I-i-it's just a new update

>I-i-it's just a new update
>A-a-apex's update isn't even out
Here's where Valve fanboys are
>A-a-apex's update wasn't even good
>T-t-the next season will kill Fortnite
This is where they'll be

Attached: ape fortnite.jpg (1127x609, 220K)

fuck off zoomer

What the fuck do valve fanboys have to do with anything? Apex is only on Origin

are you really judging the success of a game by the number of people NOT playing it? are you fucking retarded?

OP is a fag as usual

Valve fanboys were craving the death of Epic Store, and Apex was the only victory they could claim

Attached: cringe valve fanboys.jpg (1608x1029, 348K)


>Open Twitch to see the actual numbers
>Fortnite beating Apex
>CS:GO has almost double the numbers of Fortnite
>B-but Valve i-
Shut the fuck up with this cherry picking bullshit, no one cares.

Yes Valve fanboy, you weren't being cringe at all

Attached: valve fanboy.jpg (1526x472, 160K)

Considering Yea Forums is calling Fortnite Sjw now because of the black woman I don't care who wins

Tournament, CS:GO is usually on the bottom

>3 characters in each pic
why are these companies so void of creativity

And for the past two weeks Apex was beating Fortnite every day. It doesn't matter why the picture was cherry picked, it was still cherry picked and not indicative of the actual state on Twitch right now.

People are actually playing Apex.

>And for the past two weeks Apex was beating Fortnite every day.

That's called a fad

Here's how it was a couple hours ago

Attached: fortnite thing 2.jpg (1529x956, 522K)

>death of Epic Store
It's stillborn, why would anyone have to crave its death?

People that use twitch need to off themselves pronto

Yeah man and Steam is doing amaz-

>548 In-Game


Attached: 1544409250805.jpg (1275x676, 115K)

>close to half a million people were watching other people play those video games at the moment of that screenshot

>Steam is doing amazing
It sure is, and Artifact has nothing to do with the overall wellbeing of Steam.

>548 In-Game
520 more than the amount of games in Epic's "store"

>Apex top streamers not even on
>there's a tournament for Fortnite going on
Kill yourself retard.

Fortnite is dying

Attached: deadnite.png (825x295, 25K)

How's Paragon and UT doing?

Rightfully killed off rather than clinging desperately to life

>Making threads about the Twitch front page

Attached: 1535414794559.png (522x630, 328K)

A dying game beats having no game at all, Epic-kun.