Post those literal 1/10 garbage games. No baiting
Post those literal 1/10 garbage games. No baiting
Inb4 breath of the wild
>beating up food
How is this bad?
Step your game up. Here’s a literal 0/10
Some people actually liked it
Oh god, this game... This game is on a whole different level of bad. E.T. for Atari? Big Rigs? Nope. This game is worse. Show me any game, no matter how bad, and this game will be worse. It's astounding.
And don't be all like "Oh. It must be really bad, I need to try this."
Just no.
This game does not deserve to be paid for. This game does not deserve the honor of being placed in a game console. This game doesn't even deserve the honor of being thrown in the dumpster behind my house where the cats hang out. It's that bad, and I'll tell you why. Let's start with...
Story: I tell ya, this game gets off to a great start. Okay, so your treated to this particularly awful FMV the creators of this game call an intro. You see the main character, who's name escapes me because he's that forgettable, fighting against some guy in a boxing ring while wearing what looks to be space age spandex. I'm assuming he's a kickboxer at this point, but so far the game hasn't said a word. Anyway, he wins the fight with his martial arts skills that you wish he actually had in the game, and we see him in the locker room putting bandages on his hand. All of a sudden he gets sucker punched by a scuba diver wearing a superbowl ring. Next thing you know he's standing up in a frozen wasteland monologuing to himself into his communicator that he doesn't have. Apparently he's a captain. Of what? I don't know. It never says.
He's gotta find shelter, and fast.
And that's all the exposition you get. I'm serious. You'd think there'd be more later on, but god help you if you can stand to play this for more than an hour. I couldn't. We'll get to gameplay later, but for now, let's look at the...
Is that an AVGN outtake?
Graphics: So, right away you'll notice that the backgrounds are done in a prerendered style like Final Fantasy 7-9. A good start, you'd think, until you notice that the backgrounds look absolutely terrible. Not to mention the captain looks like he has problems. He walks like he just had an accident and runs like it's going down his leg. Fighting animations are awkward and stiff, and let's not even mention the terrible opening FMV.
Probably the worst offender in the graphics department is the backgrounds, though. They're of very poor quality, and sometimes look like they made a 3-D background, snapped a picture of it, and put that picture in the game. Oh, and apparrently the developers were too lazy to accurately draw around foreground objects, because when walking in front of anything, be it a pillar or an icicle, your character will dissapear behind the blocky outer area of the object, like he's going behind it before he actually gets to it.
Camera issues abound and more often than not the camera will go wherever it wants, regardless if you're actually visible on the screen. This leads to a lot of problems that I'll explain when talking about the...
Gameplay: Here we are. The main reason why this game is worse than all the others. And it's all about the control. Or lack thereof. So after the captain finishes talking to himself about how he knows nothing, you gain control of him. That's all well and good, until you realize he controls like a shopping cart. Filled with lead. With three missing wheels. And the last wheel is a rock glued to the bottom.
You press down, because he's facing that way an you need to move down to advance, in an attempt to get him moving, and he starts walking backwards. Okay. So you press up, and he starts walking forward. Press right or left and he turns. Immediately you will notice how ungodly slow he moves, and you immediately look for a way to make him run.
You start tapping buttons while moving and he kind of starts running when you hit X enough times. Okay. So X is kind of half jog. You go to the right and retrieve a health pickup in time to realize that your health is draining. Yeah, it's ****ing cold out and here you are wearing spandex.
So you try to go down, but he stops at the first crack in the ground amd says "No way." Get used to this, as the guy has back issues and can't take semi-big steps over cracks in the ground, so you have to jump by pressing R1.
So basically navigating this area boils down to jog, stop, jump, jog, stop, turn, jog, stop, jump, and repeat until your brain melts out of your nose.
But surely the combat will save this game, right? Nope. If the captain had to save your life by fighting some bad guy, I think you'd be better off just offing yourself right there.
You hop across cracks until you see a wolf. The captain goes into a fighting pose and the wolf's life bar shows up. Now all four of the face buttons are attacks. This is a little cool until you notice this game has severe button input issues, but who am I kidding? You noticed that right away. So you mash the square button and he kind of throws punches, and you mash the circle button and he sometimes kicks. Five minutes later you manage to hit the wolf and it dies. Yeah, the game also has atrocious hit detection and aiming issues. You have to manually turn yourself in the general direction the enemy is, and hope that you can spam him to death before he spams you to death. Here's a hint, hold down and mash circle. Easy four hit kick combo that will normally make it at least easier to stay alive. And make use to spam this because it's the only combo in this game I could effectively pull off.
You continue to argue with the controller as to whether or not you were pressing the buttons hard enough for the next hour or so until you come up to the first boss. A mummy looking thing. So you try spamming it to death. Two things will happen: Either you kill it, or it grabs you and kills you in one hit.
By the way. One life. No continues. You only get a password at the end of a stage.
**** this game.
And that was all I could take. I played this game again recently, and it didn't get any better. I managed to beat the boss only to go in another room where I was ambushed by 30 enemies and died.
So, in a nutshell, this game is the word atrocious made into a game. Do not play this. Do not rent this. Don't even consider playing it. Watch a video on youtube. Do anything other than play this. You'll thank me someday.
Story: 1/10
Graphics: 1/10
Gameplay: 1/10
Im not baiting it's a 1/10 game
It's objectively at least a 6/10 game
VII must be a negative 5 then
VII becomes worse when you remove the gameplay unlike VI, The only reason people pretend to like VI is because VII was so popular and they want to be contrarian
i think you’re thinking of 8
God almost all they made was garbage besides Burnout
FF6 was always the go to pick for contrarians that wanted to spite xXxSephirothsword96xXx
LJN's last game in comparison.
Why hasn't AVGN reviewed this yet?
How is that possible when 6 was a best seller before 7 even existed?
They played it for a James and Mike Monday video, and the consensus was that it was so terrible that he couldn't review it because the game was so bland there was nothing to talk about.