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>faggot who wrote kotor 2 and BEAR AND BULL MAN for New Vegas
literally who
What the heck? There actually might be star wars with good writing post-2010?
weak b8
>kotor 2
>you gather many people across your journey
>plot twist actually everybody is a jedi
what a writer woaaah
That’s not even accurate. Did you even play the game or are you just a retarded glumva?
Literal best writer in videogames.
Too bad Star Wars is shit so I don't think even he can save it.
>cautious optimism rising
got any proof?
Ulysses is unbelievably cool and fuck off if you disagree.
>being retarded on purpose
He dissed based obsidian, he deserves no respect.
I want to be excited but
he dissed the managers who are incompetent, he likes the actual developers
I like Ziets better.
He was the only reason Obsidian was ever considered good to begin with.
What kind of game is Fallen Order, wasnt an arena game or some crap?
What did Avellone wrote, the opening cinematic?
>Literal best writer in videogames.
I prefer Amy Hennig to Avellone, and the best writer in video games is still Michael A. Stackpole.
I think it's meant to be like the Jedi Knight series
>I prefer Amy Hennig to Avellone
Not a fan of Avellone but Hennig is a hack that cant even understand the concept of an ending
>best writer in video games
Nah. And even then that's a low bar.
>Literal best writer in videogames
>destroyed fallout lore with fallout 2
It's Disney Wars shit an EAshit, It'll be shit no matter who wrote the script.
Ziets and Gonzalez were great too. Sawyer was good up until NV as well. Don't overcredit Avellone or you end up looking like a redditor.
Who cares? It still has to go through the Disney corporate meatgrinder to make sure anything remotely controversial or too weird is chopped off. Wouldn't want to scare away those chillens or drooling morons who want SW to forever be about the same character archetypes fighting an evil empire with zero shades of grey.
>Autisticly reeeees about everyone is repeating mistakes of the past
>Decides to repeat mistakes of the past to get back at Courier Six
Ulysses was a faggot and the only way his character makes sense is as an insane tribal who should be put down like a dog.
>he's also working on the VtmB sequel
>>Autisticly reeeees about everyone is repeating mistakes of the past
>>Decides to repeat mistakes of the past to get back at Courier Six
I think that was THE point of the character.
Ulysses was insane, driven that way by actions out of his (and nearly out of the couriers) control. He's a victim of causality, who just happens to be a great warrior and combat veteran with the means to act on his madness and delusions of grandeur.
I hate saying this, but people who didn't realize that they were going down the divide to put down a crazy guy with a bone to pick and access to nuclear weapons, kinda missed the point.
>theres another big bomb dropping in a month
Fallout Five
they didn't close swtor down, I think disney tries to stay away from videogames and recent CEO words confirm that, it may be somewhat decent
>man who ruined kotor series wrote another star wars
i mean its EA so its was gonna be shit anyway
I just hope it's more like outcast/academy and less like force unleashed.
More like Codexer they love that man (for good reason)
Codexers love him but give credit where it'd due. Redditors just repeat what they heard and you end up with statements like "Avellone wrote PoE" or "Avellone wrote New Vegas" or "Avellone wrote MotB".
>vtmb sequel
Since when has this been a thing?
>>destroyed fallout lore with fallout 2
He wasn't even the lead writer on Fallout 2, he only did one town (New Reno) and a few companions. 95% of the game's writing, was done by other people.
how did he ruin it? kotor 2 was fantastic
also he is the man behind Planescape Torment
Does anyone seriously trust his writing to shine through in the final product? EA will just cut most his writing after the focus groups say they find it boring.
Look at the campaign for Battlefront 2: an utterly bland story with the token strong independent female character. That's what you can expect from an EA-published game,
Remember when they said the writer of Spec Ops: The Line was writing the story for Star Wars Battlefront 2?
Remember how fucking cookie cutter and sterotypical it was?
You're gonna get the same result. Mark my words.
To be a walking joke that only comes across as and not in anyway cool or impactful? Really fucking nailed it if that was the goal, everyone and their grandma keeps pretending Ulysses is some deep fucking character but he's not, he's just another lunatic for you to either put a round through his skull or talk him down.
Wasnt the game an unfinished mess? Thought that was not really his fault
paradox makes that, there is no hope.
>Spec Ops: The Line
>ookie cutter and sterotypical
sounds about right
kotor2 is fucking garbage
>>man who ruined kotor series wrote another star wars
Ah yes, he really ruined the masterful writing of Kotor.
>wahman writer
KOTOR 2 is objectively the superior game. Without question. It didn't get a proper ending due to funding getting pulled late in the project. That isn't the fault of an otherwise masterful game.
>same obsidian apology for every single game
also im glad that kotor2 is completely forgottrn and only kotor1 gets mentioned as one of the greatest star wars game every time
Go home Jeremy, you're punched.
>hire chris to write one character with about 50 lines max
>nerds across the internet cream their pants and buy the game en masse
sasuga ea
What? Kotor 2 has far more threads and is generally far more talked about in general than kotor 1. You're in denial.
Can't wait to play that Star Wars game with no Mountain Dew, whatever the fuck that means.
>What? Kotor 2 has far more threads and is generally far more talked about in general than kotor 1. You're in denial.
Outside of this forum, Kotor 1 is far better regarded. Kotor 1 is also frequently included in 'best game of all time' lists, Kotor 2 never is.
obviously Mountain Dew = toxic masculinity. Like the hero's journey.
oh joy, can't wait for some epic genre subversions, true neutrality and purple prose dialogue in fucking Star Wars of all things
if mountain dew= fun shit then ill stick to movie battles 2
That's already happened, gayboy.
Then explain why kotor 2 got a patch a decade after its release while kotor 1 is completely disregarded.
>another Obshitian apologist thread
You trannies need to fuck off already.
And with good reason. Kotor 2 is garbage. And its biggest sin isn't that it's shit on its own merits but that it went and tried to ruin the setting itself.
Gee that's a tough one, maybe because Kotor 1 doesn't have metric tons of unfinished content scraps laying around in the files.
Yeah, because the patch added those "metric tons of unfinished content scraps" instead of bringing resolution and comparability upgrades. Fuck off, nobody cares about kotor 1.
>not one hand Pepe Kreia
>that's what happens when you outsource to schizophreniacs
If only I could figure out what the Mountain Dew was.
>tranny revisionist history
Wait, your actual metric for the game's quality is that some intern released a resolution patch for this dogshit? Jesus.
>Then explain why kotor 2 got a patch a decade after its release while kotor 1 is completely disregarded.
I suspect Kotor 2 is easier to patch, running on a newer of the engine.
>Gee that's a tough one, maybe because Kotor 1 doesn't have metric tons of unfinished content scraps laying around in the files.
The Kotor 2 Steam patch didn't restore cut content, it only added more graphics options and native widescreen support.
Ironically, Kotor 1 is the buggier game. It has a nasty bug where it can crash while saving, and the save itself gets corrupted and can't be loaded. This is a gamebreaking bug that can literally make it impossible to complete the game
That's not the argument, it's about which one is regarded more frequently, if you'd bother to read the chain.
>>not one hand Pepe Kreia
There is such a thing? Please post.
>Then explain why kotor 2 got a patch a decade after its release while kotor 1 is completely disregarded.
Kotor 1 got an mobile release though.
Q: Will there be a mobile version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II for either iOS or Android?
A: While bringing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II to mobile devices is certainly a goal of ours, we don't have the rights to port it unfortunately. FOLLOW this article for alerts if there are any updates added to it.
No one mentioned frequency though. He said regarded better. So how's a resolution patch make it regarded better?
"also im glad that kotor2 is completely forgottrn and only kotor1 gets mentioned as one of the greatest star wars game every time"
Come on, user
>disney star wars
>good writing
It's physically impossible
>there's another big bomb dropping in a month
Is he going to say the word?
Only if they veto him.
He's done it before with KotOR2.
Although I doubt Disney would give him that much leeway.
Star Wars died with the clone wars series and when legends died.
I pretend anything Force Awakens and after doesn't exist because Rey is a shit character and triggers me to no end how they destroyed the most beloved series in order to remain relevant.
Next up: Poe is gay, Finn is black (wait a minute...), Emo Man Child dressed as vader tries to kill himself because of daddy issues and Rey doesn't need no man cause she's a woman and can do anything she wants because she can and you can't say otherwise reeeeee.
Fuck star wars, fuck this planet, fuck the death star, fuck my own life.
Star Wars is a trash IP. It has so much potential but instead they always focus on rebels vs the empire. It's boring trash.
well, now I know it's shit
TFU 1 was actually quite decent. Just held back by hardware constraints and fucking lightsabers that act like baseball bats.
>tfw you know there's a 99% chance it'll be dogshit, but you just can't help feeling a bit of hope for something like JK/JO/JA to come back
I'm more angry at myself than I am at twitter hype posters.
Serious question: Why do people like Star Wars so much? It's probably one of the worst series of movies I've ever watched, including the original trilogy. Nothing exciting ever happens and the characters are flat and dull. I also hate how every movie is a kids depiction of good vs evil. The only SW games I've played were KOTOR 1 and 2, with 2 being the better of them simply because it shits all over SW's lore and ideologies. I'll never understand what people see in Star Wars. We could have games where you're a regular citizen on a dust planet, trying to survive that works his way up the chain into an eventual bounty hunter, but instead every game is always about YOUR A CHOSEN JEDI FIGHT THE SITHS NOW.
It's physically impossible for a script of a star wars property to not go through a board of 300 old jewish directors to check to make sure it hits every cliche and lowest common denominator appeal possible. You're overestimating the achievable levels of authorship within this industry by implying the script hasn't already been forcibly butchered.
With all the games he's been getting into lately, has Chris Avellone become the Eric Roberts of games writing?
Yeah if it sucks we ask him what happened at rpg codex. Its not hard.
>including the original trilogy
Did you even grow up during the time star wars was released??
If you didn't then you will never ever know how spectacular it was when first entering the theater and watching it.
children are easily amused
No I didn't, and I can understand that at some level, but it still doesn't make me appreciate the movie anymore. The only thing the OT has going for it is the simplicity of it's arc and script. I'll admit it's a good hero's film, but still not as interesting as everyone makes it out to be. People like to accuse nostalgia as a reason for how others may remember things that fondly, and to say the least, I think it's the most applicable to the Star War's franchise just as it is with Indiana Jones.
Allright, a decent dev with a decent writer, who wanna bet EA will manage to fuck it up once again?
>Best writer
He’s Joss Whedon who trades pop culture references and informal “real” dialog for meta commentary
It's fallout 3 remastered in the fo4 engine
already leaked that a fallout thing is happening
If you are new, Avellone actualy post on Codex and reply to us.
Chris Avellone writes like a retarded emo and everything he touches turns to shit. He's like a reverse Midas.
He's fabulous.
Jesus christ I never thought I'd say this again but go back to Gaia.
>i suck puppy dicks
yes you do.
Ulysses is cool until his DLC then he's fucking ruined. All the snippets and audio shit you find are so much better than what you actually meet.
>user's point: Kotor 1 gets accolades while 2 does not
>your argument: But it got a resolution patch!!!
Come on, user.
Kotor 1: 93
Kotor 2: 85
Fallout 3: 93
Fallout New Vegas: 84
>Kotor 2 and NV are better, it’s just that critics were payed by Todd and BioWare11!!!
I honestly just like the setting as a whole, I find the tech level, species etc, pretty decent. I'd prefer more exploration of the "scum and villainy" aspects, but it seems most prefer the autism jedi shit.
>believing in disneywars at all
I like Respawn but with Disney and EA standing behind them I doubt its going to be good.
I think Avellone's best work is done when put together with George Ziets, who really fucking shined in NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer.
Let them burn...for a while
>fallout 3
fucking lol
>Implying ANY writter can save an EA game to be SJW trash
Enjoy your trans nigger genderfluid jedi
The irony is that Avellone's style of writing is always contrarian of the subject matter.