Lamest looking party member is actually the coolest

>lamest looking party member is actually the coolest

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killed him right after he betrayed me

I fucked the shit out of him, no regrets.

oh, he's a party member? I never knew that beacuse i was never stupid enough to let someone who just tried to assassinate me live.

>elf scum
Pick one.

People who didn’t just kill him after he assaulted them are just straight up cucks.

Elves are the master race

you must be fun at the parties

>sexiest looking party member is actually the coolest

i did kill that faggot for being faggot

Didn't like him at all when i first saw him, but he grew to be one of my favorites

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>fucking his brains out until he's your loyal teammate means you're a cuck
You people misuse that word so much.

OP is a discord tranny.

Zevran is literally my first exposure to a gay character in vidya. I just killed him on the spot

>not humiliating him through letting him join and showing him how much of a non-threat he is to you

I don’t go to parties.

He's bisexual

me neither


LBGT then. regardless it was still kinda unusual in 2009-2010. then DA2 came and they made everyone bi there, I just went eh fuck it from that point on

That's already too much love for dick in one man.

>I just went eh fuck it from that point on
So DA2 made you yourself bisexual too?

So are you concerned about losing your own sexuality because this fictional elf likes both pussy and cock?

>his entire character is that he is a gay degenerate who has been fucked by thousands of dudes and animals

So brave

He always made me think of the dudesons

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Everyone is bi, some people just like to pretend they don't like dicks.

Why would you like dick? It's ugly and unappealing.

nah I never went gay with anyone in DA. I even went with Cass in DAI purely because there were no other better options.
as for the bisexual part I blame BotW for that

But it feels good.

that's kind of his point


Does this mean I can use you to seduce gay men into giving me what I want?

He was an annoying piece of shit. Kept him alive because autism but never used him or talked to him

i definitely killed him after he tried to assassinate me

I woke him up after the ambush just to have the pleasure to let him know he was about to die

>It's ugly and unappealing.
To you, maybe.

What do you like about it, gayanon?