Why hasn't there been a single new controller feature since pic related that isn't useless garbage?
Why hasn't there been a single new controller feature since pic related that isn't useless garbage?
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xbox brought triggers
Xbox has full analog triggers and Switch has motion control, both of which have been legitimately useful (motion control in particular is a game changer and makes a huge difference in aiming).
let's hope we'll finally get paddles on the back in the next generation
Gyro isn't useless
Because shit keeps getting added and never properly used.
Yo dude check out this huge button touchpad thing!
>either a menu button or has one, obscure use you can perform easier with other commands
What is gyro?
Gyro is great when used in conjuction with regular controls.
Tearaway Unfolded is still the only game that used all of the controller's features
oh yes tell us how useful that feature.
>inb4 retards try to argue that gyro controls are “waggle”
Most games don't even use the touchpad. If they do, it's usually as a menu button.
Almost no games use the lightbar at all. The only game I can think of that somewhat uses it is GTAV. If you have cops after you, it flashes red/blue. If you are playing Franklin it's green, Trevor is orange, Michael is blue.
>Yo dude check out this huge button touchpad thing!
>>either a menu button or has one, obscure use you can perform easier with other commands
For real. They could make the PS5 controller without the touchpad or light at all and it wouldn't break backwards compatibility with any PS4 games that anyone actually cares about. Of course they'd have to bring back the select button though.
>Switch has motion control
Switch's flavor of motion controls was introduced way back on Vita and WiiU, and Wii also had non-garbage motion controls that eventually morphed into VR controllers (to the point Sony's knockoff Wiimote is used for PSVR).
>Tearaway Unfolded
Never heard of it. Is it enjoyable?
Also bottom screen touchpad for DS family and Wii U.
>Nintendo fags pretending waggle was some new invention and not just integrated light gun
>The only game I can think of that somewhat uses it is GTAV. If you have cops after you, it flashes red/blue. If you are playing Franklin it's green, Trevor is orange, Michael is blue.
It's not useful, but that's pretty cool.
werent they just push buttons instead of triggers with z axis?
Motion controls are standard now, faggot
The DS4 uses the same basic tech the Wii remote used
Gyro aiming is objectively superior to everything but using a mouse
Shooters and games with shooter elements are actually playable now
>Why hasn't there been a single new controller feature since pic related that isn't useless garbage?
Dreams too. From the same dev
Depends. It's a childish, gimmicky 3D platformer with nice art direction and some creative ideas. If that sounds like you might enjoy it go for it, it's dirt cheap now
More precise than a stick, kill yourself
Wii-style pointer aiming was indeed an evolution of light gun. But both actual motion controls with Wii (like in Wii Sports, laugh at it all you want) and the modern gyro aiming (which is more like a 3D mouse than screen pointer) are not.
>Gyro aiming is objectively superior to everything but using a mouse
actually sorry yeah dreamcast did analog triggers first. never really paid attention to that system.
Monster hunter had something similar where it changed color when you're aggro'd
>Kills your battery
Yeah, pretty cool
he's right though
Vibration and L3+R3, it's why DS2 is the greatest controller.
The wiiU's screen was pretty neat, but no one cared
Yeah nah
then why don't all shooters use it now? maybe because it's shit?
>Vibration and L3+R3
both present in DualShock 1
The best and really only use of the lightbar is for being able to tell which controller is for which player. Everything else is neat but only for the 5 seconds you notice it. Unless you're a tard, you won't be looking down very often.
vibration and L/R3 were a thing already in the first dualshock for ps1
Because we've reached peak design. The analog sticks were an obvious evolution of the directional buttons since it's much easier to make one stick that can go in all directions than having to press two buttons to go diagonal. You can only go in 8 directions with the directional buttons, the analog stick lets you go in 360 different directions.
The triggers were another easy addition - game need more buttons to be more complex, so just add more where there's room.
Gyro controls are too situational/gimmicky to add as a mainstay, same with the PS4's touchpad.
ah yes. worked for splatoon where everyone use gryo aiming.... oh wait..
Almost as bad as controller speakers. Fuck that battery wasting shit
you know how i know you're not intelligent?
everyone good did.
What more do you want?
There's already ten buttons you faggot.
Fuck you
peak zoomer
vibration on cable is free
>it's one of those "hardcore" FPS players that prefer aim assist and turning like a tank
Yeah okay buddy
PS4 users are resistant to change. most Switch shooters use it
not an argument
gyro users routinely stomp stick only plebs
>not playing mgs1, going to options, then vibration settings and placing the controller on your nuts
Fucking zoomers.
In RE2make the colour of the controller corresponds to your health and it felt pretty cool to hear the Hunk's radio play through the controller speaker when I started 4th Survivor up for the first time.
The pad is fine, it's two buttons left and right side plus the added swipe options for even more uses. It's mainly used for shortcuts, would be nice if they let you map what you want to it on PS4 on steam I'm sure you can map a lot of things to it. The light bar needs to go though.
>Actual brainletposting
I would fucking paint over that light. Really hope it's out of the PS5
I like the speaker in the controller. Hearing sound from that always surprises me.
>Gyro controls are too situational/gimmicky
Anything that involves aiming, or where you need to have functionality of two sticks and access to face buttons at the same time (fuck claw grip desu).
You're actually retarded if you think waggle-tech and modern gyro controls are the same thing.
How do you properly use the gyro? Do you aim with the stick and tilting the controller? Or is it just for small corrections without moving the stick?
>Covered my lightbar with black electrical tape
>Turned off my controller speaker
>Most games only use the touchpad as a menu button
Nice controller you got, Snoy
Should've stuck with the PS3 design but updated it to USB C
>I'll just double down on my retarded opinion
My lord, these are unprecedented levels of autism
Perhaps you could post a video or somesuch that would demonstrate a gyro user performing well?
>All the money they could have saved on manufacturing the Vita if they never bothered with the gyro controls and the rear touch panel bullshit
>Which would mean cheaper retail price
Stick for big movements. Gyro for fine adjustments.
It's used for PSVR depth tracking in games that don't use moves, but they really should allow us to disable it for flat games
stick for broad moves, gyro for small finetuning
>Not waiting for psycho mantis to massage then for you
EVERYONE uses gyro, from top nip autist monsters to my 5yo nephew who figured them out before he figured out how to move with left analog.
>want to pause game
>have to find the tiny little button in a weird spot thats almost flush with the controller while a useless giant button takes up 50% of the real estate
Ps4 controllers are just weird. They do feel heavier than ps3 controllers though which alone still makes them best imo
ITT: People with Parkinson's disease can't hold a controller properly or make fine adjustments with their wrists
>Everyone uses it
>Checks top players
>They aren't using it
What did he mean by this?
Fuck the stick, use gyro as mouse.
Its perfect for small precise adjustments
analog triggers and gyro controls
unfortunately only the gimped ps4 controller has both. that's so sad actually.
Gyro is shit
Vibration is shit
Waggle is shit
Touchpad is shit
Blinky light is shit
Pretty sure I only had the demo when I discovered the rumble magic. Times were rough.
But there has. Gyroscope/motion controls started out as a meme, but now they are being used in much smarter ways. Splatoon's gyro-assisted aiming is the only way I can stand console shooters. And VR has essentially been driven by the same gyro tech, plus other tracking tech to correct spatial drift.
Another thing I'm furious hasn't caught on is the Steam controller's back paddle buttons. I'm sick of having to claw grip controller's when you could put real buttons in the back for your other fingers to work.
Top players use mouse and keyboard. Most console shooters don't have gyro support unless they're on the Switch. Top Splatoon players exclusively use gyro
Don't k know why no PS4 games use gyro aiming when the Dualshock 4 is capable of that. The only instance I can tell when gyro aiming being used is on the PS4 web browser when selecting characters on the virtual keyboard.
Look up any splatoon video of high ranked/tourney play, one or two doesn't matter
The only people who use sticks are absolute carried shitters like putz, and you can clearly see the difference between his gameplay and anyone elses
Gyro aiming (not the Wii mote shit) is the best fucking controller feature in the past decade. It is the closest we'll probably ever have to mouse keyboard until some sort of eye tracking feature gets added
pro tip: it's usually the one you're holding
>t. would rather let the game aim for him
Even Putz uses gyro lmao
>>Can go from body shot to headshot with a small adjustment of your wrist
Gyros fantastic for aiming
>had to buy a xbox becasue i just couldnt handle the fact that they used dog noses for analog playstation buttons
Putz finally switched from sticks?
Color me surprised, a few months ago I saw him getting btfo'd in rainmaker while using dapples with sticks
Smartass. You know what I mean. Its handy for local coop when controllers are set down. At a glance you can differentiate the two. Though the bar can go. An illuminated PS button would be preferable.
>He thinks that has anything to do with it and not the simple fact that it's a bunch of annoying adjustments that takes you out of the experience
I don't want to be moving around the controller in such an awkward manner just to aim slightly better. The whole reason I'm using a controller in the first place is that only my fingers need to be moving.
the gyro used like splatoon does SHOULD be the next big thing that is Incorporated not only into every new fps but everything else too.
for whatever reason that has not become the case despite it actually being in the ps4 controller.
as a pc player I thought the gyro was an amazing step in the right direction and made playing a shooter on a console at least somewhat bearable.
Capitalism demands constant "progress" when our human hardware hasn't changed since pre history. Once they figured out a good interface device for human hands their work was done. Same problem the razor industry has, single blade safety razors from decades ago are about as effective as the countless iterations they've been pushing ever since
main issue is that even though you can flick to your targets fast, it's still not accurate enough for precise headshots if you are using guns that have incredibly small hitboxes. Splatoon's "bullets" have a pretty wide range. Also need to add how important the crosshair reset button is for gyro and it would be a pain in the ass to remap current games' controls into dedicating a button for just crosshair resetting.
I would like it if there were two extra back triggers, below L2/R2 and more towards the middle of the back of the controller. You would generally use them with your middle or ring fingers
I use a ds4 on my PC. When the lightbar is on the battery dies in a few hours. When I turn it off completely (thanks steam) it lasts literally days.
So yes, not him but it kills your battery very quickly having that stupid huge light
analogue facebuttons on DS2/3 was a advancement and legitimately helped but they dumped them with DS4 because xbox didn't want to spend the extra cash or have patent for them.
pressure sensitive face buttons make racing games way more comfortable to play. and let the controller have effectively 2x as many buttons if you binding it for a mmo or some thing.
triggers are a gun nut larp all the pro players switch fire to the digital bumpers.
they feel good yes but they make you loose
Thanks for reposting my post.
So what controller did you pick in the end?
ya but top splatoon players is saying top cod4 players on wii using exclusively light gun.
its cool that niche exists but you can play shooters in VR like that shroud does and he has this stick thing that locks both motion controlers together so he can aim better.
the sensors even in the Vive controlers are so shit thou that it would never be competitive its cool to aim that way but a ball mouse would be more accurate. maybe in 10years when motion sensors improve but till then its a niche.
Motion controls
Touch screen
imagine if PS5 or xbox4 is totally bold and removes analogues and just has a nes/genesis style controller with amazing gyro support that lets you aim as good as a mouse. (and then has mouse support as well)
would be a crazy bold move to kill the analogue stick but it could be good for the future. analogue sticks really cant improve at all the PS1 had a more accurate analogue stick than the PS2/360 thou the ps3/xboxone/ps4 improved it back to PS1 10bit level of detail.
but I don't think it can improve past that. joysticks for instance haven't improved since the 90s i don't think the technology actually exists to make some thing that size more detailed otherwise the US military wouldn't use 360 controllers for robots and shit and would make their own.
99.9% of players don't use them thou.
the only touch screens used for gaming is literally on devices with out buttons.
even most of the VR players right now are not using motion controls they are using VR for racing or flight sim games.
Dropping truth bomb
That's a stupid idea. Even if you go full Joycon and have two split controllers, you are only matching the number of inputs a dual analog controller has, whereas nothing stops you from using sticks on top of that. Wii suffered hard from having just one stick, which is where all the "map action to wagglan" came from.
scuf paddles
ps5 should make them standard feature. would improve so many games to have another couple of buttons on the back.
The Wii's motion control was awful. The motion plus accessory should have been what the console came with from the start.
what if this became standard
analogues are shit thou they are actually crap a single really accurate gyro and a good dpad is more than enough.
why do you need a analogue stick for movement just have a crouch button and sprint button. I guess if you playing some thing insain like escape from tarkov where you would want to walk and minute different speeds a analogue would be nice but a literal mouse wheel on the side of the controller would be just as good.
analogues are probably the most expensive part of a controller beside the battery yet they provide no real advantage and encouraging people to learn to use them is just going to keep gameplay shallow.
im not sure you are aware how accurate and fast light gun aiming is like with the wiimote IR sensor its arguably better than a mouse and is the only way console will = pc for competitive play. ok don't have the gyro but at least have a sensor tower and a IR reader on front of controller and alot of comfy positioned buttons.
the controller can still look like a 360 controller or what ever or maybe have the grips styled even more like a gun if you want. or have the option to split it in 2 if you really want.
analogues literally are holding back game design.
what is this
>anecdotal evidence
>stupid huge light
It is one small LED, similar to the one in the Xbone controller. Yet you never hear complaints about it’s light.
You’re either stupid or a shitposter. Probably both
don't mix the motion controls with the IR bar and reader in the wiimote that was insainly acurate and basically as good as a mouse. go watch videos of people play COD4 on wii the top players played that way with the wiimote as a gun and it was very fast way faster and accurate than a analogue stick.
That touchpad is amazing for VRchat.
it was for racing/flying games
a lot of people said it was kino controls
aren't those just the same shit as the saturn's 3d pad
Not even a sonyfag but the Dualshock 4 is objectively the best controller ever created. I really want to see how PS5 approaches its controller.
Wasn't gyroscopic sixaxis introduced on the PS3? Am I the only one old enough to remember that nonsense?
xboxlets will tell you it's useless because they don't have it
Triggers are awful, I would much rather just have another two shoulder buttons.
More inputs is never bad. Imagine all the finger-twisting shit you'd be able to do with effectively three analog inputs.
>a literal facebook post
go back to your hole and stay there
Gyro controls +analog is unironically as close to m+k as possible with a controller atm. You use the stick to make macro adjustments and the gyro make micro ones. It works so well it's actually crazy
hopefully it's the same as the ds4 with a good battery life
analogues are shit grow up.
I agree thou there is a massive 20year generation that love them thou so getting rid of its going to be hard as fuck to do.
it's 3 LEDs you retard
how do you think RGB light works
That's what i'm hoping for, but there's a third party controller called the Power-A pro for xbox that has paddles on the back and a button to remap the entire controller; it'd be neat if PS5's has something like that, it makes DMC very very fun.
>misspelled two
>two dogs for one controller
>"that's five dogs needlessly murdered"
ok retard
You can both push and rotate it in any direction. Some people doing 3D modelling still swear by those, though in a more professional form.
wow user I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure it's a satirical page
are you sure you should be posting that image?
IR + analog is better thou.
VR motion controllers don't use gyro for aiming they use light towers like the Wii bar. that's why they are more accurate.
obviously thou you cant use IR on a phone or handheld but you can use it on a home console.
john Carmack is working on a algorithm to use the camera to do a reverse IR that will be better than gyro but you might need a well lit room or a infa red camera on phone.
Good example, splatoon is probably the best console shooter because of the gyro aiming
Lack of inputs is why we still can't have a proper superman/witch/etc aerial combat game. At best they control like planes right now. If we remove inputs instead of adding them we'll never have the holy grail of flight sims.
excuse me what?
you want some anime flying game where you can fly in one direction look one way and fire another? for some reason I don't think that should be the basis of future design.
we need some thing that allows comfortable accurate input that normies will use and doesn't hold back game design. making some ironman flying game I don't think is the future of gaming and fairly sure you could achive that with 1 analogue axis of input and one dpad and a shift button.
DS2/3 analogue pressure sensitive facebuttons was better for this and more comfy driving for more than 15mins with triggers is painful as fuck on ya hands if you playing any thing remotely realistic and requires lots of sensitive in.
Achievable in VR easily at the least.
or using second stick for up for accelerate and down for brake is fine. despite what people think no one brakes and accelerates at same time in racing. and if you want to do a burn out use the ebrake on A button or what ever.
triggers are shit as fuck trials uses them but that game is trash.
>no one brakes and accelerates at same time in racing
In rallying sometimes
do they even have analog buttons anymore i think they've regressed
there was games on Wii like this already.
Wii mote IR for one turn
Wii mote gyro for another turn
nuncuck analogue for 3rd axis.
dynamic slash (made by earth defense force people with a oblivion art style) had a control style like this. this game
you was not flying but it did have 3axis controls one for view one for moving sword and one for moving feet
was a keno as fuck game btw
are you aware how a car works? revving the engine while braking still decreases the revs you idiot. the only way to achive what you are suggesting is by putting in the clutch as well while braking
>implying triggers are any different from L2 and R2
well the are analogue but they bring nothing. and are a pointless LARPER my controller is a gun feature.
Engine can usually overpower the brakes though. You brake to transfer weight to the front and grip the front tires up, then diffs do their magic and you get pulled out of the corner while unladen and locked up ass slides out.
I mean you get pulled into the corner.
how shit are your hands that you cant press buttons lightly for 15 minutes.
you just don't know how to race go download kenburns rally.
doing some thing dumb you think feels cool in ya bogan car IRL while trying to impress ya friends isn't "racing knowledge"
what is gyro and how is it used? not up to speed with console stuff.
a trigger isn't a button you probably play arcade games play a racing game on hardest driving difficulty (not opponent difficulty) like forza/GT/assetto/iracing with trigger and you will instantly see what I mean
it gets painful fast on ya ""fuck you finger" or index finger. if you playing with all driving assists and don't need to hold things half way much its probably not painful thou but at that point playing with facebuttons and no gradual accelerate would be just as fast.
trials does require it thou but you can bind it to second stick just as well like they do on switch might not feel as comfy but analogue triggers are actually a meme and will disappear soon.
>So what controller did you pick in the end?
I'm using my Vita with vitapad
It['s better
>DS2/3 analogue pressure sensitive facebuttons was better for this
The fuck it was. The buttons had like 2mm of space to travel before it was bottomed out.
why do you use vita? for the dpad?
the facebuttons and analogues re pretty shit imo.
>why do you use vita? for the dpad?
it's worth it until I decide (maybe ps4)
With Switch, its basically a pointer. Except you don't have to actually point like you're waving the wii-mote at the screen.
Instead you default to aiming at the center of the screen wherever your current hand position is, then you can tilt the controller to move the aiming reticule. Thats just one example
e.g. Playing Zelda, you pop out the Bow. You're already locked onto the enemy by holding L to focus on him. But the aiming reticule is still free to be moved where you want. You just tilt your wrists up and release the arrow on his head. Its really easy and intuitive. Makes the "tank aiming" controls of old shooters seem so god damn primitive
actually use it retard it captured analogue press from 0-100% perfectly. the button might have only moved 1mm but how hard you pressed it was tracked perfectly.
sony still uses the same tech on the PS4 bumpers but they removed it from the facebuttons unfortunately. find some game that lets you use it or find a windows driver and watch how accurate it is. its not about the travel its the load cell in it that picks up pressure weight it doesn't matter how much it moves its based on force.
The first thing I thought of when I read the original post about the switch controllers was six-axis
>why do you need a analogue stick for movement just have a crouch button and sprint button
Racing games. The old splintercells also made noise based on how fast you moved. It was such an important mechanic that when they ported it to the PC, they made it so you controlled the speed by scrolling the scroll wheel since keyboards only had on/off like you're praising to high heaven. And yes, it was an important mechanic despite its absence in later Splinter Cells, because later Splinter Cells that abandoned it slowly morphed into action games where stealth was optional.
based SONY adds feature that requires a sensitive hand. America muts that don't know how to pleasure their wifes cant work it out even thou its groundbraking and amazing so its never used and eventually removed
>What is luigi's mansion
the best racing game is GTpsp and doesn't require a analogue stick and controls better with dpad or keyboard … even analogue acleration and brake in it is worse as its based on timing and slowly tapping analaogue and brake quickly.
but idknow you are prob a nub. GTpsp is literally better than iRacing. maybe if I better racing game comes out ill want a analogue again but if one does come out ill probably just buy a wheel.
>it captured analogue press from 0-100% perfectly
I'm not saying it was any less precise, I'm saying it allowed the players less accuracy than the modern shoulder buttons, which have an inch or more between 0 and 100. It was pretty rad for games that used it, like Mad Maestro, but not for racing games. There's also other games like Ace Combat that utilized the shoulder buttons' pressure sensitivity that have only benefited from the shoulder buttons being given more space to move in.
Binary steering is objectively worse in every regard. Just because you're personally more used to it than analogue doesn't mean it's better. I bet you'd say real cars would be better with dpad steering.
gamecube didn't have triggers it had pressure sensitive buttons/bumpers shaped like triggers'
pressure sensitive uses a load cell while analogue triggers use a Petechiometer.
load cell > Petechiometer
DS2/3 facebuttons and GC triggers used load cells and where technically "pressure sensitive buttons"
while triggers on 360/ps3/ps4 use Petechiometer and are shit.
Nintendo stopped doing triggers after Gamecube but their triggers was always loadcells so not comparable to the triggers we are talking about. they have all dumped load cells like the GC triggers because they are expensive and stupid westerners cant work them out.
the ultimate controller would have load cells in every button and bumper and have no triggers.
GC isn't a trigger its 2 pressure sensitive buttons with load cells on the back.
play GTpsp on psp emulator on ya pc and you will understand what I mean. it using a timing system on dpad input that's very well tuned plug in ya playstation pad or what ever and you will see what I mean it controls better with the dpad than the analogue.
its the only racing game that does this thou because it was designed for PSP that had a shit analogue but its also the best racing game. so ya. it has the same physics as GT5/6/sport
GT4 is popular but it uses older physics so GTpsp is better and best racing game to date imo.
I still use a analogue stick for forza7 and iRacing and assetto and shit but ive played a fuckload of them on full simulation settings and GTpsp is still better and im not talking about nostalgic feel its actually a better sim.
Best sim is a real car
>better sim
you don't understand the diference between a load cell and a Petechiometer that tracks physical movment.
please go read up what a load cell is load cell records force while a Petechiometer records movement
you literally are the reason this technology isn't popular thou because western brains cant comprehend pressure sensitivity and think its all about movement. movment doesn't create more accuracy a load cell is like 1000s of times more accurate than even 15cm of movment yet to our brains it seems "hard to use" to control how hard we press.
>every game would be better if it had mario cart's wii motion controls!
fuck off
I don't care about reality im comparing video games im not training to fly to the moon. of the games that try to be realistic GTpsp has the most gameplay depth. even if a game tried to be more realistic it could still have less depth do you follow?
a load cell isn't a gyro you dumb cunt
the best racing wheel pedel setups use load cells the ones in them cost literally 300$ its advanced as shit technology you don't understand what we are talking about.
imagine a brake ok you slam ya foot on in hard but it doesn't move much but it brakes massively while with a Petechiometer you have to physical move the pedel back 7cm to make it brake 100%
load cells are based on force while trigger shit is based on movment its not hard to understand.
very fue input devices use pressure sensitivity so its hard for America mut brains to understand what it is
analogue is literally more depth than dpad
triggers are literally more depth than face buttons
>People defending gyro
Splatoon is the best shooter of the gen user
>what is a recenter button
no they aint pressure sensitive facebuttons that only exist on DS2/3 have more depth than triggers because they use load cells that record force not analogue movement of trigger.
and ya obviously analogue is more depth than dpad that's digital but if you play GTpsp you will understand what I mean play it with ya PS4 controller or what ever and switch between dpad and analogue its rare but its basically the only racing game that performs better with digital steering because they tune it very well and make the time you hold down the dpad increase the turn and letting the dpad go for a second and reengaging it almost has some AI to it.
I agree for 99% of racing games analogue is better but GTpsp is better than 99% of racing games hence I don't need a analogue for racing games atm unless a game impresses me more than GTpsp … and incase you think im a fanboy im not even playing GTpsp regularly atm im playing forza7/iracing atm with a analogue I enjoy exploring their physics but so far they have less depth.
You realize that functionality can be accurately emulated with software, rather than use vastly more expensive hardware, right? I understand the feel is different, but the feel isn't worth an extra hundred dollars to most people. Same reason you don't see $500 weighted electric pianos that "feel like REAL pianos!" outselling the $70 piece of shit keyboards you find at an electronics store. It's a niche that adds drastically less value than the higher pricetag indicates.
Potentiometer records movement, but if that potentiometer is linked with a spring (which is always), it baisically measures force all the same.
PS4 controllers don't have the pressure sensitive facebuttons of DS2/3 but they still have pressure sensitive bumpers
load up the windows driver and test how sensitive you can be with the bumpers from 0-100 compared to the triggers from 0-100
the bumpers are more accurate pressure sensitivity is better than triggers for accurate range of input depth from 0-100.
poor detected
If you want depth in a racing game, you play Wipeout, except your proposed control scheme doesn't have enough inputs or precision for it.
I was using "triggers" as a blanket term to refer to both PS4's and Xbox's rear shoulder buttons. PS4's shoulder buttons have a much greater range of movement than the PS2's, which is beneficial to the player. That was my point.
it can only measure speed against (the spring) not the actual force. think about it. if you push the trigger down really fast only 1 unit really hard it cant detect that is more force than just tapping it super lightly. that's why loadcells/pressure sensitivity is better for gameplay.
but ya its super niche shit you would have to design games around it and no one really does. hence controlers now have less loadcells than they did in the 2000s. the only ones im aware of on modern controlers are the bumpers on the PS4
Pic related is for me the best feature current gen controllers added.
wipeout isn't a racing game. its a kart game it obviously has skill but it has more in common with speedrunning than racing
A waste of money is a waste of money regardless of how much money you earn.
Wireless is as old as atari
a kart game is a racing game you pedantic fuck
REmake 2 and the Spyro trilogy do something similar for your health.
sega wins again
I remember trying to use it to aim grenade throws in Uncharted. Shit was garbage.
isn't speedrunning just racing non-racing games?
no its not kart games don't have complicated physics models.
if you literally think you can compare crash cart to forza you are a 50iq.
wankers like to class some racing games as arcade and some as sim and shit and I agree that's pedantic and bullshit but wipeout is a kart game or arcade or what ever shit you want to dismiss it as. doesn't mean it shit but its a dif thing it doesn't have physics it has mechanics. (it obviously has physics but saying that is the easiest way to say it)
Just like how you waste your time posting here whining about how poor you are lol
You can't take it with you when you go
Sixaxis was extremely limited compared to modern motion controls, worse than non-Motion Plus Wii.
Given the existence of specialized controllers I don't think the use case is important enough to justify triggers and the resulting ergonomics that suck in everything but flight sims and the 3 games that use them for single shot/full auto control though. Presssure sensitive brake button is more realistic anyways.
Dpad is mediocre at best. I honestly think the PS3 had a better dpad.
they should bring back twist controllers.
12 buttons unironically isn't enough for modern games anymore. I hope scuf controllers or at least something similar becomes standard.
it'll never happen though because then they can't jew you out of more cash for an """""elite""""" controller
"complicated physics models" aren't a requirement for being called a racing game, you're just another one of those wankers you just mentioned making up arbitrary rules to exclude people from a group for no good reason. you're the racing game equivalent of those kids who only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself
gyro is downright necessary for some genres. I hope it never leaves
Xbox 360 controller is better. Xbox One was a disappointment though. I don't own that shit console, don't worry. But I bought a controller for PC to replace my old 360 pad - big mistake.
>flight sims
If you can use just a standard controller for your flying game, it's not a flight sim.
I was thinking that a twisty grip would be a cool accessory for Joycons.
but to be fair forza on default settings is basically a kart game. so I understand ya confusion with all assists off its a totally dif game.
idknow the arcade/sim wankery is annoying. maybe I should play some simpler racing games too. grand trismo did start as some weird Mario kart shit Motor Toon Grand Prix and then got all "we are real now"..
idknow sim racing community sucks they dimiss any game they don't currently like as arcade racing. but idknow from the little wipeout ive played you only brake to avoid other players and at no other time.. maybe I haven't played enough but to me that's kart.
>"stop complaining about the share button bro nobody needs the select button anymore!"
>more often than not the touchpad is just used to do what select would've done
The DS4 also has fucking gyro capabilities which I didn't even know about because devs just don't use them.
That's true as well really.
plz read
If that's your criteria, then Wipeout is very much a racing game, its physics model is actually really complicated.
they're for racing games so you can dose your brake and gas instead of only being able to brake or accelerate as hard as possible.
the "trigger" nature of them is a by-product, not the main purpose.
Honestly, if the Wii had a controller that wasn't the dogshit remote, it would have been a damn good system for shooters. Hell, just stick an analogue stick on the remote even, it'd be shit but it'd be better than nothing but a d-pad and expecting players to turn ever so slowly while pointing at one edge of the screen.
saying a game you don't brake in is kart
saying a game with super easy driving is arcade
and saying a game where you must brake manage physics and traction is sim isn't bad
maybe I should use the term sim racing more and be more proud of it to not confuse people
you are obviously right they are all racing games but the sim term disgusts me so much its full of retards spending 2000$ on wheels that are worse than 5$ analogue sticks pads from good will.
Gyro control is intuitive for aiming on console and allows for more precision. Every game that doesn't have gyro aiming immediately fucking annoys me because it feels so good to aim with
that's literally not how cars work if you brake while accelerating ya revs go down.
you need to put in clutch to rev while braking.
you are imaging what you do in real life to make ya car make funny noises not what you actually do in games to help.
Splatoon did Gyro good
The share button is unironically extremely useful for recording shit and taking screenshot, not for uploading on some normie site like Facebook.
DS1, 2, and 3 were all uncomfortable and tiny. N64 controller was better than that shit.
>can't control steering with anything approaching sufficient precision anyways
>99% of people playing racing games just run max driving assists and slam them to 100% brake and throttle
What an utter waste for making everything else more awkward.
>that's literally not how cars work
>you need to put in clutch to rev while braking.
Sure, but we're not talking about real cars, we're talking about video games.
*gets sticky after a few years*
Give significant performance penalties with assists on, and shamelessly tell it to everyone.
what are Yea Forums's thoughts on controller paddles?
you can have a deep game with simple physics bro. wipeout is mid 90s mathematics. it physics model ran a on 125mhz cpu or some shit and hasn't changed. doesn't mean its a shit game you can make some thing have deep gameplay with simple math.
sim racing isn't much better thou it hasn't improved in 10years but from 1998-2008 it did advance massively to the point I think it can be considered a totally dif kind of game.
its still totally dif to reality thou mostly a LARP and just a diferent style of "arcade" thou.
sim racers are cancerous cunts that spend 1000$s of dollars on gear to make it more real when it adds no more input than a 5$ analogue controller from good will. they should be sending that money to developers to higher better computer scientists and engineers or to partner with racing teams to make a better simulation.
but alas its just "games" and boomer men are retards
>Because we've reached peak design.
Stupidest thing I've read this month. Stay away from vidia.
I wasn't talking about pulling both triggers at the same time. I was talking about "braking a little bit" and "giving a little bit of throttle". the only way to dose without analog input is to tap really quickly, but that results in jerky, sudden behaviors rather than smooth, realistic behaviors.
The Steam Controller's back paddles are really cool additions, using them as independent buttons instead of the Xbone's ones that are binded to face buttons. I really hope the next gen controllers use them.
Speaking of the Steam Controller, the touchpad + gyro combo is the best control scheme we have for aiming atm. Nintendo was on the right path using the gyro to assist the analog aiming on Splatoon. More games should use the PS4 gyro for aiming and Xbox should add a gyro on their next controller too.
Hey guys
How about
Shoulder analog sticks?
>invent a controller covered in so many buttons and sticks and pads that you have to install grips on it so there's a place you can hold it without accidentally hitting any buttons
>>>>>>put buttons on the grips
that doesn't work its in ya head look at the revs.
>incentivize people to do things they don't want to so you can justify ruining controller design
Already do anyways.
analogue anything sucks sticks triggers it all sucks
we need IR or cameras with sharper tracking of movment and pressure sensitive/load cell buttons.
gyros and analogue any thing is shit.
IR and camera tracking is only way controllers will catch up to mouse. because mice use light and light is better than analogue.
and don't say magnet detection joysticks that's already how analogues work.
Fuck off phone posting bus rider nigger
>Xbox should add a gyro on their next controller too.
They had two gens to do it, they won't because that'll anger the cod dudebros that'll suddenly get destroyed by 5-year olds.
Grid made it so every option that affected the gameplay also affected your pay, and it was still a great game. It could've been its generation's Gran Turismo if the devs didn't fuck up both sequels hard.
>ps4 ace combat 5 port is almost unplayable because of the lack of analog buttons
Thanks sony
stop misreading my posts and actually THINK before posting.
If we cater to the lowest common denominator we'll all play nothing but candy crush.
Controller Speakers, Gyro, and lights are all really cool.
The touchpad on the DS4 is cancer, though, and is the real reason why the battery life on the DS4 is so fucking horrendous.
you realise racing games have been doing that for 20years?
grid is a shit game that feels good
The touch pad is a great menu/map button, big and a lot easier to just tap it than the options button
I never thought I would miss this bullshit but i really wish switch joy sticks had octagonal gates.
they're so tiny that i often press up or down by accident in 2d games
just keep doing it IRL and ya car gears will stop engaging in 3months. enjoy the wright off.
you realise F1 drivers use paddels for accelerate and brake and pressing both down literally turns off accelerate and only brakes because doing both would make the car literally explode and rip the drivers body apart.
I disagree. I don't think it's precision (read:hardware) holding controllers back compared to mice, but accuracy (read:the user). You've got a dozen joints all working in unison to move the mouse how you need to. With controllers, you have 3. Even if you develop your fine motor skills with your thumb to an expert level, it will never compare to the amount of control you get from developing your entire hand and wrist.
I loved the black and white buttons on the Xbox controller S
So's Gran Turismo
you're literally retarded. you can't read.
You keep talking about real cars, but we're talking about video games.
the best controller literally is just a rubber ball or surface you wrest ya hands on while a super high resolution camera and AI tracks ya movements to nano meters .
to make it cheaper you could have a small camera attached to the surface you wrap around or looking out from the inside while you wrest on it could have parts that push in and out but no mechanics just image information.
the best form all of input is optical. always is always will be. mechanical shit is flawed and simplistic.
doesn't have to be waving ya hands around can still be traditional movments. just much more detailed. will never happen thou because a camera like that is more expensive than afue buttons and requires more processing power.
he keeps talking about heel-toeing which was a fair misunderstanding after my first post but then I cleared it up and he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge this and just keeps going on and on about what would happen if you used the brake and gas pedal at the same time. hell, even after only my first post it's a really dumb tangent to go off on because the context was always analog vs. digital and you can also press two digital buttons at the same time. it's bizarre and I hope he's just trolling.
best controller is direct machine interface to your brain
a few*
give him a break, english is obviously his second language and it looks like he picked it up from browsing reddit
vvideo games decrease revs when you brake and accelerate at the same time look next time and stop wasting ya time.
using right analogue stick up for accelerate and down for brake is just as fast as triggers the top sim racers in Grand Trismo torniments use this setup. and they win like 10grand. a race.
not an excuse, english is my second language, too.
if you want to rev while slowing down put in the clutch you idiots. if you are not doing that you are literally slowly killing ya car
That wasn't the problem, it was the ass expensive memory cards.
It's not a real car, it's a video game.
he's probably like 15, too, and learned all this from browsing /o/'s vidya general
I chalk that up to most games being multiplats that would have to redesign any mechanics around it to play on other systems that don't have the touchpad, etc.
Kind of like how no games use the kinnect for the same reason.