Wow, you mean people who actually like Kingdom Hearts and actually play Video Games instead of being confused by the slightest thing like KH3? WOW!
He doesn't say much of anything in the video, don't waste your time.
Charlie's right for once.
>he thought RE6 was "awesome"
Why should I take this contrarian faggots opinion seriously, exactly?
It was awesome. Just not the campaign
Mercenaries and gameplay was fantastic
How does he do it? How does this guy consistently manage to be wrong about everything?
What has he been wrong about? He thinks dmc is GOAT so that's right.
Kingdom Hearts Unironically has some of the most blatant show don’t tell I’ve seen in storytelling and anyone who thinks it’s confusing misunderstands that the series is “convoluted” with 6 spinoffs that are actually just as important as KH1&2 are to the plot
How? Every bit of the final bossrush was too fucking easy to the point that fights played themselves and the final boss itself is boring scripted bullshit
Yeah it's so deep that Sora has to get a shit ending because Kairi is so fucking useless she manages to die two fucking times in one game and yeah Nomura "ACTUALLY XEHANORT WASN'T A BAD GUY" is great fucking writing
God, I hate this faggot
Gonna enjoy watching this smug cunt fall over himself in his inevitable re2 remake video.
RE6 has the exact same core gameplay as RE4, people saying it's bad are just bandwaggoners. There's way more QTEs and the story were shit, story isn't the main draw of RE games anyway. Mercenaries in RE6 was great too.
tl;dw he likes that it has the design philosophy of a PS2 game
which I agree with
this guy is a huge faggot, can't stand him. which guys are actually good?
>Ludo Lense
imagine being such a zoomer you think PS2 is "retro"
Was the nes not retro in the mid 2000s? Ps2 is almost 20 years old.
17~ years
Was Chrono Trigger not considered Retro when the PS4 released?
Why doesn't Bit make videos anymore?
He is legit wrong about everything relating to end game and purposely ignored other major problems with the game also
>PS2 era game design good
The only PS2 era thing about the game is its awkward dialogue and cutscenes which arent good
him handwaving the finale as some vague description of "Gen 6 design" like that is so baffling stupid.
rent free
Should I care who this is?
>SUFFERED buying every side game at launch
Too busy being a "soldier" at his "job" at the US Airforce which in most cases consists of being a janitor at some base or cleaning the toilets of some airbase's cafeteria
Whoever told me to watch theanimesnob in the last thread for cringe. Thank you, this man is horrific
I find myself agreeing with this video, thanks OP
He’s an Aqufag isn’t he?
I think he means how they required owning 3 different handheld systems and werent even that good.
this is why you don't bother with YouTube comments
probably the worst place to discuss things on the internet and that's saying something
no I'm a Kairifag. can you not tell from my clear buthurt over the ending?
Tbqh if I was a Kairifag I’d at least hope that she would be able to be an MC for the next game
Aqua literally got shit on at every turn in this game and was the first character to give up in the face of Darkness Tornado.
Also she suffers the most humiliating lost in KH. Being the ONLY PERSON to ever get hit by the “mega destruction dark ball of darkness and destruction”
It's amazing how there's so many words but there's so little actual substance to this
I agree what hes trying to say but Youtube is not the place for that, gotta quote word from word what was said in the video and add xd or lol for likes but anyway he should make that video thou
So why are all you autists complaining about Roxas being a strong party member, if you're also going to turn around and whine about how much everyone jobs in KH3? Seems counter-productive.
Heavily tinted nostalgia goggles.
More like people complaining you dont get to play as him and the fight isnt just Sora and Roxas with xion and axel benched
>actually, unironically thinking PS2 era game design was the best
Zoomers like this shouldn't be allowed a platform of any kind.
Levels of Chad in KH3
>got to upstage the guy who stole his body, twice
>also father figure master forgave him
>TWO sets of friends and a new body for him and his gf. Still gets two keyblades and decimates the scene he’s in
>Doesn’t fair well in the RoD, but doesn’t bitch out to the heartless tornado like the rest of the cast. Also he had his wingman die for him so he could fuck Namine
Shout out to Sully/Jack Sparrow/Donald/Goofy in this game too
unironically recommending you god of war, you seem like the kinda guy who'd enjoy it
PS2 was the best generation. This is irrefutable.
GoW is more challenging and has more complex gameplay than KH3
That's not a stellar accomplishment.
KH3 has the potential for complex gameplay honestly just nothing can live long enough to take advantage of the combat.
i know
Challenging maybe but not more complex. The issue is that it's too easy so the game never forces you into having to try harder.
Imagine being confused by anything in Kingdom Hearts
Yea Forums is not a good place to discuss a game in a positive light, especially if it’s new. The more popular, the more ire it draws from the crowd. I think kingdom hearts 3 has some big problems, but for the most part it executes well (especially if you ignore attractions for the most part)
Of course most people here are more receptive to GAME GOOD or GAME BAD because despite what they’d want you to think, people here generally have very simple, binary judgments towards game validation
Anyone have the image of the guy posting his 3x3 which is clearly copying Yea Forums opinions? Literally the OP guy
sure thing
God of War is garbage, I'm just making fun of his awful video about character action games
exactly, even if a game is generally received well, there will always be shitposters wanting to stir up the pot, there's literally no winning
based cherrypicker
I don’t want to get particularly autistic about Kingdon Hearts gameplay right now but that doesn’t even stratch the surface of what you can do in 2, let alone 3 which lets you attack cancel and swap between keyblade a with different forms.
>This is what legends are made of.
GoW does pretty much the exact same thing as what you are describing
this is supposed to look good isn't it
An honest review about an honest game. Bless.
explain it then nigger
>RE6 has the exact same core gameplay as RE4
This is blatantly fucking wrong. How can you be this retarded?
That combat looks flashy but it's basically just dodging and using the same one attack over and over. On top of that you look like you're sliding on ice because of how the game changes your position to get closer to the enemy you're targeting. You have very little choice in terms of what you can do in every given moment so I definitely don't feel like it's appropriate to call that shit complex.
they should zoom the camera MORE
i can still KINDA undestand what is happening
sorry it doesn't have giant glowing carousels and tea cups that win the game for you
hey guess what
that webm shows your game plays exactly like dark souls
Execpt thay in KH3 you have more than 2 weapons
Endless amount of abilities/skills to equip that customize your play style
Several different builds for the player
Arrival and ground combat each with different combos and finishers
Several form changes which further change your combos and many adapt based on location of enemies and ect.
>You have very little choice in terms of what you can do in every given moment
objectively wrong
dark souls plays like shit whats your point?
you have more than 2 weapons in GoW
everything else you said GoW does equally or better
god of war combat is equally shit
RE6 was fucking great, you're just a retarded faggot who's bandwagoning the opinion it's bad.
And let me guess, 'You don't have to play it to know its shit?'
fair enough
>RE6 was fucking great
t. non-horror fan
It literally doesn’t though. You can’t fucking exit out of Runic attacks and doesn’t have combos where you’re in the air yourself attacking enemies airborne. Juggling enemies in the air is not air combat
I liked RE7 too, now what's your argument?
God I hate the camera in this game.
it's not a good game level design wise, story wise, or visual wise
"good" mechanics don't mean shit if there's not a good game to put it into practice
It's not amazing but it's still a really fun game from beginning to end, it's sort of just goofy it exists at all though.
>camera and lock-on is worst than Bayo1
Explain how he's wrong then faggots
Oh wait you can't
the scenarios for the game are so fucking bad that even if the combat is enjoyable it inst enough
Mercenaries is fun because they inundate you with plenty of enemies at all times but the scenarios are atrocious with terrible boss fights, vehicle sections and qtes. If the game was literally just a corridor to the next big fight of like 30 enemies it would be much more enjoyable.
If you bought it on sale for like 5 bucks than only mercenaries being fun is fine, but a 60 dollar game being like 90% shit is atrocious.
r u talking about re6 or re7? either way both of those games are literally top notch for visuals of their time
Dumb frog poster.
retarded re6fag cope
> oh boi wojak edit
Dumb frog poster.
>magnetized two hit poke
>roll roll
>gets hit
This is the worst shit imaginable. Why did you post this?
That looks awful
The gameplay is legit good
It seems to me like he's one of these guys who always needs to have a "hot take" on things even if it's unnecessary or stupid.
>RE6 has the exact same core gameplay as RE4
This is completely right. His autistic SH and character action videos are proof of this
RE6 felt great to play, which is the most important part of ANY videogame,after all, if it is not fun, why bother?
I like it a lot but I like gameplay so fuck me I guess.
That describes most career youtubers perfectly. It doesn't matter whether it's about video games, politics or whatever else. Their opinions are largely impulsive, underdeveloped thinking which somehow garners a massive following.
I didn't dislike KH3 because it was confusing, I disliked it because of how mediocre and dull the gameplay was. I disliked it precisely because I'm a fan of the series.
hey hey, people
>jumps outside your view
>turn and guess if it's still there to hit it
I understand to have a camera like that for a game like Resident Evil, since the movement it uses is slower. Why have this kinda camera for an action game like GoW though? Fucking Zelda managed to solve problems like that with Z-Targeting in N64.