This makes my heart happy

This makes my heart happy

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Only if Ori 2 gets ported. If not I'll just play it on PC.

I'd be more happy if Xbox turned the table around next gen.

Will I get to play Halo on my Switch?

Im waiting to play splatoon 2 again I hope I can use my live account for switch

For sure going with Microsoft next gen. I'm done with Sony

here hear!

Gentlemen, to video games!!

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Competition actually makes Sony flinch. This will be good going into next gen.

>No games + all ports

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Will it happen?

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better than all movies ;)


Wow, rude!

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Seethe like the rest of Yea Forums


Stating fact. Only literal cuckolds applaud this.

>seethe that we got 97s

>memespouting retard says anything

sorry dude but nothing on the Playstation brand appeals to me. I might have gotten a Pro if it could do 4K but alas.

Worst part is that Phil is willing to let Xbox be absorbed by Nintendo. Scalebound on Switch will be the biggest fuck you.

desperate measures

Adding the entire switch and mobile playerbase as gamepass subscribers would give them lotsa money to create more first party games that can be played on all platforms using xbox gamepass or xcloud to play ur library of games u bought

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Now that the dust is settled and Xbox is slowly but surely removing itself from the market. What will people remember from its 16 year reign?

Toxic Masculinity

That it came up with a great way to die. It lost all exclusivity but reached a higher plane of existence beyond a piece of hardware. Xbox exists everywhere and will make more money than ever and use that money to create first party games similar to netflix creating netflix originals

So xbox is only powerful in his fake mmo world instead of the real world

That's not what's happening.

i was done with sony since ps2, skipped straight to xbox 360 and then to xbox one even with the don mattrick fiasco, microsoft always had the best games with most content.

now with my ps4, i played GoW, then spider man, finished both in less than a week and now i have literally nothing to play, while i'm still playing ashen and FH4 on xbox

Start the yakuza series that's pretty much all I'm using my ps4 for

What does the next Xbox NEED to win next gen?

I have spent hundreds of dollars for Sony online over the years and they took all that money and didn't release a single good online game for their console.

Games but since they already have that covered, they're fine.

Jet set radio 3 and crimson skies 2 as launch titles

these + new Mistwalker JRPG

Just keep doing what they're doing right now.

Putting out subbpar games, then forcing people to pay for a subscription service on top of a subscription service on Xbox?

what does this actually even mean? are they fusing their marketplaces together?


I hope the microsoft cancer takes time to spread into the xbox division, because when it does it will ruin everything.

No. Xcloud/Gamepass is going to appear as an app on the eShop that you can download if you want. From there, you can steam a variety of Xbox games after paying a subscription fee. I don't know how online will work.

I only care if it somehow means I get to finally play Banjo Kazooie native on my Switch

>subpar games
according to who exactly?

also they don't force anyone to subscribe to anything

Halo on the go sounds pretty fantastic

I could see Halo wars being phenomenal on a handheld, the FPS halos would probably only be good with the pro controller though

Try not to fuck up the announcement.
Also don't have a naming convention that makes it sound like the same console as the previous one

>Halo with Gyro
I'm turned on

Blame Don mattrick

so children who plays those nintendos children games can play xbox's dude bro games and dude bros on xbox can play nintendos childrens games. if you ask me this business idea doesn't make any sense.

Look at these rabid
animals. This is what microsoft fanboys are like, malicious and stupid,
constantly wrong and flinging feces. The most common trait of microsoft
fanboys is how they're constantly wrong, either because they're lying or
stupid, or both.

Oh look, an thread swarmed with hateful, dumb,
malicious, hypocritical, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy
shills as usual. Stay angry at PS4's success and people who like gaming
on it.

Some severely deranged people are upset at PS4's success and have to spread hate and lies, apparently.

severely deranged people are upset at PS4's success and have to spread
hate and lies, apparently. Mustard peasant spreading lies and hatred.
You must have issues to literally hate a piece of plastic and people who
like gaming on consoles.

Once again another thread swarming
with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It
seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills
spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox.
Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill
spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

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Splatoon is the best shooter of the gen lol

obsessed lmao

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>Halo with gyro
Gimme dat game nigga

But how can they do fine when no one buys the console?

Nintendo games aren’t coming to the Xbox. It’s a one way street.


Reveal Trailer
Final Product

Same way Ubisoft, EA, and Activision do.

Meh, I'm alright with that I suppose.

so it's just about the random non platform exclusive stuff then? or is microsoft giving forza's etc to nintendo? this really makes no sense.

Sony wins again

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Just as true as the scalebound rumor,idiot

I imagine whatever games MS plans to bring to Switch would be the same ones they would give to iOS, Android, and Surface.

>months ago when I was posting that the alliance was real
>everyone said it wasn't
>now it's official
>Chief in Smash
>game pass on Switch
>halo trilogy on Switch
>classic Nintendo games on Xbox
>Chief x Samus porn about to fucking skyrocket

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>classic Nintendo games on Xbox
I fucking wish

you will always be a nigger lol

>game pass on Switch
>halo trilogy on Switch

I don't really care. It hasn't brought any big changes as of yet

wii60 lives on.

>Xtards are STILL trying to fabricate an alliance with Nintendo
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.

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New pasta?

Hold it there Splatoonposter. Consider this: Halo on the go with Gyro aiming.

>Nintendo will never stop chasing the fischer price toy market and just sell themselves to Sony to make 90+ meta masterpieces for all time on the most powerful, most based console of all time
Ever notice that Nintendies are the ones holding Nintendo back just as much as xtards and petition beggars are holding back gaming with their cancer.

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why would you want to play halo in any form

Xbox is all talk, no games. Phil hasn't even sold me on The prospect of hype yet.

Woo Wii360 is back

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Name one reason to be non black

white privilege

Because of stage builder from reach and the wonderful soundtrack

Anything that revives and popularizes early halo CE multiplayer, even for just a bit, is an a+ in my book

Be honest, you what you really wanted was to see Nintendo and Sony team up.



How come?

Halo MP has always been overshadowed by what was on PC at the time until 5 at least.

Sony is too good of a rival to waste.


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Confused at the pic. It makes Nintendo look retarded but Xbox good because of the Uchiha susanoo. Not sure if it is supposed to insult xbox

>Ape Escape x Donkey Kong
>Sackboy in Mario Maker 2
>Kat in Smash
This isn't even scratching the surface. Sony is on a graveyard of dead IP ripe for Nintendo.

Brad Sams talks about this and it's all true, now don't expect to get the latest games of Nintendo and Microsoft on Xbox or Switch but the classic will possibly be guaranteed along with stuff like Ori and Cuphead but something like current Halo or current Gears would be impossible. The rest for both including a better online for Nintendo. I also want to see both Chief and Samus together.

lol because nintendo uses all their ips...

they already confirmed it

>Project Gotham Racing 3
We'll never see another one, anons. It breaks my heart.

Maybe Nintendo could talk Square and Sony into doing a Xenogears remake.

xbox and PC owner here, there are no switch exclusives worth playing

well yeah
Nobody expects mario Odyssey on Xbox, but Mario 64? Much more likely. Plus this would resolve the whole DK64 stuck in limbo issue.
And yeah, Game Pass on Switch is already basically confirmed, which means all backwards compatible X360 games

Nice falseflagging, Snoy.

t. had no friends to play halo 2/3 with
t. wasnt underage and posting on Yea Forums in 2009
get a load of this goy

>We'll never see another one, anons.
i know what you mean though, bizarre creations was so talented i put so much hours into geomentry wars

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Sony owner here.

Nincels and Xtards are pathetic. Nintendo should just sell the company to Sony and Microsoft should quit and leave the industry free of its cancer forever. Sony DESERVES to win.

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ps2 was the last good playstation faggot
xbox 360 was the last good xbox, i think in the past year i have used my xbone for forza 7 and read dead 2 only
dont know if youve noticed but alot of video games have been shit for a while now, if i didnt have my PC i'd be fucked

>classic 2D Metroid games on Xbox
>classic FPS Halo games on Switch
>Master Chief on Switch
>Samus Aran on Xbox
>this could actually happen in my lifetime
Holy fucking shit!

Losers stick together

Demon's Souls on Switch?

The Xbox skeleton is now the susano

it's probably going to happen too

That is an upgrade no?

We're getting closer to that Halo X Metroid game.

Yeah? I'm not very good at making memes

You're right I had friends to play Q3A with instead

gonna get in early before the threads are daily but i bet that game will be shit

Stay mad, Sonyfag.

At least it is original. But it seems to be a compliment to Xbox and bad to Nintendo.

that type of game is exactly what sonyfags like what are you smokin lad
halo hasnt been halo for years and no one born in the last decade has heard of metroid, NO ONE will develop a halo x metroid game that will be well recieved, it is simply not possible

Halo 5 is great though :)

I could make the Nintendo guy jump up and down if that makes it better

I, too, love it when big corporations act like they are my friends

>Be honest, you what you really wanted was to see Nintendo and Sony team up.
not at all
The game pass library includes pretty much the entire worthwhile 360 library
Meanwhile Sony has zero backwards compatibility.
This partnership is much better.


Halo and Metroid are getting themselves back on track and are looking to their past as inspiration. What are you talking about?

Nobody wants this, Nintendo and Microsoft are the only ones that still make real video games and they have franchises that could even have cross overs like Halo and Metroid along with Zelda and Fable. Meanwhile, Sony just doesn't fit with either, I would be questioning both Nintendo or Microsoft if they partnered with Sony.

Hybrid console with Xbox's hardware and third party support with Nintendo's first party titles when?

Zelda and Fable is a bit of a stretch. Plus, Microsoft can't franchise outside Halo, Gears and Forza. I also think PlayStation just gels better with Nintendo franchises anyway. WipeOut, Ratchet, Gravity Rush, Little Big Planet, Astrobot, etc. fit the mould better than just Halo and Metroid.

The partnership isn't that great if you're just in it to strea old ports. Xbox outside of Forza is creatively bankrupt.

Why can't Nincels see this is the only option to save video games? Imagine what BOTW would be like if it wasn't on tablet hardware like the Shitch

Problem with Sony is that they seem more interested in the third person cinematic experience cancer they keep pushing with no gameplay, I don't want that infecting Microsoft or Nintendo.

Imagine the grab bag of IP's on deck?

you can grab deez nuts

>The partnership isn't that great if you're just in it to strea old ports
Switch owners having access to Mass Effect, Gears of War, Forza 4, the entire Halo catalog outside of Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2, even old classics they might remember like Sonic Adventure 2, is not a bad thing at all.
>Game is old
so it loses value? Do you only play whatever is new and popular? Because that's pretty brainlet.

A lot of people don't seem to understand what this is. It's Microsoft and Nintendo using each other's platforms as alternative content providers for their services. Nintendo Switch users will be able to access non-8th gen AAA content on the Switch via cloud but also potentially direct downloading. So what does that mean? Any AAA 8th gen games on Xbox that happen to be on Game Pass are out of the question, simply because the Switch can't physically run them. However, 8th gen releases th hat are not AAA, like Ori and th Blind Forest, are fair game. Also fair is pretty much any backwards compatible Xbox 360 game. So ironically we have a scenario where Switch users will be able to play the Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta instead of the Switch version. What Microsoft should expect in return are classic games and services. although the extent of this remains to be unveiled but expect this to be a big part of Microsoft's E3 conference. Microsoft by the way basically owns E3 this year since they're the only one of the big 3 that will actually have a physical conference there. Sony pulled out and Nintendo will do their online treehouse stream.

What this does NOT mean is any possibility of a cross-IP independent project. Yes, there will be more ChiefXSamus lewds being drawn by fans, but there isn't going to be a Halo/Netroid spin off game. The only possible cross-IP work you should expect to see is something like Master Chief getting into Smash. But it's not like Marcus Fenix is going to start teaming up with the plumbers from Brooklyn.
All in all it's still a very exciting development. We need more of this in the industry. People are tired of being walked off from their friends and from experiences based on what console they buy.

This Sucks. The Shit Called USA Dirtying A Japanese Video Game.

Even if he had insider info on what they have planned, he wouldnt be allowed to say shit because their Game Pass strategies for FY 2020 are highly confidential due to the current market. Google, Amazon, Verizon, Sony would all love to plan for Microsoft in advance.

Reggie never advocated Wii60, he told Peter Moore to fuck off with that shit, but Reggie is gone now so who knows

>paid online
>paid dlc
>running rare into the ground
thanks for nothing, microsoft! i'd much rather have sega back.

Xbox is going digital, they want to be the Netflix of games. Maybe there'll be another console but eventually we won't have Xbox hardware but we'll have Xbox Game Pass or whatever other brand they'll choose, it's why they've swiped so many studios, the future is software.

i always buy nintendo and sony every generation, so i wouldn't mind.
and nintendo has a shitload of their own dead ip's that could get new life. imagine if sony brought in the wipeout team to make a new f-zero.

>Reggie is gone now
Thank god, hope Bowser is less of a PR mouthpiece like Reggie was.

False. Games will continue to be sold on Microsoft Store normally throughout Gen 9. You will be able to buy physical and full download digital.
Digital streaming will be limited.

Xbox will also always have hardware to its name for the purpose of pushing Windows OS. Games developed for the Xbox Scarlett would still run on Windows Core OS infrastructure, so not having a proprietary box would be retarded. Likely it would be smaller over time and cheaper over time.


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