Paradox might be announcing a Vampire: The Masquerade RPG on March 21st, possibly by Hardsuit Labs.
Paradox might be announcing a Vampire: The Masquerade RPG on March 21st, possibly by Hardsuit Labs
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Modern VtM:B would be horrible in every way possible.
>By the devs of Blacklight Retribution
ah, yes. what a great rpg that was
With 20 dlcs. Fuck Paradox
it will be shit and you know it
seems extremely likely it'd be them, also their website is a big giveaway
so a modern Vampire game by the devs of fucking Blacklight, with none of the soul or soundtrack from Rick Schaffer, DLC out the ass, SJW pandering and no big tit goth vampires
Would have been a perfect setting for the next CK game.
Zero interest in an modern rpg that's going to attempt to one up bloodlines and probably fail miserably.
So it's literally nothing
> and no big tit goth vampires
What's the point then?!
>Tutorial area £49.99
>Loading screen for first hub £5.99
>First hub £14.99
>First hub NPCs £8.99
>First hub Dialogue & Quest pack £8.99
>Season Pass and more! Coming Soon!
Remember how "Vampyr" was going to be Bloodlines II?
And then it was one of the shittiest games made this decade instead?
>protag for Vampyr was going to be a skinny fucked up dude with cool long hair
>they turn him into a complete and total faggot with a short back and sides
I don't want to see another vampire game ever again moving forward
Who cares?
>the clans are DLC themselves, you play as caitiff
>each clan is $30
>devs who only made a f2p multiplayer FPS that went balls to the walls with the paywall horseshit pretty soon after
This is going to fucking blow.
I'm still curious what they'll come up with even if it's a colossal fuck up which it'll probably be. Better than nothing at all though
>Better than nothing at all though
see: Mighty No. 9
Picture related.
are right.
I agree. I'm curious too, but there's just no way this'll end up being decent. At best it will be just a mediocre game like Vampyr, at worst it'll be a horrible nuWoD abomination like we expect.
It's going to be a SJW shit eating orgy.
they made him look like a vampire adam jensen, it was really unoriginal
yeah, but what if its good?
It won't be.
It won't.
got any source on that? I mean I believe you, just curious to see it myself
Original was horrible too so it's only fitting.
I just want another game like Redemption, where we could actually go from dark ages to modern nights.
pic related
It's gonna suck.
Just think about three ISOLATED factors alone:
- the music
- the facial animations
- the voice acting
Will we realistically get a soundtrack that exceeds VtMB? No game in the last 15 years has come close to being so varied, all-encompassing, and attuned to its subject matter, closest being The Witcher soundtrack and maybe WoW's.
Facial animations, if brought to modern day standards, the NPC facial animations will have to be Until Dawn/facerig tier. Maybe not photorealistic, but more expressive than nearly all triple A's. I mean not even TW3 or RDR2 has facial animations as widely expressive as VtMB's. Only the poly-count has improved.
Voice acting. Will need to be at or exceed TW3 quality. Good luck finding a replacement for Grey Delisle.
And that's not even mentioning writing, atmosphere, quests, overall gameplay design, setpieces, character design etc.
This the kind of mammoth project that there's only one dev in 2019 we can trust to do justice to, and that's CDPR.
And even with CDPR developing it there'd still be a risk of it missing its mark.
Agree, however, fuck of with the same dungeon design. OH! I need to go down 3-4 levels and get to a boss room? Whats that? I need to go back the way I came!? I felt fucking insane after Temple of Set and gave it up.
I played redemption as like a 7 year old. and things were going pretty good till I got to this one dungeon and had to continually fail a fight over and over again.
there was no where to grind. no equipment to buy etc. what the fuck was I supposed to do
It wasn't really a graceful timeskip and the idea was kind of ludicrous too, if you look at it from a lore perspective. Only elders go into torpor for such extended periods of time, and that has to be willingly. Just to further compound of weird that move was, having him awake hundreds of years later meant he was basically a generation 3 or 4 vampire. He should be very powerful compared to modern kine and there would instantly be someone on his ass to eat him.
vampires are gay
Can't wait for the butthurt. It'll be glorious.
going to be garbage
>white wolf
As long as it's not iso camera I'll be interested. Not looking for it trying to be on par with VTMB, nothing will be, but to be it's own thing.
Ever been so afraid shit clenched up in your asshole? That's how I feel when I think about this. Expecting a Bloodlines successor will probably just disappoint.
Vampyr disappointed so bad.
Still mad about that.
>be badass vampire
>wear soi beard and haircut
>listen to women rights activits scolding you about your privilige
Devs need the rope asap.
People seem to forget the most important part of this upcoming game: soundtrack.
Who the fuck can you trust to make a soundtrack that actually stands out, like it did in Bloodlines and Redemption?
I have some info on this game if anyone's interested. Questions?
The Bloodlines soundtrack is like the Doom soundtrack; it's mostly plagiarism. They could hire almost anyone to do that again.
how far in development is it?
this, the entire soundtrack is just a copy of portishead and massive attack most popular songs
Is this real? Why these fags must ruin everything I once loved
No idea. The main quest story is almost totally done though. It's mostly written by Chris Avellone.
>hardsuit labs
What an absolutely EPIC way to use an iconic IP
This might be good news but it will probably suck balls.
Is it SJW shit?
Is it really being developed by Hardsuit Labs? Why the fuck Paradox bought Harebraid Schemes (devs from Shadowrun and Battletech) then? What the plot is about?
Also, Avellone is working on Dying Light 2, this looks bullshit claims
These fucks turned me from a liberal to a fascist.
im going to pirate it
Depends what you mean by that. VTM has always had a lot of left-leaning concepts in it. Those elements are present but the game doesn't explicitly try to tell you what's morally correct.
How about that Werewolf Apocalypse game? Is that still in the works?
facial animations aren't the only reason vtmb had good faces, the models were very stylized. i expect the new game to have shitty photorealistic goblin faces like most modern games.
Well they kept telling us it would be an immersive sim and instead was a bad witcher 3 clone with some great atmosphere.
>Linking to redditpgcodex
>except this
Oh god make it stop.
>onions beard
it's a normal beard, the problem is the haircut
If is like that then that’s ok.
Are the girls still sexy?
just hope it's not pozzed and has devs who can deliver the atmosphere
>caring about vidya dude hairstyles
Actual, legitimate homosexual detected.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Well, fuck.
>willingly violating the masquerade
As shit as a style as it is, it would allow a vampire to "fit in" with modern society.
Do you even know what period the game is set in? he's sticking out like a sore thumb especially as doctor.
>the problem is the haircut
Not really. The sides are a little too short but apart from that it's appropriate to the era the game is set in. Have you forgot the hipster look is all about digging up antiquated styles?
>two songs
>the entire soundtrack
It's not even plagarism, Schaffer acknowledges the inspiration.
I'm just saying, prepare for John Protagonist of VTMB2 to look identical since it appears to be set in modern day.
There's about 3 devs in existence I would trust to not fuck this game up and none of them are getting this shit.
>Vampire: the Zoomerade
>VTM game
>fixed protag
What would even be the point?
which devs
You'll have to ask paradox that, they're the ones doing it.
My expectations are set to low
>they're the ones doing it.
Avellone just said on twitter he's working on a "bomb drop" to be announced in a month, which aligns with this
Have you played a paradox game before?
>fascism is not welcome in this game
Did the nazis win in their timeline? What the actual hell
I expect it would be easily be possible for it to be well made and have well designed locations. I don't imagine they go the full distance with how good the races/factions of VtM were.
Paradox acquired White Wolf long before "alt-right" became a word. So yes, that will be in nuVTM.
fucking cringe if so, i can deal with autistic SJW politics if they were capable of decent writing.
Will it be a standalone? I dropped bloodlines after 10 minutes because the controls and combat were so shit.
>mfw no magicka 3
>tfw we will never see a sequel again after magicka 2’s backlash
That was supposed to come out last year and there's been no news on it at all. Probably got canned.
It pains me that fuckingn Paradox got the rights.
Imagine if competent devs like CDPR had their hands on it, feels bad man.
I could've swore CDPR had the rights to it at one point, then sat on it rather than do anything with it before selling it.
that was CCP games of Eve Online
You are thinking about CCP Games, devs of EVE Online, who indeed did nothing with it
They tried doing something with it but it was going nowhere since the management at CCP was so incompetent that the development was going nowhere.
>dat Santa Monica pier
REmake-tier remake?
Remember when Paradox made Obsidian make an isometric RPG that would have been pretty good if not for Paradoxe's jewish DLC policy where you make half a game and sell the rest as DLC (portrait pack dlc, random encounters were dlc, companion quests were dlc) but the game flopped before they could make the actuall end dlc? I remember.
>just a video of a beach with waves rolling in at night
I demand those 31 seconds of my life back
Completely forgot about that. Weird how no one have ever made a big vampire MMO
Will there be boi[/spiler]cunny though
There was one in the works, but development stopped suddenly and the devs went silent after finally getting the hub world working for early backers to connect to.
Some russians tried doing something similar to World of Darkness but it looks shit and it's going nowhere. Probably abandoned by now.
Expect a poor man's Obsidian type rpg with half the races being dlc
Please god no.
Giving the guys who did Blacklight Retribution a Vampire the Masquerade game is like giving a System Shock game to the devs of ABP Reloaded. I guess it could be good but they have one game under their belt and that is a dead F2P multiplayer FPS.
Aren't there porn games like that? Vampire online porn games. I would assume so.
What happened to the Werewolf Apocalypse game made by the god tier devs of Cyanide Studios?
It was beautiful, really. Paradox is so Jewish and Obsidian is so horribly managed that the game ended up coming out exactly like you would expect it to. Half-finished, bug-ridden mess that put a potential dlc plan ahead of making a good game.
A match made in heaven.
Well; Like vampire/World of Darkness we had Secret World, which was shit. on the mmo front.
I'm huge on World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness, but probably no one good will be working on this. The actual managers of World of Darkness are fags and i expect nothing good coming from them.. But hey, atleast they are doing something, its better to them fail than just do nothing.
>retarded reply
>posting le reddit frog
Right, you sure showed everyone, faggot.
Nothing. It was announced to come out in 2018 but it never did. They had a few brief interviews with some gaming sites and released a little bit of concept art but the devs went silent ages ago. It's either cancelled or in development hell.
Still in the works i believe. but it sounds like a stupid action rpg/hack and slash instead of something like a open world rpg. I really dont care because i hate Apocalypse anyway.
it's not mostly written by avallone
he worked on it. probabably one companion or some stupid bullshit
a sidequest
Still in development but got delayed.
reading that forum is like reading Yea Forums
SJW shit in the game would be fine, IF it was self aware and made fun of itself.
Like Damsel was a hilarious commie caricature. I wouldn't mind an over the top SJW caricature that calls you a filthy cis male shitlord in the game but you can still reconcile with and fug.
Most democrats aren't LGBT activists or SJWs, they just believe that society needs to better accommodate and recognize the needs of LGBTs (and all types of people).
The people who wrote the original VtMB were and still would be classified as left-wing by modern standards.
is nobody considering a remake that puts all the cut ideas back in?
I doubt they'd do a sequel considering it would just end in the vampire apocalypse
Literally who wants this?
Also, gehenna hasnt even started
And pretty sure Activision still holds the rights to the first game
Bloodlines was a passion project that, at the helm, were very talented people.
This is neither a passion project or will it be handled by anyone with talent. Another monkey's paw situation for those that blindly asked for more VtM.
from the publisher side it's a safer move than releasing a sequel to a game the average consumer isn't going to play because it's old and not on consoles, also less strain on the clearly inexperienced devs.
quesshyn what does hardsuit labs have to do with Killing Floor 2
The Secret World was really great when I played it though. By far the best and most atmospheric setting I’ve played in a MMO.
we can only hope
reading that famous rudi.jpg that gets posted in every thread and this "guide to play" few posts above. it doesnt look good jim.
also devs are some rainbow hat wearing hipsters from seattle, idk man.
>Why even live
Real fans don't want another Vampire or WoD game because we know it will be nothing but a cash grab and will never be as good as Bloodlines or Redemption. Good games like VTMB cannot be made anymore, you should have thought about that before accepting now common practices.
Hardsuit is just grunt work, most directorial staff are Paradox. Chris Avellone is the Lead writer though.
yea parodox is much more worrying than any developers
Great. Now I have to listen to the song.
is he the lead tho?
That is just a dracula. How unoriginal.
Was about to write that Mick Gordon could probably pull off the soundtrack
Go fucking shitpost in /wodg/ over on /tg/ if you're bothered that much by the P&P game. Oh wait, you don't even play the fucking thing.
Jesus that's pathetic. Remember to always adhere to societal norms when you're playing an imaginary fantasy game
I think what made VtMB so great was less to do with the lore of the world itself, as seen in how quickly it devolves to crap when you inject some SJW sensibilities into it, and more to do with it feeling like an exploitation B-movie that heavily borrows and satirizes popular horror tropes and popular culture from the '90s.
yeah i think they nailed the setting and the marketing campaing before release. but the game part never got me.
The combat wasn’t the best but MMO combat is usual pretty shit so that is expected
>Devs make every female vampire look like fat Nosferatu.
>Female Vampire players won't care about the game because theres no sexy Malkavians to cosplay in their goth community.
I thought pillars of eternity is suppose to be good
why is everyone pessimistic
>How to make sure nobody wants to join your VTM sessions 101.
Funny because Bloodsmoke/Requiem 2nd edition was going into the direction that Vampire is Sex, Vampires are rapists and all that. Now on Vampire new edition you have remarks on how Fascism is bad and that you must be careful because some acts of feeding looks like sex, and sometimes taking the blood and life force from another people without their consent may resemble rape and trigger someone.
Because they can’t make a game of this scope
Pillars 1 was alright, 2 was dogshit, horrible writing.
neither could troika but they managed something
You faggots don't get it. The World of Darkness was a product of the 90s. It was the game that was needed for the decade of EXTREME and grimdark. It tapped into the doom and dystopia that everyone was feeling after the 80s died and road it to success. And the fucking reason Bloodlines is so beloved is because Troika poured their fucking souls into the game. It was a legitimate labor of love, something that just isn't made anymore in the video game industry. Everything now is focus grouped and has to be all inclusive and not offend. It's homogenized. It's, not to quote the meme, soulless. That's what you're going to get in this new game. A mass produced, focus grouped, checks all the board's boxes for a video game. Look at the new World of Darkness products that have come out. THAT'S what you're going to get in game form. You still have your old Bloodlines game. Enjoy it and love it as you always have, but let it fucking die.
>I wish The World of Darkness would make a resurgence
Sounds like a version most VTM players are just going to ignore. People play VTM to usually either play ostensibly good/borderline evil characters or a bunch of goths play it before they continue their evening in a bar. And goth chicks generally aren't keen on SJW bullshit, at least where I live.
Times have changed and the budgets for making games bloated. Obsidian can’t manage that anymore
>here's your setting, bro
yes you are right, thats why i ended up becoming a Requiem Player and most people who never made that migration and still want Vampire Masquerade content to be made cant hold themselves on a debate, usually.
>Gangrel protecting women.
Wouldn't they be the worst rapists out of all the clans? Brujah would be a more fitting clan for Vampire Social Justice Warriors.
I hear there's no Tremere in Requiem. How can you migrate to a system that does away with the best clan?
Rudi is a cute name tho not gonna lie
/here('s| is) your \w+,? bro/i is starting to wear out too.
Honestly by growing up and getting that requiem is not supposed to be Masquerade do over. Tremere is also my favorite Masquerade Clan. But clans on VTM are factions. you have the clan of Middle East assassin people, you have the bankers clan, you have the riff-raff clan, you have the italian mafia clan.
On Requiem they made actual factions (5 of them) and five Clans. The clans are Archetype, the factions kind of tell what kind of vampire you where or at least with who you walk. Stereotypes are formed not by your clan, but by your Clan and Filliation. so a Nosferatu of the Crone is bound to be terrifying weird.
btw:tremeres exist in the chronicles of darkness world, if you do so desire.
They just rammed all this progressive shit into one character willy-nilly like.
Appendix III: Advice for Considerate Play
Character and Player identity
Fascism in Play
Sexual Violence in Games
Calibration Techniques (fade to black, stoplight, x card, ok check in, the door is always open, debriefing)
Further Reading:
“Sexual Assault Myths”
“What do the terms Lines and Veils mean?”
The Origins of Totalitarianism
“Let’s Play with Fire! Using Risk and its Power for Personal Transformation”
“Creating a Culture of Trust Through Safety and Calibration
Sex and Sorcery
Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
The Vampyr
“The X Card”
Fascism in Play
Vampire: The Masquerade is not a fascist-friendly game. If you are a neo-Nazi, "alt-righter", or whatever you’re calling yourself nowadays, we urge you to put this book down
and call someone who you trust to talk about where you went so wrong in your life.
That said, Kindred culture is inherently monstrous. Part of the political horror of Vampire: The Masquerade is surviving in a culture that worships the Bad Old Ways. Large parts of Kindred society (especially the Camarilla and the Sabbat) adhere to cults of tradition, ascribes to the idea of humiliating their enemies with overwhelming wealth and force, and praises religious fundamentalism
or even pre-modern ideals like feudal rule.
Many Kindred are old enough to remember WWII in detail and are bound to have opinions on what’s going on in the world right now. Even so, it’s pretty easy to steer the game away from totalitarian perspectives.
Emphasize the differences between individual vampires, and between factions as well as inside factions. Tell stories about infighting, surprising kindness, and new ideas. Play thin-bloods, Caitiff, Anarchs, or even Camarilla members in a Hellene city where most of the Ivory Tower’s traditions have been adapted to suit the present. Another way is to play is to portray Kindred society in all its malicious (and fascist) glory, but let the player characters oppose the system, from the inside or from without.
why even live
What if someone wants to play a fascist, though, or a Storyteller wants to introduce a fascist SPC? There are plenty of those throughout the World of Darkness — monsters, but many with pretty faces. They can be a tragic villain, or a former friend who fell, or even someone who the player characters think of as an ally. They might be the Brujah neo-Nazi, the far-right Ventrue billionaire, or the Tzimisce eugenicist.
Whatever face they present, the player characters should be given the satisfaction of redeeming or destroying them eventually.
After all, the player characters are something unique and special — something fascists cannot abide.
Remember: playing a character whose opinions you oppose can be a great way to understand how supremacist ideas work and how to spot and fight them in the real world.
Fictionally experiencing seductive perspectives like blaming the Other, conforming to norms and fighting for a grand purpose, can help you spot these tendencies in yourself and others and diminish their power over you.
This is all in character, of course. At the time of writing, the real world is currently inundated with far-right fascist ideologies being given free reign by wellmeaning people who want to preserve civility.
If you see people at your table opening up with altright talking points, we encourage you to shut that shit down. If you become uncomfortable with a storyline in game because of what’s happening out of game, use one of the techniques listed here.
You are not obligated to tolerate fascists in-game or out-of-game. This game is a way to tell stories about understanding and perhaps fixing some of the darkness in our own world.
Use that to your advantage.
And i once talked shit to Rose Bailey, if i wasnt banned from their forums i would excuse myself and admit it could have been worse. can you tell me the authors credited on that shit book?
>black muslim vampire who lives in europe and is a charismatic champion for mortal & mintory rights while protecting women against the white, misogynistic elders
is this the power fantasy of the average VTMB player or who did they think this character would appeal to?
What do you think made Bloodlines so great and why is it difficult replicate those points in the current year?
Its the power fantasy of that rainbowhaired dyke who nobody likes to play with and only gets invited to each rpg party exactly once because she then starts to derail the session by her complaints 5 minutes in.
It's a product of a time where devs were given almost complete freedom.
They didn't work on a checklist presented by the publisher and actually made a game they wanted to play themselves.
These days are over for publisher funded projects, only indies can allow themselves to do this but they will never reach such production values.
Developed, designed, and written by Kenneth Hite, Mark Rein-Hagen, Matthew Dawkins, Juhanna Peterson, Martin Ericsson, Karim Muammar, Karl Bergström, Jennifer Smith, Jason Andrew, and Jason Carl.
Oh yeah and i left out an important detail, devs from back then actually liked video games.
Its impressive how Rein-Hagen made a shitty game that was salvaged by others and today people still dont give credits where its due.
At least most of those writers has absolutely nothing to do with Chronicles of Darkness, no idea where they got those people.
a passion project created under the worst adversity and pressure you could probably imagine.
Because it was made by incredibly talented people.
it hurts
Does it opens a third eye?
>These days are over for publisher funded projects, only indies can allow themselves to do this but they will never reach such production values.
Are you kidding? Indie and small companies is basically what tabletop is made of these days.
Because its a rough diamond with huge amounts of potential that the community perfected with mods.
On the character model, no it doesn't. It however considers it open when you use it and is a masquerade violation.
>Indie and small companies is basically what tabletop is made of these days.
That's what I said though?
They are just unable to produce games of the caliber of VTMB because they have no funds.
>Every event in history was secretly perpetrated by werewolves, vampires, magicians or some other supernatural species that by the end of the original bookline canon were getting vaporised by God himself because they were causing the apocalypse
>The only event that was caused by human beings was the Holocaust, which incidentally didn't have the same apocalyptic ramifications
Really sending some mixed messages there
I hope it won't be Turn Based.
Real fucking weird intro for a game setting where you're playing as figurative bad guys.
There's simply no business model to make good games anymore. If you're owned by a publisher, you'd better be making the trash pandering to the lowest common denominator to please your jewish masters with many shekels, and if you're an indie, you simply can't afford anything on this scale (and even if you could, there is a real feeling that gamers of today don't really want it anyway).
I can see 1 or maybe 2 studios that could pull this off but not the ones you mentioned.
Because HBS are still working on two more expansions for Battletech.
You're not gonna say Obsidian, are you?
>vampires, project chimera
I've got my eyes on you Paradox
If you think that this game will live up to the original you are potentially retarded.
That said are you sure that this is a new Vampire game and not a new Werewolf game, because there's already a WoD Werewolf game in development.
God Machine Chronicles would be a kino game.
This is wrong, paradox sells legit expansions, man. They just sell too damn many.
Pic unrelated?
Paradox doesn't have a fraction of the talent Troika had. An ip and a template of what to do aren't enough to succeed. You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you're actually getting hyped for this, especially without any kind of preview.
>games are all heavily moddable
>mods don't work right if you don't have all the expansions
honestly FUCK this shit
Aren't they just the publisher?
>hardsuit labs
Fuck those niggers, they made something great and ran it into the ground in literally one patch.
But the developers under Paradox don’t have the talent or budgets to pull this off
this. i always go and think about the music.
but honestly their best path to take is to no to replicate the feeling if the first game, they'll fail for sure.
They'll have to bring something new and somehow mold that world of darkness around another period with it's own culture like they did with the 90's goth stuff
>actually getting hyped
Please, user. This is Yea Forums. All games are shit before release, and most are even after.
Isn't this Vampyr concept art?
It's almost magical
>it's real
some German forum tells me it's from the VtM 5th edition
Just remember Yea Forums, Bloodlines still exist, no matter what happens, you can still play the original.
Nope, it's the concept art of that area where you fight Andrei, in the basement of that house in Hollywood.
The werewolf game is coming out next year and is being developed by Cyanide and published by Big Ben.
So far there has been an ARG pointing out to a Vampire game, with it's vampiric themes and names that feature in the PnP(like Tender and such).
There was already SJW pandering. Anti-SJWs don’t give a shit about vampires.
I don't think that was considered SJW when was released, more like normal political jokes.
i hope somebody nukes your country to destroy the illness that is SJW
It is just from a different era. Imagine the game name-dropping Trump administration in a similar fashion and Yea Forums as of 2019 would have "483 replies and 66 images omitted" threads for weeks.
But the owner is a sweden company...
West coast. if the game was in Texas would be Democrat and gun grabing jokes. That is called not being mentally ill.
not that guy, but you mean in the basement of the hallowbrook hotel in downtown, the hollywood mansion looks nothing like that
>opposing fascism is SJW
The absolute state of nuVTM.
If it would be today would be something like that.
1>is he talking about Trump?
2>Is he talking about Hitler?
3>Shit he is talking about us?
There would not be a fourth option, today 3 is already too much.
If the game was in Texas Nosferatus wouldn’t break the Masquerade.
Oh, right. My bad. I forget you encounter the dude twice.
>It's mostly written by Chris Avellone.
Great, so not only will be a pile of shit full of dlc, it'll be a pretentious pile of shit full of dlc.
>a new game will be set in the US
Wasted opportunity. Why not go to somewhere cool like a central european country, or western european like France or Germany, maybe give SJWs and lorefags a nod and go to Rio de Janeiro.
I've noticed political threads are mostly just shitposting with no one really advocating for anything in particular nowadays.
Everyone knows at this point about the discord groups posting their off-topic shit by this point and is just trying to make them mad.
That being said most Trump jokes are lame, Bush had shooting games based on the shoe incident and hot dog selling games, now that's the kind of political commentary I want to see.
It does look identical that area in vampyr where you first meet that vampire priest or social worker, whatever he is
Wasn't there also that glorified visual novel that had a tranny kindred who would jerk people off and kill the person if they said they voted drumpf or some shit?
I don't think you can solve this just by nuking one country.
Reminder Velvet a shit.
I doubt it's the anti-fascism that is the problem. I don't know about everyone else, but the problem I have (as a left-winger) is with that stuff being written down to begin with, especially regarding a role-playing game. The whole point is to do that, role-play, and choose who you want to be. If you want to play a fascist or neo nazi and succeed at exterminating all jews, so be it, it's role-playing, nothing to do with condoning any of that shit. If the player holds views that other players in the group have a problem with, it's their deal to solve, and they will, no instructions needed.
How is the vampire political world in SA ?
I don't even think vampires would be the dominant supernatural faction, Werewolves and mages would have the upper hand.
Guys imagine it's a V:TM game but it takes place in 80s
Where's True Fae, fgt?
I recall there being a lot of people complaining about mages in vtmb threads since there seemed to be a good few going around the time I decided to play it, what's bad about mages exactly?
Big and Famous cities are either Camarilla or Sabbat, Rio is special being jointly ruled by both Camarilla and Sabbat. Rest of the continent big cities are a patchwork of independent fiefdoms.
São Paulo is particularly important city for the Sabbat being one of their spiritual centers.
>look mom, I'm being a contrarian retard on 4chins again lol!
I used to run V:tM games set in the Prohibition Era, the 70s (disco, punk, political upheaval), and post gehenna.
>what's bad about mages exactly?
The autistic people who play them, who keep interjecting into every possible discussion how a mage could do something better or work around it or basically just annihilate every obstacle you put up against them.
Most places are fucked up. USA is by far the best place to a World of Darkness game.
By the way. delete that image, user is acting like a know all while posting bullshit. Classical from WoD players.
Are mages actually that powerful or is it just them being fags?
How? Daddy loses scenario or what?
A little of column A, a little of column B.
Bit of both. as long as you are not dumb being a mage is the best thing. If you fuck it up, well any other will fuck you up pretty fast.
How is a novice mage that powerful? I know they can alter the reality but isn't the consensus too tight to work around especially in the modern days?
I wish I had friends who'd be interested in playing VtM. I want to get its rulebook for my library, would V20 be a good choice?
Bloodlines being good is a fluke. There are parts that unequivocally kick ass, yes. There are concepts that are great and with fan patches much of it is well executed, but allow me to rebuttal: the sewers.
The power levels are so damn stupid and they make my brain bleed
Nope. Its pretty easy being a Mage and dealing with people with no imagination. instead of shooting a fireball just shoot your shotgun and apply magic to your shot, instead of farting thunderbolt just create a problem with the eletricity post. Thats why not being dumb is actually important. But i'm not sure if i would put a starter mage that far on scale, probably not.
About the book. If you want a lot of info dump, sure V20 is okay, but its kind of faggotry. i prefer Revised. Since you wont play anyway, the info dump is alright.
What are the chances they will skip ahead few years to have smartphones in the game?
Explain where true faith fits in
You can eradicate a good portion of humanity using a magical bird flu virus and it would still be well within the consensus.
>How is a novice mage that powerful?
He isn't, I was calling that user out. Fledgeling verses (supposedly average) adult human should've been a dead giveaway.
might not be so impossible
Pleb criticism. The worst part of the game is Ming's temple, especially in conjunction with hallowbrook hotel and society of leopold. The sewers are ok, just longer than they needed to be.
lmao mate calm yourself down its only a fucking game
So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?
temple and the ventrue tower are the worst parts imo
Made a weird ass homebrew of sorts because "fuck the metaplot" and let's have fun for once. Basically, the old guard got put down, but thanks to all the antideluvians fucking about for everyone to see and all the supernatural shit caused by them just fucking existing, Padadox pretty much didn't exist anymore allowing Mages to be more open. This allowed the Technocracy to pretty much act without consequence, as they rebuilt the world in their own image as corporate ruler of sorts controlling still populated areas of the world in mega cities. Vampires retreated underground. Nossie's ain't the only ones in the sewers anymore, as they hide out in small communities mixed with kine in a symbiotic relationship. Pretty much kindred protect kine from the oppression and bullshit, and kine keep the kindred fed. Werewolves were pretty much nomads now, retreated to pockets of wilderness, waging a secret guerilla war of their own. Had em almost like Mad Max-esq biker society, if that makes any fucking sense. Mixed in Shadowrun rules as well, since it was already a mishmash of the setting in with WoD, allowing hunters and humans to have augments, again, thanks to our generous Technocracy overlords. Even made Bubblegum Crash like Boomers that were used to infiltrate the kindred communities. Basically I shoved WoD and Shadowrun into a blender and it somehow didn't suck.
>society of leopold
Just pick off those losers one by one. It's not a good location but it's nowhere near hard.
>Padadox pretty much didn't exist anymore
Good Lord.
>Werewolves were pretty much nomads now, retreated to pockets of wilderness, waging a secret guerilla war of their own. Had em almost like Mad Max-esq biker society, if that makes any fucking sense
How did they bred in such conditions?
Overall an interesting idea.
the venture tower I am more forgiving towards, because of its attachments to the plot and the whole game. The chunk dialogue event is a good idea, as is the SWAT guard being dominated which gives a feeling that you've trapped lacroix like a rat and you're pursuing. It's what it should be. And just the fact that you've been using the elevator the whole game and now you get to climb the whole thing. It had its moments.
I didn't mean hard, none of the locations were hard if you somewhat invested into combat (except ming xiao, that fight is retarded and requires good stats if you're using melee and don't have blood packs stashed for healing). The problem with these levels is that they're combat gauntlets and nothing else. These levels had potential to be a lot more interesting, and it pisses me off. Imagine if even one of them was treated like the giovanni mansion, where you're given like 4 different choices of how to infiltrate the lower level.
NPC mages, that are protected by plot and the storyteller, sure. Player mages? No. Most people who wank about mages like that don't even play the game, because there's no game to be played with the likes of them, since they like to go in that obnoxious way of telling you that "Actchually..." while wheezing and gaining a minuscule erection at the chance to display their book knowledge that's completely unnecessary 99% of the time.
All in all, Mage is fun to read about, it's got great stuff, Technocratic Union being my favorite, but I would never ever actually sit down and play a game of it with any of the Mage players because /tg/ has permanently tainted them for me.
That is kind weird because I live in hueland, and, the only part of the country Camarilla would have some kind of full influence force would the south, Sabbath would easily rule the cartels and slums, Kuei-jin would have big influence in the Asian cities, and werewolves and mages would influence the states outside of the coast, São Paulo would have every supernatural group trying to control the city.
>Laughs in space
He's not wrong.
Wrong pic.
Not really. I'm Hue and disagree. What is the link between Sabbat and slums? Do Camarilla vampires do not like drug money? Their whole writeup and mindset that they instill in people is Dumb. Our elites live pretty safe, even in Rio, an Ventrue would be even more safer. Slums only make that getting rid of bodies when someone frenzys even easier.
The make Camarilla and Sabbat on Rio de Janeiro to explain violence. Thats how dumb they are. also, honestly. Mages can live in the vampire cities and not brush with eachother, its stupid to think that city A only has MAGES and city B only has VAMPIRES. the reality is that Rio,São Paulo and other cities would have Demons,Vampires,Mages,Werewolves and everything else. Demons would be in Projac btw. Easy possessing, Easy power, Easy faith.
>the venture tower I am more forgiving towards, because of its attachments to the plot and the whole game
That is true, I didn't really consider that. It's just so combat driven, idk, I guess that's appropriate for the final battle. And there is pretty good choices at the end so it's not like it's just fighting and then the credits roll. Next time I play I'll look at it with fresh eyes.
>more safer
Don't do that. Either "safer" or "safest".
oh boy can't wait for a dialog wheel shallow politically correct soulless cashgrab on unity engine
Hope they add more werewolf fights
Then nuke the whole fucking planet
There's a huge difference between joking about the republican administrations that drowned the US in wars and slaughter and joking about the current republican administration because he is orange. There's nothing wrong with laughing at bush desu and you'd have to be daft or believe that criticizing the administration or the party means somehow advocating for Obama or Clinton
>Camarilla would have some kind of full influence force would the south
Only because of Buenos Aires(which is ruled by a very old camarilla Toreador) being the main influence of Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul for most of their history, otherwise I can see going either way. It's not like vampires are averse to crime or anything like that. Besides canonically only a few named cities and territories are under control of the Sabbat and Camarilla, most of it are independent fiefdoms.
Funfact: Brasilia is a giant nosferatu fortress aimed to keep in check a very old and powerful Nictuku that resides in the Amazon.
I wouldn't say a city would be controlled by a single group, but certain groups would have more influences due the local culture, I would say Sabbath have more control over slums due the influence of violent cartels, you could even say current cartel war could be a Camarilla move to obtain more control over the favelas.
what is this from?
If it makes you feel any better fucking everyone was canned after nearly getting their localizers killed and starting an international incident.
Also, VTM and the Chroncicles of Darkness Vampire are two seperate gamelines, run by different people.
Requiem 2nd is still a thing that will theoretically get more support in the future, depending on Onyx Path.
There's also nothing wrong with laughing at Trump because from the outside some of the stuff he does is pretty funny and can get very stupid. That being said, he's not a warmonger like the Bush administration or Hillary. Foreign policy of the US is hardly party dependent, Hillary despite being a democrat herself is quite a war hawk (look at Libya and the ousting of Ghaddafi)
I actually like when games do comment on the time period it takes place, because even after 15 years from its release every time I play VtM:B I know that it takes place in 2004. Kinda sets the context and makes the world more believable and meaningful. It's the small things...
Most gangrel are just autist loners that get butthurt over anyone invading their territory. Vicious and animalistic maybe but not rapists. Rudi is still a shit character though.
Tzimisce would probably be the worst when it comes to perversion. They'd assrape you with their bone spiked dick, enjoy your pain and fleshcraft your face into a permanent ahegao expression.
>god tier devs of Cyanide Studios?
>They'd assrape you with their bone spiked dick
What kind of vanilla bullshit is this?
>hardsuit labs
just kill it
So Yea Forums, what keeping you up late?
I just want a fucking cool dark urban game about vamps. VTM:B had some jokes about Bush/Republicans but they were just little nods. I just don't want the majority of the fucking game to be pushing an agenda/moral, or characters giving speeches about the evils of fascism that are clearly jerking off the writers.
>remember being a rayciss nazi is bad!
Okay thanks I know.
it's a game from fucking 2004 and they didn't have nearly enough budget as HL2 did. They were clearly going for realistic faces. It doesn't have to be completely photorealistic but still.