

Reminder that DMC5 will be objectively inferior to Kinohearts 3, the action genre's very own peak.

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The sad part isn't that this *could* be true, but that it WILL be true. Not because of any signs of quality, but just because they're going to be shit.

>it's another falseflagging barry thread
KHbros and DMCbros are friens, fuck off

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Why do people shit on KH for its confusing story, but then praise DMC for the exact same thing?

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Same. Only good story was DMC3 really.

One takes itself seriously, the other one is dmc

Lol wat. DMC5 is gearing up to top DMC3 in being GOAT in its own genre.

KH3 is ok at best.

Barry pls kill yourself you waste of space

>Press X to win, sometimes Y for health:the game 2
Same exact shit as ff xv.

Is there a history between this user and the other guy mentioned? I keep seeing them pop in threads a lot.

But KH2 is a better action game than this one.

Shut the fuck UP, xv-kun.

Imagine being this much delusional.

lololol r u gay? :)

What's confusing about DMC's story?

No u

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KH2 is shit. KH3 even with all issues considered is a far more competent game in comparison .

DMC doesn't take itself too seriously and have far better cast interaction than anything Kingdumb Farts keeps shitting out.

both games are trash and you're an imbecile if you like either

Why are people unironically taking bait this bad? OP didn't even try.

You need to try a bit harder with your bait, user.

>This insecure over a bait thread

How is dmc story confusing? Is the most simple and stupid thing ever, i dont think anyone takes it seriously except for those manchildren fanboy crying with the trailer but that is the nature of a weeb, they know the story itself is shit

OP I understand you like dicks and the taste of semen but why make a whole topic about it

Can't we just shit on FFXV together instead of instigating a flamewar between these two franchises?

The only ones taking kingdom hearts that seriously are autistic shitposters with their straw man

Kingdom Hearts 3 sucked

yes FFXV and KH3 are both shit.

What the fuck is confusing about dmc?

So is Barry XV-kun or something, or someone else entirely? I'm not sure what the story with this autist is.


Yes, we found his real identity because his posts are the same all over the internet.

>Kingdom Sharts