Video game webcomics thread

video game webcomics thread

which ones are you reading right now?

which ones can you recommend?

im searching for a few and dont want:
-sjw bullshit

it just do funny jokes about games or their shitty mechanics or characters

awkward zombie is lookin good for a start

she even has a overview page where you can search for and filter games

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuckhead, everyone here knows about awkwardzombie

yes she seems to be widely known. do you know others?

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>Snake isnt wearing a Snake on his head

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Castle Vidcons is good. Too bad it's not updated often. It used to be popular here.

from hejibits

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It's old and dead now but brawl in the family is a great webcomic

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he's not wrong

either you're new here or LOL threads have gone through several more layers of irony that I can comprehend

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goddammit, I dont even like videogames and these are great

who made these?

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What does the combo do?

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I think it was an user on here. Too bad he never made more.

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I genuinely hate these.


I dont have any vidya comics anymore

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i dont get it

Then leave Reddit thot

Awkward Zombie is so mediocre, I honestly don't understand why Yea Forums holds it up as the shining beacon of gaming related content. Every strip is literally "games are different than in real life lol".

it used to be better when she didnt have her own website and massive fanbase of doughboys

sure, which webcomic would you recommend?

Why do you hate them? They are absolutely great.

The first one was funny, did not remotely need to be extrapolated on. Its Virgin walk / Chad stride all over again.

i wanna fuck that guys mom

Ubisoft needs to bring Aisha back

I don't read a ton of webcomics anymore. I like the AZ strips that are not about videogames. I keep up with Penny Arcade out of habit, but it's extremely hit or miss. Paranatural is good, updates slowly. Whomp is good.

It Dougs

Yes, girl (female (with a vagina(biologically born female(XX chromosomes(possesses all female reproductive organs)))))

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Nice edit now where's the real one?

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Kill me, Pete

You hate them because they hit too close to home.

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They're just the same.

fuckin hell


Think of the children!

What a chad.

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lmao this is some of the least self aware shit i have ever read, how do you manage to pat yourself on the back while talking about your life being shit

I know stuff like this is written in such a way as to cast a wide net, but, damn, if that ain’t me.

>Implying a girl has ever been interested in me enough to visit me

While we are talking about webcomics, whatever happened to Andy Kluthe of Nerdragecomic? He hasn't posted anything new in over a year.

I hate this place so much sometimes

Did you even play the game

what is that pokemon about to say?

Adding to this, I don't think Awkward Zombie is BAD, I think the reception it gets on Yea Forums is way out of proportion with its quality though, which is weird because Yea Forums is extremely critical of most things like AZ.

imo the most interesting thing about AZ is that Katie isn't trying to make it her living, it's something she does for fun, in between her work as a literal rocket scientist.

The best ones are the ones that don't use the "what if videogames were in real life" that means 90% are shit

Being Katie is suffering.

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Me on the bottom left

i love katie!

is this the thread where we come to complain?

Grossed out right now


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Ronnie's good. His latest is a bit weird.

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what a long strange trip it's been

2008 called

Very relevant in recent times.

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This scares the tranny/marketer

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>video unavailable
I at least expected disgusting or annoying shit like foam adventure or something

Reverse HS and college for me. People get so fucking pretentious when they reach college.

to assume gender is fluid is sexist to trans people who want to change genders.

Am I doing it right?

Why is the 3rd panel empty?

Supreme Chad. Absolutely based.

What degree? It varies a bit specially on degrees where you HAVE to get along with other people or you risk failing, like healthcare.

I don't know, I'm just here for the (You)s

The last few lines from Kirby are sounds he makes when using up his "Microphone" ability charges.

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guess im not supposed to be here, cause none of that applies to me, aside from the comfy outfit

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fuck you

I've never felt guilty about wanting to die. In fact I feel sympathy towards anyone who's committed suicide. They aren't wrong for wanting an out. Better to die with whatever pride you have left than submit yourself like a dog.
Other than that this is pretty accurate, but I assume this applies to most "outcast" types of which Yea Forums used to be mostly populated by.
I dislike that the replies are included in the cap, though. There are people out there that will claim they're something only because a bunch of other people claim they are as well. The image would have more impact without muddying the waters of discussion if it were simply the original post.


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>ywn be Ash


funny thing, my MGSV game is glitched and i cant wash the blood off big boss, no matter what outfit i put on or how many times i shower, the blood stays on him

It's not fluid for everyone, most people have a fixed gender that they cannot change through behavior, hormones or anything like that.
Genderfluid refers to those few individuals who don't have a fixed gender. Doesn't mean they can control it.

The only edit is that the last row of panels was cut off.

However he does straight up drink dog cum

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This gets me every time all these fucking years.

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I didn't need this, today.

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Wow, that's fucking gay.

You ever think these people go down the made up rabbit hole in hopes of eventually coming across the made up bullshit singularity and the shit they spew suddenly becomes real?

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God damnit man. Not on Friday night.

>I don't understand what is being said but I dislike the tone so I'll call people insane and stupid

here ya go, spread it around

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>Imagine reading this, and then going "ah, well that's me and life sucks" and not fucking doing anything about it.
Introspection, fags, exercise it.

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You're supposed to start the thread with LOL

I think the fact Katie isn't an obnoxious self-aggrandizing fuckface is most of what gets AZ goodwill here. The comic itself is inoffensively decent, with some occasional good content, so there's no hate train to board for the comic or its author, which is equivalent to a glowing review by comparison to how Yea Forums usually responds.

did you notice your black horn visibly bigger than when he didn't have blood?

Yep, headcanons are often incomprehensible to anyone else. Don't expect people to care.

You 'ave a loicense fo that?

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What the fuck man it's Friday night

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>I don't like what is being said therefore everyone but me is insane

>personality type garbage
Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

what the fuck

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You know nobody can have any serious discussion without it descending into you ultimately saying "get better or kys", right?

his face gets bloody and horn bigger the more you go lethal
it stays clean when you're non-lethal

number 1 and number 2

Who are you quoting?

I think that actually is an intended thing, not a glitch.
If you had a nuke or super negative heroism, you'd have permament blood on you until you got rid of the nuke or got high heroism back.

>taught us to never say never
>don't immediately ask for sex

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>OMG dats SO ME i am very unique and intellectual and mom and dumb girls don't understand me, they just stick to their horoscope shit

>when Layton makes you write literal equations to solve a puzzle

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Use today as the day to change your life.

Fucking this. Fuck personality types.

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that gave me feelings

This alone is better than any wojack edit made in the last 3-4 years.

Why 'murica must always ruin names?

>hating on pink wojak
Why do you hate fun?

the only thing pink wojack is good for is looking at /biz/ when one of their shitty coins are dying and they're all panicking

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some recent wojak edits are pretty redpilled bro wtf are you talking about

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Because that is that it says on the poster, you stupid nazi.

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Not this fucking guy again.

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now that's a cursed image if I've ever seen one

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>social interactions are a carefule balance between manually reading social cues and remembering patterns
only part that hits home, took me till the end of high school to master the craft

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That description pretty much just describes high functioning autism and is too damn accurate, I wish I was literally anyone else.

>love is all that matters
Then why are people so upset when I say I don't want to learn how to conjugate "xir, zher, dir" and all that huge amount of bullshit? Can't you just realize I would rather be learning a third language than wasting time learning how to conjugate new verbs on the second one just so you fags can feel like special pokemon?

This is all just made up bullshit. If gender is a social creation, it means that it's hypothetical existence is highly dependent on the acceptance of a group into believing this bullshit is real, like a religion with government aproval. It's ironic how people say we are evolving when just like the dark ages, people in ""civilized"" countries can be jailed for saying they don't believe in the socially accepted fairy tale.

Whenever I say "man", or "woman", I'm referencing biological sex and that's pretty much it. I don't deal in concepts that don't exist outside the headcanon of people, only in science.

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>the idort
>doesn't actually use idort face
This is the worst.

You know this post is correct because it has no other replies except this one.


Listen here, Genderfluid is bullshit attention seeking made up shit by people who lack the talent and skill to be proper drag queens. People don't have the ability to change chromosomes at will like a fucking frog. I'm not talking about cases where people would have additional chromosomes like Klinefelter's Syndrome or whatnot but genderfluid is some bullshit made up attention seeking shit people do.

creative and thoughtful stuff like this is the reason why im still on Yea Forums
we make the best ocs

>wastes time browsing Yea Forums
>tells he hastn't time to learn a few words
wew lad

i dunno if too old to give a shit or couldnt be bothered to understand this edgelord shit
some gimme a quick rundown?

So is there porn of this?

>Listen here, Genderfluid is bullshit attention seeking made up shit by people who lack the talent and skill to be proper drag queens. People don't have the ability to change chromosomes at will like a fucking frog. I'm not talking about cases where people would have additional chromosomes like Klinefelter's Syndrome or whatnot but genderfluid is some bullshit made up attention seeking shit people do.

chromosomes determine sex not gender, you should probably read a book but i doubt you could even manage that.

Boomer is the only good wojack edit

>If gender is a social creation
Language, nationality, religion etc. are all social creations. Do you not believe in language?
Also, the "gender is a construct" and "gender is brain structure" are different camps. Putting them all together would be like putting modern christians (the non-loon ones) and nationalist muslims into one bag, just because they're right of center and religious.
>people in ""civilized"" countries can be jailed for saying they don't believe in the socially accepted fairy tale
Stop drinking the cool-aid. When was the first time someone got jailed for saying genders don't exist? In before exclusively clickbait sources.
>Whenever I say "man", or "woman", I'm referencing biological sex and that's pretty much it.
No, you're also angrily raving about how everyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong.
>I don't deal in concepts that don't exist outside the headcanon of people, only in science.
Great, because gender theory is based on scientific evidence, while denial of gender is headcanon of a bunch of slow cavemen who can't deal with reality.

Chromosomes does determine gender based on XX and XY and XXXXXY and XXYYYYY counts and whatever. I'm sorry but there's absolutely no scientific evidence to show that genderfluid can and is a thing in humans. It's all balderdash.

Good thing that's a junk degree now. You can laugh at them.

Sex is gender you retard. Maybe you should go back to school.

Yeah I more or less feel the same way in regards to not feeling guilty about wanting to die. Fuck, what's the point of going on living a life I have no interest in just to waste resources. Taking a job I don't care about for money I don't care about instead of someone who'd more likely put that money to good use. As long as it's not an impulsive suicide and someone has taken the time to think it over a lot, I really don't see the issue with suicide at all.

Unfortunately I have parents that want me to live despite being a failure of an adult.

>Sex is gender
no it isn't

Yea Forums is leisure, not study. And no, I won't adapt trough social pressure, I would rather be conceived as unpolite, than a fucking cocksucker of social norm. Even if I had the time, I refuse to learn how to conjugate shit purely out of political correctness.

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Yes, it is. Dictionaries and science prove you otherwise.

Its a synonym of a gender, just like fucking is a synonym of having sex

something tells me you must have many frieds user


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Holy fuck you're really into rebellion against behaving like a decent human being.
That isn't healthy and it would alarm any normal person that you're immature and a burden to everyone around you.

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I'm XXY intersex. I ended up going through a largely female puberty, breast growth, feminized facial and body features, etc, but I basically have an underdeveloped penis and testes. I present, and usually think of myself, as female. What neat little box do I go in?

post benis

Genetic anomaly

Doesn't count because my worldview would be challenged.

You would literally be non-binary. It's not like you have the ability to adjust the ratio of your XXY counts to XYY at will or anything.


>decent human being.
Shit I wish I had that pic, someone post it

Man larping on Yea Forums for sexual gratification

>What neat little box do I go in?
A coffin

>What neat little box do I go in?

>its yet another /pol/ shitflinging thread
motherfuckers will you retarded fucks stop this shit im here for video game comics

Damn it I just woke up

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you have the ability to be moral, same as the rest of us. beyond that is up to you, but that's what matters.

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Only a few good ones. People you see just once a week and go out with twice a year are considered just acquaintances.

You don't have the authority to set the standards of what constitutes a "decent human being", nobody does. Your standards are only worth a damn for you, you specifically. I would rather deal with pedos, prostitutes, drug dealers, and unironical gangsters than with stuck up pricks like you deluded into thinking your self invented moral highground is worth a shit. If you don't like me, avoid me.

And my rebellion is against humanity as a whole. Eco-extremism > every other cuck ideology that isn't eco-terrorist. First we kill you all, then we kill other eco-extremists, then we kill ourselves. But if I have a saying, disgusting tranny freaks and tranny supporters like you who think their headcanon can stomp the facts of nature should be the first in line.

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reddit word

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When did Lady Macbeth start posting on Yea Forums?

>muh bourgeois etiquette moralizing

fuck off neo-calvinist

the pagliacci one is better

Not that guy, but I'm sick of having this argument with retards like you.

The best way to describe it is "gender expression". And before you "a bloo bloo bloo that's not a real thing", just remember that every culture had a different interpretation of what it means to be "masculine" or "feminine".

Is this baitpost, falseflag, or a genuinely disturbed and unaware individual?
You sound autistic. And not in a Yea Forums meaning, but actual troubled being with problems connecting with others due to being neglected, possibly due to own weird habits that evolved to deflect some sort of internal pain.

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[ ] Male

[ ] Female

[ X ] Mentally ill aberration

just bee yourself
stop looking for a pre-packaged identity to wear on your breast like a fucking walmart greeter nametag. identity is meaningless.

This Nothing wrong with it, you carry a malformation. You're the reason gender and sex tend to be separate fields, one is identity the other is biology. The latter is not modifiable.
Discordant sex and gender are an illness. You are diseased, but by necessity, as you have a dysfunctional sexual designation and must adopt the gender that suits your context better. Trannies born either XX or XY are mentally ill trying to assume a gender linked to the opposite sex.

Haha, I hate myself.

>using wikipedia
>using mobile site
You're a retard phoneposter that's never actually studied biology in their life.

>comparing arcades to microtransactions

First thing I did was check the sources on that site. Sources are literal opinion pieces that aren't actually peer reviewed. Also neck yourself for phone posting and using the mobile site.

Only Meteor-chan can save us from this hell.
I hope she takes everyone away soon so we all can have a fresh new start and forget that all these ever happened.

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fuck off with your faux freudian analysis you impotent cuck, take it to reddit where someone might actually pretend to care about your etiquette

it's the same though?

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I can't believe I actually miss this shit

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I want to fuck White Korra.

>What neat little box do I go in?

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I'm on my phone cause I'm taking a shit.

Gender expression being different from sex is obvious. Again, my example of different cultures having different "male" and "female" gender expressions. Stuff like the specific clothes men and women wear is entirely cultural, because kilts and other such dresses exist for men.

>it's the same though?
That's not a question.

Pretty sad, really.
You won't improve until you realize that you have problems. Others see them clearly.

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Thank the Goddess you are not a real psychologist. You retarded attempt on trying to sound snarky trough a half assed projection based on your failed ideal of what a 4channer is like IRL, mixed in with a false concern over my health just to stand on a moral highground surely wouldn't be helpful to actual clients. Also, surely you are the first faggot to use this shitty tactic on the internet.

user, drop the passive-agressive behaviour and talk shit straight. Stop being such a whimp.

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>This post
It's pure cancer and everything wrong with Yea Forums today.

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ls this a question?

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everyone has problems lol


Cultural literature terms is irrelevant to the actual scientific evidence presented.
>Stuff like the specific clothes men and women wear is entirely cultural, because kilts and other such dresses exist for men.
Oh please don't bring up this bullshit to me because i'm actually from one of those cultures.

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>People actually defending wojack
Die, all of you.


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i want to x y z

i wish queers and trannies would stop playing pokemon

I want to FUCK (two grown white males represented as)White Korra!

XX female person Katie Tiedrich, yes.

God I want to fuck Erin with every fiber of my being

Don't play his game.

>phoneposting while taking a shit
Absolutely disgusting user. Fucking put the phone down and wash your hands properly you fucking degenerate.

which pic?

It's not. Arcades have expensive hardware which no one could afford back in the day and the arcade owner has to pay for electricity so it's normal to pay for a couple games instead of buying a whole arcade for yourself. Microtransaction content on the other hand is something the developer can copy indefinitely with 0 costs. Also, most microtransations make the game easier while arcades are as hard for everyone and don't get easier the more money you put in. You just get better.

inb4 some retard says "it's not the same" "you can beat an arcade game with just one quarter" No, you can't. Especially not on your first try. By that logic, you can beat a cellphone game without spending money too

penis means it's male

It's genuinely sad that you lash out against people, though.
You are some sort of an autist or a pseudo-autist and you clearly can't deal with yourself.

I would understand if you were

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>just remember that every culture had a different interpretation of what it means to be "masculine" or "feminine".
Not really. In fact, male/female roles and characteristics have been almost entirely constant throughout history and across the world. It's only when you look at some of the most basic bitch exceptions like "BUT UHHH SCOTTISH PEOPLE WEAR SKIRTS" that you retardedly throw up your hands and conclude "THAT MEANS GENDER IS A SPECTRUM!!11"

Dumbass tranny.

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post full imaegi pussy

No human has ever been born as truly both.
The person you're talking to is either lying (99.999% chance of that, it's just what libtards do), or they only have male or female equipment. No true human hermaphrodites exist. Ovaries or testes. Can't have both.

I don't get it. Never played Pokemon.

>scientific evidence

Certainly you will find there are biological sexes, but gender expression has nothing to do with that. Gender is psychological. We know this is true because different cultures have different gender expression of male and female. It's entirely relevant, because gender only exist because of culture.

>No, you can't. Especially not on your first try.
Yes you can. You just need to not be shit. The thing was since video games were new at the time nobody had acquired actually proper VIDEO GAME playing skills but there were select few beings who were prodigies.

There is only he she it, to identify another person, you are either a female, a male, or a thing.

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You’re able to take your own trainer card photo in sun/moon, which includes spinning the character around backwards if you wanted.

Trannies, stop being lazy entitled arrogant pieces of shit and do the work and personal introspection to be happy in the body you were born in please.

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You're the one who said sex =/= gender when it actually is. Both are biological. Your gender is determinate on your actual chromosomal count like Klinefelter Syndrome having extra X chromosomes but still possessing male genitalia.

Because of the character customization in Sun/Moon, you're given the option to rotate, zoom in/out, etc. in the picture for your ID. Because of this, you can have your character face away from the camera entirely.

>based on your failed ideal of what a 4channer is like IRL
I find this is actually the easiest way to spot resetera or other site faggots, they are so acustomed to having a e-name with its own reputation on every site that they either attack your non existent person's social competency with unironically seriousness and/or create a fake persona of what every 4channer is and regard every single post against them as the same dude, bonus points if its the stereotypical white male gamer

How many people still fucking get that stupid joke?

Ahh makes sense. Thanks guys.

user, repeating the same bullshit after I pointed out make it sound like you're a one trick pony. Drop the act, if you don't like me say it with a straight face, with bravery, like a person who earned the right to be respected, a right you don't have. You are on Yea Forums, no need to stand on a moral highground like you learned on twitter. You are not good, you are a passive agressive coward afraid of the social repercutions that will happen if you say what you really mean, and so curbed up on your own bullshit you can't drop it even on a safe enviroment, needing to play pathetic games in a failed attempt on offending me.

Next post try something else or you will get no more (you)s from me. Put some effort.

I don't do this on Yea Forums, but in other boards when they come with the "overweight white male virgin" shit, I post a picture of myself neck down, showing I'm latino and I'm fit. Funny how they disappear when they can't atack a boogeyman they invented. These people come from such places, and are completely unable to discuss without the retarded shit they learned there.

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>No true human hermaphrodites exist. Ovaries or testes. Can't have both.
Indeed. Hence why I said sex is not modifiable. What we call hermaphrodites/intersex are indeed humans with dysfunctional gonads that may give them a specific set of sexual characteristics regardless of their karyotype. Their sex is: anomaly. Their gender can be whatever we give them hormones for in order to incorporate them to society.

>anyone who disagrees with me is an outsider who is trying to disrupt the peaceful shiftflinging of this serene sewer

>almost entirely constant

So it's not constant.

The shared characteristics are because gender roles are derived from biology. But there's no biological for something like "women have long hair, women wear makeup" when there are cultures where men have long hair and wear makeup.

I used the kilt example because it's the quintessential example of this phenomenon. The first time you see a kilt (usually as a child) you think "oh that's a dress, he's 'girly'". But then you learn that "Scottish men wear kilts". Two opposite gender expressions in two cultures.

cont/update: see for a perfect example. It includes projection, assigning the typicall 4channer age as fact that poster is on that bracket, talking about his own life like it matter and assumptions of social incompetency to his opponent

Lmao I love how every fucking loser on the internet needs validation from shit like Meyers Briggs IM TOO INTELLIGENT I SEE THE CODE THATS WHY IM A SACK OF SHIT. You're no better than horoscope thots but at least they're usually doing something with their life.

Sex isn't gender expression; My argument has not changed.

Sex is chromosomes, gender expression is psychological.

good point user I forgot the third characteristic
>talking bad about the website at every turn as it that makes them better even thought they are using it too

i'm doing something with my life too. i'm living, laughing and loving, i just don't need to travel to the democratic republic of the congo on daddy's debit card to get railed by a conga line of swarthy noble savages in order to do so.

>But there's no biological for something like "women have long hair, women wear makeup" when there are cultures where men have long hair and wear makeup.
Actually, yes there is. Pretty much all differences between men and women are based in biology, not "social conditioning", even and especially each gender's preferences.

Nice gender studies thread. Can you fuckers stop pretending you hate the topic and fuck off to /pol/ or /lgbt/ where your highschooler mindset won't actually derail nice threads?

>Drop the act, if you don't like me say it with a straight face, with bravery, like a person who earned the right to be respected, a right you don't have.
You have really warped ideas of bravery.
This is an anonymous internet board. The worst I can get here is getting banned, which would force me to reset my router.
Calling an anonymous stranger a mean word to show how you are not "passive aggressive" is the opposite of bravery. Here it's just conformism.

Identifying with what you say is much closer to bravery than any amount of racial slurs you post from behind the screen.

Disagree is fine. Making an hypothetical image of what an ANONYMOUS poster is, and linking that ANONYMOUS poster to said image, ignoring everything the ANONYMOUS poster says because you deeply believe that he is linked to the image you invented, that's straight up retarded and delusional, and people are right to be angry. You are stomping on the whole purpose of the site being anonymous to being with: So the poster is judged by his words, and not his persona.

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

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>But there's no biological for something like "women have long hair, women wear makeup" when there are cultures where men have long hair and wear makeup.
true but this is not interesting.

Then your argument and viewpoint was flawed to begin with because you were wrong from the very start. Doesn't matter what you express as if the biological data doesn't back it up. I could express myself as African but with no actual sub-saharan African DNA would show that to be false no matter how much I express otherwise.

Post more Erin my dudes

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>Pretty much all

Again with the self-defeating rhetoric. Some differences are not biological, and are learned. That is gender expression.

It's not you.


It's absolutelly not you.

Akshuly, spotting teh 'tism is totally doable if you can learn.
Edgelords who post anime and espouse edgy philosophies tend to have teh sperg. Or schizoid, like me.

Is mayonnaise a gender?

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Obviously your personality does not determine your DNA, but the opposite would be equally as ridiculous. Your DNA cannot control all of your personality. Some of it is learned by your culture. To deny that people learn facets of their identity through their culture is to deny that culture exists.

Surely you have a few attributes that you attribute to your culture? If you're American, then this would be something like "individualism", or "external locus of control". Gender expression is a component of your identity in this way, it's learned.

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Somebody post the Erin incest comic.

Pronoun verb preposition verb adjective noun

Literally my fetish

These simple strips now make me harder than porn.
What the fuck, why.

>See how gender expression has been the same throughout the entire world and throughout all of human history 99.9% of the time?
>Well that's actually just a big coincidence! Although Scottish people also 99.9% the same in their gender expression, they wear skirts!
>Gender BTFO!
Your understanding of the differences in gender roles is incredibly basic bitch shit. I can see why you would want to believe that and don't think about it any harder, because you're the kind of retarded tranny that thinks putting on a dress turns you into a woman, somehow.

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>or schizoid, like me
Then you are straight up projecting. and not just that, you are mimicking your therapist on the internet in a very half-assed way. And even tough I had that my suspicions, I didn`t say it because pointing shit like this at anonymous on the internet without confirmation is just low level.

No, user, I'm not crazy like you. My college have forced therapist visits, and the only way I could be healthier, is if I were a little less lazy.

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I don't know where you're getting this from. Nothing in that picture says that people who are like that are "better" than anyone. We're just fucking miserable.

People of mixed backgrounds can have different adoptions of culture and this isn't fixed. This part is variable.

However what is fixed is actual determination of what chromosomes you possess for your actual gender. This part is not variable, you either do have these chromosomes or you don't, you do not possess the abiltiy to change these at will to say what you aren't nor do you have the ability to say what you aren't.

someone post the superior clown pepe edit

autistic buttmad zoomer cunt.

>(want) to
Infinitive, dumbasses

Nigger what are you talking about

>Obviously your personality does not determine your DNA, but the opposite would be equally as ridiculous. Your DNA cannot control all of your personality.
If you believe this then you should realise that what you say you are doesn't mean what gender you are if the results show otherwise.

What are these?

>Mike Truk just arive

it's funny

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Wow, a contrarian on a board of rejects. How novel.
If I knew where you lived, I'd genuinely run into your face and smash you in the face with a hammer, drag you into the street and rape you to death.

>Everyone's entire personality are dictated by their chromosomes and we're all slaves to our DNA then. Culture doesn't exist, nor does it influence your identity, it's all driven by your DNA!

Sorry for the reductio ad absurdum, but it's the fastest way to get my point across. You can't attribute the entirety of your identity to your DNA.

>because you're the kind of retarded tranny that thinks putting on a dress turns you into a woman, somehow

Quit strawmanning. Obviously having long hair or putting on a dress doesn't magically make you biologically a woman. In this specific case, I'm arguing that "woman wearing dresses" has nothing to do with biology.

Reiterating my core points one last time:
>biology and psychology are different. >Sexual dimorphism exist, and dictates a majority of differences, but does not account for all the outward expressions between men and women

based dad

is this the new ebola chan
what powers does she have?

I mean I'd run into your house.
I hope you choke on your dad's cock you fucking faggot.

i was going to disagree with you but honestly you sound like a badass and someone i dont want to fuck with, so take this BASED and REDPILLED


Myers Briggs is bullshit and you're not an "intellectual."


making the world great again

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I don't understand.
Are you saying that all fat dykes transition into men?
I will agree that it's a huge problem, and it's cause of a declining white birthrate :(

Yes, men and female have different chromosomes, I'm not arguing that.

Identity isn't biological, and it doesn't change biology. But identity is subjective and is not wholly determined by biology. Parts of it are determined by culture and are therefore subjective.

Literally a mutation.

Meteor chan take me away

You're just a deformed girl. No need to complicate things.

>Myers Briggs is bullshit and you're not an "intellectual."
Okay. All I know is that a lot of the stuff in that image fit. I don't really think of myself as a "genius" or "intellectual" if that's what's bothering you so much. Not sure why you're so defensive about it.

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Identity is a completely different point to what gender you are. You're arguing apples and grizzly bears here.

Point is genderfluid is not a thing. It's not a valid gender and it's basically a shitty attention seeking snowflake label used by people who need attention.

Post the edit

ESTP here
I can’t feel that feel

What the fuck dad?

This is the edit to edit to edit.

I wish my dad was Calvin's dad, instead of an alcoholic.

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Post the other one

Hopefully one with Zyklon B

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>implying you talk to people

I don't have the one where it downplays the Yea Forums autism, if that's the one you're asking for.

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this is the dumbest garbage I've seen yet it makes me smile every time

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>go tell her that

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Not sure if downplays is the right word.
Whatever, I'll keep searching through my folders to see if I have it

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Why the fuck do you type like this? It makes you look like a retard.

Gender as "biological sex" has nothing to do with identity. Gender as "expression of learned roles" has everything to do with it.

I agree with your last point though. Gender doesn't actually exist, and it's not something you can decide for yourself. You can't change your identity because it's a post-hoc categorization of traits you share with other people in your category. You can't arbitrarily decide what group you best fit into, and it's silly to change your personality to fit an arbitrary category. It's like weebs who adopt Japanese culture. It doesn't work like that; Japanese people are categorically Japanese because of traits that they already had.

ENTP in the house cyborgs represent

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I aspire to be as good a father as Calvin's dad some day.

The sad thing is, I'm sure the mother found his silly explanations humorous and whimsical when they were dating. Now she's just a cold, bitter bitch.

Holy fuck Calvins dad is fucking great.
Same bro, same

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>durf hurt
You don't actually know or care about science.


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pedo symbols the FBI released back in 2005 iirc. it's pedo code. pizzagate was largely started because a bunch of well connected DC homos were using these symbols and logos in their businesses. maybe as a joke, maybe they didn't really know, but it kickstarted a bunch of spergs going nuts on the internet.

Biologist here, that's wrong.

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interesting, thanks.

Regular guy here. No shit it's wrong.

ohhh so its like that bit in superstarsaga thats rad

You sure are assuming some things.

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You're a retard and you know you're making shit up

xkcd is a modern day Calvin and Hobbes, which is just Dilbert for douchebags.

>should be used in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria
Sounds like it doesn't apply to all cases of gender dysphoria but what do I know, I just read the actual conclusion and don't assume it means an end to all trannies.

Actual biologist and scientist here, you're both wrong. Post your fucking credentials.

thats an uppercase I not a lowercase L

Except Calvin and Hobbes is infinitely smarter and more sophisticated than fucking stick figures.

XKCD is for the modern SJW faggot who thinks math can be funny but they have no idea what funny actually is

You sure aren't helping your case.

cute !

Nice rebuttal bro, you sure showed them.

>her name
Oh shit why do i see her name everywhere!?
I can't stop thinking about her

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I'm the regular guy. What do you want me to post as my credentials, my lawn mower or something?

Every fucking thread some triggered /pol/tard manages to make it all about trannies, holy shit, ban them all already

I don't believe you're regular or a guy.

I could send you a dick pic man


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No it needs to be your last video game played

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Holy shit I haven't seen Sexy Losers in forever, what a trip down memory lane

You're not gonna like what you see man. I've been in a funk and a life crisis and this game is casual as fuck.

Posting my personal favourite C&H

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That's sad

Then would that not just prove that you're a regular guy as you claimed to be?

I have a masters in marine biology. Gender identity is never a factor in biology. It's not that it doesn't exist, it just isn't in the field. Gender and sex can be interchangeable as terms but the lack of acknowledgement from biology is not a free pass to be a bunch of angry fags pretending that your high school understanding of science confirms your bias and allows you to sound superior in pedantic arguments.


the first 2 panels always kills me

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reread every comic a few weeks ago, seems like there are still new ones coming out, very slowly

And yet the case in question literally had his dysphoria come back the second he dropped his dose. Fact of the matter is, its a mental illness and there could possibly be help for this, we'll never know. That study was in 1996 and it hasnt been politically correct to do a follow up study for almost a decade now. Now instead of exhausting every other option, its trendy to cut your dick off or take pills that fuck up your brain more than birthcontrol fucks with women's brains. Have fun being an abomination that requires weekly intervention of modern medical science just to keep the facade up. You will always be outed because you have to dress up like you're going out somewhere nice every time you go somewhere, even somewhere as simple as the supermarket. A real woman can just go out without makeup wearing baggy clothing and not doing a single thing to their face or hair and still look like a woman and look beuatiful. You are literally incapable of doing so because everyone would see a man in a dress pretending to be a woman, which is what you are. Now embrace that you're a man and get over yourself. Stop asking 99% of the population to bend over backwards for you.

Who else here has an embarrassing power fantasy? How long have you been keeping up and adding to it

You asked for it man

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>Marine biology
Wrong fucking field faggot. That's like a cardiovascular surgeon lending their opinion on immunology. I don't recall people being fucking marine life.

How do YOU know that, mister "biologist" HMMM? Did YOU got to marine biology school? Maybe they don't teach you the same shit in biology school that they teach marine biology. Maybe they hold some stuff back. Ever think of that one, mister biologist?

I've always loved the interpretation that Calvin does actually like Suzie deep down, which is why Hobbes likes her since he's a reflection of his subconciousness or some bullshit

Any good? You have played 2 hours of video games more than some of the people here have.

Well, when I go to bed, I progress the story. It has been so many years I can't even remember when I started it.

You know we have to take other bio courses too, right?

You're a marine biologist of all people trying to weight in on something that's outside your actual field. You're out of your depth here literally and figuratively.

If you're going to kill everyone anyway it seems like a waste of effort to get extra mad at people for what they do with their genitals, but that's just me

My favorite little series in the comic is where calvin and suzie realize they're the only two friends they have. Fuckin cute as shit
It's not bad man. It's a nice little casual game. You fly around and explore shit. It's pretty nice considering I want to fucking tear down my house right now.

By being a genuine retard that falls for memes marketed towards mid level managers at offices.

It requires effort to break out of your shell and to become a more socially active person, that's why people who identify with this refuse to do so.

I'm actually a different guy. Whale biologist. Fuck you.

Myers Briggs is pseudoscience pop psych bullshit. It's complete garbage. If you have to self diagnose nonsense with internet personality tests then at least use a model like the Big 5/OCEAN that uses reproducible factors. Except a scale of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism wouldn't surprise 99% of these failures with how much of a fuckup they are

MBTI is astrology for nerds.

Le man of shad's recent stuff gets me hard as anything and I hated all his previous goth loli shit

We've all found out we all have these. This isn't new guys, come on you know this.

started around when I was 12
now I'm 23 and still continue whenever I'm trying to sleep or take a shit
it's honestly the comfiest feeling and I hope it will continue forever in death

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I didn't know there was a field of biology entirely devoted to studying your mother user.

You are hating a fictional character based on fractions of panels. Calvin's mom has always been portrayed as very sweet and caring. Marriages have issues, don't assume things just because you'd like them to be true to feel better about yourself.

I know, I just answered his question

Don't get me started, I have such a low self image of myself though I fantasize that i'm the side-character that gets stuff done but is ultimately ignored by the rest of the party, except the actual main character

Probably has something to do with my neglectful father, I dunno.

So wait, Africans from North of the Sahara aren't African?

IS this one of Dems translated comics?
That was the last thing I have expected here

Yeah I took mathematics and economics courses in college too, doesn't make me an academic mathematician nor a stock broker.


Yeah I've actually been given a grant to come to your house and study your ass next

I wish I had a dad.

Good luck, i'm behind 7 endangered species.

i dont get it

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North Africans aren't black.

Discarded tv dinners aren't endangered species

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>a master in marine biology means he's only taken marine biology courses
To even be able to take a masters in a specific field of biology, you need to have more than a basic understanding of in several fields of biology, including molecular biology and genetics. At least at my university

>trapped inside their own mind
Literally me

They sure as shit aren't white either, faggot

I have 4. 3 of them are power fantasies, one is just me but with a gf

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>even bothering with bitches in a power fantasy
Fucking limp wristed bitch

Don't talk down to yourself like that!

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>I have a benis
Male. You are a feminine looking beta male.

Oh hell have I been replying to myself this whole fucking time? It figures. GET THE FUCK BACK TO WORK INSTEAD OF BEING ON Yea Forums YOU'VE GOT WHALE BIOLOGIST SHIT TO DO FUCK YOU

So my background in animal science and genetics is meaningless here? But your experience in arguing on the internet does?

I self-insert into all media I consume, often creating sort of "alternative" universes akin to a reboot or stuff like the Rebuild of Evangelion. It's essentially fanfiction using stuff that I feel the original authors should have expanded on, and one or two original characters. It started out of boredom but has now become a sort of platform for understanding character dynamics and good writing that I use for writing my own stuff.

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~3 plans for a killing spree, one of which is actually doable.

Just give me the sauce before thread gets deleted.

I want to put my dick in a pussy, what do you want from me amigo?

Never said that. Nafris sure as fuck aren't white, but neither are they niggers.

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>that feel when you're such a social retard even making "friends" online is difficult

oniichan is done for

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>So my background in animal science and genetics is meaningless here? But your experience in arguing on the internet does?

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Marine life also has a cardiovascular system and an immune system. But you can't point out the gender on a dolphin.

keep going....

wow look, at least I'm not the only one

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>no one mentions my comic
That's probably for the best, I guess.

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So you're using black as a synonym for African?

Appreciated, user.

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My fantasies involve gaining powers in the afterlife akin to shonen animes and eventually scaling until to the point of fighting god and having most universal manipulation powers

do you not see that that definition of gender is why all this confusion is happening. Real psychologists made up real bullshit and people are using it as facts to make life changing decisions. How can you be so blind?

you know how a book is better than a movie, thats becuse your imagination fills in the gaps. in these simple drawing thres a lot of gaps.

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Oh yeah? Where are those systems on a jellyfish? Checkmate Jotaro.

I have a degree in marine gender studies, ask me anything

I wamt gimp suit white korra

Not him but
>marine life is life so I know about brains
Nigger your background is less related to the topic at hand than mine and I'm an AI researcher.
You're like one of those "scientists" who deny global warming, then inevitably turn out to be engineers whose job doesn't involve climate.

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North Africans are actually hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds.

user, the phenomenon came first, the word came to describe it.

Here, some attention. Now stop being a fag, jesus.

this is gonna end with him getting fucked in the butt, isn't it?
goddammit japan

because it's an edit

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Can you even read? The guild disbanded

>middle school
i wish they still played mmos...

any time I have something akin to a power fantasy or imagine myself in a different/idyllic scenario I just start writing it down and try to flesh it out into its own story none of them are finished and have been on the backburner for years

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I'm confused. The son is clearly a cross dresser but the mom/sister doesn't understand why he plays a girl?

>egirl joins group
>group devolves into infighting vying for her attention
>group implodes
how accurate

She's right, arcade machines are stupid and became outdated the moment home consoles became a thing.

How did you come to that conclusion? I just stated the opposite.

In the context of this conversation he's more like someone saying "an engineering degree doesn't make you qualified to speak on global warming because it actually has nothing to do with the topic, and I should know, I have one"

They could've made hundreds of thousands if Patreon had existed back then.

You've stated that if you don't have sub-saharan African DNA then you are not factually African, and when pressed on this you clarified that North Africans aren't black.

I miss playing doctor with my friends feet when I was a little kid. Calvin is a faggot.

What's the last video game you played?

>A sudden non-sexual original TS story. A cliched introduction from "when I woke up, I became a girl".
Damn it

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>It's not a bubble man

user the whole fucking point is people saying gender and sex are the same in biology so that means biology says gender identity isn't real, which is false.

I don't remember when I saved it, can't help you man.

Lmao don't know why he even bothered to argue with you, clearly you're just a deluded resetera tranny

>Also, most microtransations make the game easier while arcades are as hard for everyone and don't get easier the more money you put in. You just get better.
Yeah because arcade games where you can put in another coin to come back to life don't exist right? Absolute fucking liar you are. So many arcade games were actually designed around this concept, they'd have near impossible sections where you were MEANT to die so that they could get more money. And yes you could pass those sections without dying if you were good enough, but you could also pass them by continuously pumping coins into the machine, so paying more money DID make the games easier in many cases you fucking lying piece of shit. Coin machines are every bit the rip off that paid DLC is. Arguably more in some cases.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

>that daydreaming comment
Fuck, I do this. I daydream so much about having powers or being super talented and fixing my worthless life or destroying those that wronged me.

why is this so accurate to me

No, he clearly brings everything down to his own field and then says he knows everything.
If he said something like
>in my burger-flipping field for brainlets, we never discuss gender
then it would be OK, but instead he says
>my burger science tells me that no biologist ever discussed gender
even though gender is one of the topics in neurobiology.

I try man, I really try.


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My power fantasies ended up devolving into their own universes where I'm not part of them anymore and I just mess with the characters and worldbuild shit to pass the time. I find it very entertaining, sometimes things come together so organically that it almost feels I'm just an observer rather than the creator.
I wish I could put these ideas into books, but I've never been interested into literature until very recently and I'm afraid I may be too retarded to write something worth a shit. From what I understand, this personal fiction world thing (or "paracosm") is more common than what it seems like.

I've had plenty in the pas, but I've "rebooted" them regularly, and I'm often not the person with the power, but another character that's similar to me.
I am embarrassed to admit it, but my latest one is gender bender themed where "I" turn in to a magical girl and fight monster. It's also the only one I've written down.

Plot basically revolves around the sister having scienced her brother into a grill.
She's basically enjoying the slippery slope he's going down mentally.

Because they're standard human emotions, they just manifest themselves more on people who dont occupy their time doing productive work, hobbies or social interactions.
Everything about you is found in other people, you just practiced specific things more than others.

I'm sure psychology in general is a topic in neurobiology.

>She's right

>arcade machines are stupid
They're great.

> became outdated the moment home consoles became a thing.
Wrong again. Consoles existed for like 50 years, yet consoles like Atari 2600 never even came close to arcades. Why? Because hardware was incredibly expensive back then. The first time consoles came close to the arcade versions was when the Neo Geo AES hit the market in the early 90s and it's price was about 700$. The games costed 200-300$ each.
You have no single clue what you're talking, nigger. Just fuck off.

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Why are you all so hurt? Want to talk about it?

I'm a different user.

Oh god

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Way to miss the point of what's happening user. The point being made that one outside field doesn't apply to another field especially one that is outside the area of said subject. A chemical engineer doesn't weight in on subjects that are in the field relevant to a structural engineer. A child psychiatrist doesn't weight in on the subject that is more relevant to a forensic psychiatrist.

I'm fucking dying right now

>which ones can you recommend?
Stonetoss. :^)

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How does a simple continue make the game easier?

No you're clearly misconstruing everything and misinterpreting.

>The point being made that one outside field doesn't apply to another field especially one that is outside the area of said subject.
This is my point. The one you're missing by accusing me of missing the point.

Well, then perhaps you shouldn't have answered on behalf of the other one what he meant


How the fuck do you even pronounce that shit?

Street Fighter V since I got it on sale but i've also been playing through Raiden IV.

So what are we doing?

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I have 7 I cycle through
>I have godly psychic powers that the world knows about but live normally. Occasionally someone tries to harm my family and I slaughter all of them.
>I wished to a genie to have mastery of drawing, animating, and storytelling and have become a notorious animator that makes all the most well-known animators in Japan worship me. I'm worshiped as the king drawfag on Yea Forums.
>I wished for a cyborg brain that's millions of years advanced to the best supercomputers on the planet. I use my brain to become the god of vidya development and make games that rekindle Yea Forums's love for vidya and finally get contracted by companies to make installments in IPs that blow the previous ones out of the water.
>I have "The Spark" from old MtG and super magic powers. I live on a floating island in the ocean with family and friends and stop caring about the world below. I combine magic with tech to have the best and ultimate lifestyle.
>Some evil extra-dimensional being tried to posses me but it failed and his consciousness was wiped out while I got his incomprehensible power. I become the go-to weapon for the US and live as a god on Earth, occasionally wiping out whatever evil threatens people.
>I have super mind reading and mind controlling powers that work through the internet. I dox people that are shitting up Yea Forums or mind control them to either kill themselves or turn them into the kind of people they despise and control those around me to have an easy life.
>I'm immortal and indestructible and get sent back in time to live through the entirety of human history until I end up back where I started.
There's some others I've been experimenting with though.

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I said

Well then perhaps you should have stopped being a faggot.

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Arguing about gender without having first-hand experience of it, credentials that actually relate to it, nor any real knowledge about it beyond
>most people are cismen and ciswomen
>some people claim to be something else

Yes. I realise perfectly where it all went wrong. You clearly still don't.

>Some evil extra-dimensional being tried to posses me but it failed and his consciousness was wiped out while I got his incomprehensible power.
Is that stolen from an actual published work? Could have sworn I've already seen that somewhere before.

that's what it is dummy.

But aren't we all samefags?

I wouldn't be surprised. I was always that kid that would just steal shit from media to make my OCs. My friend and I would have our superheroes we'd pretend to be and mine was always a mish-mash of whatever Jap stuff I had been watching/playing. That said, I can't really remember anything like that in media that I would have taken it from.

I only samefagged once in this thread and didn't really argue in that post.
You can't be me.

>I'm immortal and indestructible and get sent back in time to live through the entirety of human history until I end up back where I started.
Is it a continuous loop? Because that would be fucking torture and not power fantasy.

I honestly don't.

Though to his defence, he's called Ruffy in Germany and Japan. It's a joke about Japs pronouncing "L" as "R".

I've been jumping into random posts and breaking the chain of replies. I may have forgotten who i am.

Pick a side you fucking centrist

im notte a gfairy im notte a gnoblin

Why phoenix?

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