Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call

>Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call

If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it

Also he revealed recently he doesn't even edit his own videos, and films many of the AVGN episodes in the same day (meaning they're lower quality garbage like the Dirty Harry ep). It sure is great being a dad!

Attached: avgn baby monitor 2.jpg (1620x944, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:


children suck, this is not a secret

i really wish he'd shave his head

baldfag to baldfag, i hate when people live in denial and look objectively worse than they would with bald heads

Having children is a large commitment that takes up a huge portion of your life. Don't have kids if you aren't prepared to make them your no1 priority.

>Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call
In what video he does that?

>and films many of the AVGN episodes in the same day
ya that's why they come out each 3 months

>having kids sucks

Water is wet

damn...........................................................the hair.....................................................

Skull-lets can't handle it - only people that decently rock it are skinheads for the most part

MMX video

sometimes i forgot that this board is literally just 14 year olds

Not OP. but I'm almost 30

This is a huge reason I'm questioning if it's really for me.

Being a parent isn't something you can just say "well, I tried it and didn't like it, time to find something else to do". Being responsible for raising someone to be a decent and productive person is a lot of weight and it's got a lot of unpleasantness associated with it.

i guess i'm lucky i have a smooth perfect head to make up for my abysmal fucking hairline at only 24 fucking kill me goddamnit it's not the same

what went wrong?

Attached: rocket_knight.webm (1920x1080, 1.01M)

He looks like he has more hair in newer episodes tho

you can thank screenwave

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o-onion juice??

i wonder what he did

As far as I'm concerned avgn is over. I wish James would retire the role, not because he's gone downhill but because he's done all he could and it's clear that the movie was supposed to be his swan song. I would honestly feel bad if the reason he's keeping it going is because he needs the income. He's had a good run and would probably be the only famous YouTuber who ended his series on a high note without petering out.

>see new AVGN episode
>its kingdom hearts
>James admits he never played it
>not even in character
>doesn't even appear on screen
>just James reading a scripts that screenwave wrote for him

what were they thinking?

Attached: avgn_nes3.jpg (387x312, 38K)

>children suck

How do you do, white Westerner?

Would love to see him and Mike do more movie related shit, but my god I can't stand the other guys who work at cinemassacre. The hair James has lost the past decade had more personality than all those fat fucks at cinemassacre combined.

As a balding fag, I refuse to give a fuck about my appearance based on my own conspiracy of make up. Women are all stuck in this make up arms race right? More and more increasingly absurd products and treatments all to get that 1% attractiveness on the next woman over. Worst of all its long since reached the point where going without will put you so far behind others it will curse you to appear as some kind of witch, just because everyone is so used to at least a basic level of make up. Why does any of that matter to a balding man? Every time I see some normal TV there are new products trying to push this same mentality on men. Can you imagine the drooling make up companies do when they imagine basically doubling the market if they can push males into the same arms race? That is why I walk around as a balding, poorly shaved dry ass faced weirdo. To make normal dudes look good and drag down the average so less guys feel the need to pursue this path.

You`re welcome.

"Where did the hair go?"

The fact that it took this long for someone to post this is criminal

what's James' friend's name again?
pic related

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God he's looking old

Mike has autism, right?

He is around 40 years old now, right? Holy shit, this year the AVGN is going to be 15!

Screw James actual hair, let's talk about his AVGN character. Do you think he should wear a wig or go bald like his actor?

Way to nitpick, he took seven seconds to figure it out and made it in the next try, but you cut it. Now post that Cuphead tutorial video.

the problem is that it took them until 2019 to play rocket knight adventures

Thanks based bald user.

I think going bald would fit with the progression of the character

>Growing up and being a parent means your life is no longer your own
Just keep playing your toys and die off, we don't need your genes

>what were they thinking?
Hot topic, 1mil views.

james has autism and yes so does Mike. Mike also legitimately has an enormous penis. Has anyone else here seen his dick?

>oh no life is all about me me me and my hedonistic desires. I only live for the moment tee hee. Materialistic consumerism is the only point to existence!

The fat guys are better.

dicklicking dan

then feel bad he needs it forcthe income. Sc he pays screenwave to make it.

Most adults stopped playing video games in the first place once they realized it's just a medium to entertain kids and manchildren.

seeing my brother and his gf constantly fight and drinking around their kid has certainly gave me second thoughts about having one.
they were a picture perfect couple before the kid but now i dislike everytime i have to visit them.

massive meat matei

Imagine having to be perpetually stuck in the early 2000s because of a character you created for fun once but which has now become your "job" since you don't have any marketable skills anyway. Hell cannot be worse.

Mike’s new girlfriend

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>Mike also legitimately has an enormous penis.
its been confirmed fake

At least she has good taste.

>you don't have any marketable skills
>still getting thousands of dollar for palying games on camera
He got a jackpot. Imagine where he would be now without AVGN gig. He has disabled child in 'murica.

Children are the greatest gift. I wish I was a father.

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Not him but don’t pretend like your genes are worth passing off either. You’re scum just like the rest of us

some people might get bored playing the clown for retards online forever

I promise you that your brother and his girlfriend argued all the time before the baby.
The only thing the baby did was make them too tired to wait for company to leave before the arguement starts.

looks like the gamur gurl from the AVGN movie.

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How old are you? Did it really take you this entire time to realize having children sucks? WOW really it takes time and money? whoa who would've thought

He has any other options?
He is incompetent in filmmaking.

>If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it
Don't worry no female will ever sleep with your spergy virgin ass anyway

Well yes, your life is literally all about you. You choose. If you want to have children and find it fulfilling or whatever, thats your choice, but some people don't.

>be Mike
>no kids to tie you down
>cute gamer gf
>gets paid to plays games
>big dong
>talks down to Mark Hammil because he knows hes a beta bitch

>8 billion people already here
>life only leads to inevitable suffering and death

Whether you value society's profit or from the the kids profit, having children is still absurd. And either way, I'm under no moral obligation to bother.

Im 33 and always hated the idea of having of kids.

By the age of a few months children sleep through the night, at which point you can go back to playing video games uninterrupted. Also, as you saw, even before that you can just pause your game then go back to it.
>but what if I play online games and can't pause
Then you don't play those games the first few months after your baby is born. In all seriousness you're not missing much. When both my kids were born I used it as an opportunity to cut down my backlog and ended up playing a lot of games I otherwise would have kept putting off to waste more time playing online multiplayer. Remember the feeling of actually beating a game? It feels good.

given that then why doesnt James ever play games?

Having a kid was more manageable when all you had to do to raise them was make sure they didn't run too far from the farm and get eaten by coyotes.

James should really just go bald or wear a hat like Nostagia cuck, hell he could make a bit out of it where he loses a bet or something, if he has a kid the rest of it is going to fall out due to stress anyway

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he already does wear a hat 75% of the time.

Because he's not good at them other than ones he played a lot as a kid and he's way more into movies anyway

this, he always wanted to be a film maker and well, that dream's dead as fuck.

You have to practice to be good at a game. Take Bootsy. He practiced for over a year to be able to beat battletoads. James doesnt even bother to try

Congratulations, now if you stand still for a sec let me screencap this and send it to FBI for potential pedophilia.

damn, these children will be really white

>I dont like my kids getting in the way of pwecious vidya games.
Its okay if you dont want kids for any reason but you sound like a total retard

Matei advancing the white race with huge cock genes. Based af

Yea, imagine having to dedicate 10 or less hours a week to film yourself yelling about videogames all while making six figures and more than the average American.

Mike "KKK" Matei

Isnt that his sister? they look really similar

I think James has beaten some hard games to be fair. We should have a list of which Cinemassacre members beat the most games

No but if itwas I wish my sister was that hot

James beat Street Fighter 2010
Ghosts n Goblins

the hell you talking about? he made a movie with a theatrical release

Pretty good transitioning.

Bootsy beat
Silver Surfer

fuck outta here, africans have 7 children per family and want me to pay for them and whenever i want children i get shit like they are bad for the environment, 8 billion shits already on the planet. i know your kind you swine, you don;t dare tell the negroes shit, you only promote this anti children shit outside that continent. "value" "society" "morality" - all of these are merely words if you do not exist you piece of shit. who the fuck do you think you are promoting the idea that having chilren is absurd when talking to the tiniest minority out there. i'll tell you what, we stop sending money/food and clothes, you go to cape verde and promote your anti natalist bs there - look, europe has 1.5 children per family, we are 8 billion, stop dropping 7 kids out. see how it works out. you only say this because it's cool hip and suicidal is encouraged here. go to somewhere where people have not been brainwashed and try your degeneracy there. eating, drinking and procreating - the 3 holy pillars of humanity - pls ignore the 3rd one because that's what i have been teached by the ones that are having 7 children. kys you filthy inhumane piece of crap. burn.

Dad here, I can only play 30min-1hour stretches during nap time twice a day, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Among all the great changes being a parent brings, not everything being centered around you and your "needs" all the time is definitely one of the most important. Makes me realize how much of a selfish manchild I used to be. I would never want to go back, shit was lonely af.

But if you don't want to have kids (ie you're still a manchild) then by all means don't, there are more than enough shitty parents already.

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This right here. These picture perfect couple types are fake as fuck.

Why does this faggot have 5 minutes of ads in every video now? How can someone be this bad at managing money?

Mike Matei beat
Super Ghouls n Ghost on Pro
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Contra 3 The Alien Wars
Bart is the space mutants
Silver Surfer

Get a ski mask and some ether. Make your dream come true.

Inly tribal Africans do that shit.
And they sire their offspring in some of the most harshest environments in the world when they dont even have the resources to properly take care of them.
Less than half of those 7 kids even make it to adulthood.
Why the fuck do you think they even have so many? Also they rely on those kids as free slave labor for doing chores and manual labor. Youre telling me doing all that is preferable to not having any kids at all??

Mike also beat Contra without dying Ninja Gaiden and Star Wars Empire Strikes Back

And that Jap only Transformers game, i like that video

>y-you're a manchild if you don't want kids
nigga you had to be strongarm into maturing, and even then although you personally may not be a "manchild" anymore, you're still a shitty person just by reading what and how you write. there's lots of legitimate reasons to not want to have children. you sounded desperate to have yours, or maybe you was saddled with them. either way go do some more growing up.

Attached: blazed poodle.jpg (674x674, 204K)

Come back when you can make a coherent sentence you dumbfuck ESL thirdworlder.

James beat
Street Fighter 2010
Ghosts n Goblins

Bootsy beat
Silver Surfer

Mike Matei beat
Ghosts and Goblins
Super Ghouls n Ghost on Pro
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Contra 3 The Alien Wars
Bart is the space mutants
Zelda 1 with 3 hearts
Silver Surfer
Contra without dying
Ninja Gaiden 1,2,3
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Dracula’s Curse

forgot castlevania 4 for james

>you're still a shitty person just by reading what and how you write
If you call other other people manchildren so flippantly, you never evolved from one.

God Damn Gary

This post says a hell of a lot more about you than anyone else.


I don’t know about you
But I’m fucking 22

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Monster meat Matt

This. All whites should take a no child pledge

Not him. Africans have 7 kids and all 7 survive now thanks to Western aid. They are a type-r reproduction culture. Thanks to Western bleeding hearts the population of sub-Saharan Africans is many times more than what could naturally support itself.

I love video games.

And you come off as insecure, touchy as fuck and projecting all over the place.

See, I can read way too much into things too.

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See looks like an IRL loli.
I want to rape her

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yes, MY life is about ME

>My godson is born
>His dad is off doing army shit
>Attend the birth as a show of support
>His mom has an actual, inpatient treatment breakdown
>It falls on me to take the baby
>Even after she gets out, the mom is only allowed supervised visits
>Single dad to a brand new baby for almost 9 months when the dad comes back
>Didn't play a lot of Vidya, but I also blame the releases of the time
>Still watched all my toku shows and shit
>Years later
>Adopt 2 sons ages 6 and 7 at the time
>All 3 of us like vidya and will either play together or just at the same time in different games
Children really aren't that hard. There's like a month period where you are still learning their rhythms and stuff, but it literally gets easier every day. My wife is a bigger challenge by far and I really enjoy my marriage

Favorite avgn quotes?
>Beaners. Hehehe. Beans. Beans make you fart.

I have 6 kids, 4boys, 2girls.
They are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Surprised she can take it.

waifu but

>inner arm tattoo


god, just imagine her taking in that monster Matei dong, holy shit

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I think his dick is too long desu. I am only jealous of his huge head

I’d recommend a Switch bro.
Memes aside I can actually get in collect a few moons in SMO and put it away all within 20 minutes.
I babysit a lot and this thing has been a straight up blessing

>All the actual neckbeards and or whores disagreeing with him ITT

El o El.

I bet you are not white

or you could have this arm to cuddle up to

Attached: wife.jpg (417x408, 67K)

>how dare you, person I don't know, not have children at the early age of ~25
>who in their right mind would not want to slave away for the entire day with almost no free time all the while having crushing debt on your back just so you can't have the '''privilege''' of calling yourself a non-manchild

Attached: 1534521507596.jpg (400x533, 47K)

I’m a Dad and you seem like a total fucking faggot. People not wanting kids doesn’t make them a manchild. Get off your high horse you fucking retard.

This a thousand times.
Got a Switch around the time my daughter was born, I actually managed to 100% BOTW and play a lot of SSBU, it's so easy to pick up whenever you have some free time and you can just dock it whenever.
This is by far the most baby compatible gaming device.

I unironically want to see Mike stick his humongous dick in her

Your a retard having kids to pass on your legacy before you die is the whole point of life

Attached: 34.jpg (353x400, 20K)

>tfw feel like I would be a great parent
>gf is always making jokes about wanting a baby
>dad is mid sixties and would like to give him a grandchild before he goes
>tfw sterile

You seem to be pretty mad at random shit no one said.

Anyone who has successfully navigated through the societal minefield long enough to pass on their seed is technically worthy of passing on their genes. At least if we view it from the perspective of natural selection.

we need to have a complete list for copypasta

>got a daughter
>has a switch
user, this might be hard but you should take DNA test

you say reading too much into things, but really you don't realize how much of your hand you actually showed. I'll break down my thought process:
>Among all the great changes being a parent brings, not everything being centered around you and your "needs" all the time is definitely one of the most important
this is fine. becoming a parent obviously changed your perspective and taught you that your own needs aren't the center of the world.
>Makes me realize how much of a selfish manchild I used to be. I would never want to go back, shit was lonely af.
still fine. you admit to the reader you was emotionally alone and a manchild. keyword being "was" which implies you are no longer the person you use to be. but then the last sentence changes the perspective of everything you wrote thus far.
>But if you don't want to have kids (ie you're still a manchild)...
so basically only mature people such as myself want to have kids and if you don't you're still a manchild/immature. right. the thing is one of the many reasons people choose to not have children is because they realize they can't support them even if they can support themselves, but you didn't realize or disregard this, in both cases that makes you immature still.
>... then by all means don't, there are more than enough shitty parents already.
sorry but squirting out of getting someone to squirt out a child doesn't automatically make you a good parent, you yourself admit that passive aggressively but failed to realize this notion also applies to you. you're also trying to take a moral high ground just because you had kids. it's the same shitty fallacy like the vegans that think they have a moral high ground just because they're vegan etc.

so yeah go do some more growing up.

That sucks man.
Still, there must be options out there that don't involve raising some random black kid right?

the entire second half of your post is retarded, now go back to changing diapers you pretentious retard

this is my dream girl

Attached: erin-250x270.jpg (250x270, 21K)

Theres options out there that I will try when the time comes (one of them involves extracting sperm out of my piss which seems the most promising).
Luckily too I think I get one or two free tries at IVF on the NHS so there may still be hope yet. I'm not crossing my fingers though.

i would genuinely pay to see her take mike's cock, she's a cutie

Sounds to me like you're still in the first stage of Grief, denial.

>I admit I have masturbated to her
Mike gets it every night irl

Sad feels

Imagine being Mike. Having this hot girlfriend and you can’t even go balls deep.

what's with all the triggered kids in here?

having kids fucking rule, family coop on old capcom brawlers is the best.

I think their point is that James uses his kids as an excuse not to work.

learn to read. the issue is not having kids or not, it's the "people" having kids thinking it makes them mature or trying to guilt others into having kids while assuming they know the reason why they don't have kids already.

No kids for me. I just fuck bbw hookers instead. Love me some fat pussy

I don't get triggered until some asshat comes in here acting all high and mighty and tells me how I should live my life
Because obviously everyone's life is the exact same, right

Knowing my luck my kid will end up being a jock.

>I can't wait to play all of those multiplayer games I never got the chance to play with someone before, like Four Swords Adventures, or playing the same Pokemon games together
>"Come on son, let's play some vidya"
>"No Dad, I'm going out to play some football with my friends. Why can't you accept me for who I am!

except james does work while raising his children while his wife ages like shit on the couch.

Autistic kids that can't stand the idea of their lives passing by but haven't got the guts to actually react.
So whenever there's a reality check you can always expect knee jerk reactions like
>waah having kids means it's not always about me myself and I how can anyone want this
>I can't afford having kids (my personal favorite lame excuse)
>dude the environment

there he goes again, everyone's life starts exactly the same and everyone has the same living conditions so I better shitpost and act like I'm living my life correctly and other's aren't

raising a child is like a two million dollar investment, sorry i wasnt born to jeff fucking bezos dude

>>I can't afford having kids (my personal favorite lame excuse)

how is this a lame excuse you niggerbrained retard?

how new are you?

he doesnt work nearly as much as he used to. he doesnt write avgn, stopped board james, stopped monster madness. puts no effort into the lets plays. screenwave guys do all the work on rental reviews and james says 2 words.

What if I just wanted to focus on my career and contribute positively to society while making the choice to not want kids? Is that not allowed anymore

how is not being able to afford having kids a lame excuse? someone is suppose to relocate or change careers so they can afford children for... reasons? maybe people don't want to have to take handouts like food stamps to feed their children? maybe they're on disability/welfare and don't want the state to support their kids for them? or is your whole post just a shitpost my man. either way this mentality still boils down to assuming you know the living conditions of someone else and assuming they don't want kids is because they're selfish manchildren or whatever.

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Doug gave in and shaved his head, idk why James doesn't do the same.


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when I said "work" I meant a 9-5 job.

maybe because it's fucking wrong, that's why.
t. poorfag dad

>appeal to boomer fallacy

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how new are you? Not giving you a (you), faggot

>wanting to have children in a nigger and spic infested world where white people are looked down on by society
shiggity diggity doo

>only millionaires can afford to have kids
Get a load of this faggot.

how's that debt?

this is the face of someone whose lost control of their life

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He's right though. If you want to buy a big enough house for 2 kids in a safe white neighborhood, you're going to have to be making a minimum of $250k/year. If you want to send them to private school so they don't become degenerates, you're going to have to make even more than that.

Nah, it’s just filled with white people. They’re content to push buttons to make lights on a screen change color while being demographically replaced.
t. hispanic

hispanics are white

>if only you knew how bad things really are

It really is amazing how many people I’ve encountered that think this way and they are literally always the biggest losers so it works out.

There are women that literally sterilized themselves and their reasoning for avoiding kids to that extent is how it would alter their appearance.

There is going to be a massive suicide rate hike in the coming 2 decades among white men and especially white women.

My grandfather raised 8 kids while he worked in a wine factory, all my uncles/aunts and my father went to university and now are above middle class people after being raised in poberty, if our grandparents could make it with less resources why the fuck can´t we?

My mom is 59% Western European, 2% Eastern European, 19% West African and 20% Native American. This is your “white hispanic” in a nutshell.

>250k a year for 2 kids

You’re an absolute retard

It's true, but the world is doomed no matter what I do, so why should I not just make the most out of it while I'm here? Before the end of this century, society will collapse due to people like you outbreeding whites and lowering the collective iq of humanity by 20 points, so why would I want to bring children into that kind of environment?

>b-but the boomers!
nice non-argument

nah, women don´t kill themselves very ofthen because they always doubt, men in the other hand almost always succed at taking their own lives because they just do it without hesitation

James has to keep making AVGN videos so he can support himself, his wife and two kids. Given this fact, you would think his wife would allow him the time to work more than 7 hours a week on his Youtube channel.

Writing a movie that may never come out does not count as working.

Why are people who feel that their genes might be worthless voluntarily choosing to not reproduce a bad thing?

>hispanics are white

Fucking faggot. It is your choice if you want to be boy or man. Pathetic.

nice non-answer, retard

not everybody wants to take such a hard path in life, especially one that gets harder every generation. in all honesty our grandparents just plain had a better work ethic born out of worse decision making.

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in amerika

>People not wanting kids doesn’t make them a manchild

Not wanting kids is not the issue, feeling superior for not wanting them is. People can live however they like, either be celibate for their whole life or eventually raise a family even during their 30s, but then you get underage retards boasting about how amazing they are because they don't have the responsibility of raising a family like it's some sort of accomplishment.

you're comparing two entirely different generations which existed under different conditions, your question is nonsensical

honestly who gives a fuck, people move on
maybe it's better that he bookends this instead of running the series into the ground like the fucking Simpsons, where it goes on so long that it's not even the same at all

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but that is true. if you don't have kids, your live was 99% failure. if you are not manlet, criple or potato, you should have kids. if not you are garbage.

you wish
the census literally provides a "Non-Hispanic" White section. How the fuck can you retards still believe it

Imagine being stuck raising someone else's kid like this user.

James doesn’t make 250k a year you moron and even if he did saying you need that much for only 2 kids is a perfect illustration of how fucking brainwashed you’ve become by your Zionist overlords.

Who the fuck needs 250k to raise just 2 children. You fell for the “gotta be prepared” meme and now you’re going to die alone and childless just like they want you to because you somehow deluded yourself into believing your kids need that level of care to be successful.

Stop browsing Yea Forums for one week, your mind should not default to assumptions of cuckoldry.

>an actual answer for once in Yea Forums
thanks user, you may be right but if we scale things back a little (instead of having 8 kids just 2-3 max) i think still is very doable

>children is the only thing you can pass on

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more like less women are suicidal because even though they're more likely to be an emotional nutjob they, for the most part, get to coast more through life than men, the exception being single moms.

>send them to private school so they don't become degenerates
this doesn't work
t. private-school educated degenerate

Reminder Nikola Tesla had no children and will be remember way longer than you or your illegitimate off-spring.

>Contribute to society via science or something that would contribute to change (technology or whatever)
>Still get considered a failure for not having kids

Descendants are the only things you can have that’ll last billions of years.

This. We don't even need to have kids, the world is overpopulated as it is. We can always just bring in replacements from other parts of the world.

But there are things you can pass down that isn't just your genes. Your thoughts, your ideas, your memes.

How you display yourself and how you influence others are things you can pass down.

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Make sure to prove him wrong then. What have you done in your life that’s worth being remembered, if the answer is nothing then make sure you start working towards something.

Having a kid is your way of saying to the world "Well fuck it I'm done trying maybe this little shit will do something better". It's like settling with being a teacher in your field.

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So just in a few decades we went from raising 8 children to 0? i think the problem is other thing and not the ´´generations´´ or time period

It's truly fascinating.
What I'd like to know is why people here feel like berating others for not taking the same life path as them. I won't say it's damage control or "buyer's remorse" but you're certainly making it look like that. I don't see a reason to be so aggressive about it if you're truly happy as much as you claim to be.
>that’ll last
not guaranteed. And not necessarily a good thing either, what if you end up raising a shithead despite good parenting? What if something else outside the household has too much negative effect on them?

nothing will last more than a century if capitalist niggers get their way destroying the earth UNIRONICALLY BTW

This thread is the reason why whites are dying out

Here are actual figures of what it would cost to raise a family of 4 in a suburb of a major city in the US.

>mortgage $42k
>health insurance $12k
>transportation $8k
>private school $40k
>food $10k
>clothes $3k
>utilities $7k
>home maintenance $10k
>retirement savings $25k
>kids college savings $20k
>income taxes (for an income of $250k) $90k

This. If you're a successful adult you know there's no need to have children. Only losers breed. Having kids means less time for vidya.

>if our grandparents could make it with less resources why the fuck can´t we?
Because back then less resources were worth a lot more than they are now. If you want evidence for how out of touch they are just ask them about how people could just walk into places and ask for a job and be hired by the time they walk out.

Have you outshined your parents?

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

That looks like Bootsy to me if he didn't have the severely acne scarred face

Look it up yourself. These are annual costs btw.

56% meme in action. Amerimutt.

Having kids is normal, not having kids is NOT normal.

If you are not normal, YOU are not wanted on with world.

1) you don't need kids to not die alone
2) who are the ones really suffering from delusions: the people that don't want kids or the people whose life goal is to have kids? Besides, you can raise kids on a shoestring budget while being addicted to heroin and they can still manage to grow up to be heart surgeons, but why take that risk with your flesh and blood? why is so necessary to raise kids no matter the circumstances, even when said circumstances could ruin them? I like to believe most people that raise kids in lousy living conditions do so out of necessity and love, not because they have some weird obligation that says "YOU GOTTA HAVE KIDS OR ELSE REASONS".

Attached: 1551163483139.png (839x567, 508K)

Bootsy is shorter than AlphaOmegaSin

>If you are not normal, YOU are not wanted on with world.

Clearly you don't live in america.

>being hetero is normal
>trannies aren't wanted on this world

>he wants to be normal
Hi there. Nice weather we're having.

down and syndromepilled

Castor oil.

>Having kids is normal, not having kids is NOT normal.

No, he clearly is american if he treats having children as a social status. There's a reason why modern parents are so fucking bad at parenting, because it's nothing but wanting to have children to brag about it, instead of doing it out of love.

okay without using Google tell me the name of a descendant of a Roman Emporer. Dollars to donuts you can't. Ecclesiastes wasn't fucking around when he said everything is in vain.

I'm a spic too. I'm not having any children, my demographic is going to take over this country anyways. White boys on here got no excuses, they need to have kids asap if they don't want to be bred out of existence.

I'm on the lighter side with higher European admixture than most other spics, but I'd never consider myself white, that's delusional. Got too much indio in me. Even the Spaniards we hail from are barely white themselves.

the show should be called Angry Videogame Mike

Attached: JamesFlinch1.webm (1920x1080, 843K)

From a biological point of view,sure it is.From a psychological point of view it's not as simple as that.Also,do you have any kids?

This is going to turn into a US vs EU thread isn't it

>bred out of existence
I'll be dead, why the fuck would it matter to me what color the human race is at that point?

it’s the only reason why you are here though, to reproduce. i don’t know how old you are but you will get it one day. hopefully before it’s too late

I was talking about how in america things are ass backwards when it comes to what is considered normal.

disgusting, white subhumans shouldn't have children


Sam Lake

>the only reason
there is no reason at all. Genetic imperative =\= raison d'etre ya dumb cow.

>A 40 year old man no longer has the time to act like a 20 year old sperg.

This is why I hate autists. You expect everything to stay the same and don't believe anything changes, because your own life has been the exact same since you were a teen and you haven't grown even a bit.

James should retire the character already.

Fair enough.

This. Don't have children white men.