here's your modern UI bro
Here's your modern UI bro
Where's the similarity between these?
all are popular games
Then that would mean it's cherrypicked (unreliable) data. There are recent games that get UI right.
They all have a shitty UI. Clunky, overwhelming, time-consuming, etc.
A good UI won't overwhelm you, will be accessible, and won't damage the flow of the game.
This happened because any course related to "game design" teaches you how to design UI/UX for mobiles and tablets. And predictably when you have smaller screen space they don't encourage you to step away from tried and tested text sizes and typefaces. Also because UI/UX guys are autistic like programmers and are only good at purely functional things and are not creative.
But yeah it's all due to everything becoming homogenised. Companies want solid profit and less problems to worry about, and that shit kills innovation
top two are unrelated bait
bottom two are a clusterfuck of poorly implemented rpg systems
Isn't fancy but at least it's easy to read even from the distance.
The GTA one isn't even valid since it's a fucking settings menu and pretty much every settings menu in every game looks the same and can't be pulled off in a "minimalistic" way. The others are fine, there's a lot of items in those games and you can't really stick them all on a weapon wheel or whatever it is you'd ideally have.
Unironically ubisoft is saving UI atm, from the last few games I have played of theirs they have been using a PC UI on console. It's perfect, best of both worlds.
Imo morrowind was the best UI I have seen.
arr rook same
Here's your UI bro.
>here's your modern UI bro
>But only in the options/inventory screen because otherwise I wouldn't be able to shit post and make this thread
1/10 go outside for once you mouthbreather.
does skyrim really count as modern anymore
Are you confusing UI and HUD?
modern huds are even more soulless
I hate you can't put certain apps like Youtube out of the TV and Video section, who even designed this?
So, you've noticed. Back in the 2000s it was the paint splatter and stamp effect.
Post good UIs.
I blame Japanese developers for popularizing this trend.
Here's your UI bro. It's old, but still works.
Some retard at Sony.
Here's your (U)
It's like when Windows Explorer were designed in 15th century.
>here's your 2000s UI bro
this, I fucking cringe every time I go over my friends house to play on his ps4. it's so bad
Using the 'minimalistic' way is exactly what's annoying about modern UIs. They're designed to be easily navigated with a controller. The good UIs have only necessary information during gameplay and extensive menus when you pause it.
Can you even name a single game that had okay UI?
I seriously can't think of anything at this point, thinking back to them they all seemed almost the same-ish, all uninspired or all just seemingly bloated in structure.
Nothing will top Dead Space's for me. God tier.
Well you've just posted a screenshot of all the extensive menus when you pause it and called them all clunky and time consuming. Do you even know what you're looking for? All four of those games have exactly what you said in your last sentence.
i've never known what share factory is despite owning my ps4 for years
looks good
Yeah dead space and P5 are pinnacle UI/inventory
>Nothing will top Dead Space's for me. God tier.
it's just a regular full screen inventory. What's so god tier about it?
Flat UI is soulless.
consoles are to blame
This guy's a gangster? His real name's Clarence!
M&B warband UI is straight forward and doesn't want to waste your time.
This but unironically
The Division UI.
I miss PC focused UI
>WRPG autist obsessed
It's modernity that's to blame. We live in age more concerned with utilitarianism than beauty. You can see this in architecture, even company logos and furniture. The obsession with simplicity/minimalist/clean aesthetics is something that goes way beyond just fucking video games.
Thankfully, some exceptions like . That is one fucking sick UI.
Find me a worse ui I dare you, even vanilla 3/NV was better than this garbage
>Health and Stasis bar shown on suit
>Menus actually projected in front of Isaac
>Can even see his head move and track your selections
Nothing takes you out of the game. Felt really well done imo.
I can't replay Witcher 2 because of abysmal UI.
Nope, not gonna torture myself with it.
Still exist ,
I can't, this is the worst ui.
>mfw a decent UI in 2019
Arx Fatalis UI is shit.
And before the fanpatch casting mechanic was fucking disgusting.
Looks like Arx Fatalis.
I really hate the Pip-Boy too. Wish they would fuck off with that shit
What the fuck were they thinking? It looks like a prototype
witcher 2 wasn't even released for consoles at first. how are consoles to blame for that games shit inventory ui?
>Find me a worse ui I dare you, even vanilla 3/NV was better than this garbage
It's the exact same UI as 3/NV though?
It was terrible back then and it still is terrible. It's something you can cobble together in Paint in 5 minutes, that's how simplistic it. It's literally just a bunch of lines.
Looks like android UI lmao
There I fix it.
You're shit.
The UI is elder-god tier since almost everything is drag&drop, the most intuitive and fastest possible way to interact with stuff ingame.
And the casting was only broken due to modern resolutions, fans fixed it so no problems now.
arx has a shit ui
>>Menus actually projected in front of Isaac
And how is that useful in anyway, when the inventory still covers the entire screen, and the inventory still is separate from the game world.
A better example of what you describe would be the inventory system used in adventure games and immersive sims, where you can directly drag and drop items from your inventory to interact with the game world.
Honestly Skyrim with SkyUI is the best UI I have seen for games that you have to manage large inventories with. And it doesn't even change much from vanilla. All it adds are categories that sort and a search bar.
You are most likely talking to a kid that has started creatin memories since the console UIs already got pushed in the games. He does not know of anything different, and when presented with it, it instills fear into him.
user.. I'm not OP. Plus the Skyrim one truly is atrocious. Luckily, that got modded really fast.
I know but both are pretty trash desu but somehow they took steps back in making the ui in 4 even worse, I can hardly orientate myself in the map in 4 half the time, it was hyperbole as in its so bad its even worse in the games that came before it that had a similar ui
>It's modernity that's to blame.
Most games in that image are several decades old. The newest game is a decade and a half old.
fuck off boomer. arx fatalis has a shit ui.
Say what you will about those spreadsheets, but you can't say they aren't efficient.
Pic unrelated? The Souls games have absolute clusterfuck UI’s
>Mouse 1 Fast Travel
>R Local Map
>T Level Up (1 !!
who the fuck designed this?
should have been (L)ocal Map, Level (U)p. Or just use real on screen buttons ffs.
I like how the inventory system is literally grounded in the game world. You can understand how engineers like Isaac would use it outside of the game's combat. I'm sure Arx is cool too, I just don't give a shit Grandpa.
Blizzard used to be gods at UI, but even they have started to slip up
>Say what you will about those spreadsheets, but you can't say they aren't efficient.
Is that speedrun supposed to prove anything? If anything it proves the opposite: jrpg speedruns typically take several hours, whereas most wrpg speedruns take only several minutes,
>jrpg inventory: have to scroll through a long list, one item at a time, while reading each line of text, to identify the item you need
>wrpg inventory: simply click the item you need. items are not represented through text, but actual images of the items, which is good, because your brain processes images much faster than text, so you can identify what item you need from just a glance
How is a jrpg interface better in functionality?
There is a reason why competitive strategy games that are all about making thousands of micro-decisions every minute use visual interfaces like those wrpgs.
To be fair, Witcher 3 was a significant jump from Witcher 2 in terms of UI. I just wish they would commit to entirely separate console and PC interfaces.
there is a reason they moved to text based uis boomer. it is a lot faster to read the name of an item and manipulate it than look at each icon when multiple items have the same icon. oh what is this. oh what is this.
>PC UI on Console
Why are they just realised that PC/Mouse interface is far superior than clunky console interface
>I like how the inventory system is literally grounded in the game world.
But it's not. You can't use your inventory to directly interact with the game world like you can in Arx Fatalis.
game was literally designed with consoles in mind even before it saw a console release
I mean the ways of thinking that arose from Modernity (an emphasis on reason), which in turn can influence art.
I worked on UI for xbox 360/ps3 game. Think is everyone on team bitch about your UI and readability. So you will end up with moust contrast simple version in final version. Font have to be used to anything from russian to chinesse. so you use generic font that have all characters. Every line, every small detail that wasn't necessary was removed. Working in game industry sucks. Slavery is vacation compared to that.
because your left hand is already resting on WASD. R and T are closer and you don't have to move your hand. and those are just shortcuts.
>M&B warband UI
Yeah, about that. Gamepads are really at the root of most of the bad interfaces.
It's called a tacked on gear system that had no place being in the game.
>All these seething Arx fags
The future is now you fucking fossils
Was Diablo 2 peak of UI ?
But i am still more or less happy with result.
>He does not know of anything different, and when presented with it, it instills fear into him.
I bet Thief sends him into catatonic shock then.
>here's your UI
>better use them headphones, taffer
I bet they redoing the UI as we speak. This thing had 4 times UI rework.
Different factions having different interfaces is kino.
Thief medieval game fucking WHEN
take me back bros...
>take me back bros...
This looks soulless.
I am amazed that literally NOTHING has yet topped original Thief titles in the way they used sound as an indicator and relying on the player exclusively to make sense of it. There's no sound meter in the game or anything so you actually have to listen around corners and behind closed doors.
here's your streamer UI bro
wtf is that icon with chopped windows 8 logo and car door with a key? and lol at the big ass advertise banner which takes half of the screen
dude. you can make awesome UI in photoshop. but they will never let you do that. In the end you end with few bitmaps in MAYA and you are glad it doesn't look even worse.
those ads are a burger thing. I have a european account and never see them
That Arthas model is atrocious.
that armour must weigh like 300 kilograms on the shoulders and Arthas is around 180cm tall
>witcher 1 UI
I'd almost forgotten how fucking ugly it looked. Jeez
Name a better UI
Protip: You can't
Witcher 1 looked like fucking ass god damn
>It's the exact same UI as 3/NV though?
It's not though. It's functionally worse then those games' UIs. It looks like a parody.
>items in boxes
Yes, the fucking epitome of UI design
>the best UI ever invented is from a hecking mod
skyui is good. black background on white letters is to make the ui distinguishable from the paused game. a simple list on the left with a picture and description on the right is perfect. I wasn't a huge fan of morrowind because the icons are too hard to tell apart
>the same generic text-based interface used in billions of jrpgs, but now the text is slightly flashier
It's not that good, just better than the vanilla ui
hey zoom boys, aren't you supposed to be in school
I really liked it. Might be because I got used to inventory management with diablo.
Taste is subjective.
what is better for a game where you are looking at a list of hundreds of items? icons don't work because there are too many items.
Fuck off samefag zoomer
Go scroll through your consolise shit, instead having everything clickable on the screen.
Reminder that all poster ITT complaining about simplistic UI design probably see nothing wrong with wearing graphic T-Shirts
I'm not one to harp on modern games because I think they can be just as good as classic games. But this is something that I do fucking hate. Modern menu design is absolutely trash. What's even worse about the God of War example is that the bestiary is actually pretty good both in terms of looking like an actual book and being written from the perspective of BOY (though this doesn't make sense at certain points in the story) but then the rest of the menu design is the same trash as every other AAA menu
I like my UI with font I can't read instead of 10 fonts at once.
Now that's a false equivalence if I ever saw one
What he means is that the menu is part of the game world. It's immersive in a way that you don't have a menu that's only shown to the player, don't be daft.
One of the most perfect examples of going from soul to soulless was Skyrim's UI
No attempt to make it immersive or visually interesting like Morrowind's Journal or Oblivion's entire fucking UI. Just a sterile utilitarian series of menus that look like a homepage overlay.
Only if you pring Dwarf Fortress UI screen on the shirt and wear it in public.
That still looks extremely uninspired, and prioritizes function over any sort of interesting or unique aesthetic.
These are better examples of good menus/UIs.
My eyes hurt
I'm talking about the tribal flames/roots whatever the fuck it's supposed to look like in the background. Like what the fuck were they thinking.
Unironically Overwatch and World of Warcraft Classic-Wrath
Those are among the best UIs I have ever seen t_b-h, so I can not complain.
A personal favourite of mine is still Morrowind. What a fucking perfect UI for a Keyboard+Mouse game
"""Slavic inspired""" folklore aestetic
Though it's not that bad even without the context, as opposed to "castle stone" theme or some utilarian bullshit, it's not that bad looking.
im sorry
fable 3 inventory
im sorry
>What he means is that the menu is part of the game world.
That's the case in Arx Fatalis, where the inventory background texture is that of a leather backpack, and your inventory actually increases in size as you find a backpack, and your items take up differing amount of space, and items make different noises as you mvoe them around, and you can directly drag and drop items from your inventory to interact with the game world, or vice versa.
I don't really see why people praise Dead Space's menu, when it's just a superficially different way of presenting a non-interactive fullscreen inventory.
Black sheep of Witcher games.
But GTA V's weapon wheels/cell phone are great. You can access different weapons/radios either with a button press to quick switch or select with accuracy, there's a cell phone to access the Internet, etc. That's just the settings menu which is minimalism done right, which is just listing what's in each menu and submenu. Short sweet and to the point
It's fine for the situation, it's not the best UI ever
I'd rather have a "soulless" minimalistic hud than doomguy's face covering up half of the screen
>being greater than 90 degrees on purpose
It's a clean style. Text is easy to read, navigation is linked to buttons that make sense. I see why a lot of games are going towards this style for a UI. The only real problem is that it's boring as fuck.
I understand where you're coming from with this but the open backpack is not, in fact, where it's displayed so that's not at all the same. It's still a layer of menu that's outside of the actual game world. Not saying it's bad or anything, it's just different.
If you can't see how that's different I'm sorry user.
>hey tragth, what are you gonna do with seven outfits, two pairs of boots, four clubs, five axes and one sword
GTAV's is actually really fitting when you think about it, all the menu aesthetics of their games are in line with the time periods they're set in and GTAV is set in the soulless minimalist modern age
I don't know. Is it so weird that I want my fantasy games to have fantasy UIs? This sleek modern shit is just so interchangeable.
>all the menu aesthetics of their games are in line with the time periods they're set in and GTAV is set in the soulless minimalist modern age
>It's still a layer of menu that's outside of the actual game world.
As opposed to what? Enemies in Dead Space can't interact with the inventory, so I don't know what you're talking about.
Morrowind's UI was utter perfection from a utilitarian standpoint. Seriously, everything short of your journal was one click away. It's just that other things, such as having only certain number of potion icons shared among ALL the potions in the game so you were expected to remember which was which in your inventory and such, got in the way. Not to mention how customizable it was.
Weird argument, but it's ok actually.
Literally only casuals wouldn't think so
that's fucking horrible
>filled with negative space that could have been used to give you more information
>instead of making intuitively simple scrolling menus filled with tabs you have to click through to get to anything multiple times
>and if you missclicked or used the wrong option, guess what, it's back to going through four more menus
Any UI designed for consoles is absolute cancer. You see this? This is a good UI.
>all items and active spell effects have concise descriptions and memorable icons, you only need to mouseover to see them
>make specific sounds whenever you move them
>every UI element can be resized or disabled altogether giving you control over how minimalist or maximalist you want to be
>navigating the longest of lists is as simple as rolling through it with a mousewheel
Multi Document UI is a dying breed. You may only see them on IDE, ERP, or designer program. Nowadays everything must be fullscreen/tablet/console UI
They can't interact with it but it doesn't make it part of the game world. The equivalent in Arx Fatalis would be to drop your backpack on the floor in the game world and the items in it being displayed in it.
Here I put it in picture form. On the left, the Arx Fatalis UI and its out of world elements, on the right what it would be if it was the same as the Dead Space UI. Again, I'm not saying one's better than the other.
Im actually surprised that Paint.NET is still alive
*It doesn't make it NOT part of the game world. Sorry, english isn't my native language and sometimes I get mixed up.
God damn, virgins are pathetic.
They are kind of unaesthetic, though not inherently, you could easily solve that problem by making them snap to a grid and blend together after they're done being arranged.
it looks like they used some sort of template, but forget to customize it and remove the default placeholder objects
its supposed to be shit and clunky. just like whole game.
GoW's UI may be fairly minimalist but it's very functional, looks a lot better than the other three.
Thanks, these will do just fine.
Honestly, I'm getting tired of this place's compulsion to look for things to be outraged about. If you can't find anything else, you start whining about fucking menus of all things.
>top left
>playstation button prompts
Is that a modded version of Oblivion?
Where's the outrage exactly? I'm more impressed by the fact this thread has managed to offend someone somehow.
>Here I put it in picture form. On the left, the Arx Fatalis UI and its out of world elements, on the right what it would be if it was the same as the Dead Space UI.
But that's a false analogy. The Dead Space inventory is just a visual representation of your items, your items aren't actually present in the game world unless uou drop them.
Then tell me what exactly is the purpose of this thread other than trying to shit on modern, functional but minimalistic UIs?
Can't speak for the OP, but regardless of his intentions, I think aesthetics are important and this is worth discussing.
Does anyone have any good general rules for desktop UI.
Making an RPG and the UI revision keeps getting kicked down the road due to not knowing what to do properly past my jank layout.
or the PS3 version
Jesus fucking Chris I hate facecams.
>the PS3 version
huh... I didn't know there was a PS3 version.
just out of curiosity, do you ever get tired of cherrypicking?
Wait a minute that UI...
Don't mind me, just posting the best inventory screen ever created
someone post MKX yet? love that game but the UI is ass
Witcher 3's UI is good tho? It's a good balance of aesthetics and functionality.
>just out of curiosity, do you ever get tired of cherrypicking?
You are the one cherrypicking. A few exceptions exist here and there, sure, but the vast majority of jrpgs use the same 'white text on black/blue background' interface, to the point that even retro indie homages like Undertale use it. This wasn't a graphical limitation either, primirive western rpgs made on DOS had more visual interfaces than triple-A jrpgs made in the 2000's with cutting edge technology.
And why are you shitting on the wrpg ui in the bottomleft? It had an actual paperdoll where equipment changed your appearance, a feature that is virtually non-existent in jrpgs outside of recent stuff like Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls.
I hate the UI in Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. So bland for otherwise stylish games
I loved artistic UIs like in Oblivion and Baldur's Gate.
>cherrypicks 2 wrpgs ui's, both console games
>they still have visual representation of items, both in menus and on your character, unlike all those spreadsheet jrpgs
You really didn't think this through, did you? Good job on undermining your own argument.
Most JRPG menu's were designed to function with controller input which is why they were all comprised of simple lists.
>windows xp
please. pic related is what actually aesthetic ui looks like.
>I loved artistic UIs like in Oblivion and Baldur's Gate.
One cool thing about the Infinity Engine is that all the games made on it had interfaces that reflected the themes of their games:
>baldur's gate interface looks like cracked iron, a nod to the iron crisis that is at the center of the story
>icewind dale interface is wood and tree roots, a nod to the giant life-giving tree in kuldahar which is a central hub and safe haven in the icy climate the game takes place in
>planescape torment interface is rusted steel and spiral patterns, a nod to sigil's twisted architecture
>Don't mind me, just posting the best inventory screen ever created
>have to go to a separate screen that pauses the game to do something basic as switching weapons or healing or throwing grenades
>best inventory screen ever
Torment's interface was nice visually but not so great functionally.
Morrowinds UI is complete garbage. Only 4 categories so sorting is shit. Giant useless icons that are reused so every item look the same. Terrible map. Terrible spell inventory. Terrible character screen.
>doesn't even have an auto-sort feature
spreadsheet lists that you scroll through, just like you complain about with old jrpgs
items represented through icons, just like you praise wrpgs for doing
just admit that your actual opinion is "it's okay when the west does it."
But you can
It's funny how Resident Evil only started to have a competent inventory system once it abandoned its survival horror roots and any pretence of resource management. This style of inventory would have been much better for RE1-3. where a key inexplicably took up the same inventory space as a shotgun.
The UI update for TW3 is fucking ridiculous. They made it look sci fi for some stupid reason. Aesthetic doesn't fit at all.
I liked morrowinds a lot too. Saw anarchy onlines in another thread and liked that too.
big exploration games need a UI that's like busting out a giant map and all your shit on a table.
skyrim's ui is one of the worst ever designed for pc use, skyui just somewhat remedies it by scaling everything down and showing more items at once
more accurately
Rent free
Wait what
Skyrim's UI is great though.
skyui is the best ui for games with extremely large inventories like elder scrolls. icons take up too much space and don't actually tell you anything unless you mouse over them.
the only thing missing from vanila skyrim is a larger list on screen and a sorting/search feature. which is all skyui adds.
and it is much faster than dragging the mouse and clicking on things.
i can select items a lot quicker using the keyboard than with a mouse
I remember the first time I saw gameplay footage of Fallout 4 I thought it was an early alpha because of the UI. What the fuck were they thinking.
>and it is much faster than dragging the mouse and clicking on things.
That's what you think. There's a reason why computer operating systems are mouse-driven rather than keyboard-driven.
yeah, DS1 had a pretty good UI, the inventory was nothing special though
and there is a reason people use terminals to run programs rather than clicking through menus.