How the FUCK is this framerate acceptable?
How the FUCK is this framerate acceptable?
Nintendofags don't care about frame rate because of portability.
wait until you reach the end game fights where you have low framerate, everyone screaming attacks over eachother and you can't see anything on the screen besides the ui due to the amount of effects and flashing lights the attacks have.
haven't had any framerate issues playing this docked
Stop lying. All of Gormott is terrible framerate wise even when docked
not lying, I have had stuttering in handheld but in docked I haven't noticed any framerate issues at all
Because you can't point out that this game is bad
Get your eyes checked
are there like specific spots where the framerate chugs that I can test this out in?
Game gave me eye cancer.
But then we have these people.
Boggles the mind.
largely this but beyond grinding I was forced to play it in docked mode, where in some cases there were performance issues.
Torna was better I found though
I noticed pretty poor framerate in Torigoth and Theosoir, not much elsewhere.
legitimately I just haven't seen framerate issues when playing this docked, I've seen the resolution scaling a fair amount and the performance is shakey as fuck in portable mode, but where are the framerate issues docked? am I being memed?
See .
Still, performance was far from this game's biggest problem.
I haven't had framerate issues in gormott
Is something wrong with my monitor settings or did they hire a fucking 3 year old to color everything? Everything is colored outside the lines especially their facea
that's the aggressive antialiasing - it doesn't work at all on the character models
Then I want to play the game you were playing.
At worst on docked, I can see the resolution drop, shimmering and jaggies get worse obviously, and the frame rate still hovers around 20 FPS.
In handheld? Forget it. The game gives me eye cancer.
For me it was just these two places , but I guess it can get bad when there are like 12 characters fighting onscreen too. I hope Switch emulation is progressing well so I can finally look at the world in the resolution it deserves.
I can't recall ever having issues with the framerate except very occasionally during combo finishers.
The terrible LOD on the grass was more annoying.
If you can't actually render all that grass i distance why even have it, i don't want to see it grow right in front of me while i walk forward
>At worst on docked, I can see the resolution drop, shimmering and jaggies get worse obviously, and the frame rate still hovers around 20 FPS.
I get all of those issues other than the framerate. Seriously, where are you getting 20 fps? I don't wish to imply you're a liar, I actually just want to know to see if I can reproduce it.
XC2 should never be played in handheld as its really poorly optimized.
by this point it's a staple of the series
I remember it being bad in the first area of Gormott and in areas in town, especially around the fountain.
I got used to it and stopped noticing the poor performance after that. But towns still typically stood out as having low frame rates on my Switch.
I dont know
but no one explained to me how 60 fps in 2019 is acceptable either
I've seen slowdown in torigoth but that's about it
Don't most people still have 60Hz displays? Or am I just a poorfag?
My TV nor my monitors have a higher refresh rate than that. So 60 FPS is just fine by me.
How the FUCK are those shitty ass movie-length cutscenes with AWFUL voice acting acceptable?
Totally worth it.