Why can't DMCfags handle criticism?

Why can't DMCfags handle criticism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=devil may cry 5 microtransactions

Same reason you can’t handle people liking a game.

nobody actually gives any reasonable criticism though

Because people don't like when some random shits on the thing you like

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Devil May Cry fan here. The series is far from perfect and idk how people defend it so hard, I absolutely love it for what it is so I'm willing to overlook these things. I do agree with your statement.

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I don't think shitting the board up with passive-aggressive threads qualifies as criticism.

>preorder bonus
DMCbabbies will defend this

Probably because a lot of criticisms are fucking stupid and in bad faith. You’ll see great debates on age of DMC 1, the characterization of DMC4, and even the good things about DMC 2. But when shitposts are treated as such, there should really be no surprise. You forget, this crowd spent years precision shitposting over the reboot, they know the game better than the shitposters of modern Yea Forums

DMC thread. Post webms

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Hey thanks for making us another thread. We'll put it to good use.


You get 100k red orbs which mean fuck all + some fun weapons to play with, what's the problem? microtransactions aren't even bad outside of multiplayer games anyway, especially in a game like dmc where its all about looking cool as fuck while killing enemies.

Microtransactions in general don't sit well with me because some games abuse it but really why would I care that people with spare cash want to get a different outfit for their character?

i’ve never played a dmc game in my life, but i still pop in dmc threads here and there and i can honestly say dmcfags are the only group of people on this board that i’ve seen that actually /can/ handle criticism and shitposting so idk wtf you’re on about

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Absolute unit

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For Red Orbs that you can collect in game? Just like DMC 4?

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>make a shitposting thread
>so low-effort it gets taken over and turned into an actual discussion thread
>"y-you cant t-take criticism..."

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Told you, they will defend anything

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They think anyone who criticizes the series is a DmC baby.
They also think that DMC has the best combat system of all time (muh combo autism), and refuse to even comprehend why someone might prefer another game's style.

Almost all the DMC games are fun (played at launch on ps2, not a zoomer) even DmC, but they all have moderate flaws.
DMC 2 is unmitigated trash and if you like it you have a case of severe fanboyism.

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This desu


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Don’t forget the soundtrack swap, alternate style ranking announcers, and live action cutscenes. Along with the EX colors.

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100k red orbs is literally nothing, if you could casually buy red orbs I could see your point but afaik you won't be able too.

It reminds me about Nier Automata release threads, really.
Shitposters will eventually take over but it will only happen in like a year, prior to that they will get raped in every thread and forced to create their own cuck shed threads to cry about it.

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Absolutely based and CUHRAYZEEpilled

They'll never learn. We own this board.

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I don't think you're gonna find a single person here or anywhere who says 2 was a good game.

It had the best Dante design, sure. And Lucia is pretty hot. But that's all it had going for it.

Not even the biggest fanboys defend 2

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Get off your phone you dumbfuck retard. This board is hilarious.

Rent free.
Thanks for making another thread user.


bui is alive

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Itsuno said that with that many Red Orbs, you could get back all of the DMC 4 abilities for Nero.

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Why do phones fuck up aspect ratio that bad anyway?

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how are these people struggling so much? You can literally button mash your way to the boss





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When will they add ability to switch lock on targets with a move of the right stick?

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Isn’t Overture more of a block?

>Unironically defending mtx
whats ur major malfunction?

Every DMC thread that brings up DmC has at least a few brainlets that say 2 is better than DmC.
I love the Dante design as well, though.

Personally one of my biggest gripes about the series was the fixed camera in the early games (understandable since ps2), and how drastically different Dante's personality with each game. I get that he's a different age but he feels like a different person entirely.
The fixed camera prevents me from going back and playing the early ones, it's so jarring.
I also don't really enjoy the puzzle solving and would rather get straight to the action ala bayonetta, or even DmC's platforming was more enjoyable imo.

Still a huge fan of the series and Dante was my hero growing up, I hope DMC5 lives up to the hype.

>didn't even post it

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Like, the game itself isn't a pure action game and still maintains the level structure of it's RE roots, which really hasn't helped it IMO. Puzzles almost always feel like a waste of time and slow things down when maybe it doesn't really need to be.

>if you could casually buy red orbs I could see your point
Oh boy....Is anyone gonna tell this user?

He's talking about Gerbera though


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>All the shitposting threads get turned into actual threads
How can I harness this power?

Thank you

Actually based. OP seething

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This game is gonna be so kino. Have you lads pre ordered the deluxe edition yet?



It's fine if you don't wanna deal with almost 20 year old mechanics. Just play shit you enjoy and watch the rest. I'd say you're missing out a bit on a genuinely fun game, but I can't force you to look at things from my perspective.

>there are human made weapons that can match devil arms

DMC Definitive edition fixed the issues original had. too bad didnt fixed the characters or simple inputs.
but having angel dash doing 3 dodges instead of 1 and no more colour patern enemies is a must


Could I get a source? Genuinely interested. It's mostly the greed of devs/publishers etc I have an issue with in regards to mtx, idc if some idiot wants to buy his way to end game on a single player game especially if he's still going to be bad at the end of it.

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You should have posted them with 2 devices for a better chance of synchronicity

Have a series that attracts people with a penchant for overcoming haters and losers. DMC is the type of game that brings us to life and you'll keep getting BTFO every time.

It ain't a DMC game unless it has a bizarro platforming session i guess

All breaker except Overture have demon parts in them

>Preordered the digital edition for the theme, the Collectors Edition for the goodies, and the Steam Deluxe edition so I can do co-op with some friends.

I may have gone too far in a couple places.

He's a salty sailor

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can you post more? it vergil

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Be motivated

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Playing as Vergil in DMC4 feels like a complete easy mode
I love it

Man I want an actual Monster add featuring Dante

That rock of yours must have been super comfy, friend

lmgtfy.com/?q=devil may cry 5 microtransactions

I stayed up late to watch that and I woke up all my room mates howling at that monster ad.

hi OP

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Report back when your roomates give you the boot for being a sperglord


>dante's clothes

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can someone leak a bit of vergil gameplay? or even the boss battle? please

you can tho

Music seems oddly fitting too.

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I'm sure I heard something about it a while back but wasn't really concerned since it doesn't really make a difference in this type of game. Kinda disappointing though, more so the fact that people would want to ruin the game for themselves rather than earn it.

There's a difference between defending it and understanding that it's probably both something beyond the control of the devs, as well as being mitigated by them as much as possible. I won't defend that shit but jumping the gun and calling it predatory is pathetic and small brained.

What do you expect from a series where the best entry is a miserable pile of mediocrity from decades ago

I already played each game like a dozen times on the ps2 though lol, I've had my fill. Hence why I'm hoping DMC5 lives up to the hype (and bayo 3/astral chain as well).

WOW DMC3 mediocrity from decades ago!
internet based , i will sue

With a move and not a press?

They can't. I'm paying half the rent while those two are paying a quarter each.

Switch the input on 'target switch'.

Man I'm glad some people are interested in Astral Chain but that's gonna be a hard pass for me. Never cared for Bayo never will.

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Best entrance

Bayoneta is fun , but i prefer Devil May Cry it my boy Dante.
no homo

Yeah, cause people can't reverse the best action game franchise in the world.


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>Blue beam of light
>this plays youtube.com/watch?v=el_tbjllzD0
>Vergil appears

I'll wait for reviews on AC but I'm fully on the Platinum dick riding at this point so most likely going to pick it up. I like the aesthetic and the combat looks unique.
Bayo is such a different game compared to DMC. Reactive combat instead of driving the combat like DMC. My favorite part of bayo is all the spectacle, desu. The game truly makes you feel like a fucking god.

It's funny how being a dmcfag was the epitome of NEVER EVER, they were kicked and bruised every e3, so desperate for anything because they loved dmc so much. Everyone on v used to look at them with sympathy and when dmc5 was announced it was the happiest and energized ive seen a fanbase in a very long time.
Dmc5 won't be perfect, but fucking christ dmcfags deserve this hype, let them have the thing they've wanted for years, jeez. Be chill dude

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Shame that we can't do this ingame.

>Dying to vergil 1
LOL, how pathetic can you be, even without knowing his moveset is piss easy in every difficult.

>mfw the vast majority of DMC threads always have fans argue and discuss about some issue the series and its games have had
>mfw every time we talk about 3 and 4 we still admit their faults

Oh, so you're actually "that" guy. You should neck yourself.

It's rather egregious from what I heard. The game constantly reminds you that you can purchase red orbs, even in-game while you're playing.

11 years of waiting and is finaly over.

>The game constantly reminds you that you can purchase red orbs, even in-game while you're playing.
Funny because the actual PS Store and Steam pages only show there's one singular one-time Red Orb purchase option.

this, dmc threads are fucking fun all around

Thinking DMCV will be fanfic level story plus some hack n slash game.
Last two trailers hit deep story

>Even in game while playing
If that's true then that's a pirate from me

Based. Anyone who truly loves this franchise will know that DMC has and always will be about having a good time above all else

Fuck that. I got cash and I enjoy the fuck outta life. You should focus on living before you try to tell others how to act.

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Based. I don't care if its not the best game ever, I waited 11 years and constant bullshit for it, that's all that matters.

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This is a problem with gaming as a whole in this day and age though, it's easy for me to say it's not an issue because I'm not a whale and I won't buy anything I don't want to, especially if it makes the game easier but the few that do make it profitable for games to include mtx so the cycle continues. If the option is there then whatever but constantly reminding you gets annoying really fast. It's a shame that cheats have basically phased out and you have to pay for those kind of benefits now if you want to mess around.

I think I just came.

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The fact you claim people defend 2 shows you're totally full of it.

>from what I heard
You probably just heard it from Jim anyway

this, its always nothing like DmC2, or dante's hair, or just bullshit like "sandbag enemies" and "replaying a game isn't fun". Notice how none of the shitposters complain about dmc4 backtracking, dmc2 in general, or the platforming.

the only real criticism is MAYBE the microtrasanctions but the game isn't out yet so we can't we argue about how it was handled, and even then no one actually defends it, most dmcfags dont even want it in, but of course that doesn't fit the shitposting narrative.

>mfw people spreading misinformation about MTX

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Dude's lying, last year some journos who demoed the game intentionally spent all their red orbs on continues to see what would happen

if you try to buy a continue without enough orbs it asks if you want to open the PSN/XBL store. Otherwise there is no way of knowing it's even an option

guys does Vergil have a bigger dick than Dante?

>DMC even has microtransactions

its the same guy

Both 14 inches demon dick

Rebellion and Sparda combined holy shit.

I wasn't talking about that user in particular desu

That's still bullshit, fuck capcum. They haven't made a decent game in decades

I still don't understand why it sometime opens and closes.

had a free bloody palace , some costumes and vergil story mode (which has the only worth)
but it has lacking the bloody palace.
Definitive edition included it finaly plus Classic Vergil Cosplay for us fags veterans

That second claim is an out right lie

go to bed Jim

false . is the new sword
The sword is the embodiment of Dante's power, just like how the "Demon Sword Sparda" is the ultimate embodiment of Sparda's power.

But it has Sparda's blades and the fleshy shit.

So uh, Demon Sword Dante?

>It's rather egregious from what I heard. The game constantly reminds you that you can purchase red orbs, even in-game while you're playing.
So now you're just lying

well im not 100% either. i will see it on march 8th . for now im just waiting for vergil leaks.

I'm scared guys.

The 'see you later' gesture.
The BGM music.
The whole 'this is the end of the story of the Sons of Sparda'

I don't think Dante's coming home from this one ;_;

Actually I heard it from some small gaming youtuber. "Frustrated Fernando" I think his moniker was. Seemed pretty trustworthy.

>I get to be a unrepentant cunt because I have better finances than my peers

oh ok nevermind then for a second I thought you weren't spreading misinfo and falseflagging as a concerned fan

>You can literally watch these threads to find the shitposters who out themselves spreading outright lies easily

You guys are cute, you just don't know when to quit

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>will we meet again?
>doesn't meet again

you can turn off the internet. this isnt like street fighter 5 yet.
heck isnt a big deal for now , but eventually will be . is 3 secodns more to the loading screen

Curious about what Devil Shocker remix of Devil Trigger sounds like.


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>Reactive combat instead of driving the combat like DMC.
Isn't it bad to be reactive instead of proactive?

That's actually its name.

acording to the leak 2 days ago . (some things checked it the trailer) both vergil and dante will "die" and seal the demon world.

Holy shit you people are fragile. Stop supporting this

I know, but still. Hope it will be hype as shit.

>>I get to be a unrepentant cunt because I have better finances than my peers
Wow, waking up your roomies one night with laughter is totally being an unrepentant cunt. Nice judge dude.

How am I lying if fucking divinity statues now function as a storefront for red orbs? Truth be told, I don't even know what you're referring to when it comes to said journos and running out of orbs - But that still doesn't even come remotely close to justifying mtx harassment while playing a game you paid 60 dollarydoos for.

It's just a matter of design

Thats exactly how the world works and and you can't "no" it away. Plus you sound like way more of cunt than me blowing up this microtransaction shit.

You're acting as if you have the right to harass your roomates because you're paying the lion's share. Don't be a petulant child because I'm pointing out that you're a straight up cunt

Why did Trish say "OH GOD" in the new trailer? Who's God in the DMC universe?

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>It's now bad to be angry at microtransactions
Fucking hell Yea Forums

Because your criticism is bad and instead of creating a better point to argue with you resort to whining about how no one will just accept what you say as fact. In other words, you are weak nigga. You are probably the guy that posts his DMC collection when questioned as if that makes his bad opinion any better.

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Enjoy having no friends

Oh. Is there a fanbase that handles criticism well? Are we the exception? Have all others gracefully accepted all words of judgement with grace and quiet dignity?

I'm literally not that guy, I think you're being a bit of a cunt by making a sweeping assumption of a person for one instance he talked about. user didn't even say what his roommates did after the fact, did he? They could've joined in and had a laugh too.



because any criticism towards devil may cry is wrong, dmc is perfect.

There is no real God, but people still believe in Him. Just like real life. Even the faithless often use expressions like this, myself included. Stop baiting with this nonsense or head to a christian forum with it.

>Human decency is bad because the person advocating for it is shitting on my fully priced single player game with microtransactions
That's just kinda sad.


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Honestly surprised seeing capcom's marketing team working this good. If only they put that much effort into making their games.

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>60$ vidya w/ MTX bad
That's just kinda sad.

I'm just pointing out that hes a bit of a cunt himself. Maybe cunt too far - buzzkill is more like it.

Thank you! I needed that.

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>no block or evade
oh man that hilarious, literally just get good and jump out of the way and time your dodges right.
>die on boss and start from the beginning
wait really? is that what happens, not sure if I like that either. Literally nothing wrong with check points.

I just dont understand what they mean by gameplay feels "Dated" what does that mean? "nintendo" hard?

He isn't asking about the civilians, he's asking about Trish, a demon-born.

We got em bois

It is indeed sad. The controversy was not needed, but Itsuno wants his shekels.

Why are DMC fans universally retarded on all fronts?

People gravitate towards the successful and its not hard to have "friends".

we both know you're gonna be sitting there day 1 loving it unless you're poor fuck off

So with Nero getting multiple breakers and Dante multiple weapons, it kinda feels like V is going to be a bit lacking or repeitive in replaying compared to those two. Maybe, just my thoughts

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More like CAPCOM want their shekels.

Yes, and? It's an expression. Maybe even once upon a time the demons feared a god.

V is completely optional to play as.

Serious question: Why is Yea Forums so buttblasted about DMC5? Didn't Yea Forums use to love this game?

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Riiiiight. Now tell me who Itsuno works for.

Only reasonable criticism I've seen is regarding the red orb microtransactions. Sure people can say their unobtrusive, but theyre still there when they shouldn't.
Aside from that if anything all of Yea Forums should be praising the game, it's the opposite of dumbed down for the masses, they didn't listen to a word of what "journalists" wanted gameplay wise, like a dedicated dodge-roll button for example, and just ported the gameplay from 4. The story is a direct continuation of two titles from 10 and 12 years ago, no "reboot" shenanigans here, rather even DMC2 is getting direct significance to the story this time.


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Yea Forums is contrarian what did you expect?

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A reminder that GameSpot just removed their post on Twitter with a "15 games that were surprisingly good", which had DmC on the list.

Find the lie or fuck off. Being factual when it comes to bullshit is the best way to combat it

Funposters jumping on the bandwagon with a few older DMC fans from here with awful opinions throwing a tantrum at the core of them.

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Everyone does, though. The games are repetitive as fuck, all of them, 1, 4 with all the reused levels, 2 being utter garbage, 3 with the city only making up 5% of the levels and the rest being boring, grimdark, generic stairways .

Constantly switching weapons so you can actually do decent combos feels like shit. That you can't adjust the came properly and always have to quickly assess where you are respective to the game instead of having it so that dodging left on the controller always makes Dante dodge left in the game (like you can do it even in Monster Hunter). Bosses usually suck ass, most mobs are punching bags and no threat unless you play DMD, which is frustrating shit and just the opposite extreme. Graphics are shit, writing is shit, music is utter cringrey shit, dialogues are shit.

5 looks pretty decent so far, though. You have decent basic combos without having to frantically switch weapons and styles non-stop and I assume you can also adjust the camera/controls properly this time.

At large, it's a very overhyped and mediocre franchise, though. And it's mostly low IQ edgefags who overhype it (and who will give me shit for this post in 3...2...1).

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>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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But le wacky pizza man

yeah Yea Forums always liked dmc for the combat and acknowledge its flaws. Problem now is OHNONONOfags constantly wanting games to fail so they can spend time shitposting well as overused reddit memes stagnating the constant threads making dmcfags look cringe. But in the end I'm sure the game will be fine

What part of my claim is a lie then?
>go to bed Jim
I genuinely don't like either Yong, Joe or Jim but you fags are actually making me defend them by pointing out that neither of their videos (to which I had to force myself to watch) contained a single lie. Not even Joe, who just REEEEs at shit

This is it.
Every time some shitter comes in and gets mad that DMCfans can't take criticism it's purely because their criticism is garbage and they're retarded, because we've been constantly talking about all the issues of 1, 2, 3 and 4 since they revealed 5 and threads really got going. Constantly and many always admititng and explaining the faults that the franchise has.
These shitters are completely oblivious to the reason people are so excited for 5, is not only because it's a new DMC game after 11 years, but because from all the pre-release footage we've seen so far the developers have seemingly gone out of their way to fix the issues that 3 and 4 had while incorporating all the good stuff.
This "DMCfags are retards who can't take criticism" is a mindset that springs purely from ignorance.


At this point, I don't even know who's worse. Game journos or DMCucks

Are you trying to imply Itsuno should not work for capcom and make games he likes just because capcom wants him to add in some micortransactions? God you sound like such an uncompromising unreasonable "MUH ETHICS" fag.

They weren't okay in DMC4 either, it's okay to love a certain game series/developer and still criticize certain shitty things they add to these games.

Gonna be honest I last played a dmc game when I was much younger and wasn't super into it but I always thought the games/gameplay was solid so I went into the demo with no real knowledge of how to play properly, i'm still bad but i'm looking forward to mastering the game because it seems like there's going to be a hell of a lot of depth to it.

based. I've been away from DMC threads for two weeks to avoid spoilers but today is my last peek into them,, gonna miss you user, hope the game is everything you want it to be.

Backtracking =/= repetitive, retard. Fair point with DMC4 though. 2 is garbage, fair. The point about levels in 3 seems to be just your opinion and nothing more.

Gameplay: git gud lmao. Graphics: they were ahead of their time in DMC4, idk wtf are you on about. The rest is also your opinion and is not objective.

>Are you trying to imply Itsuno should not work for capcom and make games he likes just because capcom wants him to add in some micortransactions?

Well no, not at all. I just pointed out that Itsuno wanted his shekels and then you started doing all sorts of spergy conjecture


Very few characters can pull off the edgy and brooding look/persona without being cringey as fuck. How does Vergil do it so well?

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People really overrate how much depth there is. Wew, you can juggle enemies.

The comment section for it was a shitstorm, I figure.


The "people" who go on about DMC depth are generally e-celeb obsessed donguri faggots

Weird, V pulls that off pretty well too..

Itsuno gets paid for what he does regardless. The MTX stuff is on the capcom side and not really Itsuno wanting shekels

>Backtracking =/= repetitive, retard.
No, going through the same boring locations multiple times just with a few more enemies the second or third time is the definition of repetitive.

>The point about levels in 3 seems to be just your opinion and nothing more.
No, it's not an opinion that the city, which was finally a new setting, makes up only a small portion of 3 and that the rest of the locations are very repetitive again.

>Gameplay: git gud lmao.

> The rest is also your opinion and is not objective.
Everything I said was a fact. Especially the camera thing, which is just incredibly retarded. Dodging in general felt horrible in all the games until 5, so horrible that we just jump instead.

Because his personality and character fit that archetype. He earns it.

I'm not even gonna read this shit, user. Have a good weekend

He’s still a bit self aware. I like his deadpan style of humor too.

He has the coolness and design to back it up. And he can show levity whenever he's with his wisecracking fuckup brother.

But you did. Enjoy yourself faggot.

Just because you're shit at it doesn't mean there isn't depth.

dmc is a fun game it simple inputs

>No, going through the same boring locations multiple times just with a few more enemies the second or third time is the definition of repetitive.

This only applies to DMC4. Locations in DMC1 & DMC3 change when you go through them the second time.

>No, it's not an opinion that the city, which was finally a new setting, makes up only a small portion of 3 and that the rest of the locations are very repetitive again.

Refer to the point above.


>Dodging in general felt horrible in all the games.

Back to ResetEra you go.

Man there are some assholes in the DMC threads today. Really harshing my vibe a bit.

Is this what not knowing what you're talking about looks like?
I like how you make this list of percieved problems with the series then go ahead and say 5 is "decent" and there's decent combos and no weapon switching? Nero plays the same as 4 and has the arm mechanic, Dante also plays like the previous game, but with a few tweaks and some new weapons.
The fact you're trying to pass this ignorant opinion as legit is why nobody takes these posts seriously.

That's obviously because V is Vergil.

didnt all depth in dmc originate from bugs? thats the gayest kind of game depth there is.

>S rank all the games on DMD
>Still somehow shit at the games
DMCucks are fucking delusional

Literally only 4
Also why don't you go say that to Melee fags?

He's right in some regards, but there are obviously some points where he doesn't understand the full picture

>Everyone does, though.
>The games are repetitive as fuck, all of them,
> 1, 4 with all the reused levels,
half right
>2 being utter garbage,
>3 with the city only making up 5% of the levels and the rest being boring, grimdark, generic stairways .
sort of true. the levels are boring and generic but some rooms are cool and the end demon realm stuff was interesting.
>Constantly switching weapons so you can actually do decent combos feels like shit.
> Bosses usually suck ass,
this is true for last third of 3, and half of 4
> most mobs are punching bags and no threat
Parroting lies and memes
>Graphics are shit,
Wrong for every game
>writing is shit, music is utter cringrey shit, dialogues are shit.
True for the most part. Writing was good for only 3. Music is ok.

so not completely wrong. I think your problem is that you think edgy means "crawling in my skin" darkness shit instead just reveling in the fun horror-themed action fest dmc is, and you don't understand the full potential of style and weapon switching.

Attached: 1386625274154.jpg (553x300, 38K)

How can a game all about doing random sick shit that looks cool be repetitive?

The tower was also a new location. You just wanted more levels in the city, which is understandable, but to spout it as an objective flaw is incredibly moronic. The camera can get bad in situations but you learn to adapt for it. You start to listen to audio cues, which is just another progression of skill the game offers. Not only that but the camera adds another layer of challenge that I like, personally, as it forces you to become more aware of your surroundings and to be more cautious. Regarding the dodging, yes it is fickle and hard to get used to, however I don't see it working in any other way considering how the camera and combos work. It's just another mechanic you have to adapt to and becomes trivial once you do. Gameplay wise, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Excuse me, what are you trying to say with this post?

They got that right

Attached: file.png (775x434, 304K)

Some faggot told me to get good, despite S ranking all the games on DMD

>Dodging in general felt horrible
Is pressing circle and to the side that bad? I feel it's more the camera you want to complain about here, which is the main problem with the entire series.

A lot of mechanics derive from bugs. What's your point? If it's fun, it's fun.

Like thay say, proof or GTFO

oh and 2 actually is repetitive as fuck and boring shit. and all the bosses suck there too. So the only good bosses are All of dmc1 minus maybe nightmare, 2/3 of dmc3, and half of dmc4.


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exploiting game mechanics in a way developers never thought of or intended in order to increase the skill ceiling is the most artificial crap ever.
>but i think its fun
thats the end of that i suppose then

Why do we even have mods

But the bugs that cropped up were found by the developers and left in. What's your point?

Show us these constant reminders to purchase red orbs even in-game while playing

really makes you think

Attached: huh.png (1164x271, 108K)

I can't fathom why anyone would encourage others to play 3 on dmd. It's antifun.

So the entire fighting game genre is garbage then

what are their options? remove it and have their already niché fanbase rage at them? my original point was that games where their depth originate from exploits or bugs are the lowest of the low and i doubt anyone here can change my mind. i don't like pokemon for example, but i respect that the game's frankly obtuse depth is completely intentional. that's cool.

Because DMCfags are also so(n)yfags

I have a few crops of shitty bait and arguments from failed threads that I planned to make a collage from, but I got too lazy from getting them all. And im actually someone who doesn't go on Yea Forums everyday to check

Attached: failbait9.png (627x453, 157K)

It doesn't exist, why would they ruin what seems like a 10/10 game for the fans with constant immersion breaking reminders? The people who buy mtx for everything were always going to do that, the average player isn't interested and sees them as a hindrance and i'm sure they know that so it will be as minimal as possible.

i hope youre not talking about combos in street figher 2 because thats the biggest urban myth within the entire FGC

>but i respect that the game's frankly obtuse depth is completely intentional
Is it really intentional or are they just autistic? Either way, no one wants to try changing the mind of a sperg like you.

DMC1 had a bug that allowed for you to juggle enemies, and it, being the first of it's kind, didn't have a fanbase for it to react to. But still, the developers left it in because it was fun, and now we have a mechanic that exists in many games because of it. It's a case of intention, as you put it.

Why don't you like mechanics being exploited for higher skill ceilings, though? Not trying to shitpost, I'm just genuinely curious as to your reasoning so we can have a discussion about it. Maybe we'll agree or disagree, but I'd like to have the chance for discord anyway.

Divinity Statues and death screens

But it's on xbox and PC now, too

You're exaggerating, they were bugs only in the first game. They've been built into the gameplay on purpose ever since. Kamiya himself got inspiration for implementing the juggling of enemies because he discovered a bug in another Capcom game (I want to say Onimusha but I'm not sure) that functioned the same way.
A developer that can recognize the value of players discovering new mechanics that weren't thought of is a good thing, not a bad one.

This shit again? Post fucking proof. You do this in every thread that bashes DMC, yet you never post proof.

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guys V is vergil

>death screens
user just outed himself as someone who dies.
git gud

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user are you okay? are you okay user?

whats that?

Sure but I don't have a decent PC.

Explain. I'd say the biggest myth is that fighting game pros aren't giant scrubs

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That's not me but way to be retarded

some user cleared the game posts in the other thread

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>Being mad people enjoy things

Attached: Urizen.png (1786x1080, 1.89M)

thanks, I hope the game is as awesome as you want it to be as well

>dialogues are shit
I see this often but what are some games with good dialogue?

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so no 20 missions? or is Nero it 13 missions?

Is Dante reading the EMBARASSING copypasta?


id like to think there's a difference between developers discovering something unintended while making their game and leaving it in, then fans discovering something unintended and then having this be the new standard for all to follow.

>but I'd like to have the chance for discord anyway.
i too like discussing shit, but then you had to make it sound so gay and now im forced to leave you hanging

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition[/spoilers]

Can't you see the side scroll?

simply put: combos in sf2 are no accident and way too many people believe the opposite. the biggest urban myth within the entire genre no doubt

>Gets his inherited Devil Bringer ripped off
>Develops his own unique one

How can one man be so based

uh did you forget what "constant" and "while playing" mean

>die repeatedly
>use all the gold orbs
>die repeatedly
>spend all your red orbs on revives
>die again
>game basically asks if you're a big enough chump to buy more instead of just going back to the last checkpoint for free
even real life video game journalists had to go out of their way to show that it was possible to see a cash shop prompt under such conditions

>muh shill

Why, because I used the word discord? It means more than being a mentally ill gathering platform. Anyway, I can see your point but it's less about it becoming standard and more about shedding insight on possible new mechanics and ways to go beyond what the game intends. I find this fun and cool but I can see you don't and I'm still not sure why besides you don't like it. You still haven't told me the difference you feel.

But alright, you have a good day user.

i miss it no.

OH NO, Dante doesn't make enough money to warrant an extra employee in the Devil May Cry business. What will he pay Vergil with?

Attached: ztwxwgg77s411.png (500x600, 352K)

There's a giant correlation between how often fans of something use the word 'based' and how garbage said fans are. Which is funny, because I'm one of the few people here who actually know who BasedGod is

user, is it true that BasedGod is... black?

>Vergil hanging out in the van
We made it.

Attached: 1546066325384.png (600x800, 132K)

That's fine. I'm sad that it doesn't show every mission on a single screen. I like seeing my screen fille with S.

>He thinks Lil B is obscure
Are you mentally ill

Did you just completely ignore the words 'Divinity Statues' in order to shitpost about death screens and getting gud? user, please.

how is this possible, you can literally button mash your way to the boss on the demo and if you're really gay you can just play super cautious to beat the boss and i'm assuming the demo is set to easy. How can you claim to be a "game journalist" yet not be able to beat a demo made for casual players?

>proves op right in the first reply

What was the other thread?

I mean, in this case it's pretty fitting. Lil B literally reappropriated the word into meaning a positive, respectful quality. Though I will say none of his good songs use the word 'based' in them.

Lil B hasn't been relevant in almost 6 years. I'm pretty certain the vast majority of people on the internet who used the word based have no idea where it originates from

Here. He's gone now. Accidental spoiler.

Why don't you post some footage of constant in-game reminders to buy shit from them?

it's for manchildren

tfw i met a blonde emo girl on twitter through him and we met and up and fugged to his music

2014 was wild.

>Microtransactions are OK if they aren't in your face

>he accidentally linked DMC and not Kingdom Hearts
it's okay user

It is a series for manchildren but 5 looks like to be the only good one

>user, post your own footage from this unreleased game
My nigga, my opinion on the collective intellect of you guys couldn't get any lower and here you are trying your very damned best. Bless you. I won't be posting any footage until denuvo gets cracked, that much is certain

Why can't you handle DMC, fag?

>ohnono posting
>it's going to flop
>Itsuno is a hack
>stop making threads
Some criticism

Microtransactions in fully priced single player games are not a good thing. In my opinion.

Thanks! We'll continue to know you're nothing but full of shit and merrily await the release of the game.

>imagine the 8th rolls around and we're all having fun while while these niggers are posting their shitty threads still
It's getting bigger

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I agree if and only if those microtransactions affect the gameplay balance in a way that the game and it's enjoyability are affected by their mere existence

If the amount of orbs the player gets is relatively the same amount as players got in 1,2,3, and base 4. Than there is no problem.

So is this game going to be another infinite salt mine when it sells well and breaks series records just like BotW, RDR2, AC7, RE2, etc? I really don't get why people are so assblasted over it.

Attached: 1549822124166.gif (112x112, 427K)

>"During a Devil May Cry 5 demo at TGS 2018, players discovered that the game’s Divinity Statue store allows them to spend real money on microtransactions that count towards character upgrades."

Well that was surprisingly easy.

No one is that bad, that's the point. The only reason we know it's possible to see cash shop popup at the death screen is because at the height of the controversy, some dudes who got their hands on the game played like shit on purpose to test the limits of red orb fuckery.

Tbh those people deserve to be taken for everything they've got.

I'll bite. What are these criticisms?
Haven't bought anything from DMC4 SE and I got a fuck ton of orbs in the 5 demo. Get good.
>Pre-Order Bonus
I'll give you that one, its kinda shitty but I can live with it. the only weapon that looks interesting is the mega buster anyways
>The girls are ugly!
How does that effect gameplay?

user, I'm not even gonna read this garbage because I've listened to enough unpaid Capcom PR cucks to know which of the laundry list of garbage excuses you're gonna try to pull.

That other user was right, you fags genuinely cannot actually handle criticism. Even criticism of Capcom's avarice and greed.

they suffered enoughJK LOL FUCK devil may meme

Attached: file.png (494x352, 231K)

>i'm not going to read this garbage
If you don't want to establish a dialogue, than why would you respond to me?
If you can't be arsed to engage in a conversation where we exchange opinions, than this is no criticism and instead you stating an opinion and expecting other people to agree
with it.

Nobody would do that, no matter the game. Because you don't want to engage in a debate. You just want to be right.

Shadow of War was a game I had planned to bring up as a point where the systems were done poorly. And while I would love to talk about the problems with that games microtransaction, you've already expressed an unwillingness to talk with anybody but people who agree with you.

A pity.

you can stoo replying to yourself loser

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Not that user but
>You fags can't handle criticisms!
>I'm not reading your rebuttal!
Imagine being this spineless.

>*I* am not even going to read your response!
>*YOU* cannot handle criticism!

Attached: laughing leon.jpg (709x538, 64K)

Okay I've taken your criticism on board but i'm still going to enjoy the game because i'm not the 0.1% that mtx is aimed at. If it were up to me mtx wouldn't exist but that's never going to happen unfortunately.

Pssst...Divinity statues. It's rather alarming that this fanbase is so skitzo that everything has to tie into some frankly ludicrous conspiracy theory surrounding vidya journos. It's kind of like how the only people I ever see cirklejerk about DmC are other DMC fans. Normies don't even give a fuck

dont involve me in your spats nigger

Attached: u wot m8.png (324x159, 42K)

where have you been since the announcement? it's been nothing but fun and bang bang bang since then


lmao is that your face the moment you realized your shitposting thread failed?

Attached: lmao.png (318x130, 6K)

remember when Yea Forums actually had OC

pre ordered today

wheres the vergil face picture? i demand it

What criticism happened?

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Ass shattered

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Yeah lets just not buy games when we're in our prime just to stick it to the devs for 10 years. I hate it as much as you do but me simply buying the game isn't saying anything. The 0.1% of faggots willing to basically pay for cheats are the issue not people wanting to play games.

paying to play less yesthat's the new generation

Holy shit, unironic microtransactions defending. Fucking hell

imagine defending the ads on the street fighter game. sure they may not be a big deal now . but the same could be said for the dlc characters before you had 2-3 characters DLC max.
now you have multiple season passes.

>Microtransactions doesn't affect me, so I have no reason to care
The argument of a brainlet, truth be told. I'm not a gambler and the closest thing I'll ever actually get to gambling are the occasional dumb bet with a friend. I do however know how destructive gambling can be to people that aren't me and as a result I wish to see gambling regulated, which it is.

Now in terms of vidya, there have been multiple games within the last couple of years who have negatively hampered their gameplay in order to get people to buy microtransactions; I don't buy microtransactions but I'm observant enough to know that my game has been compromised because of them. And that's bad.

>lol user ur a dumbdumb u dont need rorbs in dmc
I still don't like getting reminded of your F2P monetization in a game I paid 60 eurobux for. Not in the main menu, not while interacting with a divinity statues and not while I'm dead. Fucking never. If you wanna harass me for shekels, you better not charge a single cent for your game.

>It's never going to change and we can't do anything about it
Not with this defeatist attitude of yours. You lack MOTIVATION, son

>i hate it as much as you do
cmon dude you know i'm not defending it, barely anybody defends mtx but i'm not just going to not play video games when i'm still young just to try and send a message that will never be received.

Yeah I can't imagine having the low iq needed to actually defend that fucking garbage. MHW is the last game I buy from capcom, fuck supporting them

Pirate the game for the gameplay but don't buy it. Show your support for Itsuno and the team by emailing or twitter or whatever, but don't support kikecuck

What about divinity statues? A PSN store icon at the bottom of a menu isn't a constant in-game reminder to buy orbs even while you're playing. I don't give two shits desu

Are you honestly not going to play a game that you may be interested in just because some massive faggot wants to buy his way to completing the game? (especially in a game where completing the game alone is largely irrelevant)

thats a good game , Cashcom only made u pay for cosmetic which isnt that big of a deal. and gives free updates and stuff so yeah. also RE2 Remake for now is starting good same it DMC5
They tune down it the DLC Crap , EA/Bethesda and Blizzard however are competing for goty of worst company.

Kikezzard are the fucking worst, and people actually defend it by saying "durr it cosmetics"

I legitimately do not understand why people cry over other people liking games/franchises that they do not. It honestly makes you sound like the epitome of the Halo dude-bro that bashed people for playing Gears or CoD.

Actual well-adjusted people just let other people like things

Vergil sitting there thinking...

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>paying to play less yes
yes that's exactly how the microtransactions work in DMC5. You pay less, you play more.

Also the "buying games with them" has nothing to do with them really, it's a matter of who uses the mtx itself, I'm sure companies are watching where the sales come from, especially the smaller amounts from mtx. Buy the games, don't buy into the mtx, they might get it eventually, but you'll always have 'whales'

its weird right? being this obsessed about a game failing. Its one thing to be excited and obsessed but to spend so much time and energy just with things you hate is just sad. Reminds me of the smashfags who dont even care about the game, they just like it when ridley or geno doesnt get in or whatever.

I remember one guy kept talking about how he was going to pirate such a shitty game like dmc4 and 5, but then I asked why would he bother pirating a game he doesn't think will be good. These shitposters are getting dumber and dumber every year.

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Those tits are too big!!!

I don't care to hear criticism from someone who obviously has no experience with the series. That goes for any series.

I haven't played pokemon since gold, I have no meaningful contribution. If I try to tell you shit about pokemon you should tell me to fuck off.

>Are you honestly not going to play a game
Don't worry user, I am.

In all honesty, I don't have much reason to oppose microtransactions, because they end up saving me 60 èürômonies. But I have principles and despite being on Yea Forums I very much love this hobby here, so I will keep opposing it.

If you generally oppose microtransacations in games, but are willing to look past them because they happen to be in a game you like, you're genuinely the most pathetic faggot have walked this planet of ours. Even more pathetic than the whales who actually buy mtxs

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Weird I didn't see anyone complaining when cheats were free. Why didn't you make a heroic stand then?


>...what are you reading?
>*turns page*
>...can I sit dow-

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Because they are dumb manchildren

>Oh wow it's only divinity statues its fucking nothing user lmao
There's no helping you guys, is there? Not even a Capcom employee putting a gun to your heads would be crossing the line. Hell, Capcom could hack your dad's bank accounts and you'd still be fine with it cuz BASED ITSUNO-SAN.

Sorry, but I don't wanna get harassed about micros when in a upgrade menu. There are f2p games with more tact than this

What are you even trying to argue about here, user? Take your pills and come back to me.

I'm comparing cheats from old games to mtx which is essentially cheats you pay for.

If you feel harassed by a button in the corner of the screen saying "press x to go to real money store" you might want to stop getting triggered so easily.

Here comes the person that never played ninja gaiden to tell us how good ngb is

i'd suck all of the devs dick to play dmc5 and there's nothing you can do about it nigger

If anything Vergil will probably have to force Dante to actually charge people money because now they are twice as efficient


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I'm worried about this too. Standing around and watching minions do all the work isn't interesting in and of itself, but at least show us some more summons.


I love when faggots try to criticise the game only to out themselves as shitters who can't play the game.

They don't make many decent criticisms and DMC5 seems to have fixed all of those though.

>Used to love playing DMC1 at my friend's house as a kid
>Buy the broken DMC3SE port for PC because no PS2
>Still enjoy it
>Buy HD collection for PS4
>Fear that I had nostalgia goggles on and that the games don't live up to my memories
>The first hour is kinda hard and after that it plays even better than I remembered
Seriously, those games didn't age. Just git gud.

t. OP

>That husbando thread that was mostly legitimate FemAnons, 1 or 2 trannies probably
>They don't really like nuNero's design, prefer his older pretty boy one

How can they not see how perfectly genetically sculpted he is?

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You were talking to mostly outliers.

That's a relief.

Attached: Hey loser, get in we're hunting demons.jpg (846x500, 44K)


why are devil breakers only used one at a time instead of switchable on the d-pad like dante's style?

I truly cannot even come close to comprehending as to what you're trying to get at here. And as such, can't really address it. Sorry

Being reminded of additional payments at relatively frequent intervals, in a non-f2p game is straight up harassment as far as I'm concerned. You being supportive of this makes you even worse than someone who gets triggered by vidya shit.

>legitimate femanons

I'm glad you tourists are having fun at least

Did Michael switch to DMC?

Okay bud.

You'd know by now if big mike was on the case. These retards wish they could shitpost as hard as he did

I know the game has dual audio, but will it have dual subtitles?

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Where's this gameplay from?

So, is Vergil playable or not?

It should have it.

Attached: steam.jpg (311x343, 29K)

DMC5 JP twitter accidentally posted it.

Attached: Devil Sword Dante.jpg (575x466, 72K)

You have a link?

Every thread is a circlejerk

Divinity statues got replaced by nico. So where are these statues?

>the state of shitposters

Attached: Chris-Evans-laughing.gif (400x262, 948K)

They've already deleted it.

Perfect. Thanks.

Dante finds his own in the levels. Nico has a little one for V in her van. This is old news.

>just a shitty aura
God I hate dragonball