If you haven't played at least 100 of these games don't post on Yea Forums.
If you haven't played at least 100 of these games don't post on Yea Forums
based jankposter
Believe me, I wish I could leave
Is expedition conquistador really good? It looks decent.
why are Serious Sam 2 and Hard Reset on there?
>implying you played Gorky and Anachronox
It is definitely worth a play. One of the most interesting games I've played in recent years.
>why are Serious Sam 2 and Hard Reset on there?
Because they are based.
>implying you played Gorky and Anachronox
>Super Mario 64
>Cave Story
>Princess Maker 2
Tried for 10 minutes
>Deus Ex
Haven't touched anything else on there
I've played six of those, but I also have been playing tabletop D&D for over a decade, which is what most of those are based on.
I've played 15, most of which I dropped (like Deus Ex, Morrowind and Recettear). All in all the list's mostly awful.
>Tried for 10 minutes
>I wish I could leave
Just go back to neogaf where you belong.
25. Why doesn't your list include any of MGS, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, etc
Your list is all obscure PC games from the 90s
more like a small fraction
What's under severance(shield with two swords)?
>Why doesn't your list include any of MGS, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, etc
Because those games objectively suck dick. Final Fantasy, really? How low do your standards have to be?
either 62 or 72 (I lost count)
completed would be a very different story
>implying Yea Forums could play a game with a 174 page manual
>being proud of having autism
>implying beloved by Yea Forums jrpgs are not concentrated autism
The vast majority on there are not obscure to pre-steam dominance mustards. Even if you haven't played them, would have seen them mentioned a fair bit, on store shelves, reviewed in mags and the like
>putting effort into something = mental disability
is this what 3x3 threads have devolved into?
better than this abortion
Because Japshit is garbage
Thanks, you just reminded me to finish my Godhand hard playthrough
a couple stinkers and fucky rankings here and there but overall a solid list imo
nintendoshit seems to be a strong theme also which is probably the biggest problem, but what else can you expect with these people
Or perhaps he is russian.
I would say roughly 90 of the games on there are mediocre.
Seriously get help, stop obsessing with these fucking autistic lists
your anus is autistic, dog
I’ve played at least 25 of them but damn that is the shittiest taste I’ve seen in a long time, get help boomer
jesus, let's just agree to disagree on that and leave it
>tfw Commandos died because of the devs trying to make it an FPS
now you have blades of shogun and desperados 3 soon
jesus fucking christ what a shitty list
Pokemon is on there multiple times. Its a terrible list made by the hordes of underages and normalfags that have invaded this place.
Havent played a single one. Still cant stop me from posting on Yea Forums
better still than your mom
does trying it out for 5 minutes and realizing it's fucking garbage count as playing :^)
>Still cant stop me from posting on Yea Forums
*teleports behind you*
no. "playing' means finishing the game at least five times
The list isn't great sure but 90 mediocre games? Who hurt you?
I'd love to hear your top ten buddy
I've only played about 20 , does it count?
Circle means I've actually played it.
Triangle means I've tried it briefly.
as if someone gave a fuck
The top game on the list is a game that is 1/3 unfinished content with all its core mechanics and design being a downgrade from its predecessor. The whole list is incredibly bad. My lunch break is just about up, but if this thread is still around when I get back from work I'll go through the whole thing.
not big on rpgs are you
You underestimate the autism.
Not the ones posted. I played the fuck out of Recettear, Pokemon, and Nethack.
Forget it user I don't care about your shitty opinions anymore lol
>Hard Reset
Trying to finish Mandate of heaven right now, do my characters ever get to the point in which I don't have to kite 40 retards while turning around and shooting behind me like I'm playing a shooter?
This games feels more like playing Serious Sam than playing a fucking RPG ffs.
Yes and no. Titans can one hit kill you and you don't want to fight plenty of them at once. Dragons are simply tough to kill.
Best games lists are just lists of game that everyone agrees to be slightly above average and not the actual GOATs because they may not appeal to certain groups of people