Which one will you press?

Red: All AAA Western devs go under after their latest game & their prior funds goes to indies & JP devs
Blue: Cinematic Movie, Battle Royale & Ubisoft Open World games stop being made forever, and Microtransactions disappear as well
Green: SJWs, Kikes, Soccer Moms & Trannies are banned from gaming journalism & never affect another video game again. Censorship & Paid reviews disappear forever

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anyone who doesnt press green is a faggot

Press green and it solves blue and red

Green holy shit

Pressing Red solves Green and Blue. If you press anything but red, you're wrong.

Red is the necessary evil

Green obviously. We need shit like BR games as containment for sub 80iq retards


Red or you're an idiot.



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Downsides to red is that blue and green won't happen.
Downside to blue is that red and green won't happen.
There is no downside to green.

Green is objectively correct

>press red
>SJWs, Kikes, Soccer Moms & Trannies move on to ruin indies and jp games

Green but instead of banning from video games, banned from earth. Also, add spics and nigs to that list.

They already have, see Dead or Alive

indieshit is already full of SJWs and trannies

> Add Muslims, Chinks & West-Coasters to that list as well
Fixed, Blacks, Whites & Japs are based

JP doesn't care about trannies etc.

Press Green. Eventually the bullshit of companies not being defended will hurt their sales over time.

Red might kill sports games and EA bs but another one will rise from their ashes like always.

Blue will revert back to shitty first person shooter rehashes all the time.

Green is completely removing the gaming industry from affecting the journalism side so only truth remain.

Also fuck Censorship and FUCK paid reviews.

The real level-headed answer:
AAA Western devs do make some good games.
Blue button games have their place, even though Yea Forums doesn't like them. MTX are necessary to support certain games if they're pushing out free to play games and/or free updates and can be done well if it's just cosmetics. Does paid DLC count as MTX? depending on the type of content, paid DLC is totally fine because, again, it lets devs get paid to make new content.
Green is the only real answer for obvious reasons. These people shouldn't be influencing games at all, especially since they don't play them anyways. This also lets all devs make what people want and lets the good games actually succeed instead of whatever gets the best marketing.


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While you are right, you still prove the point that those people must be purged. Seriously, pressing green is pretty much the same as pressing all the three.


Green in a heartbeat

green because:
- you can just skip all AAA games, making red half useless
- nothing wrong with cinematic games, to each their own
-nothing wrong with microtransactions either as long as it's fair and done right in a setup that NEEDS it (ex: some F2P games)

SJW influencers, censorship and reviewers corrupt videogames way more than anything else.
Devs need to have the complete freedom to make whatever the fuck they want.
If someone likes it, they like it and buy it
but if someone hates it? welll well well gotta make a 9000 word essay and vblog and newsfeed of how fucking offensive it is (even when it clearly isn't intended to be)
Also, paid reviews literally cheat the system and thus a true rating standard eludes us.
We literally can't tell what reviews can be trusted and what can't.
It's gone so far that I bet some gay youtubers are actually paid to make BAD reviews of competitor's games

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>Which one will you press?
The easiest question in my life - GREEN

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Green so speedrunning can be saved from the trannies and sjw forever.

This is a braintest. Green solves the other two, anyone who doesn't pick it is a brainlet


Red solves Blue and Green

It`s been said but I'll reiterate, green will fix red and blue.

I pick the Synthesis ending.

what's wrong with west coast?
t. not american

I had to actually look at the twitter feed to see if the nose was shooped.

>it`s real

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Multi button pressing

is the correct answer

>Blue: Cinematic Movie, Battle Royale & Ubisoft Open World games stop being made forever, and Microtransactions disappear as well
Blue if only because all those getting erased means Rayman 4 happens before the sun implodes
In any other case id pick green.

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well Yea Forums?

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I shall take the geld pill

Green will literally solve all the other issues.

Blue. All I want is for games to return to the no-bullshit, all-gameplay formula. SJWshit can stay, as long as true gameplay and innovation are the focus once more.

Green. I don’t give a shit about any of the other ones.

Blue is objectively the only good choice, Japs make microtransaction--riddled games as well and half the time SJWs are against microtransactions as well.

Giving money to japs and Indies solves nothing and killing microtransactions fucks over AAA anyway. Any dev that bows to faggots and trannies needs to be exposed and keeping them around shows us who to avoid

Are traps gay?

Green, fuck trannies especially, maybe it'll make speedrunning great again


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>open world bad
Remember when it was "linear game bad" back when CoD was the shit? Fuck you kiddies, you don't know anything about games.

Green in a heartbeat


Be careful what you wish for

WHAT'S IN THE BOX?? (gold pill?)

>Facebook memes

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Why does every OP that makes these threads not think about the buttons before posting. It always ends up being one choice that ultimately causes/fixes the others.

Green because THQ


Objectively green

Then obviously I would take purple.

Red is the obvious choice

>Caring about politics surrounding vidya over the actual quality of vidya itself

Neck yourself imbecile

>brainlets actually believe this
The big US corporations would just swap sides politically, it wouldn't affect AAA, live service cancer or their shittification of vidya at all.

if you hit blue sjws are still in control, if you hit green the industry keeps going towards microtransaction hell. red depowers sjws and eliminates western AAA game design.

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Based and bluepilled


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Blue. Red taints JP devs so fuck that and green only has real merit if you listen to those shitheads in the first place. No censorship is good but not nearly as good as blue overall, which just excises so much cancer that it almost is an accurate representstion of pressing red with no downsides.

Literally all buttons have the same function

green solves both other issues

No it doesn't.

Green. But only if they also die


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yes it does

If you pick any option other than blue you should cease posting on Yea Forums immediately.

If you press Green then Western devs might get better and the removal of kikes would stop trends like Battle Royale and Microtransactions from being heavily persued.
Green literally solves both problems with the added benefit of improving gaming journalism.

Most people who buy microtransactions aren't SJWs.