What's Japans problem exactly?
Japan is way behind
Terrible development scheduling and 400 less devs than rockstar
T-they are behind guys it's true.
Honestly the west (atleast AAA games) spend way too much money on presentation which sacrifice performance on consoles and sometimes they can't their money back which leads to even more problems. I never liked this weird obsession from companies to make everything so graphically impressive to reel in easily impressed normalfags.
So japan doesn't want success then?
Japanese games are better aesthetically.
square enix is the japanese equivalent of EA
wow... it's blue.
looks like some low res halo 1-2 shit user. Gameplay was at least fun
you picked a bad example
nier is ugly everywhere except the theme park
>west (atleast AAA games) spend way too much money on presentation which sacrifice performance on consoles and sometimes they can't their money back which leads to even more problems.
But Japanese devs spend nearly as much yet don't deliver on presentation NOR performance.
I hate how the NPC just stand in 1 place like static zombies in FFXV, the "towns" feels so dead, Square Enix is so behind , I wish FFXV was like RDR2 that feels believabley alive
I wish RDR was more like deadwood and less like brokeback mountain
Thats actually terrifying
>posts a bullshot
Aesthetics are superior.
Good taste
>that grass
FFXV is garbage so I can't really argue with that. But games like DMC5 look really good visually while keeping a consistent 60fps (atleast on my PS4 Pro)
the have no concept of believable human interaction.
just call to mind any number of dancing anime girl games/scenes or mandatory beach episode in your "WWII but we wuz victums" game
That's just the control center from Halo except bluer and not as original.
>games like DMC5 look really good visually
It looks like shit and even pro drops to 40 frames during cutscenes(when it looks best).
Halo didn't have that cool force field thing.
Western games are minimal effort with good graphics and shallow gameplay.
They make games, not movies
>playing on a console
your fault
everything looks like shit on console
This is much less aestheticly pleasing
> pro drops to 40 frames during cutscenes
Games usually drop to 30-24 frames in cutscenes for cinematic purposes
Berserk Musou has more soul than GTA4
it's jarring as fuck and there's no excuse for it
music > over graphics and when it comes to games Japan has soundtracks on lock
Tell that to the entire gaming industry. Both west and east because everyone does that.
RDR2 has a better sound track than most games though
It will look like shit on PC too.
All I'm saying is it's not 60fps.
You've got to be shitting me.
Anyways, you're all wrong, european games have the best soundtracks.
Nier fags, have you thank R* for paving the way for your game today?
why did you reply to me? I said the game is ugly.
I'm not a Nier fag I just have screenshots of this modern Japanese game
>this nigga let his car get dirty
There's something about Japanese games that almost always makes them worse than comparable ones, and I'm never quite sure what it is. It's still the case even with games that have good textures and models. They always just look kind of flat and fuzzy. I think it must be some kind of combination of bad AA and poor lighting.
go into detail
Letting the car get dirty is an excuse to go fuel up at Hammerhead.
Money. Everyone is poor now, even US takes a hit, not only Japan
I think the Resident Evil 2 Remake is one of the best looking games out there and Capcom has always been pushing the bar with visuals at least with the RE series. RE4/RE5 were phenomenal for the time and still look decent to this day.
In fact, the only developer who I think makes better looking games is DICE. Battlefront/Battlefield look absolutely incredible.
They use the highest poly characters they can possibly fit in the memory for main characters and then whatever is left over they use for their environments and background characters. It doesn't make sense, they could have lowed the poly count of the maint characters by a factor of 10 and they still would have looked amazing, and they would have way more power left over to use on other things.
You've got some super shit taste my dude.
XV is 200% homosex.
The games environments still look really good though. I think water is a sore spot in an otherwise good looking game.
FFXV's models being high poly is a meme. They look like ass too.
This is a meme as well, the environments looked like ass. FF13 somehow shits on it environmentally.
Which game had the better food?
FF13 is just corridors. That's not a fair comparison.
Probably FFXV. But it's little uninspiring considering you're not actually holding a plate in your hand and it's just a picture of food
Open world games are by far the most cancerous type of video games next to mmos. A huge chunk of time wasted and not having fun just all filler.
People can enjoy whatever they want fag, fuck off
It's still a PS3 game.
No they cant when it is influening other games. Its called capitalism zoomer. Their shit taste hurts good single player games.
WOW look at the texture detail on the environment! Wow, That user trying to tell me the environment looked great sure was right!
tell other games to git good then
They want success in their country. How self centered are you?
Remember when I said it looked like shit?
Let me say it again for you. This looks like absolute ass pudding.
Yeah, and all but one of your screenshots looks bad.
>comparing screenshots to make sweeping judgements about entire industries
You guys are fucking morons
They don't make games for persocons.
>weird obsession to reel in normalfags
>weird obsession to make money and be successful
Reminds me of Horizon Zero whatever and RDR2 almost 100%.
>black and blue
>better aesthetically
Lmao fuck outta here with your shitty opinion
Show us some screenshots of environments that look good in Japanese games. There are a few, but they are mostly from lesser known studios.
Which one didn't look bad?
Show me an aesthetic western game.
Okay, so the luminous engine... turns optimization is not Japanese dev's strong point.
Good to know you have no idea why I called you a moron
The one that you could barely see because it was nothing but black and deep blue. Nier look like shit.
You look like shit!
When are you going to post the good Nier screenshots?
>this Nierfag implying the game didn't look like a launch PS3/360 game
too much focus on gameplay
First mirror's edge was aesthetic as fuck
this, they need to stay out of engine development and put all resources into game development...
Let's see a PS3 launch game that looks better than Nier.
Please indulge us with your superior intelligence.
I don't agree but it has some amazing texture work.
The only reason Japanese games have ever been good was because they made their games mostly from scratch. Removing devs like that from their teams is why Japanese games are often just shit these days.
Nothing compared to the west. West has plenty more cuck shit, poopy gameplay and shitty practices.
gta4 is the peak of brown and bloom with ice cars.
please stop.
I cannot take anyone seriously who praises the Yakuza series. Those """games""" are fucking awful and hilarious.
Zero standards if you've beaten one without getting sick of it an hour in.
gta4 wasn't even brown
i ratter play that than another generic shooty shooty bang bang rehash
They should return to use fixed cameras
I wonder what takes more development time fixed or free rotating cameras
>Show me an aesthetic western game.
Ok. They may be shit games but their aesthetics were fine.
>I don't agree
Then you're clearly just an assblasted weeaboo who just hates western games because they aren't from Japan.
Too blurry and not nice looking. What games?
No I'm not. Fantastic textures but that's ... a building. Wow...
Be better.
>Too blurry and not nice looking
Because they were 1080p and I sized them down.
>what games
Of course you wouldn't be able to tell what games those are just by looking at the screenshots. Why am I not surprised?
that pic isn't helping your argument
I liked automata but it's a very ugly game
>a building. Wow...
We're talking about aesthetics, not the general vista you dumb fuck. You did nothing but post an image of a wall and a bed in and a generic city back-drop in. Woah, how amazing right?
Is this supposed to look good?
nobody sees the ARM
is Oh-Pee a fagget ?
art design in nip games is better
graphics are better in Western games.
>Because they were 1080p and I sized them down.
Well why would you do that? It looks bad. Why don't you just answer the question?
I'm just posting pictures of the game saying it's got some good aesthetics. I wasn't aware this is a screenshot thread.
Mirrors Edge will look great in screenshots because of all those nice textures but its aesthetic is boring. Nothing but industrialist architecture. NierA has cool beams, interesting use of color, fluid and gorgeous animations, you name it.
looking decent is the only pro this game has
It's mostly just SquareEnix incapable of managing large teams and projects.
the west has merely caught up to Japan in the recent days.
>it looks bad
It looks fine, and I sized it down because it was too big you fucking retard. Sizing the image down while locking the aspect ratio and restricting the image to the canvas does absolutely nothing but make the image smaller, it doesn't deform the image or make it blurrier. You are seriously deluded about this whole thing.
FFXV is my favourite game in the series because i loved the feeling of hanging out with my friends, riding cars, camping and fighting shit
i never had friends irl but i imagine this is what its like
>I'm just posting pictures of the game saying it's got some good aesthetics.
this line and the images you've been posting don't add up, because every Nier image you posted looks like shit.
Gameplay prioritization over graphics
It looks blurry and I can't zoom in to see any details. You are the deluded one user. What game is it so I can look into it myself?
Have you played it? What games have good aesthetics in your mind?
I’m not selfcentered, japan is because they think their a success in their country
>Gameplay prioritization over graphics
except FFXV doesn't have good gameplay
Nier Automata is an eye sore, when I played it I kept thinking how horrible it looked. It’s almost PS2 gen looking
What the fuck does that even mean? Rugga...you mean ruggarell aka retard bitch nigga aka NeithOF aka Bazztek? Fuck you and fuck everyone from Yea Forums fgc r9k etc, you're a bunch of retards spouting buzzwords for no fucken reason
Let's see a PS2 game looking like this.
Numbers don't lie
>muh grafix
You're part of the reason why western games are all garbage now with the exception of some indies.
Japanese games always had the feeling like everything was held together with string, They must have a hard time when using their own in-house shit, Unlike western developers that frequently use engines and tools that are well documented and streamlined.
nigger what ps2 games did you play
I unironically think Jak and Daxter 3 looks much better
It's always been a lot easier to break western games than japanese games. Literally always.
I think I figured out what I don't like about the look of modern Japanese games, it's the backgrounds. Look at just about any screenshot in this thread and they're full of glaringly obvious low-poly, low texture resolution objects in the background. I don't think Western games are actually any better in terms of distant model quality (especially not on console, which is the fair comparison here), but they use tricks of some sort or other to hide it a lot better than the Japanese do.
The second big thing is that the games seem oversharpened. I think they must be applying some kind of post filtering. It wouldn't surprise me, oversharpening is a common habit in Japanese media in general and even Japanese digital cameras tend to do it badly if you shoot jpegs with stock settings.
The last thing is lighting. First of all you get a lot of scenes where foreground and background lighting don't really match up, and secondly there's not enough contrast in the lighting, shadows are barely noticeable and highlights aren't bright enough. Once again, that's a Japanese trend, just look at their TV shows or fashion/idol photography.
I think the best way to demonstrate the difference between the second two points is to use a real RAW photo, edited two ways. Top is edited to look like a Japanese game, bottom like a Western one. I think it shows the difference pretty well.
>It looks blurry and I can't zoom in to see any details.
So you're not only delusional, but also stupid. Thanks for the clarification.
>have you played it
Not him but why would this matter? You're specifically talking about visual aesthetics while posting images you think look good. Why would actually playing the game matter here? Don't move the goalpost, you fucking retard.
FF12 looks better than Nier
I unironically don’t like Japanese games very much. Something about them just feels so lazy and soulless and I only ever buy them on sale
To this day MGSV is still one of the best looking and best optimized games around and it's engine is made from scratch which is more than I can say about most games.
Quite literally a PS2 game.
what the fuck is this thread? And what are these stupid automated posts?
good post
no it doesnt, unless you played nier on pc without a graphics card or somethin
You are pretty spot on. I recently played Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 and the buildings and landscapes in the distant background are just horribly blurry and smeared out, really ugly to look at and breaks immersion completely.
Yes it does
>Have you played it?
I don't have to, you're talking about screenshots and aesthetics. Dumb fucker.
I'd rather have a less impressive graphically game that plays well, over a more impressive graphically game that plays like trash.
MGS V Look like fucking ass, are you kidding? The textures all look terrible. Look at the Africa section and try telling me that it looks good.
Great argument you shit gobbling weeb
RDR 2 is my favorite game in the series because I loved the feeling of hanging out with my posse, riding horses, camping and getting shot
I never had a posse irl but i imagine this is what it's like
Don't blame the troubles of Africa on the game you cunt
Too bad most Japanese games are really shallow gameplay wise too, they need to get the stick out of their ass and step it up
What do I even say to a shitposter like you?
Because you don't get a decent feeling for Nier's aesthetic without it unfolding in your eyes. The black and white sections for instance are interesting but a black and white screenshot of a game you haven't played is just going to look boring. You're entitled to your own optinion, I just wanted to know where you stood.
You guys are just shitposting though, you're adding absolutely nothing to this discussion aside from some low res and blurry images from some unnamed game.
MGSV had average performance among open world games and doesn't look better than that many of them. Does look pretty nice though. It also had a lot of middleware so it's not made from scratch.
thats not MGSV retard
thats ground zeroes, a factually superior and different game built with care and attention.
god you are fucking retarded.
Too bad Japan rarely does either.
As someone who does that regularly except fighting weird monsters, the way it’s presented in FFXV is overly fake and forced. Basically cringe incarnate: the game.
The top is hard to look at compared to the bottom one. Does this mean my round eye is better at taking in more colors than Japanese Japanese slant eye?
>Yea Forums
>I'd rather have a less impressive graphically game that plays well
>over a more impressive graphically game that plays like trash.
Too bad most western games today are WORSE then most Japanese games today when it comes to depth. Look no further then RDR2, which has extremely mediocre gameplay, but no one ever mentions how the gameplay is literally more basic then a Japanese cashgrab game.
Japan usually focuses first on the Japanese market. The only one big enough to really compete in AAA dollar for dollar is sony.
>Because you don't get a decent feeling for Nier's aesthetic without it unfolding in your eyes
Oh please, shut the fuck up already.
Square Enix is just the worst mananger company in industry.
Can’t be bothered with you. You keep deflecting and avoiding arguments while posting your outdated looking diarrhea, delusional autist with low standards.
More or less this. Even the older MH titles that look like they still belonged on the PS2 or Wii play better then FFXV.
Explain plz, I've never camped because my mum said that's how you become a crackwhore and a slut
Are the Japanese afraid of polygons? Do they live in the 2nd dimension mentally? Is this why they doodle so much and none of it looks realistic? Are they retarded or just pretending?
Rockstar's games have massive teams with long development cycles and some of the biggest budgets in the industry of course their games are going to look better than the competition. Not that I'm defending FFXV because that game is a mess that was mismanaged from start to end but Rockstar is so far ahead of the rest of the industry for a reason.
This fucking polygon level "hot take" is so fucking annoying
FFXV seems like what some Japanese middle aged man in a suit imagines camping and hanging out with friends is like
Is there a mod for boy band final fantasy that changes the faggots to cute girls?
But true nonetheless. Unless you would like to try proving the statement wrong?
But what is the difference between real life camping and FFXV? Don't you chill, do drugs, have food and eventually sleep?
how do you prove complete lunacy wrong? It's better to not even engage with someone that unironically thinks it looks like a PS2 game.
I know there are texture swap mods
Nice cop out?
Why are you getting mad?
Someone else already did lmao. I fucking adore the PS2 aesthetic btw, and still know that Nier:A doesn't look anything like a PS2 game. MAYBE a nice looking PS3 game, but even that argument would make you look kind of stupid.
Kill yourself retarded weeb
Aww, you lost the argument faggot
Did you have any arguments? Where?
Beause you're being fucking stupid
>muh aesthetics
Christ, you're insufferable
It'll be okay.
>screeching intensifies
Dude your images looked awful
>this looks good according to weebs
Nier Automata looks like a mixture of wet dogshit and your face
it's a ruined city, of course it looks like ass
>Dude your images looked awful
And even if you believe this, your images still looked worse.
>turns down graphics quality to lowest setting
>omg why does this game look like shit
>It's supposed to look bad!
Wew lad
>never enjoyed wandering Tokyo's red light district taking in the sights, beating up thugs and relieving stress at the batting cages
Begone, zoomer
Have you tried turning the camera and not playing on low graphics settings?
Are those the same chests from No More Heroes on the Wii?
Its not a bullshot though.. even Uncharted 4 on PS4 has got fucking 2 dimensional cardboard cutout bushes and trees. You're on a river or something in one part of it and it looks like last gen.
No idea
Yes it was. Very beige and brown.
Reshade/sweetfx fixed it.
They didn't fall for le epic realistic meme.
It's nothing to get mad over.
>Its not a bullshot though..
Yes it is, that was part of the marketing package.
He's lost his mind lads.
Weeb nigger you are alone here
Really want to play Nier A again
Why's it gotta be $40 fuck