Every thread now devolves into name calling like a pre-school playground

>Every thread now devolves into name calling like a pre-school playground
>Actual video game discussion happening once every 25 threads before derailment
>Disagreements of opinion or preferences can't be discussed without childish insults
>Parroting for the sake of (yous), most threads are a waste entirely

Yeah, I've had enough of this place. Goodbye babbies, it was fun once.

Attached: 1523029872943.png (450x350, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you know what else is fun?

There was a good thread the other day of someone playing through New Vegas and posting as they did it.

>There was a good thread the other day
That's truly how bad it's gotten, a good thread is now remarkable

Attached: 1534030806871.png (229x252, 26K)

See you tomorrow!

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redditcore knockoff wojak

This issue would be solved if we had per thread IDs. Half the wojak, seething, console war instigating posts are one or two people posting 20 times in thread.

Yea Forums was always full of shitposting honestly, but now it's just shitposting done by failed normalfags who just keep spamming unfunny shit to annoy people

See you tomorrow user

Attached: 1546865461783.jpg (210x250, 6K)

>OP is tryhard faggot again

Attached: 1531851243370.png (540x400, 396K)

Wojack/frog posting is always shit posting. It's either
A) a means to incite a pointless argument with no content, or
B) a means to false-flag incite a pointless argument with no content

Take the pledge, don't respond.

I agree, but it wouldn't stop the organised shitposting from discord

I wish hiroshimoot wasn't so lazy, if I was in charge of this place I would be running social experiments constantly.

>one week with post IDs
>one week with flags
>one week with r9k filter
>one week with no phoneposters
>one week with 100% public bans

Fuck off, fag.

Good. One less wojakposter shitting up this site.

Bye faggot, see you tomorrow.

Every board should have the robot

>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Yea Forums has always been like this. People who say this website was good are lying, it is, was and always will be shit.

I usually just go to r/greentexts if I want to cherrypick and read

Attached: 1545039632627.png (700x735, 762K)

>everything OP says is true
>there's nowhere better to go

Attached: satcoff.png (539x490, 255K)

Tell is the name of the reddit account you're going to make before you leave.

No one cares you fucking loser. If you were really going to leave you wouldn't have made this garbage attention whore thread.

I came here in 2010 and it wasn't much better than. The main culprit is board popularity/speed and that can't be fixed, and even if it could be fixed there's no reason to, as it just means more traffic for the advertisers

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Yea Forums was always only good in three scenarios
1. Game is beloved and obscure so shitposters don't know how or don't want to derail it
B. Thread is completely off topic conversation
3. E3/announcement/stickies where rabid spam means everyone abandons the idea of coherent threads anyways
There are way more normalfags since phoneposting and the election happened but it was always retarded console wars and tribalistic bait

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>caring about any of those "problems"
You are the problem

Wait, what robot?

The robot.

But muh identity politics, OP! Thats the only thing I can talk about at any given time!

Come on, spill your beans.

user why?

The 25+ boomer threads have the best discussions, too bad they get deleted.

>welcome! To my cesspool gameboard! All real discussion is surely ignored!

For this exact response of course

>posting wojackshit

you are part of the problem

Attached: u2F38.media.tumblr.png (682x689, 397K)


every interesting thread gets fucking derailed by retards trying to be funny, instead of actually contributing to something interesting. we could learn more about game dev and shit but no.
have to post the latest dumbass hip meme or glory hole to keep anything up. this place needs better moderators.

But user, black people! Trannies! Jews! These are all integral to discussing video games.

sorry but i see your pic contains wojak

High level bait right here


2 and 3 are just saying the same thing


Any thread that isn't shitposting bait, off topic discussion, waifufaggotery circlejerk or a daily template thread gets archived with few replies.
very sad very sad i know

Attached: 1549635790282.jpg (650x650, 41K)

Mods r dum


>game dev
Who gives a shit

Snucks Cheed and Sack

And if it doesn't get archived, it gets raided by one of the 10 mentally ill shitposters and their buddies because they can't stand [fanbase] existing on Yea Forums.

BotW deserves it

BotW threads are an entirely different beast, because they have both rabbid retards for and against it shitting up any decent discussion.

you can't fool me

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>>Every thread now

>pretending this shit is new
Sorry bud, if you came here post Chanology you've never known the good Yea Forums

>not wanting to talk about politics and trannies all day
It's like you're not even a true Yea Forumsirgin. Now someone put up a tranny thread

You should add this thread to the list of bad things about Yea Forums

Based. Tranny threads are prime v

pfft triggered libtard detected



Attached: 1551202294091.png (700x615, 206K)

This. Tranny shitposting during GDQ is great.

>hurr tranny
spam is fucking depressing
it's like when the fucking normalfags on /r9k/ ruined that word with spamming "normie" every time someone wasn't adhering to their neet creed and attacked them for a pity party masquerade violation all over again
fuck /r9k/ and fuck reddit

Attached: 1551018479300.png (1226x1063, 113K)

T. Discord tranny.
During GDQ? Everyday son until we remind the trannies on what to do

As all life is born to die, so all men are born to decay. There can be no succour in this world. As the centuries drag past our cultures will fade, just as our bodies waste and our passions cool as the winter of life approaches.
In time our mightiest cities shall crack and crumble, and our lofty ideals shall grow weary and jaded. For what are our achievements if not the follies of pride and ignorance?
All shall be forgotten with the passing of years. There will be no exceptions.
For who amongst us can escape the predations of time? Whom amongst us is beyond the inevitability of decay? That which is young can only grow old. That which is whole and sweet can only shrivel and sour. Nothing is permanent and nothing may remain without blemish. It is the fate of all things that they are bound to time, and time is the twin of decay.
So bend a knee, all of this world. Bend a knee all who would embrace their fate and thereby rise above it. Rise up, give in, surrender yourselves to the master of this world.
Father Nurgle is our sovereign and lord, and whether it be sooner or whether it be later, he will claim all in time.
And so this is how the world shall end; not with fire and tempest, but with the collective sigh of failed passions and lost hope.

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Honestly none of this would be a problem if the majority of shitposters get such an ungodly amount of (you)s and people in threads are so fucking stupid that they never catch on. It's amazing to watch, sometimes I wonder the average IQ of people on this board when they spend so much time practically arguing with a wall. And when it's not idiots, it's two falseflaggers whacking each other off

Attached: 1550521530689.png (265x190, 75K)

>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>*CRUNCH CRUNCH* Insert pretentious opinion *burp*
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>*Shitty thing about game* What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of *insert band or album*
>*Smacks lips*
>Cunny thread
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this? >Thoughts?
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here? >Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem? >Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game >Find a flaw
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?>JUST
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>*current year*...I am forgotten...

Attached: Negan and Rucky.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

I didn't hate them until normie emerged
Not only did they change the meaning from "can function normally socially and in society" to "is mainstream pleb haha" but they had to censor the word so it was safe to post on their facebook and twitter accounts
Which completely fucking defeats the point

Attached: normalfag vs normie.png (653x334, 10K)

>tfw be tranny and false flag as a pol idiot and also tranny post
>accumulate 5000 you's in a time span of a few weeks
Kind if agree with this user. Stop replying to us (:

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attention whoring should be against rules tbqh, if you can´t contribute something original git out

We just had a blatant political thread hit 500+ replies in an hour.
reddit won.

this archived thread also applies to Yea Forums
simply not giving the obvious shitposters (You)s is not enough
is there a way to stop this madness?

Attached: 1549519218074.png (1246x762, 108K)

>muh reddit boogeyman
There's literally nothing wrong with using reddit

This but idiots still respond to them

It's always been this bad. Threads like this are obvious signs that someone's only been here for a couple of months. Everyone here is saying "see you tomorrow," but let's be honest, we'll see you in a few hours.

I'm glad someone brought this up. It's just pathetic and stagnates evolution, so the same fools can repeat their saying and repost the same images. It makes them feel like if they keep saying these things, they will get recognition eventually. When in reality its just sad and boring.

Attached: 1551185907773.jpg (1105x738, 101K)

Welcome to Yea Forums circa 2010+ It's mostly edgy/contentious children and people that have some form of nostalgia/Stockholm syndrome that can't bring themselves to leave this shit hole.

If i leave this place I'll have no one to talk to.

No one. You guys are my friends Yea Forums..


>can't say anything positive about sony or criticize any aspect of nintendo/microsoft without "SNOY SNOY LE SNOY"
>can't criticize steam without being called an "epic shill," can't criticize epic (or any other bloatware launcher) without being called a "valve drone"
>can't discuss any japanese game that isn't made by nintendo or capcom without a bunch of shitposts from westaboos dismissing it as "weebshit"
>can't discuss new games that just came out because tortanic shitters who refuse to find a hobby they actually enjoy want every new game to fail
>can't discuss industry news without smash rosterfags turning the entire thread into speculating what it means for the smash roster
>the only things you CAN discuss anymore are e-celebs and politics

Attached: 1550359974667.jpg (869x675, 152K)

You guys are both dumb as fuck. Some of these are arguably lame or bad phrases but language, most notably slang, is evolving at a faster rate than ever and stuff like this is inevitable. Odds are there are people that've been here longer than anyone on this thread that have adopted this language because that's how culture works. You guys are acting like whiny boomers.

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Thank you user.. I luff you

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You forgot fighting game discussions being bait(?) most of ymthe time.

i love you too, dont ever leave me here

I'll tell you exactly what your problem are here
>participating in console wars in the first place
>having a persecution complex where entire 500+ reply threads about a japanese game don't count because someone called you a weeaboo
>caring about games that just came out
>caring about """industry news""" which is just code for more console wars or AAA shit
Grow up

Attached: gamergate-comic-1.png (625x605, 52K)


Whats here for you? You can argue here with zoomers and 20 something shitlibs who legit use "my pronouns are" non ironically, and they hate anime and anything japanese in general. I bet most of you even use reddit so there is nothing to discuss here. You try to take this place way too seriously, while its obvious that this place completely lost its elitist attitude, but its not only this board what changed, video games in general too. Why do you think the whole western industry is garbage and there is nothing to look forward?
Yea Forums is a normalfag board now, with most of you skipped the lurking phase, most of you don't even know what is encyclopedia dramatica. You want to discuss shit with low skilled normies, about half-finished games they praise? These people have no fucking clue what is a good video game either, the PS1 is older than half of the board.

You are here to shitpost, and make fun of Yea Forumsedditors not to be pals with them.

good point. i also forgot to mention all the epic fake "leaks" and "rumors" that people spam the catalog with and either pretend to believe or are legitimately gullible enough to believe. either way, it's retarded.
>participating in console wars in the first place
i'm not even talking about console wars. it's gone beyond console wars now. it's to the point where simply criticizing a nintendo game or a microsoft business practice gets the same replies even if your post has nothing to do with sony.
>caring about games that just came out
yes, i do care about games that just came out, because - believe it or not - i actually enjoy playing video games. i also seek out games that i know i'll probably enjoy instead of forcing myself to play the latest western aaa/indie shit and whining that everything sucks now.

Competitive deathmatch free-for-all first person speakers

>instead of forcing myself to play the latest western aaa/indie shit and whining that everything sucks now
Then why do you care so much about Microsoft business practices?
>i do care about games that just came out, because - believe it or not - i actually enjoy playing video games
>you can only like games if you play games older than 2 weeks
Confirmed underageb&. How many games do you have preordered right now?

Woke and Kino and Ludo and Based and Redpilled and Underrated.


>Then why do you care so much about Microsoft business practices?
because even if they don't necessarily affect me, paid online, microtransactions and paid dlc have still had a negative impact on the industry and streaming will be even worse. furthermore, the xbox one would have been an orwellian nightmare of a console if people *didn't* care about microsoft's business practices.
>you can only like games if you play games older than 2 weeks
who are you quoting?
>Confirmed underageb&.
since when does caring about new video games mean someone is "underage"? you do realize it's possible to care about both old and new games, right?


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What are the last 5 games you played


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>who gives a shit about game dev in a game thread in a game forum that talks about games where people come together to talk about games

They both have their issues but I enjoyed the bottom more.

Attached: Loogie.png (318x443, 142K)

digimon story cyber sleuth: hacker's memory, super shell monsters story, smt if..., kirby star allies, death end re;quest. what exactly is your point?

Yep, all zelda games suck

Wait a minute...that southern country....

sounds like unfiltered reddit.

The problem is actually with you.
If you can create topics or replies worth responding to then people will.

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>Every thread now devolves into name calling like a pre-school playground

What did you expect from a retard center?

My point is that I can safely disregard anything you say. Jesus christ that taste
Grow up

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Shut up assface

You've been here for what, a year? Less?

tranny fags need to get the fuck back to retardera

All you can do is find solace in the few decent threads that pop up every now and then. And ignore all shitposters and trolls.

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great contribution to the comment, retard.

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Kill all teenagers.


Fucking hell this makes me feel very old.

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not an argument. no wonder you don't think the quality of discussion has gotten worse, you're contributing to it.

Wojak edits are a mistake, the brainlet ones in particular. They're the image macro equivalent of calling someone a poopyhead.
>inb4 brainlet wojak edit (6).png with text of >they're the image macro equivalent of calling someone a poopyhead

Attached: 1540581267140.jpg (569x599, 31K)

Ban all phoneposters

Yea Forums is a product of its environment

Literally every meme has been a blatant copy of "u mad?". They just get worse and cringier.

It's been like this since at least 2006/2007. The only difference now is that wojack/pepe is so dominant that OC is 90% wojack/pepe edits and there's a million and one shills per actual user.

Phoneless discord autists who spam ALL FUCKING DAY on desktop are just as bad.

Worst of all is they're all the same. Every Wojak edit nowadays is a strawman for "something I don't like".

>Literally every meme has been a blatant copy of "u mad?".
Do you even know what a meme is

How come Wojack edits weren't dropped the second they were posted on Reddit like rage comics?

Attached: jevil.png (640x400, 10K)

>Every Wojak edit nowadays
Oh come the fuck on. This entire site started going down the drain when people started spamming sadfrog edits and calling them rare pepes. That was before your time though

Various circumstances over the past 4-5 years have caused reddit fags to flood in like they own the place.

The quality of the game being discussed ALWAYS influences the quality of the thread. Erego, a good game brings about good discussion, whereas a bad game brings about shitposting. For example:

Fans are obnoxious brats, so the game is pure trash.

>Xenoblade, Nier, Bayonetta
The fans do nothing but spam porn and shitpost, therefore their games are pure trash.

>God of War, Breath of the wild, Uncharted, Halo
Their fans do nothing but spam metacritic sales and jerk off corporate profit margins instead of actually discussing video games, so every last one of their games is trash.

I will never listen to an argument otherwise, because the fans are also known to lie through their teeth just to defend their games.

Attached: havin a real think.png (603x460, 327K)

I only say nowadays because you had the ">tfw" shit for a while.

You need to be shot.

testris is boring as fuck you stupid cunt


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stick to plebbit kid

What threads do you go to? Every one I go to has gameplay discussion and ideas for what'll happen in the third game.

Attached: Witch.gif (500x570, 465K)

I wonder why...

Attached: 92B36DE0-B33A-42AB-92F5-EFAA3C78FEC3.jpg (793x522, 71K)

Tetris is sjw-propaganda

that's ACfag. you won't get an honest argument from him.

It was never fun. Goodbye and good luck user.
Remember, you're here forever.

Attached: 1227149497919.png (475x429, 36K)

Recently someone linked me a youtube video of a twitch stream. It was some DS1 challenge run by LobosJr who is apparently a well-known DS streamer. The video included the twitch chat and it was fucking filled with pepe edits (who they for some reason call pepo). What the fuck is up with that?
Also when he got to Gwyndolin, everyone started shouting TRAP except a few people complaining about "can we please not use transphobic insults?" Shit was bizarre

See you user. I wish I could force myself to leave to place.

Attached: 2cccf71.jpg (1221x1600, 151K)

>Every one I go to has gameplay discussion
See? Lying right through his teeth, just like I said.

And for bonus points he samefags too. It's so intellectually dishonest how far a cancerous fandom will go to defend their waifu trash.

>huurrrr durrr multicultural society can exist just look at all the different tetris blocks working together

The majority here secretly post on reddit. That's why they're so obsessed with it. They discuss things like video games on reddit, and they see Yea Forums as "that evil place where I can post the word nigger"

Komi-San should've had cat ears

"SEETHING" and "Cope" Are just newer, somehow lamer versions of "U mad?" and "Deal with it."

Attached: 1434927917149.jpg (512x911, 75K)

I wish I could post on reddit but i get banned and dont wanna make a new account with the waiting and karma restrictions. Its for calling people stupid faggots, not niggers.

Do you have proof that user is a samefag? Also those games you mention always have discussion about the game. Do you have proof of what happens in DMC5 threads?

Tons of retards here unironically post the same shit on reddit, Yea Forums, instagram and twitter.

It's all just the same internet to them. Remember when posting a twitter screenshot would be mocked?

what was the challenge?

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We need more mods that care

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You gotta know how to start a thread with somewhat a little bait in it, that way people will get in and maybe actually talk about the game

It's a mystery

Attached: dumb phoneposters.png (1229x417, 74K)

>We need more mods that care
That is the absolute last thing we need, you retarded tranny.

Attached: resetera.png (1142x8338, 3.5M)

>do you have proof
We have 3 DMC threads up right now showcasing how they can't take criticism. Meanwhile you can't show even one thread where this supposed gameplay discussion happens.

Goober gate and the 2016 election got this place flooded with edgy redditors

Attached: 690FB057-CC01-4E82-97FA-BE4F3B00AAD9.jpg (780x767, 50K)

By mods that actually care I mean people that actually deleted the twitter caps threads, not the shitstain of a mod that allows them to reach to bump limit

Hopefully ACfag taking this thread hostage will be enough to convince Yea Forums that he is one of the biggest problems this board faces



mods can't fix a problem with the population of the board

>We have 3 DMC threads up right now showcasing how they can't take criticism.
Don't be such a revisionist. The threads are being spammed by people who want to criticize a game they've never played for features which are pretty irrelevant in the series or just commonplace with Capcom games in general.
>Microtransaction options for material you can easily get in game simply by enjoying yourself
>No ALT costumes in exchange for various playable characters, co-op, and varying difficulties
And then when they're not coherent arguments, it's just mindless shitposting, nitpicking, or strawgrasping just to circle jerk and perpetuate the BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY fetish people here seem to have. It's like we're not allowed to enjoy a game simply because it has flaws; which they always will have.

Attached: 1423030504347.gif (189x189, 11K)

until the mass censorship reddit was 1000x better than 4chin

We need a mod purge. The most relevant boards either have useless inexistent mods or scumbag powertripping mods. It's bullshit.

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Nice post

Attached: 1312922363830.png (807x298, 141K)

It has always been like this. And you will be back within 24 hours.

>Fans are obnoxious brats, so the game is pure trash.
>Judging a series' quality by their fanbase

Stopped reading right here. Fuck off, hobbyist.

>The threads are being spammed by people who want to criticize a game they've never played for features which are pretty irrelevant in the series or just commonplace with Capcom games in general.
In other words, you're thought policing them because you don't want anyone saying anything negative about your precious game. Yet if someone brings up a western game with diversity hires or gender representation, suddenly it's okay to shit up the thread and call people cucks for liking it. Quite the double standard you have there. Quite the double standard indeed.

Though I am curious user. What criticism do you actually allow? As in, what are people allowed to say about DMC that won't get them called a shitposter? And for extra credit, you have to link to a thread where people actually accept the criticism. If you can't find an example, you have outed yourself as an elitist who can't take wrongthink.

>Yet if someone brings up a western game with diversity hires or gender representation, suddenly it's okay to shit up the thread and call people cucks for liking it. Quite the double standard you have there. Quite the double standard indeed.

Where in my post did I even remotely imply that?

Attached: 1427920865952.jpg (254x334, 23K)

I see 2 threads. One is asking about how is everybody holding up for the release. And one is why can't they handle criticism. Guess which one and only one is shitposting the most.

was a kinda cool idea too bad all the sad boys took over

>cropping out the opening post

>what do you mean shitposting has consequences behind it? we should be able to call people cucks and destroy discussion without it reflecting badly on us

You imply it when you defend the shitposting in DMC threads, which often includes attacking other games and saying how western games are all shit because of the reasons I listed.

>Guess which one and only one is shitposting the most.
Actually, they're both shitposting. Try and make a comment in either one saying how there's an element you don't like so far, and you get called a faggot.

Attached: source.gif (2048x2048, 1.46M)

#Iphone filenames

You are a faggot.

Attached: 1525183223497.png (1918x3712, 2.19M)

>it's a meme ya dip
fuck off chubster

>generals suck
more news at 11

>You imply it when you defend the shitposting in DMC threads, which often includes attacking other games and saying how western games are all shit because of the reasons I listed.
You're completely fabricating an opinion out of thin air, applying it to me, and deluding yourself into thinking it's my own opinion. The very nature of this argument is basically you talking to yourself in order to support your own flimsy argument, user. I didn't infer, imply, directly state, or even hint at the acceptance of a double standard for any other game besides DMC; and your insistence to believe so says more about yourself than anyone else in the thread. You need to take a break from this site and stop pretending to be stupid for the sake of a dopamine rush of (You)s.

Attached: 1422513901424.png (329x192, 40K)

Yes, a very intelligent retort.

Stupid faggot cries when he gets called a faggot

>posts le funny rage face instead of vidya
Good bye OP!

Give nitoddlers their own board

>You're completely fabricating an opinion out of thin air, applying it to me, and deluding yourself into thinking it's my own opinion.
Then prove that it isn't your opinion. Apologize for the shitposting that happens in DMC threads, and apologize for implying that nobody has ever given legitimate criticism for DMC, as you're throwing everyone under the bus out of your own bias for the series. Until you do that, you've proven me right.

Sounds boring

See you tomorrow, faggot.

Attached: nit-forget-youre-here-forever-18486396.png (500x303, 54K)

>being this fucking frail
hurry up and kill yourself already

You really are a faggot.

>any of this being new

great contribution to the comment, retard.

Its been this way since the beginning.


It still surprises me how so many people don't know of ACfag

>You're completely fabricating an opinion out of thin air, applying it to me, and deluding yourself into thinking it's my own opinion.
yeah, that's acfag in a nutshell, welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay
just report him for trolling, actually attempting to argue with him will make you want to stab yourself in the head, as you've no doubt gathered

whos this eceleb?

Attached: vonanaverageday.png (1694x1124, 174K)

reddit and 2*Yea Forums are all unironically better than here but you're too bitter to "accept defeat"

>one week with flags
Actually happened for a day like two years ago at April's Fool.
We discovered all SJW shitposing was made by Canadians & all the PC & console begging threads were made by Brazilians.

/vint/ was a blessing

>lose the argument
>immediately fall back on ad hominem

Attached: 505.jpg (387x429, 22K)


I want to go back

Here's one user that proves you wrong

Gamergate and the 2016 elections were the death of Yea Forums
Moot was right

>le jaded, mature guy whos 'too old for this shit' and calls other people kid/kiddo/child/baby
Yeah good one, guy.

Attached: 1515252967445.jpg (1000x1000, 202K)

>instead of debating the user criticizing DMC, he calls him a liar and just says he's wrong without any further explanation
>does absolutely nothing but stir up further shitposting

But at least he went a post without talking about how much he hates western games. so I guess that's an improvement?

oh my god why did you even bother
he is going to respond just to tell you that it doesn't count because not EVERYONE in the thread is being that reasonable

literally if ONE person in the thread is not acting exactly the way he wants them to then he deems the entire thread, and thus the entire fanbase, and thus the GAME ITSELF responsible

I personally refuse to believe any of the shitposters of this board who engage in any of the memespouting and parroting are even of drinking age. If you're not old enough to even buy alcohol, then you're a child in my eyes.

>feeding the troll

This is some concentrated autism

Attached: Dirty Robutt.png (300x698, 256K)

I love you both too.

Attached: _190228_153831_358.jpg (674x960, 175K)

>he doesn't view DMC as a 10/10 masterpiece, he must be an evil troll

Calm yourselves, fellas. Criticism doesn't equate to trolling, no matter how much your hugbox says otherwise.

>we should be able to call people cucks and destroy discussion without it reflecting badly on us

Yeah, it reflects badly on US. Not on the fucking game. If we shitposted about air would you stop breathing you goddamn dunderfuck.

Are you dead yet? I also enjoy not hanging myself in my closet so give that a go faggoroonie.

Attached: 1524189933179.jpg (2048x2048, 480K)

OP is faggot

Leviticus 20 13

Attached: rulefags.png (706x601, 174K)

Me on the floor

OP can you tell me where to go with you? I want to leave too.

>It's up
>Is he /our guy/?
>Why do we like this guy?
>He's right, you know?
>Was he right?
>Based ______
>Why is he so based?
>What did he meant by this?
>Post your favorite video game streamer.
>Who's your favorite youtuber?
>How's that vidya channel?

Attached: 1437061239280.jpg (882x874, 211K)

meh fuck the robot seems liek some dumb internet no fun police thing

>Yeah, it reflects badly on US. Not on the fucking game
Says you. when I see a thread descend into chaos, I can normally ignore it because hey, sometimes shitposters will happen. It can happen to any thread. But when it happens in EVERY SINGLE THREAD, without fail? That signals to me that it isn't just shitposting. It's legitimate fans who think this kind of behavior is acceptable, and where are they learning it from? The game they play of course! And how are they learning it? Simple, the game teaches them that good gameplay isn't impportant. As long as you have a waifu to jerk off to, or graphics and story, who cares about the actual game part? That kinda mentality is imparted onto the fanbase, which is why fanservice-heavy games are always pure garbage and their threads are nothing but porn dumps.You'd never see daily porn dumps of a game like, oh say, Gradius for example. Sure, porn exists, but there's not enough for regular 500 post auto-sage porn spam threads.

>caps lock and false equivalencies
That's gonna be a yikes from me famalam.

Here's your new captcha.

Attached: 1538330482283.png (541x576, 125K)

Couldn't be worse than a guild wars /vg/ thread

See you tomorrow

>scriptless captcha

Are you even alive?
Lose to verify


I'd kill for Nintendo to have a special track done by the Red Army Choir.

How will the chinese post?

Less than 5% of Yea Forums would post and the board would effectively become casual free and barren. I love it.

>if you can poison yourself your an adult

This pretty much.

>it's a meta thread whining episode
not vidya

Attached: 1533437026722.png (640x476, 303K)

Cripplechan is awful, full of false-flagging retards and board owners with unwarranted self-importance. Yea Forums's owner is especially retarded (look at their /vg/ and TF2 Vintage) and is a 2013 newfag playing at being a 2008-2010 poster. Only good board is /tg/ and /clang/

Attached: Squint.jpg (125x70, 2K)

>Reading comprehension
Finish high school.

>banned for not debating in good faith
>bans people debating in good faith anyways
This will never not baffle me. Why anyone over the age of 15 ever uses account based forums is beyond me.

Attached: 1536632565679.gif (320x213, 894K)

i would call you some buzzterm like everyone else but i would have to agree with you.
the type of game attracts the kind of audience it appeals to whenever its discussed.

>muh vidya discussion
I'll never understand what this means because nearly every thread in the catalog is related to video games. What deep discussion are you looking for concerning your toy of choice?
See you tomorrow.

Infchan still exists.

>If you're not old enough to even buy alcohol, then you're a child in my eyes.
Yeah, I comprehended that. How about you finish preschool lmao

>tranny on verge of suicide so desperate for attention shits up everything with thier annoying attention whoring
who woulda thonk
u will never be the gril
and never come back u insufferable faggot

Attached: youmustgoback.png (800x480, 206K)

>open up any random thread
>endlessly parroted back between people for 300+ posts

Attached: 1335502793329.png (446x383, 129K)

Too slow since 2016.

ok libtard

U mad

Go to vr

They picked up the pace since the last happening



It might as well not, that place is a shithole. Once gookmoot runs this place to the ground I'm out.

>Anonymous image boards could ethically solve every statistical anomaly that's been plaguing science for decades, as long as it's implemented in secret.



>porn game threads are the only giid game threads
If hentai games were allowed I'd lock myself up in there and ignore the rest of the board with their facebook and twitter memes.

>Yea Forums has always been like this. People who say this website was good are lying, it is, was and always will be shit.
Like a real newfag
>I usually just go to r/greentexts
And just like that, proved me right.

seething discord tranny
go play an indie game


I'm pretty sure they were shitposting, user. Even the people that complain about Yea Forums being bad because of shitposting can't help but jump on doing it in the very thread they were complaining. Anons here are addicted to it.

This man speaks the truth but I still miss old Yea Forums. I wanna go back. guess that time has past


>mods delete those too for no reason

Attached: PMDT Post.gif (1000x1000, 399K)

what the fuk is wrong with that word???????
:( when this is unrionaclly me..... ughhhh :(

It's really pathetic. The election brought the worst people here. As someone who complained about the influx of /r9k/ users years ago, I find it ironic that I would really want the same robot to be applied to Yea Forums to get rid of these fucking parroted replies. It's just an echo chamber of retards at this point.

Attached: 1491581648421.gif (750x428, 1.66M)

>open any thread at the top of the activity catalog

Attached: always.png (800x800, 53K)

>starting a thread with a twitter screencap results in an instaban
>wojaks result in instaban
>pepes result in instaban
>wordfilter our current trash like "cuck", "tranny", "/pol/", etc
>sadly, give us the fucking robot
This is unfortunately the only scenario I can imagine that would result in a slightly better Yea Forums.

2010 was already shit but not as bad

>This has been going for literally years.

Attached: 1339099978773.jpg (1700x1389, 146K)

at this point i want Yea Forums to become a full on police board, fuck shitposting.
fuck every single last one of the shitposters, i don't care.
we should have nipped the bud rather than let it grow to this cancerous state.

how old are your responders holy fuck
can any of them form a coherent debate, no wonder /v is so bad for discussing games

Attached: 5BE46826-0502-4B81-AF14-8204B0089690.jpg (961x864, 93K)

Instaban everyone that uses cancer terms like cope or replace them with japanese phrases line with t.b.h and desu

>there was a time on Yea Forums without gamergate faggots or 2016 presidential election refugees
I want to go back.

Attached: 1512426530547.gif (497x373, 489K)

That is how Weeaboo was termed from the wordfilter for Japanophile

make public executions the norm, make everyone see what the consequences are for being a retard.
also have actual mods who keep track of the board, new buzzword in the making? autoban it.

Back then we had tripfaggots everywhere but at least you could filter them. The only tripfaggot left with the autism to have stayed for over 10 years and keep it up has been Mariel, and I'm surprised to see that my filter still works for him. I can't keep up with filtering comments since kids these days are constantly changing the Flavor of the Day buzzword to force into meme status. It's like fucking Facebook.

>tfw can't say "Thank you Based God" anymore because based is ruined to now mean upboat

Attached: 1532743998402 2.jpg (370x413, 15K)

boo hoo

I was sick to my stomach when I saw "based & cringe" catching on. Why do they have to ruin everything sacred?

When I first saw someone link to reddit and the thread wasn't full of people calling him a massive faggot I knew all was lost. The endless litteral who twitter screencaps don't help either.

I unironically wish Accelspammer would visit Yea Forums and burn the board to the ground

When there are namefags on a board it usually means the board has chickenpox it will go away eventually

here's some if you want them

my god, this whole board needs some serious moderators jesus fucking christ
the quality is fucking awful. so many retarded phone posters and shitposts that the whole place reeks of stagnation.

Attached: 1541529873744.gif (384x288, 3.02M)

You're a true friend

>tfw no face

Wordfilters are part of the problem

Fucking faggot

Attached: DtXWNOgVYAA9PTb.jpg (1200x1191, 128K)

baka desu senpai

Phoneposters or just lazy people who have given up on the quality of this board

because everyone wants to be "hip and cool"
no one can't even like something now without applying 70 layers of irony on it

>finally FINALLY find a real video game thread on page 10 after hours of wading through bullshit
>type a fully articulated, impassioned post about my favorite video game, a post sure to generate varied discussion for threads to come
>click Post
>its a fading image captcha
>finally appease the robot overlords after 30 minutes of Connect Four

Attached: 1526675659404.jpg (640x480, 67K)

I shouldn't have to say that I unironically like something, yet why do I feel the need to?

I bet Monster Girl Quest wouldn't get translated if it came out in the current era. Mods would kill every thread.

It wasn't better in the past.

I truly hope you leave and never come back user, it's not worth it.

>ironic shitposting becomes the new trolling
>whatever it'll pass
>just keeps getting worse each year
How long it been? A fucking decade of nothing but irony? I'm so sick of it.

the mods play a big role in the quality of this board. don't act so surprised.

Where the fuck do we go to escape?

Shit sucks

Attached: 404.png (686x732, 14K)

>tfw it's been 8 hours without a tranny thread
Tranny posters... Pol posters.. Please do ur job

>it memes itself so hard it the carrys itself over to Hollywood and TV

please make it stop

>find a thread about a decent topic
>op isn't shitposting or baiting
>thread is actually discussing topic

Attached: 1542714236969.jpg (700x717, 403K)

force noscript captcha, no reason to play fucking DDR to post

We have an entire board dedicated to every single hit game currently popular and if that dont work and you want to go retro we have /vr/.

Yea Forums is the containment board for shit posting slightly vidya related things. It serves no purpose outside of posting the same shit as nauseam or posting new news about vidya.

>find a thread with decent discussion
>over 200+ replies
>thread has been pruned or deleted

Attached: Octogirl.png (324x646, 163K)

>OP asks a legit vidya question but attaches a picture of a tranny to the op
>400+ posts in two hours about pol and trannies

Attached: 1547416604526.png (703x675, 301K)

>get captcha buster
>never fucking works

Because no one on this fucking place can be genuine anymore because everything is "cringe" nowadays.
I wish i had the answer

>ITT: video game characters that look exactly like you

>Filter this
>90% of the board is gone

>try to discuss game in the topic
>"lol faggot this is a porn dump thread, find a real discussion thread if you want to talk about the game"
>scour the site for another thread
>it's a porn dump thread too
>do it again
>it happens again
>do it again
>it happens again

Attached: 1545078674340.png (1024x972, 594K)

Nah, man, even only gets something like 30 threads out of the way.

>dumps "porn" into thread
>hurr it's a porn dump thread
Shut the fuck up, ACfag.

>hentai games belong to /h/
>loterally none visits /h/ and any thread there is do slow it lasts for at least 2 or 3 weeks
When will mods understand that sending hentai games to /h/ is exiling them to death? Fucking nigger mods with their bullshit. Bunny Black and MGQ were some of the best times I had on Yea Forums and people didnt even break any rules.

Fuck off, I bet you talk using twitch emotes

There is nothing redeemable to posturing on an anonymous goddamn imageboard.

>ban pepe/wojak/gondola/helper/chad and any other meme used by reddit
>ban anime
>ban mspaint trash
>posting any picture that didn't come directly from a video game results in an instaban
>completely filter words like nigger and faggot
>mentioning other boards results in a instaban
Here i fixed Yea Forums. Anything i should add?

They are though.

>OP pic is clearly indicating that it is a imagedump girl thread, including more likely than not cropped porn as the OP.
>enter thread anyways
>complain that it's only about posting girls
You have only yourself to blame.

Attached: 1540875482180.jpg (3100x3500, 1.01M)

No buzzword in history has pissed me off like yikes. I've been here for nearly a god damn decade now. I've rolled with the punches. Shit phrases catch on, they come and go. But this yikes shit literally happened over night and it drives me up the god damned wall.

Attached: 1505199127888.gif (220x216, 189K)

make a camilla thread now

You should add the rope you're going to hang yourself with.

>Did you buy her game, X?
>Cunny thread
>Xfags seething
>I love X!
these are all fine

uhh yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg

Minimum posting age should be 22

Attached: 1550033404861.jpg (960x960, 91K)

big yikers

Bye faggot!

Attached: 2019.jpg (1080x2120, 540K)

>getting angry at words
I hate it too. Fucking twitterspeak

>It's almost as if
This shit seeps reddit from every pore. Every single post I've seen that starts with it is utter fucking nonsense shat out by some egomaniac.

There has to be middle ground, though. Otherwise "it's like Yea Forums only with video games xD".

Whatever happened to Gamecenter CX?

>make a thread with relevant image and concisely posed question/opening statement
>0 replies
>make a thread with bait image/webm and [current meme] about the same game
>300+ replies
>sift through and find the little bit of actual discussion
this is all I can do

>all on the left side

Attached: 1502505033868.jpg (1102x658, 44K)

The word "unironically" pisses me off and i don't know why.

:o how do people use that site???? seems like you get banned litteraly just existing

>Associating all that to a turn of phrase

Mentally ill

i think that image was made with the old ones in mind.

You have to use it otherwise you're saying everything ironically.

>old Yea Forums
Also, as much as I love vanillaware, every single fucking thread is consolewars. The legacy of Dragon's Crown is not the extremely low budget but high quality love letter to role playing games and beatem ups that was finally free of development hell for a decade, but PC and sony shitposting and that one futa doujin.

I have a good one.
>Criticizing the moderation team results in an instaban.

Attached: Kira Queen.png (454x248, 207K)

Whoa. Maybe I am mentally ill. Thank you, user.


because it means you are actually saying everything truly, having to say it means it's assumed no one is doing this truthfully and they are just doing it because it's the thing the coolkids are doing

>merely pretending
You've been pretending for 10 years now, please stop

Mods did Harmony for a few hours at like 2 in the morning, and nothing the rest of the day. And nobody said a word.

I fucking wish we were 2010 Yea Forums.

>No one responds to the content of a post and instead just assigns you to a group then attacks that group

Attached: 1540949926937.gif (320x208, 103K)

wojak and pepe posts literally mean nothing and are the most easily discarded and skipped posts across this site, it's basically just a static -1 to post and image limit

What do people get out of getting others mad? What’s type of pleasure does it give? How does anyone enjoy baiting 24/7?

They did another one like at 7 PM PT that night as an apology, but it didn't last long.

they crave attention

Necessary clarifier in the age of ironic nonchalantness

>Every thread now devolves into name calling like a pre-school playground
Is this a "it's 2010" thread? Nice.

Attached: 1489077377955.gif (628x402, 2.99M)

This is why you'll never find decent threads about Sony/Nintendo games


they are starved for it and will throw away everything for it

shut up libtard tranny

>be idort with all three consoles
>can't criticize the shit that any of them do because I'll be called a shill for another one

Attached: Hm.jpg (500x500, 85K)

If it was a 2010 thread half the thread would be

>tfw no gf

you say that as this place was ever something more than that, it has always been like this

fuck off brainwashed /pol/tard

>2010 Yea Forums
I can kinda understand 2008 but not that. Either way, I'd rather Yea Forums be Yea Forums and Yea Forums be Yea Forums.

see you tomorrow fag

Attached: 1551378419175.jpg (350x335, 18K)

>OP pic is clearly indicating that it is a imagedump girl thread, including more likely than not cropped porn as the OP.
>he does this on the VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION BOARD

Degenerates deserve both the rope and the oven.

Attached: 1549849358136.jpg (888x666, 307K)

>newfag pretending to know anything
kys horse fucker you and your degenerate kind destroyed everything

Attached: 1551287201583.jpg (781x750, 348K)

Yeah, I didn't say that because it was a fucking good thing.

This gets especially bad when talking any exclusive to anything.
why can't people just enjoy things?

>knowingly go into a thread for content that I don't care about
>make post about how much I don't like it
>wtf, how come they're making fun of me?
Sounds like a personal problem.

Attached: 1539831586556.jpg (1090x1028, 165K)

It became a huge fad around 2006-2007 and never really died. First time I just stopped going to any kind of forum for a long while because everyone suddenly was obsessed with trying to look cool at someone's expense instead of doing anything else.

can we just ban anime images? they're almost aways attached to a fucking retarded post and contribute nothing to the discussion

i looked it up and found nothing how do i do it

my favourite

Attached: 1551099541500.gif (300x225, 814K)

you know what is the absolute worst part of them?
they are actually better than the shitposters

>>hentai games belong to /h/
Who says that anyway? There's nothing in the rules that says that.
This is the video game board. Hentai games are video games.

>tfw you realize any console wars poster is a poorfag thirdworlder with only one console

Attached: 1448241424107.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

Please leave this place. Join some random discord or something. Having Yea Forums be your only human interaction is very unhealthy.

>ITT : 200+ ass mad trannies that are mad /pol/ shits on them
Stay mad we in it now boys

>uses insults like a child instead of countering it with, well-thought-out and rational sentences while improving their ability to troll like a madman

same here but every time I laugh at it I'm pretty sure I have brain damage

Oh fuck you, those posts are the absolute worst, especially since they're 9/10 times paired with some shitty meltdown wojak.

they know its going to happen those pics are always used as bait because it brings people in otherwise it would get like 10 replies
fuck this site honestly tamagotchi shinpachi ginsachi

Attached: ..........jpg (1280x720, 83K)

you forgot the best part
>make honest thread about game discussion
>archived with 4-5 replies at best
>make bait thread pretending to shit on game
>500 replies 250 images omitted

you have to literally shit on things to get anything going in a perverse translation of what appears to be the common language of this board

Attached: biao.jpg (552x528, 47K)

get 4chanx
check the box for it

VIDEO GA name of game ME QUOTE

>Trying to spread anti-/pol/ sentiment
>In a thread that has nothing to do with /pol/

Hello Mr. Shecklestein

see it's funny and it's quick comeback against anything ever

Attached: 1551170132153.jpg (306x272, 13K)

The /r9k/ robot. Where the board gets its name. Its a really good idea. But it got taken over by neets and losers that just want to be sad all the time. Its ironic that the board dedicated to OC only ever puts out pepe and wojak edits to get around the robot.

I know, you're absolutely right, but I just love the notion of someone melting down over this or that happening in video game news

seriously now you guys need to learn to not take everything so seriously

Attached: 1549638729319.png (706x690, 355K)

It was bait you shitsucker. No wonder this place has gone to shit.

>join some random discord
>it's a mega server where I can't talk to anyone since they have their own cliques
>join small discord
>same as above but with less members and intensified with the cliques
I think I'll just stay here..

Attached: 1551117554366.jpg (500x500, 191K)

Yea Forums is a sfw board, hentai games are by default nsfw which is where the idea of h-games belonging to /h/ stems from. Mods are retarded anyway, /vg/ has several hentai games generals while Yea Forums gets its threads sooner or later deleted.

>Janny are you okay
That's actually good tho. Fuck those stupid ass jannies who can't even do one job

my fren, this place is always shit and we are just typing away to just get a cold comfort crumb of happiness.

Attached: 1544470628257.jpg (660x716, 53K)

>infinity chan is in the news so its better

Lol no, infinity chan is the cancerous wart that got removed. The crowd who literally turned the Gamer Gate movement into a woman hating, death threat slinging joke of a thing then turned around and scared Moot off the site before claiming his leaving was proof of collusion with jews. They are the worst of Yea Forums's new wave all condensed on one site.

it gets difficult when your bait is thrown into literal shit. nobody wants to jump in if turds are smeared everywhere.

>Parroting for the sake of (yous)
Not just that though, many people here (aka. children) are parroting opinions about games and companies unironically


>The crowd who literally turned the Gamer Gate movement into a woman hating, death threat slinging joke of a thing
So the journalists?

We can spoiler the images too if it's that big of a deal.

>make thread for myself, hoping the porn spammers will stay out of it
>they invade and call me a cuck for liking games like Gradius and Terraria (why? no waifus of course)
>I'm in the wrong because they invaded my thread

Nah you're just a discord tranny
>woman hating
What's wrong with this?

>nearly a god damn decade
lmao newfags if you had to deal with DESU you would have a fucking meltdown

>moving the goalposts

Friendly reminder.

Attached: troll.jpg (1028x1513, 331K)

it still makees me do captcha :(

Post the archives of those threads

This. Don't fuck with my board of peace.

Man, I really wish the 4chanx filters could parse spoiler tags so I could filter that crap. Shit wasn't funny when we got /vg/ and it sure as fuck is not funny near a fucking decade of spam later.

>wasting a thread bitching about wasted threads

OP continues the proud tradition of being a huge faggot.


You'll be back you fucking pussy. Remember, you're here forever!

Attached: okay.png (208x258, 34K)

Can't you virgin waifufags just stick with /aco/ instead of shitting up Yea Forums with your off topic threads please?

Banning anime would increase board quality more than anything else, change my mind. Garbage waifushit like Xenoblade and Senran Kagura threads need to go along with the filth it attracts.

what the hell is /v's userbase supposed to be anyway? i havent come across a board that is half as autistic as the anons that come around here.

Attached: Dq4Z5wyVsAE60uy.jpg (352x222, 11K)

Yeah, but not the DDR one.

jokes are supposed to be funny, nothing funny about wojack/pepe spam

dumb frog

oh yah but idk if i like it.. it's kinda weird feeling

But those are video games, not anime...

Attached: 1531712649336.jpg (1080x1337, 465K)

ah bloo bloo

"xD u SEETHE? " with a picture of pepe was slightly amusing the first time

I did no such thing. I just explained what happens when I take your advice and simply ignore the porn spam threads. I figure "they'll stay in their thread, right"? Nope, they invade any thread and ruin it.

Look up any metroid thread in the past year.

what if the jokes are fucking awful and fall flat every single time

You respect the person making the joke by laughing with them or you're a bigot

>hentai games are by default nsfw
And? Doesn't make the threads so.

>it has anime style to it soooo it belongs in Yea Forums
fuk off its not animooo its still vidya idort

They are weebshit that attracts retards that only shitpost and talk about waifus. They can't take any criticism whatsoever and just shit up the board.

>what the hell is /v's userbase supposed to be anyway?
Mostly edgy children, shut in young adults with no prospects in life, and people will severe mental illnesses that are going unchecked. The rest usually try to actually keep this board decent.

You are preaching to the choir. Its the mods that delete it.

>the complainer is always wrong.
banning people like this would improve it even further

just do what I do and pretend every day is opposite day on Yea Forums and suddenly every video game thread is civil

It won't fix anything. But removing phoneposting would help this shithole a lot. Fuck it, go full jew and only allow phoneposting with a Yea Forums pass.
But as it stands now there's no motivation to put the slightest effort into your posts when it just gets buried under another fucking wojack edit and a string of buzzwords stuck together.

>when people started spamming sadfrog edits and calling them rare pepes
Wasn't that in 2014 though?

video games

I miss when this shit only used to happen with metal gear solid threads and it was done that way because it fucking made sense. Then people became willfully retarded.

>They can't take any criticism whatsoever and just shit up the board.
The same can be said about a lot of games.

ah, my bad, didn't bother to read

That's kinda depressing

Attached: Despair.jpg (685x674, 42K)

unironically leave
just ignore it retards get off from the attention except its always the obvious retard bait posts that get all the attention..... gahhhhhh why r pyol so dumb


Yea Forums more than ever has felt like It's just you communicating with a bunch of ai regurgitating templated responses and messages, shit is starting to get way too surreal
it's the most popular board and yet it fucking feels like there's only 15 people on it at most.

Reminder that Yea Forums when to shit because of all the third worlders that gook moot refuses to rangeban.
Fuck Verizon and fuck scuzzy Japanese men

>mfw people here thinking banning anime games and pics will even come close to saving the board.
Let's be real, the issues are with moderation

Attached: 1549994944476.gif (540x304, 1.86M)

>subhuman nigger worshiper is STILL MAD ABOUT GG
Why do you care about the feelings of feminists so much?

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are crippling heroin addicts

The NPC meme got way to real.


>user asks for hope regarding Prime 4
>angry porn spammers descend upon the thread and call him an SJW for liking "western halo shit"

Based /pol/ brethren. We will excise the trannies and cuckolds from this board

Atleast one mod cared about the shithole people call Yea Forums on that day

Banning Satania posters would improve the board quality. Satania is the Pepe of anime in terms of low quality posts.

The issue is literally everything on this board. This is the absolute worst board on the site and deleting it is the only solution.

they're bait so that while you're talking about fighting games in the fighting game thread you're also fighting the other posters with your words

Why do you leftypol shills want an anti white safespace?

>reee why don't you properly discuss games that aren't out yet with no new infos

yeah, because that won't make the cancer spill out on literally everything else

>place a tax on???
uhhh i tihkn u mean exorcise

As a satania poster, I'll actually agree to that once pepes and wojaks are banned

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seething incel autistic cuck nu-onions faggot sjw retard nigger

[Game] thread

>series has 10+ games to choose from in relation to what they can discuss, especially in relation to Prime 4
>"yeah nah screw them all we want to post porn"

Like I said before, the culling of degenerates can't come soon enough.

Attached: Samus reads your post in disgust.png (488x249, 245K)

>ctrl f "sjw"
>10 results out of over 400 posts.

dumb ESL poster trying to google words like they only have one meaning

The cancer is already spilling to other boards anyway. Yea Forums is basically like Yea Forums, even the same buzzwords are reigurated like seething or cope.

This needs to be a banner.

it wasn't a metroid thread
it was a prime 4 thread
make a metroid thread if you wanna discuss your baby games

learn what a word means before using it because what u posted makes no sense
>loook i posted a reaction pic i totally btfo them
................ fucking idort

Attached: retard.png (644x435, 13K)

baka senpai desu

>series has been talked to death and back since nothing has come out since 200 and fucking 7 except for a remake of Samus Returns
>have literally zero leads or information for MP4
>surprised when people are tired of talking about it and would rather post sexy samus

If you didn't notice, the thread he posted was going just fine, until someone responded to him.


i just want to talk about games without people coming into my threads derailing them because they dont like said game.

Attached: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) Screenshot 2019.03.01 - (1920x1080, 3.33M)

>If you have nothing to contribute, then kindly don't post in MY threads. I'd rather them 404 than be a breeding ground for sickos and fetishists.

>Argue with someone
>They use their phone to double post on you
>Report one for avatar fagging
>Suddenly the other guy takes ages to respond when he was responding within minutes
God damn, some people are fucking pathetic

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I wish BF2 had all the content it did now at the beginning. The beta left me uninterested.

>tfw 207 was 1812 years ago
it feels like yesterday, hold me bros

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>479 replies
>soon this thread will die and its right back to the vicious cycle
I can't take it any more guys. Couldn't each of us take a little something from this thread going forward and talk about video games for once? Somethings got to give, lads.

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laugh it up while you can, you'll get old too one day

>Tripcodeless doomfags that would rather stick in the thread when outed than stop.
>Paranoiafags who believe these people are in every thread when the game is criticized
>Cringe and Yikes posters in general

Attached: 1263343800909.png (479x816, 494K)

I miss antiquity, guys. Why can't we go back?

You know what the biggest problem with this place is? People are full-on retard now and reply seriously to bait. I could right now go in a thread, say some character is "problematic" and I guarantee you I'd have at least 6 people fuming and screaming at me to go back to resetera or calling me a tranny. Fuck, I could make a thread with a picture of Trump and "so fucking based" by it and hit 500 posts easily. To these newfags, 'baiting, 'trolling', and 'shitposting' are not things. Everything must be taken as serious and at face value.

I swear some of these people can't possibly have an IQ over 70. It honestly serves a microcosm of how everything works in the USA now.

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>breeding ground for sickos and fetishists
metroid is vanilla, they have it so much better

>in the far future this will be posted again minus the date and they won't be joking
If any of you proto-zoomers are reading this one day fuck you, I hope you crash into a star

Attached: 1542413032606.png (509x758, 171K)

1. somethings got to give

Now do "based", "cope", "seething" etc. SJW is a bit outdated, by the way, now it is "resetera [tranny]" or "discord tranny".

And I wouldn't want it any other way. Fuck off faggot lmao.

it did for me too dude. i didnt even buy the game until last year around november when it was like 10 bucks. it was in a putrid state at launch and for a long time after. understandable that it wasnt well liked at the time. personally i love it now and play it with coworkers most nights.

Attached: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) Screenshot 2019.01.24 - (1920x1080, 2.67M)

>Literally the only threads worth a damn are "What the fuck happened to the board?" threads.

It's amazing what you miss when it's truely gone.

Attached: Hentai.png (607x410, 227K)

I started playing it a couple days ago. Saving up for Grievous. Hopefully, they learned from this for 3. I'm sure they didn't.

Porn threads on Yea Forums mostly suck anyway due to the average mouth breather trying to erp, and the rapid nature of Yea Forums means threads don't last very long.

I honestly and legit think Yea Forums has some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet browsing it. It's the same song and dance every day every hour.
They keep parroting whatever epic new buzzword, meme or shitpost they've been taught and often the buzzword isn't even used right. it's like some moron flipped open a dictionary and looked until he found a "funny" word an started forcing it here until it inevitably catches on and infects the board for years to come. I mean shit I don't pretend to be some super IQ motherfucker but when I read some of the stupid shit said here I may as well be.
People can try to pretend this isn't new but it sure as shit wasn't as bad as this a good few years ago.

>SJW is a bit outdated, by the way, now it is "resetera [tranny]" or "discord tranny".
I don't understand.
I mean, I get that there are probably organized shitposters operating out of discord, but why trannies in particular?


Because /pol/ is closeted degenerates obsessed with cocks. MLPol, nazifur etc.

Do not question.

It was better when we got other websites mad, but now we don't do that anymore.

I always hated tetris.