battlestation thread, poorfags welcome
Battlestation thread, poorfags welcome
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Pathetic incel weeb loser
suicide soon?
Fellow poorbro
End your life.
jokes on you, I'm not a virgin
At least buy a decent desk before buying your weebshit.
I laughed the most at that fucking vape on the desk.
Kill yourself.
going outside to smoke is a pain in th eass
I hope you're a cute girl
>useless appliances everywhere
>not even a coffee maker
Fuck, I cringed at your shit more than OP's.
>Has a trash bin
>Still leaves trash on the floor
how does it feel then to get fucked up the ass?
I'm a male boy guy.
you tell me
Even better.
That's gay.
>pc on carpet
I don't have room to put it anywhere else
it's another meowie and orbiters scene
I wanna see your butt in those pink pajamas, no-homo.
What anime is this from?
gunslinger girl
very nice
I don't think someone that doesn't know me can be an orbiter user.
I think I've already got a picture like that.
Akari daki, fucking pedo.
I got the same
Put some wood under it or something
Will someone please tell me why he has that one blank daki?
It drives me crazy every time I see this image.
It's literally meowie samefagging he has no orbiters
maybe when I get a new desk
>email visible
You are you trying to prank?
it takes a trained eye to see akari, people like you don't stand a chance against her in the field when shes sniping you down
>Yea Forumsk/
not bad.
>not bad.
if only I could afford anything else. I really want a fn fal
Cute foxes
I love them, they're super cute. I wanna visit the fox island in Japan sometime, my one roommate has been there and he said they're super friendly.
Then where is it nerd?
>another attentionwhore chapter
Uploaded on my Twitter. Search for Wowie_Meowie.
Fuck phones and fuck retarded image editors
Getting a PC that can play games made me realize that there's nothing that can make me happy at this point. That one materialist desire was the last things I was chasing, now I'm left alone with my expensive toys and only feel indifference. I just jack off all day and maybe force myself to play a game for a few minutes at a time to justify my purchase. I hate myself.
>2 dakis
Fuck off you poser.
non of them are even of my waifu
Thanks god its Friday already.
I love foxes, where did you get the plushies?
Nothing wrong with two. You can make a nice little channel to lay in. Three is when you know someone has crossed a line.
I think it's the whole one waifu thing he's talking about
The big one on my bed was from or something similar I believe. They no longer make him sadly, but you can find an old page for him on Amazon if you try hard enough. The smaller one on my bed is Aurora brand and the little big eyed one on my case is a ty brand "beanie boo". I'm not crazy about the last one but it was a gift from an ex's mother so I keep it around, she was a nice lady.
very clean
damn, aren't you a sad fuck
not really
Thanks user!
Like imagine the girl you're crushing on haha imagine she walked in your room and saw all this shit haha you'd prolly kys haha
At least his room has a soul. The other look so bland.
I think girls care a lot less than you think
incel insight
face it faggot if the 4/10 you were in love with in high school was in your hallway you'd rip that shit off the walls and hide the rest
*girls think a lot less
w-what’s the lotion and toliet paper for
At least you've got fapping going for you, I'm too jaded to find pleasure in that either.
>whoro in the year 2019
you got cucked by the mods and can't shill yourself anymore
I dated the girl I liked in highschool
there is no lotion and the toilet paper is for blowing my nose and load
maybe in high school I would've, but I'm way too far gone to care anymore
No problem, I love you user.
Be kind, you shouldn't judge others for their taste.
I can directly link my Twitter still, it's the other link that causes the problem.
link it qt
Reminder to report for "intentionally evading spam filters"
The mods added his Twitter to the spam filter so you can report him for dodging it
>gunslinger girl scroll
Good taste
Maybe get some books on meditation.
You can have happiness, but you have to work for it.
>tfw you will never be the fratello of a broken girl
I will never understand people who keep bicycles inside.
>Yeah I sure do love all the dirt and dogshit I cycled over on my carpet!
I have a longboard and bicycle and would NEVER bring them inside. Put that shit in a shed or garage
some people live in a big city or sketchy town and either dont have a place to put them or just dont want them to get stolen
whoops. okay forgive my suburban ignorance. Anyway that bike looks too clean if it's used regularly. Where I live is clean as fuck but when I bike I still manage to pick up considerable road dust, leaves, soil, pieces of grass etc.
>always the same one
Why are weebs such attention whore? Is it because they are lonely?
welcome to Yea Forums
Its sad.
one of these days i plan to actually change something, at least i have a plan as to what to do next but home ownership really slows down projects like this.
>void linux
Nice, just installed it on my desktop. I'm not autistic enough to use a tiling wm though.
rate me fagz
I'm using xmonad in case you're curious. Probably the most fun I've ever had with a wm.
neck yourself wagecuck
Imagine the smell
I keep my bicycle inside because I don't want the weather to damage it.
I live in an Apartment not a house although I do have a balcony and it's on the second floor so no theft worry.
I keep it inside to avoid rain. I clean it after each use with a nice wipe down.
It may not be an expensive bike being only a little over 500 dollars but I don't want to trash it.
probably a mixture of dried cum, soda and potato chips
smells like dirty laundry and whatever vape flavor I'm using. no worse than the average bachelor
>attention shores like a fuck and actually replies to it self once people tell you your Pic is cringe
Lol worse than meowie
I'm from NL, where we have a huge amount of bicycles. People only do that with their racing bikes (like that guy has). Those are like €1000-2000 easy, meaning no matter how well you lock them, thieves WILL find a way to steal them (if you don't have a shed). I'd rather clean my bike everytime before bringing it inside than having it stolen.
Those are generally not used as often (only for training/races), while you have your shitty €50 city bike for regular travel. That one you just hook to a gate or lampost.
a-anyone got the left desktop wallpaper?
That's what you think because you never leave that room. It probably reeks of your filth.
Not me in post below
Some people get off posting my stuff and don't even bother posting the newest image when trying to pretend they are me.
I recently bought a new desk, chair and drawing monitor.
It was a bitch to carry over 400 pounds in boxes upstairs and set it all up but it was worth it.
Trying to get used to drawing on a monitor since I am used to paper.
Got a nice tax return to cover for my purchase thanks to Trump's lower tax rates.
I work full time and hang out with friends a few times a month
>lava lamp perched on top of a bunch of upright games
making me mighty nervous here user
thanks user, love you
I didn't respond to myself.
Proof below.
Someone was trying to pretend to be me.
I fucking love this guy's work
>the incel is so concerned about anons opinions on him he even pulled out a screen cap
Add me on discord for good suicide methods
Sometimes I feel like taking a new picture even though nothing has changed
I already know the best method of suicide.
I will do it once I turn 100.
>3 fighting games on screen
You all look like chill guys. I'd like to drop by your place with some booze, play vidya, rant about something then get ausitmal about suboptimal furniture placement.
That's a big laptop.
qt drawing
Top waifu top left. Thus, don't shame me, nor her. Clean your fucking desk and room, you're disgusting.
Simple but comfy
do you live in Mexico?
United States, Nebraska
in addition to this it's a rural area so cornfields everywhere.
Someone else posted their bike so I'm posting my commuter too