Company decides to be cool and instead of talking to journalists they talk to their fans directly and answer questions...

>Company decides to be cool and instead of talking to journalists they talk to their fans directly and answer questions, even announce a few games
>Journalists throw a hissy fit and mass shame a company for doing this
What the fuck? Are normalfags really so dumb that they will side with the journos?

Attached: thq-logo-1.jpg.optimal[1].jpg (1080x600, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread: Part 01 of 01/view

Normalfags are so dumb they think anything that isn't Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or a Google-related site like Youtube is an underground ring for pedophilia.

Eightchan is trash, though. Should have come here.

You'd have to have a double digit IQ to side with the same "journalists" that are part responsible for the current industry wide recession.

I wish nothing but death for them

They didn't just go to 8ch, they were invited.

Take in mind that gamers are also a group that has proven to be incredibly contrarian specially in the -chans were they gather and expect video games to fail just for the the sake of watching things fail
Why would anyone think pandering to them its a good idea it’s beyond me

Sad part is that Reddit was, and still is infested by pedo shit and other stuff worse than what you'd find on most other sites.

>Pedophilia is okay

kys subhuman scum, not even your family will miss you

There's a reason why this is called "OneHalf" of Chan.

Like we're any better

If you are invited to the rape corner would you go?
You are one being raped by the way

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>He says on a South Korean Sushi Folding Forum

there is 99.999% less CP here

>Thinks 8 hosts pedoshit
Hello reseteratranny

Is it? Wasn't aware of this

So when did you start projecting and redirecting your pedophilia desires onto others?

>Cause you grabbed that conclusion out of thin air.


Go scream Mods on Yea Forums like the absolute white knight faggot you are.

Entertaining video. Thanks for the recommendation! Shoutout to Mark!

8ch is filled with /pol/ and Gamergate schzios and moderated by /pol/ and Gamergate schzios. They probably spend half their time trying to shill here.

it does according to the FBI

Yeah, they had to shut down a bunch of subreddits dedicated to loli and jailbiat a good while back.

>Is it?
Yes. Check out r/the_donald.

>THQ Producer: Is there any questions you would like to ask us about?
>user: Do you hire women or ethnicities?
>THQ Producer: We have a few employees that would qualify.
>user: SJW Menace! I'm boycotting all of your games!
Yeah, I'm sure they would have a blast with the cesspool of /pol/ oozing everywhere.

Back to cripplechan with you

What does that have to do with being awhite knight you depressed mongoloid?

No one would ask that because we already know they hire those people. It's the fucking video game industry. All Western studios do that.


I wouldn't be surprised if all the THQ threads were made by 8ch shills.

Oh noes... and the Feds are always correct too.

>Baby's first thread on PooPooChan?

i think you're the /pol/ he's referring to, user

why have i been spending my time here?

STFU... You're just as bad as the people you claim to hate.

>disagreeing with someone makes them /pol/
Paranoid much?

jesus fucking .... just go back

This is true and the fact they keep complaining and crying about this STILL means people don't have anything important to think about. Absolute 0 fucking matters to think about. How about UFOs, space in general, world peace, curing of diseases, world hunger, I can list 100 more things but no, someone posted on 8-chan and this is the most important thing ever happened on this planet. I wish an asteroid would wipe this world clean.

>What the fuck? Are normalfags really so dumb that they will side with the journos?
Why ask this question here? Go ask it on the normalfag websites instead.

Their site is popular because of GG being banned, /pol/ Harbor and the elections/Qanon. For fucks sake 8ch Yea Forums still has a fucking Gamergate general.

Reminder that this has jack shit to do with CP, because first that gets dealt with there the same way it does everywhere else, and if it did have to do with CP then the journos wouldn't have gone to bat for Sarah Nyberg and Alison Rapp.

It's because they're pissy at cripplechan for letting people talk about GG, and they're pissy at THQ for buying the Kingdom Come studio because MUH BLACKS, and were looking for a reason to drag them.

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go shill for 8ch somewhere else

Hello Journalist. Please enjoy your stay and please stop the fake news

>Yea Forums
>not a normalfag website

Pic related is our future if we dont fight back against the double digit iq “consumers”

Attached: 84D35AF9-1ED6-4F64-AEF3-E82B1AF23AED.jpg (552x1024, 100K)

Why wouldn't it have a GG general? People want to talk about it. People like you just hate freespeech.

>i hate /pol/
>behaves how it perceives /pol/ to be
You are what you claim to hate. You are just too dumb to see it.

Epic post my fellow ironic memer.

If they make Deep Rock Galactic add female dwarves in my game I'll be bonker

LMAO.... What?

This. The left is trying to get pedophilia added to the LGBT group, so it was never about CP. It's because they saw the word "chan" and automatically associated it with GG.

What the fuck is a schzio you absolute dolt

>if you are not posting in an imageboard openly hosting CP you are a normalfag

Im glad Im a normalfag then

Are these guys funny or not? I was dying laughing at their hitman blood money video but I dont wanna keep watching if they are holier than thou faggots

You mean the same people who did an entire investigation into gamergate and legit couldn't find any illegal activity?

feel like nobody really gives a shit about this other than resetera, who are going nuts over the fact that nobody really cares about it

It's true. Squeaky wheel get the oil. Ignoring them only gives them more power.

>They're the ones who go after advertisers and dox people in positions of power when it comes to creating content.

>Because it was never about muh equality, muh inclusion. It was always about CONTROLLING SPEECH.

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Even youtube and facebook host more illegal shit than criplechan
Last time I checked it doesnt even have a ISIS recruitment board while their youtube and facebook posts are still up

Because the paranoid fags who fucked off with hotwheels are self-important babies?

What's wrong with talking about gamergate? I swear you Reddit refugees have major issues

What do you mean? that they fucked up because they werent able to find the obvious illegal activity? Or are you adding proof that they get things right?

>ResetEra not hesitating to bring up associations with child porn

Attached: movie_projector.jpg (639x439, 20K)

No it isn't, it's "suspected" of hosting CP according to google. Suspected meaning that nothing was found and it's all based on hearsay. If the FBI found something then the site would be shut down.

>talk to fans
You mean reddit?

>fans are a bunch of racist pedos
Yikes, they deserve everything.

they made the mistake of apologizing. you never apologize. you ignore. they (journalists) smell blood now.

>So desperate to be contrarian that the alt-rightards are defending a known pedophilia safehaven.

Jesus christ.

Sterling and many other "youtubers" got their nuts in a bind over this as well.

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>What's wrong with constantly talking about drama instead of video games?

The Patriots were right, these people don't deserve or possess the qualifications to create context

Where do you think you are? Yea Forums is exactly that on Yea Forums

I’m laughing at all the reset era trannies that are getting butthurt about 8ch itt. 8ch is literally no different than Yea Forums except a bit slower and has a bit better moderation.

>they didn't talk to journalists
>they didn't talk to the controlled bloggers
>they didn't talk to the unproblematic youtubers
>they didn't talk to the tolerated community sites
>they picked a site all journalists hold in utter disdain for being antagonistic towards their gatekeeping and corruption
Hence the shitstorm. The pedo blight has been expunged years ago. It's just a convenient narrative set piece.

I think you missed entirely the whole point of Gamergate


What do you think GamerGate is trying to prevent? Dumb ass. Part 01 of 01/view
They did an entire investigation and couldn't find shit, but somehow they missed all of 8ch's child porn that totally exists right?

Imagine the porn

I bet the majority of people here bitching about Eight Chan have zero idea just how many anonymous image boards there are out there. Try playing around in the Russian ones....

4channel is literally Baby's first PooPooChan.

Attached: thekidsofb.jpg (720x720, 157K)

Yeah, try out Yea That place is a blast.

This. 8ch is 4ch but with less reddit fags and so less traffic but also less spastics.

ME? Im already half-xehanorth

Funhaus usually is pretty good but the "news" stuff is shit.

i don't get this image

Most of 8ch is just 2014-16 era /pol/fags pretending they’re OG when in reality they got kicked out for being too spergy for 2014-19 era Yea Forums. Say anything against the idea of the Jewish Conspiracy and you’ll derail any thread with a dozen infographics and talking about how the Holocaust never happened but it should happen again. Their /tg/ is comfy as fuck though not gonna lie. It’s trival to derail 90% of 8ch threads

Because we at least buy them. Not like your lot who just skins youtube videos to find new things to be "offended" about.

user, loli is still available on reddit and has been available on Yea Forums since its creation.

>2^3chan is equal to rape
Really reaching now.

by loli he means actual living breathing existing kids not drawings
normies cant tell the difference between the 2

Reddit has a bigger pedo Nazi problem than we do.
They have far better archives than we do

>destroys 8ch's reputation single handedly
>in turn destroys THQ's reputation
based Dan Olson

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ke, according to them Facebook, reddit and tumblr are ten times worse then any fucking imageboard. Seriously you fucks aren't even trying anymore.

Fuck off nigger

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Look at the average Yea Forums or eight chan post, can you blame them?

is there anybody from TGWTG that didn't turn out to be a world class retard?

You can never leave
You’re just trapped here forever


>anyone who disagrees with me is arrogant
Also, politics rarely shows up in their gameplay vids

Ignorance is not an acceptable answer when you can literally learn this shit for yourself with ease. Being a blind sheep is a huge discourtesy to yourself and anyone with a mental capacity above that of an American high school student.

Dude the FBI has been outstandingly good about taking down online pedos
They’re easier to track down than IRL pedo rings that constantly move around.
What’s easier 1 faggot with a TB of CP that lives in his mom’s basement and never leaves the house
10 guys and 3 ladies with over 30-40 underaged girls moving around 6 different locations

The stationary pedo is much easier to bust

>talk to fans
Yeah ok
>do so on a site known for cp and other degenerate material being shared openly
You're fucking retarded or shit posting if you can't see why this was a poor idea
No company PR manager with half a brain would do something like that unresearched
I hadn't even heard of 8chn till the other day when that happened and it's probably for the better, regardless, you don't do """business""" for the lulz

Normalfags are fucking retarded
What else is new?


And you "know" this how? Because some homo on HuffPo did an op ed about it with no proof? Go dilate.

Ignorance is not a defense
You have near boundless information right in the palm of your hands and yet they still opt in to be a Retard.

>They have far better archives than we do

You mean something like fireden? I highly doubt that

>I hadn't even heard of 8chn till the other day
How to spot a newfaggot within a picosecond.

You believe all the shit the (((news))) are telling you?

Ah shit I completely forgot about fireden.
Anyways when the pedos are the mods and can set up a private subreddit they can fly under the radar for years

It isn't enough for those sjw bugmen cuck tranny journalists to call us nazi gamers, but now they're calling us nazi pedophile gamers. I say its time for gamers to rise up!

Don't have to believe it, went there myself, first bunch of ads were all porn ads, not even CP but still a pretty bad look for anyone passing by and definitely a terrible look for a site publishing kids games
>hurrr he doesn't know shitty off shoot chans'
Been browsing here since 2008, cry more

they summarized it in the best way, a company may come from a old-school internet culture but as a company you need to cater to the "average american" can't expect that a country that elected a guy on a platform of conspiracy theories for everything wouldn't believe in a international pedophilia ring originated in a small website

Now you understand why trump despises journalists

What's not to get? It's an image representing the cult of personality/censorship on Yea Forums.

I made it a few years ago, but it still hold true to this day. You honestly don't remember the fucking banana that plagued every single YLYL thread?

>bunch of ads
>still seeing ads
>in two-thousand-and-nineteen

>Been browsing here since 2008
No, no you haven't. Not even worth (You)ing.

LOL...... LMAO..... Stop watching Law & Order.

No it's not ok, and infinity bans it.
Stop fucking believing the SJWs' hit piece, THEY'RE THE ONE WHO UPLOADED THE CP IN THE FIRST PLACE

Attached: 1542413388743.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

That wouldn't surprise me. The Feds are notorious for having a huge stash of their own CPthey use to cox others into uploading their own images and videos from.

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LOL another >Berg found with CP.... ever wonder why the age of consent is 14 in Israel?

what do you expect
gaming "journalists" are getting fired left and right and their sites are getting shut down
no one wants to read their bullshit blog posts

Even as somebody that thinks the only decent social media is anonymous I'd fire that PR director in half a second.

Honestl, haven't seen any pedoposts of Yea Forums for ages.

Is there a recap of the whole thing?

The fact he didn't do any research or even okay it with a higher-up are the real problems here. Even if I personally think it was a fun change of pace from doing a Reddit AMA like everyone else.

What are some THQ games I should buy and support.

I wouldn't. I would have carried out the AMA and if anything went wrong during that then I would have fired him. If nothing went wrong then I would never apologize for having an AMA on a platform for free speech.

More people enjoy freespeech than (((those))) trying to dismantle it.

Rape corner? 8ch is normalfag.

There was one on Yea Forums in a Monstergirl thread just last night.

>proceeds to show the he clearly arrived somewhere in the last 2 years
You faggots always make the same bloody mistakes.

>pedophilia is okay
Sarah Butts is that you again?

Pretty much. It just has less faggots than 4channel.

Metro Exodus

>>Company decides to be cool and instead of talking to journalists they talk to their fans directly and answer questions, even announce a few games
They could have done that literally anywhere else but they choose a dumpster fire like Eighchan. They deserve the backlash for being retarded.

>Instead of doing a Reddit AMA like normal people we'll go to the site that hosts child porn.

yes, I can blame them, you stupid faggot.
Normalfags apologists are even worse than normalfags.

By doing this he's stirred far more shit than he has demonstrated and exercised his right to free speech. I agree that these types are small and loud but there are practically zero fucking benefits to this. Being correct in your ability to speak freely, regardless of who agrees with you, isn't relevant in PR decisions.

>If you are invited to the rape corner would you go?
if they have bear and rock CD's i might

Not really, have you seen CP posted on 8 before, I haven't

>Cuck-chan calling anyone trash

>>Instead of doing a Reddit AMA like normal people we'll go to the site that hosts child porn.
>>Instead of doing a Reddit AMA like normal people we'll go to the site that hosts child porn.
You're just baiting for (you)s, right?

>mA EbuL RapEe CorNeR!!!


8ch is better then Yea Forums because it filters out human garbage like you, resetera and tumblr-type faggots out. Ironic given that site has a leftists /pol/. As a net result, it produces a more intelligent userbase. Because if you think drawnings are pedophilia, you deserve to be banned. If you insult conservatives or whites, you don't belong with us. And if you need to lie, like pretending you care about pedophilia as a leftists, you don't belong, because given how leftists promote transgenderism to children, you would do more in stopping child abuse by finding your nearest leftists and throwing them off a building.

THQ should be applauded for their decision, as the main reason resetera and journalists are screeching is that, it shows that they have no power. They want companies to do such things on THEIR platform, so they can set the tone of discussion. Resetera userbase is more evil and promotes far worse things, but they see no issue, because its a leftist website, and game companies should only do community outreach via them.

Oh... but it is. Look at this thread. Most aren't happy with them pulling out and apologizing. And those complaining either still aren't happy. Or they're still not buying their games.

Why did you welcome Resetera with open arms, Yea Forums? Look at this fucking normalfaggit tier thread, holy shit this place is so shit now.

>People get mad at FUCKING VIDEOGAMES for being sexist/racist/whatever, completely missing the point of games in the first place (escapism/fun)
>Instead of getting people together and making the game that they would like to play, they go after non-existant problems in other people's games
>All these retards fail to see that they are actually the racists/sexists for bringing up race/sex when nobody else seemed to notice

>Online bullying is apperantly a huge problem, even though mute/block/ignore features exist, and makes your problem instantly go away
>Caring what random faggots online say to you

Why is everyone so fucking stupid? It's driving me insane.

planning a trip to isreal as we speak

See what I mean. They want to CONDEMN and PUNISH a company that doesn't do these things in their regulated leftists platform. I mean fuck, we should be CONDEMNING companies that decide to do this shit on reddit. Because unlike 8ch, reddit DID and probably still does, host child porn and even child abuse.

Once again, 8ch is superior because it scares off resetera faggots who think they are brave for browsing Yea Forums and because 8ch actually has more power in the industry then Yea Forums does. (Yea Forums mod has connections with THQ, hence why this was arranged in the first place).

Again, the benefits dont compare to the damage. Journalists can stir far more shit than self contained anonymous imageboard threads. Yea Forums types shouldn't be the focus of any PR decision. Even if the general public reflected the views of freedom of speech, they're also quite technically uninformed. All it takes is for journalists to state that eightchan is a blacklisted cp site and practically any average consumer would immediately stop defending them.

Anons on full-chan don't want you people. They don't like Pepe/Wojack edits, people who use ResetEra/GAF/plebbit and people who were too low IQ to leave half-chan back in 2012.
You fags fill every single one of those criteria.

maybe you disagree with doing and AMA on hotwheelschan

but doxing anyone "responsible" with the intention to ruin their lives is utterly ridiculous


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Especially when you have to use lies and deceit to ruin that person's life.

Malevolent, abhorrent, extremist hypocrites. That's what they are. Rabid scum. Festering cancer.

>video game """""journalists""""""

Attached: video game journalism.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

Yea Forums isn't allowed to have Q&As. When they do, the internet loses it.

>Journalists can stir far more shit than self contained anonymous imageboard threads.
And as a result, nobody trusts journalists any more.

Attached: the-soy-slide.png (1000x1893, 520K)

How is infinity chan these days? Is it still slow as fuck?

well obviously its the #1 site for child porn or something

Depends on the board.
Yea Forums is way too strict.
Yea Forums is cucked to hell.
Yea Forums is fun.

>reddit upset that another website is hosting an AMA when that's supposed to be their thing
>Launch smear campaign against everyone involved
Good shit.

Some of actually tried telling them to fuck off and kill themselves.

Where were these "muh cp" faggots when Kamiya visited 8ch? Didn't Yoko Taro go there too? Is it just because THQ posted a link on their twitter, inviting more people to the threads instead of hosting the ama on reddit or other approved sites?

That's good news. Would mean child porn finally got purged completely from the internet.

yeah its cause they advertised it

and only google approved sites are allowed to do things like this (everything else has child porn on it!)