Why didn't the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" Yea Forums meme didn't save it?

>Current Skyrim players:
10,332 + 11,485 (Skyrim Special Edition) + 2,914 (Enderal)

>Current Witcher 3 players:

>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3

According to Yea Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?

>The game Skyrim contains 820 readable pieces of literature, including letters, journals, spell tomes, books that offer skill points, five books that add quests, and 307 books that serve no other purpose than lore.

Maybe that's why people play Skyrim and not Bitcher 3

Attached: dcol.jpg (1019x1195, 206K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally nobody plays vanilla skyrim, only with mods

Buncha dudes playing the beastiality/loli/rape mods

Even if Witcher 3 had the best mod tools in the world: Could you imagine a mary sue like Geralt doing any of that?

This is why Witcher 3 is a bad RPG

Hey slag, it's not 2015 anymore

holy shit its been a while since I saw this.

I couldn't stomach playing Skyrim for more than 10 hours total, not even mods could make up for weightless, boring, braindead combat, gray everything and uninteresting, painfully generic Western medieval fantasy setting.

Most people play vanilla and a few play with quest and npc mods. Only an extremely small minority is serious in modding. Kys.

Whoa don't tell Witcherfags that, they might get triggered that people enjoy Skyrim because it actually allows for roleplaying unlike Mary Sue Geralt Simulator 2015

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

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Insanity would explain why Witcherfags keep playing a game you can't change

>Maybe I'll find a different way to do the love triangle that- no, it still forces me onto one and I can't roleplay

It's been awhile since you sucked a cock too, doesn't stop you from being gay

Who the fuck cares dude

Most people are retarded and you shouldn't listen to most people.

source is your ass I guess?

Normies love Skyrim and Witcher 3 has no post-game content.
I don't understand why review scores are used as anything but general guidelines on the quality of games.
Reviewers shat on many great games while praising generic bland cashgrabs wearing the skin of formally good series.
Reviewers are PLEBS massive obvious PLEBS that only enjoy the most flat easy to digest cosmonaut food of a games.
The fact that Witcher 3 did as well as it did in reviews means that it lost something from the previous games to make itself enjoyable to the subhuman masses.

Even if they play it modded, that's the sign of good mod tools and a good community


Duke Nukem still gets amazing mods for example

Skyrim got loli rape mods what did you expect

Attached: 1508700862555.jpg (548x470, 72K)

>How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon?
Mods, are you stupid?
Skyrim isn't even a bad game, it has a lot of longevity with mods while TW3 is just a whole different beast, I don't even know why you're trying to compare the games and trying to imply player counts for single player games mean anything.

>and Witcher 3 has no post-game content.

And Yea Forums says this shit is good

Attached: VelvetyAgileHarrierhawk-size_restricted.gif (383x250, 133K)

Post game content is like extra bread. It doesn't make the meal better, it means you can get more more for your money if you're willing to suffer bland taste.

I wasn't the one making the argument, but most people that love Skyrim probably played it on 360, PS3 and any other console port

>>Current Witcher 3 players:
seriously? 4 years later? pretty amazing.

meanwhile skyrim wasn't in top seller on steam for 6 years

>Ignoring the Skyrim accomplishment with 1 game having 3 large audiences

kys witcher drone

>mentally ill spammer already got bored of trying to incite Steam vs Epic platform wars and now he's back to the TW3 stuff

>Skyrim isn't even a bad game, it has a lot of longevity with mods while TW3 is just a whole different beast

By different beast, you mean a Telltale game with combat that retards call an RPG, yes I agree.

>I don't even know why you're trying to compare the games and trying to imply player counts for single player games mean anything.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>New overhaul mod comes out for free made by fans
>user: Lol, now it's time to make a pointless thread, shitting up Yea Forums to try to get (you)s because I have nothing giving my life meaning

Dude, go for a walk or something for fuck's sake.

that mod is shit
Ion Maiden is better
get triggered

He has been making the same thread for over 2 years, the funniest shit is that the TW3 player count just kept on increasing.

Holy fucking shit.

>that mod is shit

You haven't played it, guaranteed