We all know about "Get woke, go broke", but what's the "redpilled" equivalent?
We all know about "Get woke, go broke", but what's the "redpilled" equivalent?
Other urls found in this thread:
oh no no no no
redpilled, should be killed
sasuga /pol/tards
>OneAngry/pol/tard on TheCuckening
I'm seeing double: FOUR FAGGOTS!
>"going woke" is always leftist identity politics
>never anything woke and also interesting like the climate change sixth extinction event or the Hollywood Jewluminati
I cant wait for 2020 when Bernie rekts the nazi gamers
>Yea Forums is a leftist shithole now
Where did it go wrong?
Imagine you're a left leaning company, what's a good way to get mass advertising?
Quietly back someone the lefties hate, then fabricate a tweet saying they are bad and remove the backing saying you didn't know!
Then all the lefties will love you and you'll get mass press attention.
aka they only sponsored him to do this in the first place.
I'd imagine it would have something to do with going full Alt-Right and conspiracy. Alt-Right shit, like the far left shit, is genuinely only a small in group and they already have their sacred cows. Going full Alt-Right completely alienates you from the mainstream and going full on conspiracy makes you seem insane to normies. You can never be far enough right or far enough left for those in groups meaning that you're doomed to failure.
What does this mean for /our guy/'s shirt brand?
here you go
It's a coffee company sponsoring a game youtube channel, does not compute.
it's sad to admit but politics have infested this board and this place is gonna be a shitshow after the election
Yea Forums is contrarian to whoever is in officer
We were left during the bush years
Right during Obama
Back to left with Drumph
It's how Nike and Kuring got righttards to destroy their shit and buy new shit when no one cared anymore.
>it's free publicity
Go Nazi, get sunk like the Hrimfaxi
punch nazis btw
This didn't age well
>Not being full on alt-right jew conspiracy cuck means you're a leftist
>back to left with drumph
Nah...no that didn't' happen.
But at this point far lefties are literally above the law. A bunch of lefties unironically doxxed Cdprojectred's community manager, found out where he lives, contacted his family, and said they will kill them because of their "toxic and problematic son", yet nothing was ever done and he got fired.
But if someone wears a red hat the collective force of all American celebrities and the News media will destroy your life.
Reminder THQ apologized for going on cripple-chan. ResetEra always wins.
"Eat the pill, pay the bill."
Go pilled, get killed
Thanks for reminding me this place is going to get even worse in a few months.
This fucking retard just guaranteed he will never be sponsored again. Yikes.
Pretty gud
state of this comic
Yea Forums as a site is contrarian, and filled with rejects that hate the standard.
If you make being right wing the standard again and are too loud about it, they'll hate you again.
Stay quiet, don't make too much noise, and make it seem like you're the permanent underdog and Yea Forums will always love and support you (until you get too popular and the cycle starts again).
There's never been any ideological need to "belong" to any particular side here.
Old Yea Forums gravitated from being centrist to center left.
Modern Yea Forums gravitates from being center right to hardcore right.
Nothing changed in Yea Forums itself, just what people here are kneejerking against.
It will go back to the opposite direction adn so on.
Thanks for the shout out, OP.
-Jeremy Hambly (TheQuartering)
Introduce a strong political stance on your videogame company, and you're a retard who invites destructive criticism that will annihilate your shit because you didn't stay in your lane.
rhyming is for faggots.
>But at this point far lefties are literally above the law.
Tell that to R.Kelly,Kevin Hart, Chris Brown, Vic and other celebrities who aren't complete faggots
I hope he becomes homeless and penniless
fucking fag
Got pilled, get killed
i literally do not know of a single community which hasn't been infected with the discord Illuminati
literally not a single one
Yes it did and the o ky ones who havent realized it is the Redditors like you polluting this place. GO BACK
It does though. You'd have to be a leftist soi-sipping retard to still be in denial over it at this point.
The formatting of this tweet enrages me
>& They Didn't Both Researching!
Even from the grave Destiny always wins baby.
Support based and redpilled gamers. Aid in the rise up. Do not let Jeremy fall. 20 bucks is a pittance to troll the libtards epic style.
Why can't you guys ever give invites to raid? Why do you also cut out the Server names? is this shit fake?
No, it's literally discord raids you lying retard.
How did the escapist take down this incel?
At least he still has his shirts ahaha.
>culture war keeps seeping into everything
what a greedy faggot
this is predatory
Nah...no every fucking loved trump up until he talked about invading Venezuela. /pol/ has a donald trump general for years. Trump was the Yea Forums president in 2016 up until this new year. you are fooling no one but yourself.
It's real. I have the evidence.
Give Server name or it's fake
ive always noticed Yea Forums being more right leaning ever since gaymergate happened.
we just wanted to play our vidya
>is this shit fake?
wouldn't surprise me at all. half of the time /pol/ posts images like this they're fake.
How is this any different from the blatant hardocre right-wing invasion and shilling the place suffered during 2014?
I thought inside gaming became funhaus are they inside gaming again?
>berniebros are going to pay for another one of his houses
>you're a leftist when you laugh at right-winged people who happen to be retards
>You're a leftist if you aren't worshipping the ultimate kike tool
>You're a leftist if you dislike right-winged e-celebs
>lived long enough to see liberals become the very nazis they whine about
Ah well, time to get a gun for self-defense, I have a bad feeling filthy lefties are going to start getting more violent from 2020 onwards.
That just seems even more fake
>we just wanted to play our vidya
Literal lies, Yea Forums never liked vidya
>some literal who coffee brand
>create some faux outrage
>now the outraged parties are promoting your brand plastering its name all over the internet
These guys always get played it's unbelievable how easy it is to market these days if you're a nobody. I swear to god if I had some obscure company I'd do the same
fuck off tranny nigger
Probably Bob "MovieBlob" Chipman.
I only became right wing because games got turned into modern liberal social propaganda. I want to play games, not have minorities and meme sexual orientations shoved in my face.
aren't they /biz/tards?
>we just wanted to play our vidya
Are we even talking about the same board here.
>businesses making decisions based on twitter posts
Twitter is a stain on humanity. I'm so tired of shitty news articles that start with 'one twitter user-' being given any weight.
>Why do you also cut out the Server names?
Links used to be shared along with screencaps every time. The discord trannies would just shut it all down and move to a new one once anons inevitably went there there and made it obvious that the discord has been shared with the community they were raiding.
Those guys seem pretty cool
I'm sick of all you faggots, this shit is gay and not video games
/pol/ is literally a Yea Forums version r/The_Donald, with a lot of user overlap.
/pol/ is the most reddit board in this place.
Congrats, you fell for the brown pill and are now a retard.
is this because they hired Movieslob again?
i swear EVERY ONE of his essays has to include ORANGE MAN BAD or ALT RIGHT IS TOTALLY A THING GUISE in some way
If this was true, we'd have chatlogs of organized invasions. We never have that shit because it's obviously fake.
pretty sure Yea Forums is pro trump because memes
it's never about who's right, it's about the lulz
You're a leftiest when you laugh at people being wronged for no other reason than having a differing opinion.
So are you one of the anons that bitched about MK having black people in it?
He's only guy holding back the floodgates from a full-scale tranny Discord incursion on this website, we need him more than ever, the tranny Discords are getting more and more brazen each day. We need more anons to call out tranny Discorders where we see them because the minute we start accepting them, this will no longer be Yea Forums, it'll be just another Resetera tranny Discord wasteland.
I love it. The Quartering, MundaneMatt, Dankula and Sargon is slowly getting their deserved karma
>Every Fucking Word Is Capitalized
Fuck you
Show those screencaps then, I'll wait so me anons invading those places.
>Yea Forums
nice try, tranny
>act retarded so I can post it on Yea Forums
Daily reminder that /pol/ actually spent an entire year recruiting redditors
>Act like a retard
>Get laughed at
Nice try, tranny.
>He's lost so much money from bitcoin he had to sell his arms
Yeah no one on the right would ever do that, no siree
Not him but you're going to have to explain that leap in logic to me.
Isn't him a native english speaker?
You newfags expose yourself every time. the_Donald was an attempt by /pol/ to colonise plebbit, it turned out to be a bad idea in the end because the place ran away from /pol/'s control due to draconian plebbit moderation, but it was never the other way around.
>But if someone wears a red hat the collective force of all American celebrities and the News media will destroy your life.
I can't fucking wait for Sandmann to rain legal hellfire on all those faggots who tried to ruin his life. It's going to be glorious.
nice try, tranny
Whatever you say, tranny. Thanks for introducing me to Japanese games, I no longer need to play American cuckold simulators anymore, I'm really enjoying the SNES and PS1 Final Fantasy games a ton.
Yea Forums was never center left. In 2008/2012 elections Yea Forums was heavily in support of Ron Paul
Differing opinions stop being worth listening to when the lives and well being of other individuals begin to be threatened
Fuck off tranny
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
epic and truthful
It was not an attempt to colonise, retard. They went there and told them to post on Yea Forums.
Some anons that say this shit says Mortal Kombat is SJW now because they put a black in the new game
>all those buzz words
Just stop
trannies seething
A couple of LARPposter dont make Yea Forums.
>Check this literally whos YouTube
>Channel Trailer is people shitting on him
>Channel reeks of right wing """smug"""
When will pillbois realize they're just as annoying as basedbois?
When the leftists started going after their games they turned right wing.
If you want video games to stop having brown people then start reproducing.
White birth rates are dropping and black birth rates have skyrocketed.
You can't blame video games for simply adapting to the world population. Brown people aren't nearly as much of a minority as they used to be.
muh boner culture lol
Who is this eceleb faggot and why are all you election tourists zoomers getting mad about that s oy guzzler?
karma of triggering trannies?
>wronged for no other reason
>Dedicated his sole existence to triggering libs and owning libs
>Is a slimy and spineless fuck himself
Oh boy, is he the new Sargoy of Mossad?
>Get woke, go broke occurs every time developers piss on the average consumer
>"""redpilled""" games getting shit on can only happen through corporate or governmental intervention
Really puts things into perspective
>Act like a retard
I don't care if the guy was posting flat earth videos. He wasn't hurting or attacking anyone, which is more than I can say for a lot of lefties.
Name one time anyone on the right attacked someone on the left in the same way.
God danging bobbeh.
Shut the fuck up Bobby
Since election tourists started pretending to be "concerned gamers" and flooding the catalog with their narrative
>he hates the gays
>literally just hired a gay furry on his website
get ready to FEEL THE BERN you dumb nazis!
Nobody owes anybody a sponsorship.
Also fuck off Billy and stop shilling your shitty articles.
for all intents and purposes, yes
What a fucking autist.
You can try to be a lying subversive kike all you want, but it won't change what actually happened. I was there on /pol/ when the idea to colonise the site came up in the first place.
So how long until you kill yourself?
>Mortal Kombat is SJW now because they put a black in the new game
The MK shit is over the girls being put in burkas, not because it has niggers.
What the hell is boner culture? Is this some shitty right version of the lefts rape culture?
why was he so active during the thot audit thing? he makes videos about vidya and magic, why was he so interested in this. got incel vibes from him 2bh.
>That shirt mentioning he got assaulted at a con
>Not only is selling a shirt for it, but also has a gofundme for a lawyer to sue the tranny that hit him
So fucking sleazy.
I dunno, I saw some retard from OAG writing that shit unironically and I cringed hard kek
I knew he was a faggot when he pulled up a tweet by John Scalzi and called him a nobody. That "nobody" is more influential and rich than theQuartering will ever be.
For those who don't know or are too lazy to look it up, John Scalzi is a multiple Hugo award winning sci-fi writer. Just about all of his works were nominated for Hugos.
I remember when you fags were chanting that "bernie bros" were the racist scumbags. I guess you to move the goalposts a little bit to win when you're in your position
>Ok guys buy my ad space but if our deal falls through I’m gonna do everything I can to damage your brand haha trust me this is a great partnership thatll be $.99 per view plus tax
>People think they can manipulate mainstream media
>It's just a bunch of retards splashing at a stream and getting wet
unbased and cringepilled
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Only the Quartering deserves it
Because he obviously panders to /pol/tards and is in tune with whatever they're crying about.
>World of 7 billion people
>Dude just keep having children in your densely populated urban centers with yearly increasing property values
>That's totally a good enough excuse to bash the same race of people who lead a global campaign to abolish slavery for being racist because they don't want the entire 3rd world as neighbors
How about you stop pushing your bullshit egalitarian lies instead?
>Dedicated his sole existence to triggering libs and owning libs
Oh right. I forgot the left considers words to be acts of violence.
If you think MK isn't then you're either delusional or a libtard, Probably both.
You're the liar faggot. Your shitty board spent months herding the stupidest fucking redditors to this site after you couldn't colonize them so you could get them to spam every board. Drink bleach.
>It's a coffee company sponsoring a game youtube channel, does not compute.
>Implying coffee isn't the best choice for gaming.
then politics are retarded
Did you miss when Geras was released? even now people use him for shitposting about those girls and how Boon is a cuck. Also they fixed Sonyas face like they did in IJ2
>"I don't hate niggers! Look! I have a nigger friend!"
You're in for a surprise when the orange man gets re-elected again
Leaning right, face the blight.
I thought Jade and Jax were pretty much always black, and Jade has a mask not a burka.
I think one of the Kombat Kids is mixed or black, but what's got people clutching their pearls now?
"Speak the truth, get dogpiled on by twitter trannies"
I don't like SJWs but the quartering is 100 times worse
Read the thread here and follow the linked post
t. obvious SJW
Nice revisionism RetardEra. Yea Forums and by extension all of Yea Forums has always been anti authoritarian and would always fuck with people who tried telling us what to do. In the beginning that was bush, but ever since Obama the left has been dead set on being evangelical puritans in their place. You can meme about freedom of expression being bad all you want but it's always been this places core value
Karma of manipulating their audience to give them money and kickstarting the whole YouTube adpocalypse effectively killing the free-speech they advocated for.
>I don't like SJWs but the quartering is 100 times worse
that's bullshit and you know it.
Lay in lard, quarter man
I don't expect these outrage culture chasers to know any authors, they probably don't even play video games let alone read.
I used to watch this guys Magic the gathering videos, what happened in the last few years?
>It's top seclet, me velly solly, no ploof
lol, why did I expect any different? You're full of shit.
real left went full retard.
>People think they can manipulate mainstream media
The problem is liberals won't give up no matter how many times they fail. Just look at marvel comics. Completely ruined. Nobody buys them anymore but they keep pushing. Nu squirrel girl is a failure? Just cancel it and announce a new squirrel girl comic that's the same!
of course politics are retarded, it is literally "console wars: the world edition"
>didn't read the threads
Based retard
This but unironically
/pol/ was based as fuck when it was about geopolitics and exposing the elite rather than normalfag tribalism and dicksucking
It was a quote made by one of his friends, retard. It was a joke.
It's her turn.
Can you point to where this is happening or am I supposed to assume you pulled that out of your ass
We told you.
None of your hobbies will remain safe, nothing is sacred to women.
Video games? Card games? Sci fi? Superheroes?
Destroyed right in front of you.
All you beta males will be subjugated in the most pathetic of ways, your escapism routed by the festering cunts you allowed in.
You are all virgins for a reason.
You will all stay like that.
And there will be no reprieve, just depression at the fact your only course of action is to plead for NEET bus or become a wage slave, all in the banal attempt to save up enough money to purchase a temporary sex bot with which to wallow in your patheticism.
Have none of you ever wondered why you nostalgiafag so much about older games from your childhood?
They were from a time when you were happy, when you weren’t made painfully aware how out of place you were in relation to the rest of the world, how you just couldn’t connect with women, because they didn’t want you to be.
Women never want you to be happy, they want you to just tolerate.
And you all will just keep tolerating having everything dismantled and destroyed, everything you love, everything you care about, you will not do a single damn thing about it.
Are you goddamn retarded? Gamers love coffee. I remember seeing caffienated "health/Mana potions" on thinkgeek a while back.
It's ridiculously easy to trigger GG and electionfags. Most "leftist" opinions are pretty moderate observations, but just posting them, pointing them out, joking about them and trolling gets culture warriors seething.
the fuck is a hugo?
It's just another post saying they change the names.
Why do people care so much about quartering they shill him so much here?I probably wouldn't have known of him if it werent for constant threads of this nobody.
Nice fakes. Still no chatlogs lol
Not only do I want discord tranny chatlogs, I want chatlogs that show me correlation with all of the threads mocking /pol/tards that get accused of being discord shill threads.
I don't want white people shoved in my face, fag. You're the minority now.
Good. The guy was an alarmist piece of shit who helped to profit off lowering the level of discourse.
fuck jews and their jew money. super intelligence will form on the blockchain and retroactively punish every single heeb in the past, present and future a thousand times over in every possible multiverse
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
That is literally not proof you can fake that shit as well where is the names
Stop playing american games, nigger.
Because it's fun to mock him and /pol/tards are loyal to him.
I miss the NRX days. I miss shitposting about De Maistre and the benefits of monarchy in between happening threads
load of bullshit from a triggered tranny.
Samefag discord tranny
Marvel has been a sinking ship since the 80's-90's. They've been trying and failing to revamp their characters for decades. This shit is nothing new and I'll never understand how people thought the golden age of comics never ended. Maybe they all just watched the cartoons and thought they were the same as the modern comic equivalent.
t. newfag who can't into tposting
>people defending the Escapist
what the fuck happened to this site?
>american civil war 2 keep getting delayed
You faggots all said it was gonna drop in 2016. All we've gotten is some small demos since then. When the fuck is it finally happening?
See user, if a link was posted and the rules weren't already in place and anybody could participate in the community without taking their little "initiation" your faggot ass would just continue moving the goalposts and insist the channel was actually just a bunch of "/pol/tards". You're the exact type of retard that you-know-who loves to have do their dirty work for them.
Yeah after machinima died they got it back.
Dont bother watching them though, they're beyond cancer now
>Not in favor of Medicare for all, living wage, and tuition-free college because they put brown people and gays in his videogames
are you sure you're not retarded?
i don't like the quarterpound
but he's more like a 0.8*sjw
Whatever you say Candid shill.
>patreon is bad when "the enemy" does it
Y A N G G A N G 2 0 2 0
>Most "leftist" opinions are pretty moderate observations
Like how if an abortion fails and the baby is born alive, it should have its neck broken. Such a "moderate observation". The left is a reasonable and loving position.
Its that noise again
"discord trannies" are a /pol/ myth that they roll out whenever confronted with the fact that they're losing the culture war
I don't want a link, faggot, I want chatlogs. You know what that even means, kid? Millions of lines, all in a pastebin. Give me that or you're full of shit.
Well Spider-verse was a massive success
he has a real job too
>Most "leftist" opinions are pretty moderate
Why do resetera invaders have 0 self awareness?
seriously go back
>Implying I'm talking about Patreon
back to resetera
That's someone complaining about a character he liked getting deconfirmed and that some of the female designs look awful. What are you going on about
God damn it Wesley you fucking enrage me every time i see your smug fag face
why does he write like a boomer who discovered technology three months ago?
I also want a corpse to be the next president
I wish you fags would hurry up and kill each other off so we can go back to video games
read the thread user
You're mostly right but
>they're losing the culture war
There's no "culture war" being fought on the internet. It's a bunch of loser trannies and /pol/tards shitposting at each other. The actual "culture war" is being fought in governments, not on Yea Forums or reddit or discord.
What I love most about stonetoss is how he makes extremely innocuous jokes to about 80% of the population, but he very intentionally makes these jokes include content that fucking enrages that 20% SJW population.
Because they know it's actually good and they want to pussyfoot around it and claim it's not through the most embarrassing attempts at criticism possible.
When people stopped posting real cp.
>muh culture war
Go back to your discord
The tweet that led to the company removing the sponsorship was a new account, with almost no retweets or likes.
It's just a fancy new advertising tactic.
There's a difference between a slow n steady downhill turn, and a complete 90 degree nosedive. Capeshit fans don't care to read a captain america comic that only acts as a soapbox for the sjw writer.
>the culture war
There is no discord, stop listening to /pol/
My favorite was probably Crimea being raided by spetznaz and getting hind flyovers on /pol/ before any mainstream news was reporting anything
It's just "triggering the libtards" now, I don't care about trannies on twitter
>not in favor of sky high taxes, nigger culture, political correctness, repealing the first and 2nd amendment, cancerous idpol, and increased big government and centralization
Yeah, I don't want the whole country to be Chicago and California. Those places are shitholes like all leftist cities.
>Yea Forums goes apeshit for literally any new nigger on a vidya
>Maked fun of trannies
>Post anime titties every single day
>Hate ugly women on vidyas
I bet actual lefties would hate this place
Never, we don't have nearly the political or financial instability which would lead to a civil war in a country of 350 million people. Maybe some radical left or right wing militia will stage an embarrassing revolt is the stock market crashes again, but they'll be crushed quicker than an ant under a truck.
How fucking deranged do you have to be to think Stonetoss is subtle or clever.
I wouldn't mind any kind of content that had not that obnoxious art style the author uses. It's so repulsive to look at, it screams arrogance.
>drive-by trolling
gets me every time
this post is 100% triggered tranny
Demodisk and wheelhaus is still as good as always
I never cared about their news/podcast content
I just want to sidenote and say... there are a ton of sad fuckers, alt-rights, the_donalds, incels and weirdos saying dumb try-hard trying to be edgy shit in this thread. I am legitimately sick of these kinds of people. They’re ALL over Yea Forums lately. It’s gotten really bad. I have never met anyone like these people in real life... yet they’re here in such vast quantities?
Two weird things I realized writing this: there’s something consistent about them tonally: they all have the same exact brash dickishness. How weird is that? Where else anywhere do you really have that large group of people who all talk the same tonally? Not just speaking a commonly known lingo. They have a tonal consistency. It's really fucking weird. Another thing that’s odd is I just realized they never reply to each other. Not even to back one another up. You never see "yeah bro f those libs, you tell 'em." I have literally never seen it, they aren’t here to converse. Just to destroy.
What the fuck is up with this? Look just around this thread. Is anyone else just sick of this shit?
>Points to an exact post as some sort of an attempt at a got ya
>It has nothing to do with what's being said
>R-Read the thread
It's not a bunch of shitposters fault if you can't handle the nigger word being said user. Bring me actual evidence or fuck off, the le epic black people bad meme hasn't been a thing since Asscreed kang controversy and that was because they revealed like twenty games with black protagonists at the same event
Wait, so the Escapist started as a game site that became another SJW shithole then it un-pozzed itself and became anti-SJW then it got re-pozzed and is SJW again? What the fuck?
big oofter goofters my dude
current year
They didn't care to read anything, apparently. Because the nosedive has been happening for a long time and apparently some people only noticed it when SJW's took the reins.
t. riggered tranny
This literally reads like a Trump tweet
wtf I love quarter pounder now
Join the 40% you rotten piece of shit
We have unironic /pol/tards posting here trying to influence our minds with those shitty comics
>you fags
Fuck off dipshit. I'm as sick of this culture war identity politics shit as you. I'm fucking tired of game devs posting on twitter about how happy they were to give anita a tour of their offices, or that diversity and representation is more important than anything else. I want this shit to come to a head already. I want insane leftists to get their guts spilled in the streets. Then the alt right types can fuck off back to making videos no one watches, and games can go back to being fun first and foremost.
Alex Jones.
He's going to get wrecked by his own party, stop fooling yourself.
I'll have to donate some money to the Quartering.
Discord trannies get discovered shitting up Yea Forums then proceed to deny it and blame /pol/, every time lol. Just except it and off your selves already, you aren't fooling anyone.
literally a seething tranny right down to praising tranny webcomics. pitiful LMAO
Why is some /pol/fag falseflagging as a blogposter?
>it un-pozzed itself
Impossible. Anything with a "games journalism" tag is beyond saving.
>Americans are so brainwashed by politics that they believe that retarded shit like this are values of being right-winged
>Americans are also the reason we have this conflict anyways since they are the ultimate prudes that want to censore games since the 90's, regardless of tits, violence or gore.
Just nuke that fucking shithole already.
Like how it's funny that people get upset about female leads. What you posted isn't an observation, Yea Forums related, and which side is more loving wasn't mentioned.
The 45% is calling you to arms....bloody, wrist-slashed arms.
oh look more left wing gate keeping within the gaming industry, imagine my shock.
>doesn't believe in evolution
Still no comprehensive chatlogs. Still full of shit.
>uses a picture to imply liberals are triggered
>is actually the triggered party
These reactionaries are all the same
They still come here trying to call everyone incels, virgins, and pedos
>caring about politics
>getting involved in politics
>watching/reading news
You're doing it wrong
the fuck is that gif
You can't even post proof of these so-called "tranny discords" even existing. Now fuck off back to /pol/.
He sold himself and is extremely old. I dont think many people still believe in him
Delusional tranny
>anyone disagrees with you
Red pilled, income killed
every time, same images from the discord tranny. Too obvious.
>Selling fucking memes on your shirt
This is pathetic. It's one thing to use a catch phrase it something similar, but this is just fucking lazy. But what else can you expect from McDonald's new double quarter pounder w/cheese over here.
Stonetoss is not a funny comic. It's just pandering hardcore to /pol/ by repeating their slogans word for word, so they think they're smarter for "getting" its message.
Take your meds.
>not in favor of sky high taxes
For the rich you mean? Is there a reason why you like sucking oligarchy dick?
>nigger culture
Dumb racist, opinion discarded. Blacks highly influence culture and there's nothing you can do about it.
>political correctness
>political correctness = I can't say nigger in public and be a shithead without any consequences
> repealing the first and 2nd amendment
Who the fuck is even trying to appeal these? I love how you ignore the other amendments which are shat on daily.
The rest of your post is pure trash and reeks of misinfo, is Norway like chicago now? You're retarded, as I've said before.
>leftards getting BTFO so hard they already abandoned their own thread
Why are you like this, Yea Forums?
/pol/ is controlled opposition
>I don't have an argument, so here's a redirection
Nice fallacy, Castro. Go back to your socialist shithole.
Get trumped, go bankrupt
this is my favorite of the leftist buzzwords. It's absolute comedy to me that they are so tonedeaf that their ultimate trump card is "yeah well you can't get pussy".
You have entire hordes of white knights. Like, 75% of your "male feminist allies" are in it just to try to get a little sniff of vagina for once in their lives.
Also- it's not very progressive of you to imply women are only valuable for their vaginas.
low-t white minority poster
Fuck off already /pol/ seriously who hurt you
A commie getting BTFO
>"we just want open civil discourse"
>keep banning people with haram opinions
Politicalniggers are the filth of the internet.
No they're actually funny to anyone who doesn't have a stick up their ass like you people
Why Is He Capitalizing Every Fucking Word God Damn This Is Obnoxious Even To Write Let Alone Read
Stonetoss is great, you dumb tranny.
>tfw when never used discord
>drive-by trolling
>”There’s no tranny Discord invasion, bro. You’re just seeing things, dood”
Habit. They operate under the pretense that they're already right, just have yet to be proven. Faith and prejudice work the same way and they're big on both. No matter how many failed psyops they try, they are going to maintain their worldview and victim complex.
Why are anti white leftists so offended my stonetoss?
Seething trannies, you need to get over it. You've been exposed, even newfags know of your faggotry. May as well kill yourselves, no need to wait till you have the crushing realization that you'll never be a real woman.
>company that frequently uses new york as a back drop doing some sappy memorium shit after thousands die in a terrorist attack is the same as an sjw writer using a character called captain america as a mouthpiece to talk about how modern america is filled with racists and hate.
No, dude.
>Shilling your own comic again
Injecting young children with hormones and cutting off their genitals isn't moderate, friend.
wow. just wooow.
Here you go, tranny.
I TOOK a SHIT and then I TOOK another SHIT and then I WENT to MCDONALDS
It's never going back. Social media ensures it.
this whole post is shit, but is easily discarded as bait with
>Who the fuck is even trying to appeal these
1/10 try again later nigger
Now check the tabs on that image
No, it's a funny comment that has people like you as the butt of the joke so you get mad everytime. Learn to take one on the chin you overgrown children, fucks sake.
wow this faggot and his le raaaaeg XD comics needs to go away
bro it's been like 14 years since anyone cares about your shitty comics
Eat shit quarterfag
>manage to earn a living doing the thing you love
>ruin it because can't go 5 seconds without mentioning 'muh politics'
even a caveman like the rock knows not to dabble in politics. support trump? cancelled. go against trump? cancelled.
The problem was Yea Forums's incapability to think. During GG, Yea Forums and /pol/ came together to turn political discussion into spreading cancer, which came in the form of GamerGate.
>If someone supports political opinion X, Y must step in to shit on it
>All political discussion will increasingly escalate towards their radical ends
>Radicalization breeds mistakes, ready to be punished
Understanding these basic memes, /pol/ and Yea Forums sabotaged several news sites by baiting them into political radicalization which could then be used to cut their sponsors off their sites. Several people got fired and their sites got sold off.
But Yea Forums being stupid niggers, could not stop talking about politics and being contrarian's contrarians is now in this constant whirlpool of shitposting of their own making.
>we are left
Yea Forums has never been a leftist board, you delusional retard. It went from being libertarian to a pseudo-conservative nationalist board.
You redirected first, Stalin.
Doesn't help that /pol/ itself is painfully unfunny, it's literally a board full of frustrated rejects taking their anger out on the world and claiming the accomplishments of other people who happened to have the same skin tone as them
so, all the things they are? Resetera is basically where the pedo migration left after the cover was blown at GAF. Better believe they're all still there.
The beta 'male feminist' is the textbook definition of a virgin.
>A WW2 propaganda character is a mouthpiece
Shocking. Buy warbonds.
back to your containment discord tranny
I’m taking the piss out of both of them faggot
The way he writes can be pretty funny and innocuous but other times it lands completely flat and is just being contrarian for the sake of edgyboy points.
>anti white
I’m not
I’m not
>hates stonetoss
Because his comics are shit.
Uhm... Calm down, sweety. You are making your fellow sickos look bad.
>Who the fuck is even trying to appeal these?
We literally had to have the Supreme Court of the United States of America tell liberals "No, just because you call something 'hate speech' doesn't mean you can deny people their first amendment rights."
na they are funny and i've never even visited pol
It's the biggest award a sci-fi or fantasy writer can get for thier novel. Other winners and nominees of the past include Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Vurt Vonnegut, Arthur C. Clarke, George R. R. Martin (he's done more than just GoT), Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, and JK Rowling.
You are a fucking retard if you think is praise of lefty comics
>right-wing continues being unfunny
Just because youre offended by the message doesn't make it "pandering". The fact that stonetoss' comics cause such butthurt over small jokes is what makes me like his comics more.
Quarterpounder is a leftist anyway, so fuck him. He just "owns le sjws" for shekels.
They are still thousand of movies and video game to watch and play and outside western media and weeboo culture and european garbage media is good so i guess you can go back to your shit hole and stop self-projecting.
/pol/ getting destroyed
Can we get some fucking moderation on Yea Forums and add transphobia to be against the rules like racism? ugh piece of fucking shit
Said the dork that is sincerely furious that someone doesn't like the below-average webcomic he follows.
>hey guys this tweet is going to get the coffee fanboys downvoting, so show them what's up and leave a like!
>11 dislikes.
>Yea Forums couldn't stop talking about politics so that made Yea Forums left wing somehow
IP: 132
This happens in every thread stonetoss comics get posted in.
I wonder why.
Yes, and it's incredibly obvious to even the most basic internet bitch.
The Quater pounder is a leftists (((skeptic))) faggot though. I guess SJWs can't be bothered to keep up with any of the people they hate and just jump to old gg equal bad
He would have won 2016 if democrats didn't purposely tank him (which is proven and documented). He would have easily carried 60% of the vote. A lot of people (myself included) did not vote FOR Trump. They voted AGAINST Hillary. The end result is the same, but the reasoning is important. Hillary is and was pure fucking corruption. If they had run a Dem with a clean record (like Obama), I would have voted for them.
I don't see how a ton of dead trannies isn't anything but hilarious.
This. It's unfunny to the point where it had me convinced the entire comic is ironic.
But it never winks, so you can't know.
>pointing out the absurdity of the original claim with a real-world example is a "redirect"
>there are no right-wing tyrants, so just name another left-wing one
You're fucking aces at this rhetorical battle, mate.
Trannies are disgusting monstrosities.
Take your meds.
Yea Forums ain't leftist, it's anti-extremist. SJWs and /pol/tards are both equally bad and worthy of contempt and mockery.
>discord tranny continues to seethe
SEETHING tranny discord
The redpilled equivalent goes unsaid and that's been the case forever.
I don't know a single "redpilled" respectable mind.
>Just because youre offended by the message doesn't make it "pandering".
You're right. What makes it pandering is that he's resorted to making all his comics 1:1 visualizations of /pol/'s talking points because he couldn't be funny enough to find an audience by making good comics.
>sincerely furious
By laughing at you? No, I'm thoroughly entertained
Not to mention right wingers are fucking pussies
>n-no guys. don't fight back hit them where it hurts, their wallets! send emails to their sponsors about their bad behavior
Not realizing more and more of said sponsors actively try to appeal to insane lefties.
Can you repeat that in English?
Pull that stick out of your ass and best yourself to death with it tranny
Most but the big ones are doozies.
Dude, nice owl, I bet he goes good with giant purple lizards
This should be done with "muh soggy knee" since that came first.
There are barely any stonetoss comics in this thread though. Did you mean to say ResetEra raid threads? Because you're right on that account
It's been a long time coming, most of us are fucking tired of seeing political bullshit being forced here, and it's always them.
But there's a lot of people like that. I would be considered a New Democrat until Clinton's era, but I have no idea what the fuck I am.
I would like SJW culture and identity politics to burn, personally.
>implying that’s praise rather than a comparison
Show me a real legit leftist political leader trying to get free speech repealed, and not just some literal-who Neopolitan haired college kid.
oh yes take your meds GOY you are being anti-semitic GOY!
>can't go 5 seconds without mentioning 'muh politics'
You can't fucking escape politics, faggots shove it everywhere.
For those who aren't in the know, Quarterpounder, Mundanefatt, So-igoy and Dankula schemed and colluded with WSJ to deplatform the Killstream, which did the whole ban on superchats thing, seeing it successful, they also try to do it to Jim. Sargon admitted doing it. That was the only time that Jim was legit mad at the liberalists
The only one who comes out on top is Billy the anti-bully since he just stream funny cringey shit from the internet and Photon.
The fuck is this nonsense? People call that shit out all the time and /pol/ calls them triggered leftiecucks, then themselves drag the conversation back to "muh immigrants"
At least edit it with an actual joke instead of just mindless exposition, holy fuck.
Hate to break it to you but Marvel and DC have always been leftist. Or do I need to pull up the multiple WWII era Superman and Captain America comics that praise US cultural diversity?
Do you realize a significant amount of positions /pol/ and Trump take where all considered moderate leftist opinions just a few years ago? I can show you montages of all of the same Democrat talking heads from today saying open borders are insane and we need border security.
And they say horseshoe theory has no validity.
Take your meds.
You can feel the negative charisma even when he fucking tweets. How the fuck did this faggot even get popular? You would think the KiA fags would at least choose someone good looking.
>muh slippery slope
Yess, soon we will be oppressing you gamers
damn, that's fucked up I foregot rock hurl draws strawman beard stubble on transfolks :( sad, I'm glad r/antifastonetoss finally edited them all out
No amount of hormones is going to ever make you a woman, freak.
>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
Seething mentally ill freaks, that is a very ironic statement. You raid Yea Forums every morning because your life is empty and meaningless. Deep down you know you will never be a real woman, that's why you're so resentful.
>the Quartering
>the Escapist
Would it be possible to cram more cancer into that image?
>every response to this post that defends stonetoss uses the word tranny
You people are fucking O B S E S S E D
Commit suicide
"Get woke, go broke" means you adjusted your business methods to target a demographic that either has no money or doesn't buy your product. They kill themselves.
What happened in OPs case was the guy was attacked by hordes of SJWs who started a letter writing campaign to the coffee people. The guy did not kill himself. His principles did not affect his profitability. It was a deliberate campaign waged against him that did damage. This is NOTHING like "get woke, go broke".
Show proof that resetera is raiding us or you're a lying /pol/tard like the rest.
You just know the tranny shit is 100% real because if you start posting things like "you are not a woman, you will never be a woman" or "join the 40%" or whatever they respond passive-aggressively to make it look like they're not furious when they clearly are. If they weren't a bunch of invasive trannies (and this is the exact type of thread they'd lurk in, in fact one of them probably made it) then why even respond? They're harmless comments.... unless you happen to be a tranny.
Uh, i legit had a hearty laugh.
Left leaning person here. I have no problems coming here, I just avoid /pol/ since there is no valuable discussion to be had there. I'm not triggered when people call each other niggers or anything, I love fat ass anime titties and even I am skeptical on how you draw the the line between gender dysphoria and a person who legitimately feels like they should be the other gender.
how are you not from resetera? Nigger culture is objectively bad for anybody who is stupid enough to practice it. You seem to have come to the wrong place faggot
Yes, I agree, and I'm tired of fucking going on any interest board and seeing several twitter screencap thread at any given time in the catalog because some shithead opportunist ambulance chaser has made their 4th outrage video of the day and wants to hock some lousy unoriginal stolen internet meme t-shirt merch.
Wait, /pol/ wants to be women?
Read an weep, tranny. He made one of the most important discoveries in human history.
and here I thought tennis people were high class
It's not 1942, bro. But I guess it doesn't matter if you're cool with an established character getting fucked so the writer can rant about how much he hates conservatives.
>Refuge site for asshole that were kicked off other sites.
Jesus Christ That's not why I'm hear, I just don't like using other sites because they're so sanitized now that the opinions and conversations on them are so fucking boring. This place is highly active and relatively free with some light global rules such as staying on topic and no porn posting on safe for work boards. Also it's real sad that people like that are reduced to moderating other people's words instead of bringing their own game to the table.
>Most "leftist" opinions are pretty moderate observations
You misunderstood from the start. There's even quotation marks to help you understand.
>trade coffee
truly what the boner culture needs
I love how all his fans are begging him to sue for defamation.
>As a Classical Liberal I value free speech, even if I disagree with it!
>please Quarterpounder, sue the bad people for saying things we dislike!
yeah marvel always replaced their heroes with huge afro black women.
>BU comics full of words
>Yea Forums makes fun
>stonetoss comics full of words
>Yea Forums this is the best!
I hate nu/v/
Unironically true, if you truly hated black people or gay people you would not willingly associate with them.
Show proof or you're yet another lying /pol/tard.
yikes! why do we allow these subhumans to continue existing?
Show me proof of /pol/ or the evil stonetoss boogieman being here, you're the one who started the accusations. I'm just saying there's typically more culture war autism in this thread then there is of the spooky comic you're afraid of
>I said it again!
>Winning anything
Lmao nope, that faggot is dying from lung cancer and fractured ribs from being mounted by his 400lb chinese refugee that's slowly poisoning him with her shitty mexican cooking.
thats what happens when their isnt another shitty wojak edit for a month
complete tranny meltdown
Oh, kind of like how Obamacare was an R plan to begin with? Or how they complained about "King Obama" but are dead silent on this "national emergency"?
Know what? I DO want a stronger border. The wall is just a retarded as fuck idea that you cultists lap up.
>valueable discussion
I hate these faggots so much for getting the Killstream kicked off youtube. Sargon is such a faggot he single handedly killed UKIP.
>even I am skeptical on how you draw the the line between gender dysphoria and a person who legitimately feels like they should be the other gender
How about "you don't, because that's literally the definition of gender dysphoria"?
Now that's on point.
>tfw democratic means of getting what you want fails and the current establishment hates you
Based discord trannies living rent free inside /pol/tardetties' heads
based redditor xdd
Is it supposed to be part of the fucking joke that all the responses to this are just confirming that they diehard support it for the exact reasons this post outlines, and not because it's a good comic?
Imagine spending your entire day sitting on Yea Forums, flipping out over a tranny boogieman and replying to every single post that dares disagree with you to call them "triggered tranny" and nothing else. This is some barneyfag tier shit.
> Nigger culture is objectively bad for anybody who is stupid enough to practice it
The funny part is that you're probably one of those professional fedora-tippers that says "I don't listen to that savage nigger music, I much prefer stuff like jazz, blues, and classic rock.".
>go to his channel
>tons of videos on Captain Marvel, Vic, and whatever sales numbers are doing bad in a game
Nah, I'm not looking at that shit. Probably another one of those cringey as fuck anti-SJW youtubers. The ones that bait in their thumbnails/titles, and just yell about whatever political shit happens that day.
stop posting this disgusting neolib
Shroud is sponsored by a coffee company I think.
>Build your own goverment
>The whole world chimps out
raid? nah you faggots are just as easy to piss of as trannies its a good time pass during my lunch break.
fucking epic
T discord really hates this guy because he's popular.
I can relate, Californians need to be fucking firebombed and exterminated. Stop moving to my state you entitled freaks
this remains the best way to identify outsider faggots
and the best way to combat outsider faggots is, as always, loliposting
>the working class is nothing but Christian rednecks
I know political cartoons are overly reductive, but now he's giving all the credit of work to a specific demographic.
>You have to accept genital mutilation in order to be left now
Big oof ResetEra
>Show me proof of /pol/ or the evil stonetoss boogieman being here
Here you go: Now show proof of the evil tranny discord. Easily-doctored screenshots do not count.
every day you learn something new :^)
now back to shitposting
After you
How the fuck has this garbage heap of a thread survived? This shit ain't vidya, take your childish bickering back to /pol/.
/pol/tards have no self awareness whatsoever
tranny discorder is close to killing himself. let's help him Yea Forums.
>w-wait, it didn't mean what it literally said, you just misunderstood! haha I'm not stupid, you're stupid!
>Show me proof of /pol/ or the evil stonetoss boogieman being here
This entire fucking thread
I like this one
I've had great discussions on Yea Forums. Though, they were almost always non-vidya related.
There are people like Contra Points though who are fairly well adjusted in the lifestyle of the opposite gender they were born as. Of course, in general I think most cases are gender dysphoria, but I still believe there are exceptions to this rule.
Imagine unironically believing that chopping your dick off will somehow turn you into a girl.
>they're oppressing us fascists! help, it's not fair!
>advocates killing legal citizens for trying to escape a liberal hellhole
Good lord, /pol/ really does live rent free your heads. It's not even a meme at this point. You really should just go back, this is quite embarrassing for you.
>It's not real, the evidence is doctored
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
>Marvel and DC have always been leftist
You're not understanding how far gone the comics industry is. I'm not talking about shit like 'gays should be allowed to marry' I'm talking about shit like making a female thor replacement and having her constantly talk about misogyny.
nice ironman
But both sides use those words now. Does that mean the entire board is just filled with outsiders now user?
>the donald
>tranny discord
For the longest time I thought I was a democrat. I was raised in a blue county, had blue friends, etc. Around the time I was 32, I started to realize that the liberal communities and people I hung out never really saw completely eye to eye with me. Some things were shared, but a lot weren't. Then one day I tried visiting a republican forum just out of curiousity, and it was mind-blowing. It was like a dark room being lit up. Everything fell into place. These were MY people. And I had been so brainwashed by being surrounded by liberals, that I never even considered the possibility that I wasn't.
True story. That was 7 years ago.
Take the pill, foot the bill
Remember when the left desperately tried to commandeer "snowflake" as an insult? They're incapable of creating anything of worth on their own. They just keep going through old memes and lingo until they kill it dead.
reminder these are the people complaining about /pol/
Mods please ban Stonetoss, his shill ing is just pathy at this point
The Italians where the only ones who did fascism right. If only they didn't team up with those subhuman Germans and their autistic need to conquer Poland.
We need to clear out the trannies and other varying bottom feeders. Go back to your containment board
>He's funny because lefites don't like racism!
guess Black Panther was the best movie ever since /pol/ called it alt-right
My group doesn't have a 41% chance like yours
You're right he should've extended the comic to a 30 part series, listing every possible blue-collar job type imaginable, then it would be really funny.
It's okay when Red Skull does it.
Who shot up the school? Sam Hyde?
They've always been leftist FOR THE ERA you fuckwit. Publishing Iron Heart in the 70s would have gotten Stan Lee lynched. But they've ALWAYS had thier characters praising racial and cultural diversity.
Before GG, people overall would avoid bringing in political discussion and let leftwing ideas push further without questioning them, since being Left was being normal.
Now its a new hellscape of constant radicalization of politics, accelerating lefts steady pace march into running sprint off the cliff, in hopes the frogs will notice the water getting boiling hot.
All I'm seeing here are people who would probably agree with /pol/, that doesn't mean we're being raided by them. That's as equally valid as me picking one of the tranny defense posts in this thread as proof that ResetEra is here
Dude, the first StoneToss related post ITT was someone making fun of it by showing a comic where they supported Bitcoin. You're not in tune with reality right now.
not that user but yes
This but unironically.
This board belongs to white, straight gamers and always has. Anyone else needs to leave.
>villain makes more sense than the hero
/lgbt/ isn't nearly as gay as resetera trannies.
>/pol/ really does live rent free your heads
>he says while unironically convinced that every single post that dares disagree with him is resetera/discord trannies
You see the irony, right?
>obnoxious trannies make humourless, on the nose comics about their political opinions
>sjw throw money at them for repeating their own opinions at them
>eventually some memer does the same scam with /pol/ opinions
>the entire hivemind is eating out of his hand
tell me what it's like to have sub 90 iq
Being left leaning =/= being a democrat. I'm not partisan, and have voted for Republican candidates in the past even though I'm left leaning. I fucking hate the Democrat party, and the only reason I vote for them in most cases is because they are marginally less shit than the Republicans.
Who draws that line? You don't get to arbitrarily determine when opinions become harmful commie.
Trannies are not real women
>nothing burger reachs 500 posts
thank you based trannies and reactionaries for this lovely thread.
Just let DTs echo chamber in the made up threads, no point trying to argue with the other side of the spectrum, thanks
The right-wing overton window shift that happened over the last few years was coordinated by outside chat rooms and trolls too, Yea Forums in particular has always been very vulnerable to political manipulation because posting is anonymous and most people here are troubled and contrarian.
Yesterday it was Stormfront. Today it's leftypol. Tomorrow it'll be somebody else.
If you let the Yea Forums groupthink affect your perspective on things you're being manipulated.
>Metal Gear Solid 2 was completely right, but instead of the Patriots it's a bunch of losers mostly doing it for free.
That's Captain Marvel, here's a replacement Superman
I've never seen a nigger so mad. You've made my day user.
Post your address so I can call for your death if you're really such a proponent of "free speech" the way you choose to interpret that phrase.
someone explain why this fat idiot is so popular?
>nearly 40 and acts like a 12 year old Yea Forumstard
>constantly bitches about twitter, facebook and other social media sites, but uses them more than he uses gab
>creates false narratives about invisible boogeyman attempting to bring him and his company down
>pretends to be free speech but on multiple occasions was caught pushing for censorship of competitors
>believes his spyware plugin will someday become a household name because it allows you to post about nigger jews on any website you visit
>is nearly 40 and has a mfw folder filled with pepe and wojak images
this and i would totally support redistributing the upper class's wealth at gunpoint unironically. i dont see why we cant all just come together on this one.
i think you know the answer to that, user
This reads like one of those bullshit gay conversion testimonies
i hate this faggot artist with a passion. His art style is fucking disgusting to look at and his sense of humor is the most cringe incel shit I've ever heard.
One day i hope to have a bunch of retards defend all of my shitty comics.
>Comics shouldn't be political
>Except when they cater to my beliefs
>70s leftists are the same as modern leftists
fuck off tranny
You're catching on. There's a reason moot wanted to delete /pol/. It has no purpose and just constantly attracts newfags who either support or oppose it and drag their retarded arguments all over the site.
I don't get it. Why is the guy thinking about his Jewish heritage while looking at a picture of Trump?
Oh, I wasn't aware that all these talking points were /pol/ exclusive. It makes sense tho, right? Anyone who would dare disagree with the establishment MUST be an alt right nazi, or HAS to be pandering to them, right??? They're comics. If you don't find them funny, fine, but don't just instantly blame it on your boogieman.
Libshit activists on twitter use this line all the time so you're only confirming the truth of their words lol, epic mocking tone though sweaty you sure triggered us
I can’t because trannies keep raiding /gaygen/ they cannot help but insert themselves into every conversation.
Throw in some more random buzzwords from two years ago. You almost sound natural.
>the most cringe incel shit
like fucking clockwork
Imagine getting THIS triggered at a made up boogieman.
Both sides give no fucks about the elite class though
Thoroughly divided and conquered by bickering over meme shit
Germany wasn't fascist you uneducated retard. Also, the guy you posted, Mixha, is Ukrainian.
now you're just lying, or continuing the shit bait
Better dead than red?
I have no problem with people being wealthy. I do have a problem, however, with people using that wealth to influence politicians to cut environmental protections and regulation that protects workers and consumers to accumulate even further wealth.
Lobbying and money in politics is legalized corruption.
He’s criticizing Trump’s policy of “Israel First.”
Did Bum Tickly write this comic?
I think he has a lot of good points but it's always framed in maymays and just general sarcastic bitchyness on his behalf, i can't stand to watch him anymore
That and the fact that he sold those shitty "get woke, go broke" low effort shitty t shirts a while back, seems like he's so aware of his little bubble that he's trying his absolute hardest to rake in as much cash as possible before he loses all relevance, just comes off as disingenuous
He also got his shit pushed in by a tutu wearing onions boy and cried about it on twitter lmao
He literally shills himself on /pol/ you dumbass, you would have a valid argument if this wasn't an artist who literally only has an audience on Yea Forums.
I can't wait until they start demanding people date them or else they threaten suicide.
I don't know who that is but you make him sound like someone who will be successfully pandering to /pol/tards for many years to come.
pls don't post this on /biz/
a reminder that these people post on Yea Forums
Daily reminder: if you don't think /pol/ is preferable to discord and era trannies - you don't belong on this website.
It's a fact these fuckers group up in discord and shit up Yea Forums. There are just regular old shitposters and retards but you can always tell when it's seething trannies, it's pretty funny how transparent they are.
What's the problem? He sure as fuck doesn't appear to be pro-LGBT. For somebody that wants to separate politics and gaming, he sure can't stop talking about it.
I was always libertarian, but I used to be cool with liberals and dislike conservatives.
After Gamergate and all the shit that's happened since, I'm cool with conservatives and hate liberals.
>now you're just lying,
How do you not know who the fuck Steel is and that Superman was "dead" around the time of his making?
But TheQuartering is not Alt Right, he's not even /pol/ aware, he's a basic bitch anti-SJW who still believes in racial equality and liberal principles, being disgusted by the far left cult of diversity. The irony, is that not embracing serious far right principles is actively harming him, despite the fact that such a view should theoretical give him the massive amount of appeal. Leftists enjoy targeting people like him because they are the easiest to really attack, given that he has a massive audience. He's more of LE RADICAL centrists, of course, such a position is foolish and ignorant. They see him as a gateway drug, so they want to destroy his life fast. The same leftist shitheads are the same people spamming this eceleb on Yea Forums. They think doing so will get Yea Forums to turn on it.
Its the far right and actual conservative who understand how fucked up their enemy really is and take measures against it. That's why the biggest win come from them, they don't actually try to play fair and make sure that leftists get censored, lose their sponsers, and expelled from a community.
Never forget to support THQ games btw.
>Bar goes down
You can't grow down you stupid chart.
What the fuck is that? I really can't place her ethnicity. She looks Mexican but with some disgusting third world Asian country mixed in.
>this actually happened
>guy is facing prison
Lovin' every laff.
That "13% of the population" shit has been debunked into the ground by now. It was a was a matter of time.
>go back to your containment board while I post off topic shit outside of my containment board
Are you doing this on purpose or do you actually lack any sense of self awareness whatsoever?
yeah sure thing totally real Yea Forums poster that totally isn't from anywhere like resetera or a particular discord
A news article criticizing a public figure is nothing like calling for violence towards a private individual, legally or practically.
only resetera defends resetera
>someone explain why this fat idiot is so popular?
literally never heard of him
And so do /pol/niggers. Cancer is cancer, and both are rightly derided wherever they are found. /pol/ fucking lost all hope when they got the stupid idea in their head that they were Yea Forums's "saviors" from outside newfags, only to turn around and ask reddit to come here in droves.
debunked how? resetera said so?
>still misunderstanding what white privilege is
White privilege is having all these wonderful studies about how you're the best race to hire and how brown people are looked at with suspicion, deserved or not, because of crime stats and incarceration rates. We can argue semantics of white passing and Jew privilege, but when the premise is accepted most still would rather be born white.
And he kept saying torturous infetterance. Just like that, torturous infetterance, and he winked.
Way to post proof that transfolk are in fact oppressed
Yes, this is a representation of what happened.
This guy had nothing more to add. I hope he didn't think this passed as a joke.
Except it hasn't it's a real statistic, no matter how you cope with it or excuse it
well actually it is about video games because we are talking about the left wing gate keeping within gaming industry. You know the gate keeping that you faggots support but claim not to
>they're OUTSIDERS trying to FORCE their politics on us with coordinated narratives
>he says, an outsider who is using a coordinated narrative to force politics onto Yea Forums
no it hasn't
These people don't read comics. I'm amazed nobody knows Steel considering Shaq had a godawful movie based on him.
I think the majority of Yea Forums is left-leaning on most issues, however there are a few issues that lean to the other side that people are very vocal about after gamergate.
I don't want censorship and I don't want games being changed because the devs want to pander to certain social groups. I am left-leaning though. I just want to play fun video games, and I don't like things that interfere with that, and I think that's where Yea Forums truly lies.
It wasn't. Those are official government statistics.
tranny discord fell apart ITT, got BTFO too hard. You trannies are always so obvious.
>people using anime to promote their left wing agenda
>when anime is from a right wing country
Show me all of the video game companies and journalists that were shoving right-wing opinions into places where they didn't belong. It didn't happen. This is completely the fault of one side because one side is literally insane and can't stop themselves from pushing their agenda on other people. There was never an open marketplace of ideas. Some ideas got you cushy jobs and some ideas got your product banned and you blacklisted.
I'd honestly rather be born dead so I wouldn't have to deal with you resetfaggots.
>believing liberal media
>your wife can post her own thoughts
>drive by trolling
>drive by trolling
>drive by posting
>drive by trolling
Is this the new "arguing in bad faith" or "sealioning"? Another spicy new label to slap on something you don't want to deal with but also want to claim victory over?
He panders to a retarded audience hungry for people to agree with them.
Ah yes sure is privileged to be passed up on an equal merit base because of diversity hiring practices
Getting your ass beat after escalating the situation isn't oppression. Sane rational people defending themselves from you isn't oppression.
you deserve this same treatment tranny
Don't worry, in Australia abos make up less than 5% of the population and are 50% of prisoners.
Uh yes it can
Yeah, I do
>but you can always tell when it's seething trannies, it's pretty funny how transparent they are.
user, you can always tell because you want to see it.
Is that so? I don't use /pol/, so I only get what gets filtered through Yea Forums cross-posters.
I've seen both sides use anime. They tend to be the most cancerous faggots in any discussion.
falseflag not even /pol/ is this dumb
Nah dude it's true. Keep in mind the time frame. I'm 40 years old. I spent 2001-2009 on Fark.com. I didn't even realize there was a liberal slant on that forum because all the content was the same thing I'd heard all my life from my liberal family, friends, and community. But I was constantly getting in fights in the comments section with people. And I that "republican" website I went to was /pol/. And keep in mind this was years ago. /pol/ is much worse now than it was a decade ago, if you can believe that. I don't even visit /pol/ anymore. But I heard about /pol/ from someone on Fark.com bitching about it. Then everything feel into place like neatly tumbled dominoes after that.
>Right wing
>Yea Forums is contrarian to whoever is in officer
You've got it wrong, tranny. 4chin is contrarian to normalfaggotry and mainstream narrative, and le orange man in the office isn't in charge of either of those. Quite the opposite actually
>It's a fact these fuckers group up in discord and shit up Yea Forums.
Post proof.
This is actually a great way to demonstrate how statistics can be misapplied. Because the green elf's concern could be that nice black kids are getting less presents per household.
wow people actually like superheroes? Jesus no wonder western countries are in decline.
2/10 tranny discorder
>I think Yea Forums lies politically exactly where I do
Big mistake, kiddo. Learn to accept that nu-Yea Forums is full of 14 year old /pol/tards that genuinely think niggers are subhuman.
>all these wonderful studies about how you're the best race to hire
All these?
White privilege was always people pointing at jews and jews pointing at whyties.
What happens when a nigger, who himself is already oppressed, oppresses a tranny? Does it only count as half-oppression? You should write a dissertation on this for your gender studies class.
>Salt-right never takes into account that blacks also make up 50% of all exonerations and false convictions
>Or the fact that their neighborhoods are overpoliced
>Or the fact that black crime has been on the steady decline since the 90's.
I literally used the word "most" and used quotation marks to show that I was talking about people who are just accused of being leftist here. I'll be more clear for you next time.
Grifters will grift, no matter which side they are on.
Right now leftist principles are totally incompatible with your desire to have your video games left alone. You might not like it, but the farther left the left goes the more right you become. Progressive politics is a 100% kind of philosophy. It's impossible to be a progressive and not insert it into every waking second of everyone's lives.
Why do you fags think that all of Yea Forums likes you? That anyone who doesn't like /pol/ shitting up the place with their off topic nonsense just HAS to be from offsite. I bet I've been on this shithole longer than you you tremendous faggot.
Take off the fucking skirt, wig and makeup and you magically won't be.
all those characters acknowledge that they are boys and cant be girls and none of them wish to be girls
Because /pol/tards refuse to admit that they're the cancer.
Is Stone Toss and Redpanels the same person? Their characters look nearly identical.
Trannies aren't politics, they are mentally ill freaks. I get it, /pol/ says mean things and your fee fees were hurt. But you are going to have to get over it, go back to retardEra.
>not hating the white race is bad and evil
you do know they are going to sterilize trannies soon in japan right?
citation needed for all that bullshit, tranny
Then why would he bring up the neighborhood if he is talking about individuals?
>bottom 90% of the population owns -20% of income
>trannies on suicide watch ITT
Oh wait, they already were.
>Bernie "Bend the Knee to the Queen Bee" Sanders
>Bernie "White people don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders
Bernie has no legs for 2020
>Im silly
Nice source b*got
Oh good someone posted this. Who is this comic about? People on Yea Forums said Weinstein, Lasseter, Louie CK, and then some male feminist who was paranoid schizophrenic and murdered his girlfriend, none of which are what this image implies. They asked me to ask you guys because they said you're better at being anti-feminist.
It's starting to look like just a funny comic and not based on anything real.
90% of the guys complain about comics don't read them. Notice how most don't complain about white characters being turned Asian or Hispanic? No one complains about Asian Hulk,Mexican Rider,Hispanic Falcon or Latino Nova. Even Chinese Superman doesn't get complaints.
>600 replies
Though you've never ask.
take that with you back to your containment board.
but if inherent inequality between races exists it is difficult to call innate "superiority" a privilege. The word privilege in this era comes with an invisible "undeserved" tacked on, but, for example, do we commit injustice against the whole of the animal kingdom for being born greater than it?
>doesn't deny being anti white
Why do hate the white race?
Because it makes it easier for the writer to make his half baked point.
It's actually 6.5% committing 50% of all violent crime so it's even worse right off the bat. Black females just rely on welfare fraud.
1. If black people were really as innocent as you claim wouldn't their rate of false convictions be closer to 100%?
2. "Overpoliced" What's an appropriate level of policing for a bad neighborhood?
3. All crime has been on a decline, but the worst black cities in America have cut their police forces down to basically nothing. Detroit for instance has entire areas not covered by police protection. That leads to more crimes that are never even reported hence "crime going down."
Because the "/pol/" shit you faggots always whine about is part of what defines Yea Forums....it's a level of freedom of speech you just don't get anywhere else. When fucking faggots come in here and try to take it away, it results in a lot of anger. And that's what you retards are trying to do, don't pretend it isn't. If you just cared about talking about games, you'd avoid any thread even remotely political but instead you deliberately come into political threads to whine about how much you hate any political shit. And before you even ask "why are there political threads on Yea Forums?", the answer is because the fucking industry has been ravaged by shitty politics over the last decade and it's impossible to not discuss them at all now. Even better to do it here since we have the freedom to express non-leftist opinions about it without instantly getting banned.
So does that mean he should in fact take the blame for Slavery and Jim Crow laws?
>Who is this comic about?
Does not equate with my world views. Must be a Jewish trick.
google it you discord tranny you worship a nation that hates you have fun being apart of the 40%
People did complain about those characters, just not to the same extent as others. I complained about Asian Hulk because the character was lame.
>tfw this thread is about to 404
California creep. Must be contained. What's more is that most "conservatives" in California are centrist at best compared to the rest of the country
(though, that much I can agree with because they're at least willing to have actual debates most the time)
try again tranny
Ok now THIS is epic.
Redpill: there's no way an extremist group of right/left leaning people rises to power in modern society, society itself its rigged to stop them from rising too high in popularity
The "Silent Majority" is a myth
Stop falling in the trap
No one read your retarded "diversity yasss slayyy" replacement heroes either, that's why they've practically all been canceled, you dumb marvelcuck.
Fuck off, most of Yea Forums is pro gun with a minority of lefties and yuros getting triggered when we have fun threads
>If black people were really as innocent as you claim wouldn't their rate of false convictions be closer to 100%?
it's actually close to it and FBI says blacks do have a higher percentage of Murder but all around violet crimes is done by whites.
That was a good example. Keep going.
That's not what I said...at all. What I said was that Marvel didn't do a character like Iron Heart in 70s because they would get firebombed for replacing Tony Stark with a black teenage girl. Doesn't change the fact that Marvel and DC preached racial unity and inclusiveness ALL THE DAMN TIME. For fuck sake the X-Men are literally a civil rights movement in comic book form with Professor X being King Jr. and Magneto being Malcolm X.
>if I keep putting the words "discord tranny" in every single post I'll finally take back Yea Forums!
I know you are retarded but I dont hate my own race now go back where you came from mutt
>If you just cared about talking about games, you'd avoid any thread even remotely political but instead you deliberately come into political threads to whine about how much you hate any political shit
Oh, the irony.
That's how cults and followings work, my dude. Someone makes a bit of good sense, amasses a following, and it spirals out of control as it loses focus on its original agenda.
Which were put in place as "reparations", addressing crime, and the concept of privilege. It's like tornado prone places getting tornado siren privilege.
Wrong, the anti white left is directly supported by the establishment
You freaks can't even meme properly, this is just embarrassing. We need someone to start posting loli in all these tranny bait threads to drive them away.
do you even understand the point of anonymous boards?
did you actually read this? It agrees with what he said, retard.
Commie posting hours
can you people just die already
The characters still exist though. Rhodes is War Machine now.
>No one complains about Asian Hulk,Mexican Rider,Hispanic Falcon or Latino Nova. Even Chinese Superman doesn't get complaints.
Everyone fucking hated Cho Hulk and the Falcon replacement, the others actually had good comics and distinctly weren't meant as replacements, rather characters who shared the name but did their own thing and earned their own place.
Bernie said Venezuela and Argentina were good. Fuck off pendejo
yes cause this thread totally wasn't started by a left wing person looking to cause trouble that is for damn sure. If you don't like people with right wing opinions posting on Yea Forums then maybe you should go to literally anywhere else on the internet that will be that left wing hugbox that you so desperately crave. I have a feeling you can't handle free speech.