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Like it fucking matters.
Everyone here will get augs with robodicks and chromed neckbeards and they'll still waste all their life shitposting here while they pretend fuck their new animu cyberdoll.

available only to glow in the dark cia niggers and not your average low wage cuck.

Like Cyberpunk 2077

This won't be publicly available for decades, if ever

>The Sun

Keep telling yourself that


I can only see it helping niggers be niggers to the detriment of everyone else

Call me when I can be a Kamen Rider instead.


If you're given a choice to augment one thing in your body, what is it and why?

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Your really doubting the fast pace of technology...

why, my peanus weanus of course! :D

my brain so I can augment the other parts too

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My Eye of course,
King Bradley in this bitch represent.

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Imagine reading the sun unironically

my mind

Well I can get things to shitpost faster.

Soon user,

The fact they're publicly talking about it indicates they plan on making it public within the next decade or two.

my heart to ensure I can live for a long time and be as healthy as possible

Or probably sooner,
People need to understand that the government and corporation (that are secretly part with the government) make shit like this undercover.

My stomach so I can eat and drink whatever I want, how much I want.

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My vision is augmented.
Heh heh.

my brain
its the only part that can't be replaced without still being me

I augment my asshole to be self cleaning after taking a shit so I never have to spend like 10 mins wiping again.

Honestly, My mind. It would give a super ultra competitive advantage.

realistically? my eyes. It gotten shittier after the eclipse cause I thought I had proper protection.

The key to this is to get robodicks early on so it's novelty. You know how much pussy you can get just by having one? Some chicks will be weirded out by it but they wouldn't have fucked you in the first place, but plenty are going to be too curious to ignore you.

Mind for super intel, if not, then eyes for sure.

>long lifespan.
Gene Therapy will take care of that (to an extent). Which will happen sooner but I agree with the heart user.

Sure, I bet that will work out pretty great, just like how those surgeries go to turn a man into a woman and vice versa.

>10 minutes wiping
Jesus Christ user just drop a little water on the paper or wipe your ass with most tissues.

>immortality will be a thing
>i will never leave this place

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What would i have to enchance to have super human reflexes?
Gotta go fast, i want to be the FEAR pointman

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How's that relevant

My eyes so I can use sunglasses during the night.

And it will cost a shit load of money thanks to taxes

You realise with Gene Editing you can change the whole gender of individual (The whole nine yards too). Think Mass Effect 2 with Miranda Lawson (she didn't have a Mother but was cloned from her Father and had her chromosomes change). Gender Dsyphoria will be obselete.

Only 1% Percent or the extremely wealthy will have that.

>Lets fuck with your human body to make it do shit it isn't supposed to do!

ya, great, enjoy your ocular cancer.

>Only 1% Percent or the extremely wealthy will have that.

Thank you based family money

And quite being a downer,
Embrace the future,
You can't fight it.

I knew someone was going to say this lmao!

I would get a skul gun.

Legs to be fast and jump high all day everyday.

Universal translator aug so I can get a qt asian girlfriend

Can't wait to be not able to sleep forever because this shit fuck ups your eyes.

>X-Men style super-vision.
Pretty sure seeing in the dark isn't PUNCHES FROM THE PUNCH DIMENSION, but it's a start.

My legs

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>Lets fuck with your human body to make it do shit it isn't supposed to do!
What sort of foolish argument is this? Are you against medicine as well?

He's probably them idiotic puritan,
I'm a Christian and folk like these piss me off with a passion.

yeah i want to have fucked up sight all day so i can see in the dark
it's not like i have lights

This is how the average gamer will look like in the future.

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Legs right away

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That's progress. We get to do the exact same shit we've ever done but in a fancier fashion.

My Dad has steadily been going blind, and it kills me every day to see him how he is, this news brings the smallest glimmer of hope into a life full of pain for the only person who ever cared for me in my life.

Fuck I'm beyond happy at science, man. Instead of wishing every second that it would've been me instead I'm gonna get the money to one day get this for my pops. Thank you for the Deus Ex post, user.

Actually, you'd want to aug your liver if you wanted to drink whatever you want assuming you mean alcohol.

Arms for mega precision and strength



youtu.be/3bUYx8h8TwA [Embed

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My nervous system

>superpower to see in the dark
It's called flashlight.

Only your eyes,
Think Riddick dude

Immortal cyber-brain

So you can merge with Helios lol.

Well, i would like to get rid of my glasses first.

Get sun shaded instead and look like JC Denton.

That’s beautiful, God bless America

>The Sun

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>not just reading, but sharing medical and science articles rewritten for low iq mass appeal

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The capitals made me think it was a Dark Phoenix promo for some reason

You act as if that's bad.

he's just doing what he normally does on this site, making autistic outbursts.

>infrared becomes visible
>you literally can't look at a screen anymore
>can't go outside without shades
>can't even read or write casually because of the reflection of your own body heat
yeah, what a great idea.

>thinks he already know how it will look
Jesus Christ, you're just a big bitch aren't you?

>works by replacing your existing color vision with infrared translated to green light
>cannot be deactivated, you just have to wait for it to "wear off"
>because it wears off it requires constant injections to maintain
>probably doesn't result in a good image because infra-red is not great for that
>the only thing most people think it's any good for is as a delivery system for the back of the eye

Yeah, I think I'll pass thanks.

>Doesn't think the governments and the corporations (working together at the same time don't know this and have a resolution).

You gain brouzouf

the brain won't wire another dimension of vision if you just nanomachine the retina, it just shift your current rgb to be more sensitive on the lower spectrum. It only distort what you already see, like a bad shader.

Realistic answer: my Mind
Meme answer: CYBER LEGS

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Your a fool if you think the government's brightest minds and high paying researchers don't have a resolution to your autistic spasm...

What? You think the government has invented magic infra-red emitting monitors that means you can see what's on the screen rather than it appearing as just a giant box of light? user is right. Our society is kinda of heavily based around the fact that we see certain wavelengths and almost every piece of visual information transmission method, from paper all the way to computer monitors, will be useless to you and there's not really any solution to that.

mind or my muscles
im sick of being both a brainlet and noodle armed

Science itself is theoretical on what kniw on our HOMEWORLD. You read bullshit in books and it makes you a armchair scientist? Keep fucking thinking that scientist and researchers who from higher ups and working higher societies don't know how break the laws of science while you read some fucking library book.

Back in the 1800s people thought automobiles was impossible and Horses were permanent. Look where we are right now. Keep living in a Damn cave like a Neanderthal monkey.

my dick so I can have a foreskin

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>the sun
>Implying this would ever get to human trials in our lifetime


I just want Robo Waifus. PLEASE GOD GIVE ME ROBO GIRLS


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>X-men superpower
>you can see in the dark a little better and we made you able to see IR as a visible color on the only spectrum your brain can even fathom

What amazing power mankind shouldn’t have this

Mass Effect/Deus Ex,
Here we come!

>THE SUN posters
Cats can see infrared, and they can go outside, dumbasses.

It's literally the same shitposter user,
Let the Neanderthal cave monkey hibernate in his cave and play fire in his regressive mind. They can't Stop the future...no one can, this was inevitable.

>Cats can see infrared

No, they can't. Their night vision is similar to ours, they just have more rods and a reflective substance behind the retina so that dull blue night vision image is "brighter" for them than it is for us. They are also near sighted and can't see as well in daylight as humans.

It probably be like snakes

Imagine not using a bidet in 2019


Your legs are OK

Imagine wanting a midget to piss on your asshole.

>you'll be able to see niggers doing crime in the dead of night
>niggers will be sent to prison even faster

the future is looking bright.

>he doesn't get fucked by midget trannies missionary
>he doesn't have them piss in his asshole after they cum inside

do you go to church too you faggot?

>All these fag posts being excited for night vision.
The fuck you so excited to see in the dark, just turn a light on you shits.

The Fuck you here for you whiny emo downer? Go complain about DOA or MK11 baby....

Are we posting cool human progress?


UBX0101 is an injection that reverses cell ageing and causes cells to regenerate. In laymen terms, it actually increases a persons life span by +25%, by completely removing age-related conditions, like cancer, bad joints, bad eyesight.

We are a quarter away from reaching biological immortality and it's already successful in the human trials.

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idk, vision correction i guess.

brain is the most obvious one

That's cool and all, but what the fuck would I want infra-red vision for?

Holy shit....

We've been seeing shit like this every month for the past 10 years and nothing ever happens. Just like someone comes up with a cure for cancer, alzheimers or parkinson every year.

>The Sun
>Mobile Screenshot

Cool shit. Do you have any other awesome signs of progress? I found this super cool when I first heard about it.

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Implying I'd even want to be anywhere near a woman once I have a robodick. I'm sure it'll have self pleasuring functionality without a need for any interaction with succubus.

Not that user, but that video interest me. Wow we're hitting the future!

They also inject snake genes into mice, with predictable results. Should work on most vertebrates including humans.

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>Vertebral column
I don't mind losing my body, I just want to fix and reinforce badly designed parts, fuck genetics, and fuck evolution.

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Science is so fucking cool.

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>No scales

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Give my boner the ability to detect neutrinos.
>100 trillion neutrinos are bombarding and passing through your body every second

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why are niggers allowed to ruin the lives of everyone else
serious question

So what exactly did it do? Remove the legs?

My eyes. Fucking tired of bad vision.

They only injected specific genes that are responsible for limb development to research snakes. (they found that older species like pythons have the set of gene be a scrambled mess, while younger ones like cobras have it shortened to baisically nothing)
Fun fact: the infamous sonic hedgehog is one of these genes, so if your kid is born limbless you can blame sega.

Can you post the link ?

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>the infamous sonic hedgehog is one of these genes, so if your kid is born limbless you can blame sega.

my brain so i can finally know what i should eat for lunch. Im really fucking hungry

You think phoneposting is bad now. But imagine when people upload their thoughts to Yea Forums in real time from literally installing direct neural links to Yea Forums into their brains. Connected 24/7.


Not like this we have. It went through extensive animal testing and already completed the first phase of human trials. This isn't some news about it working out on paper. It's actually fully developed. It's a senolytic agent with no negative side-effects and the first of its kind. Anti-cancer treatments calm the immunity response of your body and to prevent it from spreading, which has severe side-effects and just extend the time you are alive if its terminal. This simply destroys all the useless cells in your body (tumors, macular degeneration, etc) and make room for good cells (ie. regenerating joints), for no downsides. Now we only need to solve the protein issue for cells and creating an enzyme that can endlessly repair our DNA, then we can technically live forever if viruses and bacteria won't kill us. Although immortality might be miserable. Lobsters are biologically immortal, but they eventually become so jaded that they literally don't even care anymore and just die.

>he hasn't activated his nanoparticles yet
I honestly feel embarrassed for the lot of you. Just activate them.

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My arms.

I have a thing that makes my hands twitch alot, or occasionally full-arm spasms when im drawing specifically.

Bonus points since I could fix that shit and boost my swoleness too.

I need to activate my Almonds first.

Them idgits and their vaccines!
A random website I found on google told me they cause autism so I ain't gettin em!

No thanks, I don't want to be able to see my own eyelids when I want to sleep.