Other urls found in this thread:
Sonic 3 & Knuckles? Is that okay? Do I have Yea Forums's approval?
Killer 7
Battlefront II 2005 a strong contender.
Halo 3
Sonic Adventure 2
New Vegas or MGS3
Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition. It's just so fucking good.
I miss the real R6 games so much.
either pokemon explorers of sky or dragon quest ix
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
limiting to a single great game is kinda shitty and restrictive. also changes over time.
but if you want me to post just a single game it has to be mgs 1.
GUN 2005
Mirror's Edge.
At the risk of being unoriginal
Phantasy Star Online
Pikmin 1
Having a favourite game (song, movie, book), is fucking stupid, and everyone here is lying with their answers to some degree.
Ratchet and Clank 2
You have mine.
The Ultimate Doom
My nigga
my absolute 3-eyed niggah. I played all of em several times (except for double agent, what the fuck happened there?). The only bad game this franchise has had is SC double agent for the first xbox. They somehow found a way to make an even shittier version of it for poorfags who couldnt afford the next xbox. youtube.com
awesome times were had with this.
v t m b
burnout takedown
in a week it will likely be devil may cry 5
DCSS 0.18
I'd say either Dark Souls or Metroid Prime 2
pic related
new vegas
Pong It was tne first video game i played with my dad
Dark Souls is overrated my man, double down on Metroid Prime
Bloodborne. No contest. I really want a 60 fps remaster tho.
Zelda OoT
tony hawks underground
pic related
The Witcher's first installment, the rest can go to hell (along with ju-CDPR)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
wait no hotline memiami
DA on the sixth-gen consoles wasn't too bad, it was like a level pack for Chaos Theory. I remember having a lot of fun with it on the Wii. It's hard to go back to that ugly ass HUD they used for it, especially when the Chaos Theory one aged so well. If Ubisoft ever gets off their asses and makes a new one, I hope it's a refinement on Blacklist's gameplay with Chaos Theory's tight level design. If they bring back Amon Tobin it would be a GOAT stealth game
Knowing modern Ubisoft they'll fuck it up and make it an open-world Wildlands clone
demon's souls
as if soumeone gave a fuck
I can't even help it, but this. Nothing comes close in terms of fun, sense of adventure, replay ability, and fun story.