Rejoice! The Day of the Soap has finally arrived! Melee isn't going to be at EVO 2019!
Day of the Soap
No more 3 hour grand finals getting in the way of actual fighting games
Still one smash game too many.
>People don't even remember or obsess over Brawl of 4, just Melee
Truly the GOAT.
I’m just glad they’re giving Ultimate a chance. I find it more entertaining to watch than Melee these days, anyway.
DBFZ is still in though, and it's not a real fighting game.
It's the game's first EVO, it would have been dumb not to have it. Probably gonna rack up the most entrants by far given that it doesnt have much competition. Hell, I think SSBU could have double the amount of entrants of whatever will be sitting in 2nd place ( Either Tekken or SFV, i'm assuming )
Fuck your salty-ass thread, OP.
This is now a UNIST thread. Post your main.
I like Mika last time I played. Maybe I should give it a shot again.
Waaait a second.... something's amiss...
Melee lives rent free in t4sh faggots' heads, it's absolutely incredible.
Why do people hate Melee exactly?
CRTs are fucking heavy, man
Meleefags have been doing what people are doing to them right now for the past few years or so, over them being consistently in. It's natural that when the game drops out after 6 years, some people were bound to be happy about it.
For some part of the FGC, Melee also acts as a constant reminder of their own failure to sustain a strong competitive scene for the older & arguable peak of their franchises
Cope harder
Gamewise its kind of a solved game at this point with the same people and characters winning the tournament's.
Community wise is the full source of hate as they tend to be rather entitled and abhorrent to work with compared to other communities. That and because of the game, tourneys have to bend over just to accommodate their game whether its by having to get CRTs or dealing with top 8s that take forever.
The game has already been dropped before, only to return years again. But Yea Forums doesn't know anything about EVO history and only care about bandwaggoning memes.
The fanbase perpetuates the meme that the GC controller is the GOAT when it had a shit ton of flaws
They don't shower.
Am I wrong?
Why else would people care if they didn't feel somewhat threatened?
>Day of the soap
>Implying any of these other games don't smell as bad
Kid who doesn't even go to tournies confirmed. I go to our SFV & Xrd locals + travel a bit farther for more serious competition and every group has their stinkers. People don't fucking care about hygiene, especially the extremely local players, it's disgusting.
>day of the soap
I love you guys.
All I know is competitive smash players don’t take showers when they’re supposed to
>no one even cares about Guilty Gear, King of Fighters, Killer Instinct, Third Strike being dropped
>hourly threads about Melee
Leffen who is the loudest edgiest Melee player and also the last EVO champion is fine with the situation. So is Mew2King a Melee god with legit autism. The only ones making a big deal about it is the same 19ers who didn't know Melee was taken out of EVO before only to come back.
Pathetic deflection Smeleefag
Nobody plays unist
Nobody good at it at least
Carmine bois.
The whole competitive gaming scene stinks. If the tournament isn't some kind of small local hosted at a place of decency like a college or a bar, it usually stinks, no matter the game. Hell even in those places it's sometimes no exception: I have a bar that hosts tournaments for various games, and I came to relax one day where some kind of CSGO tournament was held, that shit just reeked of unwashed for a week or so NEET smell.
Maybe she gets in SamSho?
The constant desire for every Smash game to just be Melee 2 is annoying. It happens every time a new Smash releases, Meleefags always have to complain about it not being their favorite game again. They are generally obnoxious yet act like victims.
This sounds like projection and deflection at the same time
Not a big melee guy. I just like unist.
Yeah I sure am jealous of your inability to shower once a day.
Where my Hilda boys at
even in genesis 6 the melee sets were infinitely more hype than the ultimate sets. fastest, most fun, most execution heavy with the most longevity game ever
I'm admitedly not the most experienced tourney go-er out there and haven't been to the most stacked tournaments out there, but i've experienced some bad funk in competitive scenes. I'd say where it's most prominent is still card games though. All the way back to HS there was a club of YGO players that constantly reeked.
This. Smash is trash for nincels.
those don't exist because you'd have to be half decent to play her
>shitty anime game
Not that user, but how?
Happy Birthday Mika
Biggest chimp in the game
Some people just naturally stink that’s true, that certainly doesn’t help dismiss the notion of stinky day
It boiled down to “so what? Other video game tournaments have people that stink too” when this is a smash bash thread, couldn’t help making the comparison to projection
>flat chest
Oh no, I've been had.
Is it worth getting unist on PC or is it completely dead? it's between that and DOA 6 for me
How do we ensure Melee stays gone forever?
I play her here and there but I prefer playing Yuzu since Yuzu is a little easier than Hilda.
It's 4 frames of lag or 10, there is no inbetween on PC
>other people's desire is what makes people bad
Stop caring about what other people think. Every big community will have toxic shit in it, it has nothing to do with the quality of the game or its mechanics. Also Melee is an old gamecube game, stop obsessing over it.
UNIST will have a small but active and fiercely dedicated scene by Evo. DOA won't.
UNIST already does
Why does Yea Forums care so much about Smash? They are shitty party kid's games and not even fighting games and we always have 10 smash threads at any given time. I don't like Street Fighter 5, you don't see me making threads about it.
You dropped this
will STILL have
Why do blazblue threads do nothing but post the tranny and the squirrel
He dropped it did he?
Melee suffers from a shitty community that acts like they are a part of the FGC but are so out of touch with it.
Its full of elitist dicksucking, the game is solved, long ass finals, the community is full of unwashed autists that talk shit about other fighting games they don't play and cry "WHENS MELEEEEEEE" when they aren't up
There are other problems too but the fact is FGC doesn't want to cater to them for their autism
Im glad Melee is cancelled and I hope it stays cancelled.
>shit meta
>shit graphics/aspect ratio
>essentially "solved". same retards in top 8 every tournament
>broken gamecube controllers allowed into competition which give direct competitive advantage
>footsie autism
I would rather see a worse, newer game featured over some spergshit from 15 years ago
right, when you dislike something you ignore it or don't spend hours discussing it. Melee BTFO Smash 4 and Brawl so hard people still can't get over it. rent free for all eternity. forever. clawing in their heads.
He also dropped this
Negan in Top 8 when
At least they kicked it from the Sunday finals day.
God fucking damn Wagner is flat
You posted her.
The fanbase is infamous for terrible behavior.
Melee paid for that rent. By being massive dicks to other tournament players, to the players on stage. Why do you think Nintendo went so far in 2013?
Melee fans have, and not just once or twice, but over years, been so fucking terrible that even nintendo really doesn't want them around.
There's smelling like the rug of a chuck e cheese, and there's shiting yourself mid match, which has happened more than once with the smash players.
Because Yea Forums would rather spite a fanbase than actually care about seeing some good competition. They're defending this year's EVO which has Street Fighter V (the same game you all have been bashing for years), Blazblue Crosstag and Ultimate which are just slower more casual versions of the peak games in their series. The only person that really cares about Melee being dropped is Hungrybox because now he can't get prize money. Everyone else including Big Lef is ok with it.
>Why d you think Nintendo went so far in 2013
What did Nintendo do?
love melee retards shitting on other communities and games for being smaller and saying they don't deserve to be at evo because muh money like you're ever going to see any of it. can't wait for samsho personally.
Is it true last year they booed other games' finals and chanted for melee?
That alone would make me feel zero sympathy for them.
>product of France
the irony
Stay mad Capcom faggot
SFV is a passable actual fighting game (read: not a platform fighter) now. It's still massively flawed and the ultimate symbol of where Capcom was a few years ago but I've come to enjoy it. BBTAG is not a casualised blazblue at all, it's a completely different game, this is the thing that tips off that you're a retard who doesn't actually play fighting games.
smash is not even a fighting game come on, it should be DOA6
Jour puant mon ami
Gentlemen. I'm going to fuck this cat.
>Dead On Arrival 6
Day of the soap indeed
Must Die
The fanbase and especially top players are very arrogant, often don't knowing much about or respect other games while shitting on them. Like Leffen on UNIst
Hungrybox on Samurai Sho"""W""""down
or Armada accusing both of paying there way in with no proof, while also denying Melee set ups EVER caused any inconvenience to any venue
Then the melee fags just repeat what their top players say without ever trying to prove it. When they get caught in a big enough lie the fans go WHAT THEY ACTUALLY MEANT IS! Game itself is sick tho
honestly it isn't even the game itself, most of the problems people have are because meleefags are fucking cancer
>never fucking shower and stink of the venues, some cases there have been people literally shitting their pants
>constantly run over time
>Boo other games, only come for melee and then leave immediately after
>whine constantly about tournament seeds not giving e-celebs free rides out of pools, kick each other off of practice setups, everything about their retarded celebrity culture worship of top players
>don't even attempt to integrate to the community, very few actually play multiple games such as leffen
>as mentioned above, zero respect for the event/community/venue in general. Last evo had teenagers stalling during finals and acting like retards
>complete pain in the ass to set up for, requires some heavy ass CRTs, Gamecubes, etc.
>player pool overlap makes this segregation even more obvious, with meleefags having the lowest game overlap out of every other game. Smash Ultimate and even the most poverty of Anime Games have higher overlap.
Just look at how the fucking reactions to the announcement are, with actual fucking bawling and crying.
>REEEEEing over games like SamSho and UNIST being in with bullshit reasons such as "They don't have any viewers"
>Acting like a crazy ex-GF saying that Melee doesn't need EVO while saying that EVO will come crawling back to them next year and bitching about why melee should be at EVO
>Pro players having no idea what fucking fighting games are. Another compilation even had some retards thinking that Samurai Shodown was a fucking Wii Game
Fucking christ, it isn't even a smasher thing. I've introduced WiiU and Ultimate players to other games and they've had fun with that shit. Meleefags deserve to be gassed.
>all of those games reward you for losing
but yeah its melee thats the uncompetitive one haha cant wait to see the best players in those games get like 49th place
they have zero respect for the house that fighting games have built, just look at the reactions to the EVO announcement.
it always makes me laugh at how they react to samurai shodown being included
They don’t respect their own house, you expect them to respect someone else’s?
That was a few years back, I remember this happening to both Xrd and Injustice 2. The only thing I remember from last year aside from the smell (the meme is real and it's fucking awful, you could literally smell them faintly from the Xrd setups) was that people were showing up early for melee finals during Xrd's grand finals and didn't cheer at all, or even try to feign interest. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it was a bit awkward, Xrd's last Evo finals was pretty good.
dbz finally got downgraded to saturday spot.
I like this image
>An EVO without Melee
>Another EVO without a Marvel title
What a time to be alive.
last year had some drama with wiiu and made the whole smash community look bad desu with players intentionally stalling for multiple minutes
dbfz and bb cross tag are spiritually marvel
infinite was actual garbage
jesus christ imagine thinking that.
marvel players fucking hate those shit games.
Does anyone wanna play a few matches of UNI? I can play for like 30 min. I wanna play Hilda but I can also yuz my Yuzu as well if you'd like.
Why are UNISTupids such attention whores? You retards seriously have to hijack every single thread, don’t you? Like a 14 year old girl who literally can’t even because Britney is getting more attention. It’s impressive, really, how you fags are somehow worse than goobers were before Xrd was released.
What’s even worse is that UNIST is a really good game, but you faggots are so fucking annoying. And for some reason it’s only here on Yea Forums and /fgg/ that you idiots go full retard. Approaching smelee levels, so you should really rein it in.
That was the donate to some medical charity, and get your game into the last Evo slot thing.
At first it was MLP, except THAT got shut down by Hasbro. Meele with it's strong fanbase got paypigged in. Skullgirls was a distant 2 if I remember.
According to Mr Wizard, he briefly checked with NOA, with a quick email, and they gave the thumbs up.
Then, super late in the process, after all the rentals were made, the schedule posted, the logicstics plan in place, Evo gets a call from N legal, "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING". They wanted no stream, no tournament, no nothing.
The exact reason isn't clear, but the rumormill of big N's inquiries, of why they weren't playing brawl, why they insisted on using gamecubes, exactly who was booing brawl, couldn't they use newer hardware with the virtual consle at least? and chanting for melee gave an indication of what they were thinking.
To his credit, McRib did what Mcrib does best. Be a fat greasy lazy pig. He managed to squirm his way to "we already have everything set up, we'll just turn the cameras off", and, after having announced the shutdown of the melee stream, rode the streisand effect into not having to do a damm thing, letting the melee autismos do their thing.
Not just last year. Some of them they're booing on player announcement. Others they're literally chanting through the award presentation.
Logistically, it's the right thing. They need a turbo mode.
Yeah, that was dumb but at least their fans boo'd the players instead of the other games like the melee crowd has in the past. Though I will say as someone who showers, watching that unfold in person was fucking hilarious.
seen a butthurt sperg say that samsho players would smell as much.
that was his great defense.
Stinky day is finally over. We did it lads
UNI players outside of those lobby people seem to allergic to playing with others.
It's because they don't actually play the game
>Skullgirls was a distant 2
samsho players are all married family men
Harsh to generalize that hard because I'm sure people do but yeah, I hardly see anyone play it outside of that place.
i think i'd rather see mike z suffer than melee retards.
I like to play with the whip lady. I don't know her name, I think her design is lame, I strongly distaste her personality, but god damn, she is fun to play with.
the virgin smelee stank vs The Manly Samurai Warrior Musk
this is funny because ultimate is still on sunday instead of soul calibur 6, mk11, unist and dbfz
This "no shower" meme belongs to the card game community by a longshot. Smashfags trying to steal a title they have not rightfully earned.
threadly reminder to bring disinfectants if youre going to evo
Jebailey still has our back
I still wonder who the fuck it was that put Melee over the top there. If I recall right, Melee had almost a hundred thousand dollar jump that last day.
Double checking the tournament record, the total prize pool for the day was just under 8k.
Mike z suffering is seeing some nerd get picked on.
Melee retards suffering is seeing Chris Chan face the logical consequences for his own retardation.
Correction about the youtube video: He didn't accuse any specific game of paying their way in, but rather just said it happened with at least one of nine which is probably true.
>College has a set up for Melee and Ultimate
>Ultimate players take care of their hygiene, none of em look like they came or smell straight out of bed.
>Melee set up has some people that just came there without taking a shower and just putting on some random clothes from their dirty pile
>This happens consistently
I thought it was a meme, but it's not.
Should I get Unist on PS4 or PC? I really want to get into this, I fucking love Melty Blood but it doesn't have that much players anymore
Are you NA and free on nights?
PS3/4 has more players in general I'm sure. Maybe one day Sony will accept Crossplay as the truth.
>not a real fighting game.
Lol wut
That game is one of the best fightan gaymes to come for years
I heard the game got revitalized by its pc release.
jesus christ
>When they get caught in a big enough lie the fans go WHAT THEY ACTUALLY MEANT IS!
Called it. Plus if he is going to do that he should actually show it happened. Instead of muttering about it, then cutting to a bit about SamSho. Where he shits on a series that has had no new entries for a over decade only having 200 twitch followers. Him being unspecific means he is shitting on a lot of games cause it can be taken as any of them are the one.
I wouldn't even be surprised games on the line up have paid for a spot, but I wouldn't accuse them without something more solid. Plus if it was the case, KoF would have been in last year and DoA would have bought their way in this year. I also kind of doubt Bamco would pay for 3 games getting in, they don't care much about SC6 which also has more core values than DoA6.
Nah. He puts up with you guys. He needs the bodies for attendance. Remember when CEO had to take a year off?
You will get no love if you don't bring the money.
With the whole groping thing, and the debacle of the finals last year alone, the smash community causes more headaches than the entire rest of the tournament.
what is this?
>make a video to congratulate melee immediately after
Not the same user, what is a "real fighting game" that's an arbitrary term. That's like calling Call of Duty "not a real first person shooter" because it doesn't have rocket jumping or something
No other genre does this.
>The Day of the Soap has finally arrived!
smash ultimate is still there so apparently not
>With the whole groping thing
UNISTCHADs rise up
go back to Blitzkampf
How come Melee players haven't tried to fix their reputation? I can get the only child syndrome causing it, but they've had to share space for a while now.
One of the smash "coaches" at CEO last year got accused of groping a girl. Got dropped by his team.
its amazing how mad melee continues to make people. ill enjoy ultimate at evo and ill enjoy the next melee major as well :^)
>Be Ultichad
>Don't shower, shit pants during matches to distract the opponent and win
>Meleevirgins get blamed for it
>They get kicked out of EVO while Ultimate is the most hyped set of the year
Feels fucking good man
Yeah, I mean, I get your complaint. The only thing that really bothers me is the community size bit. Melee players seem to think the only thing that matters is money and people sucking your dick rather than being a fun game to watch or evolving in any interesting direction at all. There's just something so entitled about their response, like evo is theirs even though it wasn't supposed to become a mainstay in the first place and nothing else matters.
their huge egos prevent that.
they brag and boast every time something goes their way and shit their pants whenever something doesnt work out for them.
DBFZ is a fighting game for sure, but its a fucking shitty one.
Knee is playing him in the Japan vs Korea exhibition match
Jebailey hates Melee players. The first time he let it in as a main stage game, the melee players stunk in the heat, would literally shove expensive and rare equipment like CPS2 boards to the side so they can run practice on CRT's. Constantly went over time and then threw the medals that Jebailey had gotten a friend who was a metalwork expert to make in the trash because "They weren't respected". It's a miracle he lets Melee in.
Massive egos and persecution complex over the years that they are never taken seriously. Especially because the fanbase and tournament organisers treats the best like gods and gives them everything they want. And if a known player drowns in pools. They will raise hell and force the player who beat them to quit. There was even a Nintendo sanctioned tournament for Brawl at a best buy where a 14 year old kid beat a well known Melee player who mained Marth. Items were on but Melee players had been throwing items off the stage. This kid used the rules and used items. The Melee players started bullying him into giving up the prize and victory because he won "Without honor". Melee has a huge rep of being the shittiest community for a long time and one of the only reasons is that 4 and Ultimate are nowhere near as bad is that nintendo immediately got in on the ground floor and started coaching top players on behavior.
More of a fighting game than Smash is
Yeah, the stale ass anime game with arrogant high and mighty douchebags of a fanbase known as GGXrdRev2 is not in and that's a good thing.
Its all posers anyways.
Actual GG players dont even like Xrd2 the way it is and ASW abandoned the game. So why should it get in?
Because some streamfaggots demand it?
>Melee players seem to think the only thing that matters is money and people sucking your dick rather than being a fun game
That is part of it. But I think the issue more stems from them thinking they are the only ones to achieve what they have. I wouldn't deny that Melee is one of the deepest fighters ever, but then they over stretch it with they are the most caring community, most hype, get the most views etc. When a big part of the FGC is you support the smaller game, it is almost a duty of the biggest to be bringing in people who will enter a few games. If you aren't educated on older games it is an embarrassment that you don't flaunt. And you'll often see it self regulate when a community gets a bit to full of itself.
Even with the Melee players who do stretch their legs a bit like Leffen, it didn't seem to make him really appreciate the other side. Those other games just exist but aren't important.
why would we give a shit about what some small group of people think of us? The only people who hate us other than the FGC are casual fags and their opinions mean even less. EVO was the only relevant FGC tournament for Melee players so there is literally 0 reason for us to care about their opinion about us now.
>W-W-We have our own majors
Which will become more corporate as Ultimate takes over as the main game and interest will go down less and less as we constantly see the same 8 players take eight hours to do a Bo5 in some sweatbox conference room and Hbox wins the grand finals. Melee's on borrowed time even if they did ban puff and wobbling. Fox infinites still exist
When Leffen tried other games like MVCI and DBFZ he just brought his whiny shit attitude with him.
This has nothing to do with the reaction but I'm so glad Hbox's crestfallen face is coupled together with Akatsuki 214B on screen
>some small group
You realise that Melee isn't the biggest game right? And as a whole the FGC dwarfs melee
>King of Fighters dropped
It was in EVO Japan, numbnuts.
Melee isn't hated, its competitive community is.
>completely destroy the game's cred for years
>be directly responsible for its shelving
So this is what justice looks like.
The rep is frequently made by who your best and your worst people in the community are. Your average melee fag isn't shtting their pants.
And even the relatively sane people on say smashboards who express "reasonable concern" about what a shitfest some of last years tournaments were are going to be outweighed by fuckers who think that Melee's rep is perfectly fine. Say like this user.
They are the furries of the FGC
>be directly responsible for it's shelving
How is Hbox responsible for Melee not being at EVO? I don't follow Smash so I don't know what's going on.
Slightly impressed that how eerily similar the logos colors are
While it is an exaggeration, he certainly has contributed to the recent drama about bans and stuff. Despite Melee doing fine the community does have a negativity around it right now, and that probably did contribute to it not being in. The narrative has the game at a low point so not a bad time to drop it.
Someone needs to do Melee in that style
He broke the most holy Melee commandment, he didn't exclusively play rushdown.
I wish Crosstag Battle and FighterZ never happened, Central Fiction and Rev2 could have easily been supported by having CF announce Kajun Faycott and Trinity Glassfield for their roster and Rev2 should have had Robo Ky and Ariels as their characters along with a balance patch and when they got their spots this year the next set of their games would be announced along with Persona 5 arena. What a dumbass business decision to waste time money and effort on shit nobody in the fighting game community, the people who actually pay them, would dare touch!
It's the same as that Grandblue and KLKIF bullshit make your fucking games and stop whoring yourselves to the cascualfags who have never picked up an arcade controller and stop trying to make it easier just stop putting dumbass gimmicks like danger time and exceed aceel in your games and you'd be fine Arc system!
Then again their games have always been horrifically balanced because Mori and Daisuke refuse to see their games as competitive
>wanting a boring pick like that
Please do not give maidrones more easy braindead picks
He doesn't main Fox.
The PS3/4 version has the largest playerbase right now due to cross-play. The PC version has a sizeable playerbase too but the majority of the players on Yea Forums are on console. The Vita version's hayday passed so you won't find anybody in ranked or open lobbies anymore, but there is a discord with ~120 people who regularly fight if you want to do that.
I'd recommend just getting the PS3 version if you have a PS3 ready. Otherwise just pick up the PC version since you'll still easily find people there too.
The people wanted her user, might as well give them what they want
after all, who else is there left? Hommura?
Absolute fucking retard
Damn, Mango sounds like THAT? What a faggot.
go take a shower and wash away the salt
I doubt those faggots play the game given the amount of secondaries
Why? It looks like a fighting game to me, more so than Melee.
My god. I stopped playing CF because I didn't think it was fun enough to continue, not because of some characters that weren't even playable in any form. And I doubt a balance patch would have changed what I disliked about the mechanics anyway. Even if I liked those characters I wouldn't come back.
>SFV is a passable actual fighting game (read: not a platform fighter) now.
Wrong. Until they get rid of all the implemented shit they put in to appeal to scrubs, the game will forever be scrubby trash. No amount of lies will change that core fact.
>I've come to enjoy it
Sounds like you're talking about a shit experience you've now normalized in your head. People don't talk that way about great games. And that's what SF used to be - great. No, more than great. Therefore anything less is failure.
Hbox plays Jigglypuff. Much of his game is reading and countering, so people playing against him actually need to play from neutral.
Keep in mind that many melee players feel that anything other than execution tech is an insult to the "purity of melee".
It also has the side effect of making games run longer, which is already a logistical strain.
So, a significant number of people in the smash community did the most logical thing, by their mindset and called for a ban on jigglypuff, with the other things that they were thinking of banning this year. Most notably rebanning ice climers finicky infinite throw, which some regionals seem to have done.
That would require them to go out of their comfort zone and experience other fighting games and actually absorb new information. They can't do that because they like Melee too much
why did smash take to long to finish?
Remember when Ryu was announced and a lot of smash players complained about how hadoukens were too hard to do?
>tfw CF came out everyone in the community was saying CF was the shittiest iteration and that BB's interest was wanting plus the usual bitching about BB's balance
>Others are in a weird love-relationship with GG because of how XRD was with the gameplay and then shit like plus R with the amount of mechanic bloat that circlejerk to hell and back even though a decent amount of mechanics outside of shit like frc and forcebreaks were useless
>Arc decides to keep the BB IP somewhat relevant with tag in addition to giving P4A, French bread and now examu some promotion with the game while mainline BB is on ice (until PS5 or something)
What the fuck do you people want? If we had gotten a new fightan IP from ASW you fags would bitch about wanting more GG
>That would require them to go out of their comfort zone and experience other fighting games and actually absorb new information.
The FGC rejected Smash from the get go, and went out of their way to make them feel hated, and this was before they got to EVO. This is one of those few spots where the FGC's own shenanigans resulted in a thing they don't like.
>inb4 "We didn't want kiddie baby game anyway"
If not then make up you mind.
Like it or not SFV is a fighting game. The whole crush counter system is busted and some character's v-triggers need serious rebalancing (why the fuck is cammy's VT1 STILL 2 bars) but it's still a fighting game. Any other complaints are people just wanting their 3Strike back, like how Meleefags can't transition to Ultimate.
There's still one Smash game so don't forget to bring air fresheners
>the most logical thing
>banning a character
the state of smellies
Blazblue died with Continuum Shift and Xrd is an insult to Guilty Gear with how watered down it is in the roster and gameplay all their new characters are disgustingly not Guilty Gear like at all especially the valentine sisters and acting like overture existed is what really killed my interest in the series
Melee is bigger than the "in-crowd" in the FGC and can't be controlled as easily. THEY HATE THAT. Seriously. Never played Smash in my life, but it's a big part of it. The Capcom fanboys absolutely hate the fact that Smash sustains itself without them and that they can't make money or get famous off it (because they don't or can't play it). There is a portion that just hates 'kiddy' nintendo as well, but that's the main reason.
They complain it's not a fighting game, but any fighter that comes out, there just so happens to be a reason why they don't cover it or talk about it. Every time.
Didn't a lot of them get confused when his name got leaked?
Because people were also thinking of Breath of Fire, Ninja Gaiden and other games with a guy named Ryu.
>mfw maining peak fightan
>stinky day is about smash 4
>ultimate is still there
??? I thought all smash players stank
CP was unironically the peak of BB. XRD was when they fell for the accessibility meme
>Melee is bigger than the "in-crowd" in the FGC
But it isn't. Melee has never got the most entrants at EVO. Never even passed Smash 4 there.
Pray tell, why would they need to play another fighter anyway? Why waste time playing something they don't want to play when they could play and practice the game they do like?
melee players on average are slightly older, therefore they smell slightly more.
really fucking old hardware, so it requires a LOT more setup and teardown that no other game on the grand stage will use. Exploiting glitchy controllers means more setup on that end as well.
Stage selection is a complicated series of bans and counterbans, such that they even need a hard time limit to prevent people from going over.
>4 stocks and 8 minute time limit.
>2/3 games; 3/5 for Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals
ANY time you don't get a pair of rushdown chimps trying to hump the fuck out of each other, shit runs long.
melee is deeper and harder than any fighting game prove me wrong
Execution is not the only measure of depth and difficulty. And even if you think that, you're still in the kiddie pool.
t. DCS player.
>*Proves you wrong*
What now, nerd?
do I smell shit in here?
> You can thow anything in there! They just gobble it up!
>Stink free era of EVO is finally happening
I never thought I'd see it.
This is literally how the world sees melee spergs who take that game so seriously.
>3stock Ultimate on Sunday
>No more 3 hour grand finals getting in the way of actual fighting games
Oh boy, this year's gonna be a shitstorm.
Even if it's Kusoge, it's still more of a fightan than smelee
Melee players are stinky
They are rude to EVO staff and other competitors
Their ~important~ TV sets and controllers are hard to find and often crawling with roaches
They don't support the FGC as a whole
>presses one button
>opponent didn't die
>press another auto combo button
>opponent dies
Shut up user
That's a nice summary of a smelee match.
>Smash is literally a 2 button brawler
No one cares about some no-name weeb games
Melee is beloved by everyone
Melee gets the most view
The top players have interesting rivalries, backstories, personalities, as opposed to some random Japanese/Korean guy.
When is this shit going to end
You can't "fix your reputation" when an army of anime avatar losers have spent 7 years straight using any opportunity they can to trash you. Since day 1 of the donation drive there's been outlandish bullshit accusations like the Smash community supposedly DDOSing the donation site to rob Skullgirls of its chance and the absolute most retarded people in the scene treat it as gospel. Jebailey and others have come out and clarified what ACTUALLY happened with the "Guilty Gear incident," Jebailey was having fun riling up the crowd in keeping with the pro wrestling scene. Doesn't fucking matter. Brainlets saw some Twitter screencaps, spread them, and that became the story to people looking for reasons to be offended.
Imagine some no-name week game actually killing Melee out of EVO
Look at all that snoozefest
Xrd and Unist are both better.
They should bring back KI and purge another anime fighter from the list.
This guy's pretty cool
I love how Melee fucksticks always say ‘we just enjoy it in a competitive way bro you can play with items if you want we just want to take out the randomness’ then they do shit like this or getting rid of infinites.
Infinites exist in all sorts of the best fighting games of all time, if you can’t adjust and just want to play by what the top four say you have to play by then you’re not playing a game, you’re just dickriding the top players
Azwel was very clearly and obviously broken as shit for the first three months of caliber and people just adjusted and played through, get over yourselves you smelly autistic shitsacks
Oh yeah, and at the same event Melee got accused of stealing reserved setups to do casuals, even though Big E came out and said it was Smash 4 players. Again, doesn't fucking matter, the reputation of it being Melee people stuck because that's what people wanted to believe.
>Jebailey and others have come out and clarified what ACTUALLY happened with the "Guilty Gear incident," Jebailey was having fun riling up the crowd in keeping with the pro wrestling scene
Why lie? What actually happened is someone helping with the tournament came out to say melee would be on in a little bit. This required 0 reaction from the crowd, are you 4 year olds who can't contain yourselves? Instead you starting booing, which was completely uncalled for even if you had been relied up. Do you have no self control? Your excuse is meleefags can't help but boo if they get told their game isn't going to be on right now, wow you look so much better. Also why were they taking up seats for a game they don't care about?
day of the soap is upon us smeleefag
I still think it was a crime that KI got the boot after having the last of its content added for ANOTHER year of UMvC3 when the previous year was expected to be the last year and ended on a high note.
Difference is infinites in most regular fighting games drop due to an ingame IPS. Melee has nothing of the sort against wobbling and other infinite’s
But the Valentine sisters, Leo and Bedman are all setplay heavy chads. There's nothing more Guilty Geary than putting your opponent on the okizeme hell and win double perfects
>What is all of Marvel vs
Still have IPSes. They’re usually more forgiving and don’t kick in until much later but they’re still present
Wagner. Yeah, i know.
Oh please don’t get the wrong idea I hate all smash players and they are all mentally stunted in some way shape or form
The entire series is played exclusively by people who want to think they have a competitive hardcore game on their children’s consoles and will jump through any amount of hoops and awkward weird rulesets and unspoken rules to justify that they’re serious business
Of course Melee gets the most viewers, because every 12 year old kid played Melee, and they want to make it feel like that makes them a competitive player because they were they insufferable kid in the neighborhood who picked shiek and only wanted to play on final destination
But then ask them to do a fireball motion and they can maybe hit one out of five before crying that ‘that’s not REAL execution, see look I can sometimes wavedash without screwing up! Do you know leffen? He’s my favorite!’
>"Why yes I play UNIST. How can you tell?"
He's not doing a Sion cosplay so I don't know how you found out he plays UNI.
>all those CRTs for that melee thank you part
Its like they literally never grew up
I don't play UNIST actually
>Top players
They haven't changed in like six years dude
> competitive hardcore game
I never understood this line of thought, and taking it outside of the context of Smash vs. FGC, it's utterly retarded. Any game can be competitive. Any game can garner a hardcore fanbase. These are not badges of honor, in fact they usually signal a jerk who's obsessed with an otherwise pointless activity trying to look cool. Fighting game players are just as guilty of this delusion as Smash players, so it's funny seeing them seethe at each other and try to pretend either of them are superior.
But I come from a SHMUP background where people get uppity about bullet speed, so I guess that's just a normal thing among hardcore types.
>melee gets killed by a no-name weeb game
fucking based.
He's basically saying that he wants to see John Cena and Randy Orton feud for twenty years.
Funny you should mention this considering several of the top UNIST players are North American based.
The stock system acts as a hard limit on damage.
That's Mcrib for you.
Melee booted Melee out of Evo. They worked their ass off at it.
>The top players have interesting rivalries, backstories, personalities
This is either extreme delusion or excellent bait, but I laughed either way
All reputable sources state that the CEO staff took the mic and asked "ARE YOU READY FOR MELEE?" which elicited Melee chants, there's even a Red Bull article stating as such. There's 0 source stating otherwise other than r/Kappa. What the fuck are they supposed to do, sit there in silence like it's the PGA Tour?
The whole drama is rich to begin with considering the first post of this thread is the go-to accusation of Smash running overtime, but they're "stealing seats" showing up for their scheduled game on time while everything else was running 2 hours late.
see me in a ft10 if you think its so scrubby.
I bet you wont take one match.
Where were they when Lamp wiped the floor with everyone?
>Any game can be competitive
I think the difference and contention comes from the banning. To make melee a competitive game they have to set a lot of rules in place. At first it is sort of understandable, you even have those options in the game. Banning stages becomes a bit more complex but okay, normal fighters have banned certain things for being broken. Then you have all the weird counter picking stage rules. At this point it is a completely out of game system you use to make the game competitive. Which has gotten worse recently cause the recent proposed bans are just cause the game is headed in a direction they don't like.
It is true anything can be competitive, but certain things require much more work and Melee is one of those. And we are getting to the point where some wish to even enforce a play style.
Where exactly in my statement did I say that all of the top UNIST players were NA based? I just said several. Also a couple of them weren't at Climax.
>don't even attempt to integrate to the community, very few actually play multiple games such as leffen
This point is worth noting. It's been statistically proven that there is next-to-no overlap between Melee and other games. That is to say, most Melee players ONLY play Melee and nothing else. Even among other Smash games, Melee players tend not to register for multiple games. A lot of this extends to viewership as well, as a not-insignificant amount of people will watch Melee and nothing else.
They should've showed their faces. It wouldn't have been so embarrassing if they did.
Why are melee fags crying so much anyway? Surely if melee is so popular they can host meleecon and have a huge event all on their own, right?
He's baiting but I've seen melee players genuinely claim their game is better because the Frostbite winners didn't sperg out about how good they are.
>"ARE YOU READY FOR MELEE?" which elicited Melee chants,
So you literally don't have self control. Thank you for proving my point. I know you guys have autism, but not being ale to read a situation like that and realise hey I shouldn't repeatedly chant for another game in this situation should be obvious. You are oblivious to the communities around you and will look for any excuse to not be responsible. If you have just said yeah our bad sorry guys this wouldn't be brought up again. But instead you cry it wasn't your fault and the spirit of melee compelled everyone to start chanting.
>but they're "stealing seats" showing up for their scheduled game on time
What did they think Sol was Mario so sat down really confused? Your excuses rely on meleefags being retards. If they see their game isn't on, come back later. Are you gonna cry that some might have been forced to stand, like all the GG fans did?
>there's shiting yourself mid match, which has happened more than once with the smash players.
ultimate players that is
They wouldn't have been able to beat lamp either way to be fair. Lamp is ridiculous
I'll grant you that Melee is not alone in having stinky days, but the first poopsocking incidents happened well before the Wii came out user.
I want to lick Makoto's sweaty armpits!
CEO, the biggest tournament series on the NA east coast and one of the biggest of the year. It's practically #2 behind EVO.
Both MvC2 and 3 have practical infinites so for all intents and purposes those IPSes don't work.
primarily, it's the fanbase:
>hate the fgc but wants to ride on their coattails with their party game
>elitist, despite playing a party game instead of gitting gud at a fighting game
>force evo to use their disgusting roach-filled crt screens
>boo other games (most notably guilty gear) simply for not being melee
Linne and Akatsuki are both my main choices. Everyone else I can understand but don't really care for the feel of. I'm better with Linne then Akatsuki, but I honestly like Akatsuki more.
There’s actual BB threads and then there’s “haha Mai/Makoto” threads. The latter is the more common of them all, of course