that a game doesn’t have guns in it so therefore it sucks. Just no. Go to bed.

Where do I vote for Rabi-Ribi?

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>rabi-ribi has a 4player co-op that no one really knows about
>devs added it as a joke
>now has adding online co-op with way higher player cap
Absolute madman!
it took me and my buddy 81 hours to beat rabi-ribi co-op, from beginning to the end of the most recent DLC

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sauce on pic?

No, it's like complaining that the guns suck in an FPS. Traversing the map is what you're doing most of the time in a metroidvania. If the movement is as fucking dull as Hollow Knight's is it's a massive failure of game design.

Can I just vote for Super Metroid and SotN instead?

The movement isn't dull, dashing feels extremely satisfying and the movement in combat has more intricacies and depth than any other metroid under the sun, you clearly either have extremely shit taste or are a scrub who haven't delved into the game enough.

Does boss level scale with number of players?

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Git gud.

I 100%ed the game except for the hunter's journal and the Godmaster stuff. It was dull, and Super Metroid is still a better game with better movement

>except for the Godmaster stuff
>Super Metroid is still a better game with better movement
lol ok

...which they stole almost completely from Dark Souls. Usually somebody will respond with how Dark Souls stole from Berserk (though it was only a few things while Hollowknight took characters, enemies, concepts and level designs).

Honestly don't understand how anyone can defend this shit. Sure it was a fun game, but the amount of stuff they copied is so blatant.

>dude you didn't beat all the radiant bosses in a row with all the bindings turned on? Your opinion is SHIT!

No thanks, I've wasted quite enough time I'll never get back on Hollow Knight as it is.

Damn good on Team Cherry for translating 3D level designs into a 2D game

Yes, their level goes up quite a bit

You forgot the flash game they stole the infection/final boss from

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Holy shit I haven't seen that game is eons
Wasnt the final boss a butterfly of sorts?

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>It plays well, looks good and sounds great but there are just so many minor flaws that it becomes a chore to play
A lot of popular Indie games have this problem. I loved Hollow Knight but as I got further and further the small design elements that annoyed me started to pile up until I just decided to finish it rather than completing the remaining content.

Yes, like Hollow Knight there's an infection that is mutating people/driving them crazy and manifests itself as pustules of "light goo" all over their bodies and is being spread by making contact with a moth/butterfly light god

I just don't understand why more studios don't do this. All you have to do is take a game that people enjoy (especially for the convoluted lore) change it in subtle ways (everyones a bug now, it's 2D), add some polish and there you go.

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But that's not Metroid Zero Mission or Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.

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The game devs expect you to improve as far as the mechanics of the game are concerned, not just rely on your luck to get an overpowered item in order to complete a run.

Eons ago when I played it, it struck me as a bootleg deadspace.
Gotta get your inspiration from somewhere I suppose

>zoomer thinks that dead space invented otherworldly beings driving people insane