>be Marth
>will murder you in cold blood while looking handsome as fuck
>killed a god-dragon
>canonically straight like Guts from Berserk, meanwhile Ike the "Guts character" is canonically gay
Yea, I'm thinking he's based.
Be Marth
How is Ike gay?
>be Marth
>your games are so shit that they literally kill the franchise
>be Marth
>literally have the worst games in the franchise
Is ike really gay?
>liking FE2 but not FE3
Ike isn't gay, dumb tranny
To be fair, the guy he's gay for looks like this
Ignores princesses and qt myrmidons to fuck his buttbuddy Soren.
He's not but people like to act like he is just because he doesn't actively look for women to fuck.
In other words, Op is a lying faggot
His most flirty convo is with a guy. Come on.
Look all I know is I've seen a lot of evidence that could suggest Ike is gay from other FE threads and not a lot suggests he wants to fuck women
At the very least you guys gotta admit that something is up
Guts takes dicks up the ass canonically
Ike's a faggot and an SJW, but at least he has those traits going for his character. Marth has like 3 lines of dialogue that equate to "guess I'll retake my castle" and "guess I'll pityfuck some girl I've never talked to"
You have to understand that the Japanese almost never outright come out and say a character is gay. They just shove in a ton of subtext but always leave room for plausible deniability so they don't have to deal with any backlash.
Ike is /pol/ incarnate, idealist and loves masculinity.
You mean actively turns down women
Canonically not interested in women
Ticks off dozen gay stereotypes in japan.
Only has paired endings with men.
Has secret bonding scenes with men so suggestive that IS tried to hide it from public view.
Literally paired with Soren during FeH valentine's event.
The only reason they won't say he's gay is because Ike became popular worldwide. And nips hate controversy. Nips mostly get the message.
Fags that think otherwise are being fooled by NoA Treehouse.
No. Mentally ill gays and trannies are just trying to project their degenerate sexual freak behaviour on a video game as usual. Soren was just Ike’s close bro because Ike and Greil helped him when he was starving. Soren was half laguz and half human branded that neither group liked. Priam is a descendent of Ike anyways, so at one point he must have knocked a girl up. Fan fic faggots are the worst.
>liking Shadow Dragon more than New Mystery
? ? ?
>Gays can't have children
Lmao, what a retard.
Ike is royalty, if he WAS gay, he would have to get a random bitch to knock up and have his child to continue his bloodline.
It doesn't mean he's not gay
Absolutely seething. Time to dilate, back to discord tranny.
epic rebuttal, truly thought provoking
>Sophia is the canon wielder of Apocalypse
Ah fuck.
>our god as failed us
Damn don’t think I’ve seen that before
Hasn’t Priam basically been ignored entirely since Awakening?
>Ike is gay
Stop projecting.
Not really.
>Status of mind: Shattered
Next time, use your brain.
Ike was what killed Fire Emblem. Marth's remakes were a stalling tactic (knowing Japan loves Marth) while they tried to decide what to do next.
Ike isn't gay because Priam
Unless Priam isn't direct and is Mist and Boyd's descendent but that's a fucking stretch
>liking Gaiden
Nigger I'm the biggest SoV apologist around and you couldn't pay me to finish that snail's pace piece of shit
Whether Ike's gay is debatable. Whether he's a faggot, on the other hand, isn't.
This. There's literally no reason to play Gaiden anymore. If nothing else, the user interface makes it possible to actually play the game and see its other flaws.